[Hide] (423.4KB, 961x751) >What is chess
High impact racial violence simulator.
>Where to play?
Also https://www.chess.com/ but I haven't used it.
To play with anons select "Play With a Friend". Pick a variant and time control. Pick a colour (random unless you're a shitter), and post link in thread.
To join follow the link and press "Join game". Then, let the race war begin. If the game has started, clicking on the link will take you straight to the board to spectate.
Game mechanics
The game is played on an 8x8 grid. The horizontal lines are called files, the vertical lines, ranks. These are given cartesian coordinates (A-G,1-8). (B,3), written B3, is the 2nd file, 3rd rank. The first two rows have your army, called pieces. Pieces have movement patterns they always follow explained below. White always moves first. Attacking is simply moving ontop of an opponents piece which captures it and it is now out of the game for the rest of play. Defending is done by having one of your own pieces attack in the direction of a friendly piece. If the opponent Initiates an attack and takes your piece, you capture their piece back. All pieces can move and capture in the same direction except pawns. Threatening to capture the king is called check. The king cannot voluntarily move into check. When the king cannot escape the threat, this is called checkmate. First do do this wins.
Time control: How long each person has to play. When you run out you lose. If not set, you or your opponent can choose to never play and not lose, but, if you trust your opponent and want to take it easy, you don't need to set one. 5 mins is reasonable. 3 mins for a fast game. 1 for a battle of speed and primal instincts. 10 mins for big think games. Increment is how many seconds you earn from making a move. 5+3 = 5 mins and +3 seconds to your timer when you move.
The game can be a draw if: