/japan/ - militarized easiness

for those we cherish, we die in glory

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Putin's given us the boot! Read about it here: https://zzzchan.xyz/news.html#66208b6a8fca3aefee4bf211

“…Many of today's problems are a result of yesterday's solutions.” - Otamin

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the culture has changed………….
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you're telling me
Replies: >>9352 >>9357 >>9359
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>Sent them a previous DMCA last May
Right at or around the release of 18. So much for not caring about western piracy. Then again, the warning signs were there when he started to add his games to steam (but probably sees very little of the profits. steam and the publisher take their cuts, and most western fans are used to getting it through sites like MS). The odd thing is, they went for MS and other sites hosting the games, but as of now haven't gone after sites providing patches/translations. Either they'll be hit next, they may get a deal with ZUN or the publisher of the games, or (ideally) be ignored and free to continue normally. Regardless, this won't stop the piracy given the dedication/autism of the fandom. but it's looking like a slippery slope for things to get worse.
Replies: >>9358
iso non botnet english patches for the following

and osts for the following

and original 9.5 .dat

I may be working on releasing a folder to the bros.
Last edited by kimeemaru
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I should've seen the signs but I was too busy playing…
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someone could acquire Touhou games from nyaa?

>Moriya Shrine
>"Cloudflare is what the site uses for DNS and DDoS protection as well as for other optimization features."
So, they are letting ((( Cloudflare ))) to basically MITM the connections. Not only can Cloudflare eavesdrop traffic, but it can also just block connections (like the Great Firewall of China). And they use it for DNS, too. The optimizations probably refer to the CDN (In theory, anyone can set up a CDN. basically you have many servers that serve the content but it costs money...) As for the DNS, they could just use another service or OpenNIC... or go Tor-only (in effect, this would be a DDoS protection, too). I guess I2P could also work.

 I will also leave this here --> http://crimeflare.eu.org/ 

So, will Cloudflare stop providing these services to Moriya Shrine?

Probably not:
>"Okay, so now that I have time to think about all this.  Here is the next step forward in all this."
>"First, the site will NOT die. We are still going to offer the same server we have been for the past few years."
>"Second, we will be moving the site and the file server to a different country where the DMCA  laws are a bit more...laxed."
>"In the interim, since we can no longer host the files "directly", we will be providing other ways to offer the content that won't technically go against the DMCA notice. "
"Other ways"? A link to pastebin or torrents?
Replies: >>9360
>as of now haven't gone after sites providing patches/translations. Either they'll be hit next, they may get a deal with ZUN or the publisher of the games, or (ideally) be ignored and free to continue normally
If people stop relentlessly distributing the raped versions of games and the standard goes back to disk images at least people will be playing the games for once. Working copies of EoSD have been getting rarer by the day for decades.
Replies: >>9360
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Does this mean more or less tertiaries
Replies: >>9371
>"Other ways"?
ds uses mega links so probably that but only available on some diskike

Fuck off scenefag I'm so sick of downloading a 50 part rar for an iso that has another rar inside for a digital only game. I actually have a physical cd but it's completely broken without patches so I might put the w10 compatible version on an mdisc out of spite.
Replies: >>9364
>it's completely broken without patches
Literally none of the games have problems with the release versions. I know that at least EoSD, DDC and LoLK get broken by patches though.
Replies: >>9369
EoSD specifically does not work on most windows 10 installs without the dx8 enb converter. Hell you can't even install it from the disc normally. Some users report needing enb to run the other 1st gen windows games as well.

shitty site ate my image
Last edited by Hidden User
Replies: >>9376
It means neither more or less tertiaries, but perhaps means less primaries.
Replies: >>9372
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>but perhaps means less primaries.
Either that, or old primaries being replaced by new ones that will be more like pic related. I've already seen faggots acting smug about this and shitting on those that pirated the games.
>EoSD specifically does not work on most windows 10 installs without the dx8 enb converter
It does, actually.
>Hell you can't even install it from the disc normally
You can, actually.
>Some users report needing enb to run the other 1st gen windows games as well.
Works on my machine, and on all other machines. If you're using a working version of w10 then EoSD works out of the box. Maybe if you've jumped through hoops to update your OS to a nonfunctional version then you're encountering problems with that, not with EoSD. If you're deliberately breaking compatibility for the explicit sake of making your experience worse you can ruin the game with shitty patches but it'll still not work in reality cos it'll be at the wrong framerate.
Why would you ever be running EoSD with something other than wine anyway?

Posting with a password is extremely gay, of course you can't install from a fucking disc probably dripped cum into your machine
Replies: >>9378
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With these works on my machine bullshit problems there are a lot of variables. M$ may have fixed it, the hardware could be different, someone broke their os as you suggested etc. I just know from experience that it did not work on a clean install years ago, until I grabbed the enb. None of the patches that I use touch the core game files except an old title screen restoration that I made so who gives a shit if I include them or not. I'll also add in the standard raped version for secondaries. My goal is to preserve functionality and culture over raw disk images, plenty of autists already do that.
folder is ready but I need 30 gigs of storage somewhere, mega no longer offers 50 to new accounts
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