/japan/ - militarized easiness

for those we cherish, we die in glory

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”Slay the gay.” - Otamin

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bird thread
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Replies: >>4760
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>>784 (OP) 
Replies: >>4762
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I always hated this video because it's not actually properly synched to the beat

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So /monster/ started playing this browser game again about running your own nation. Last time /monster/ played it, they managed to rank 1st for most average WA endorsements worldwide and hold that position for several months. 

We're crashing the party! Already got our own nation set up lads. Can't wait to run it into the ground because these political things are usually biased towards leftist policies. Ironically, I'm also terrible at grand strategy games. I could use your help and advice to take our fledgling nation to new heights.

/japan/ nation: https://www.nationstates.net/nation=tengu_reich
/monster/ thread: https://smuglo.li/monster/res/86275.html
/2hu/ thread: https://prolikewoah.com/2hu/res/2455.html
NS region: https://www.nationstates.net/region=ammitica PW: Druelladidnothingwrong
15 replies and 6 files omitted. View the full thread
gud work spurdo sparde sped now endorse everyone else you can
Replies: >>4650
Replies: >>4651
if you upvote everyone we can't take over budy
u got manipulated
Replies: >>4652 >>4653
but if he doesn't upbote everyone it brings down our wa endorsement average and we can't dab on the normalfags
Replies: >>4653
today the tengoo reich tomorrow the werld

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Regards, from /v/.
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Replies: >>4496 + 4 earlier
babbygets =/= GETs
Replies: >>4488 >>4490
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t. fag who got singles
lmao yeah tell that to /japan/ aka /babbygets/
1-9999 is just babbygets for 0 points. first points come into play at 10000-99999. Still a fun event, just nod worth points yet.
>>4444 (OP) 
fug u dodd :DD

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How do /cow/fags feel about their new president?
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Replies: >>217
>>206 (OP) 
He wouldn't be able to solve the captcha either.
Replies: >>228
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>put captcha at the white house door
/cow/ are a bunch of dup btfoers, they're probably glad to be ridin' with biden.
Replies: >>254
Why wouldn't they support a fellow pedophile?

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Why this type of trickery, A captcha that tests my patience and involves _brainstorming_. A captcha shouldn't take 30 seconds to solve
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Replies: >>4202 + 1 earlier
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>he can't into chess
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>>4173 (OP) 
>A captcha shouldn't take 30 seconds to solve

How did you manage to complete it in under 2 minutes?.
Replies: >>4329
>captcha opens
haha, little horse goes brrr
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Reminder that being unable to solve the captcha means you have brain damage.
Replies: >>4457
Since you're a frog poster, Your posts have no value.

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Message too long. View the full text
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Replies: >>4429
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Replies: >>4430
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Give me a good reason to and maybe I'll consider it.
Replies: >>4448
Sleep tight chen.
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Making this thread because of /a/'s unfortunate demise. This seems to be the season of good sequels. Are you looking forward to anything? Would all 3 of you be interested in watching seasonal streams?
10 replies omitted. View the full thread
it's over
Replies: >>2727
didn't even know it was going until it was too late
Since /animu/ is ded again I'd figure I go over shows I've seen this season here.

SK8: Started off okay but my homodar went off after about 10 minutes. I don't think I'll continue it.
Cells at work/Black: Original series remains wholesome but both of them are getting rather repetitive. Kidney stone episode made me uncomfortable. Surprisingly the main series was cut down to 8 episodes, while the spinoff was given a full season.
Shingeki no Kyojin: I'm only watching this because I want to see how retarded it gets.
Higurashi: I'm only halfway through but I don't really understand the appeal of yet another time loop premise. It works in VNs but not so much when it's adapted, where it gets stale rather quickly.
Dr. Stone: Only show I look forward to each week other than One Piece ;^)
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Mushoku Tensei was much better than I expected from Otaku Wish Fulfillment: The Series, it helps that Rudy actually has to learn things and is slowly learning to not be a shitty otaku
Mewkle continued to be gold this season but the formula is getting stale after 40+ episodes, S2 will probably fuck it all up somehow with by bringing back the crossdressing or smth
hataraku was good as usual but the minions were fucking gay, probably why it got axed after 8 eps
hataraku blackpill was better despite being yet more despair, big titty WBC and mesu platelets helped, last episode is "Demise" so it's probably going to be stay a 1cour even though the manga has more to adapt
Redo of Edgelord is mediocre but gets carried by being the only show with the balls to show sexy time and not hide it behind the BD
thanks for coming to my TED talk

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>3 month old cum sitting on the last page
This thread now belongs to Marisa and her cumshrooms.
Replies: >>3859
My cumrags have been lying there for 6 months without sprouting. Should I be concerned?
Replies: >>3863 >>3865
put some more love in your cum next time
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If you are waiting for fungi that can sprout fruiting bodies to colonize the substrate by chance you may end up waiting a long time. Try ordering some mycelium online and inoculate the rags that way. You can also try dipping the cumrags in a mixture of water and fertilizer in case the cum isn't enough for them to live off of.

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chaos is the answer

>What's a 2hu
Shrinesl00t armpit licking sim series
>Where do I start?
Get EoSD with the vsynch patch If you're new to primary games. SA if you're some kind of mushihime master or something.
Or just play the fangames, only /jp/ is gonna judge you for that.

>Only for pure secondary niggers:
soku: https://mega.nz/#!ashhnZza!cWdD2mqnQSfpzow5h_LDABQzHOnAiHDL62ceAOF6z9k
>Try to learn soku:
875 replies and 299 files omitted. View the full thread
Fuck it, I'll make it here: >>3730
Replies: >>3734
fuck it, fixed mistake, here: >>3733
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Replies: >>3743 >>3744
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Replies: >>3744

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I hate myself zoomerbros
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Replies: >>3379 + 1 earlier
so this is the legendary trevor the king of teens?
Replies: >>3374 >>3458
I don't see any elipsis……..
Replies: >>3458
Spoiler File
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>>3362 (OP) 
That's not tshit.
its ok, I love you enough for both of us <3

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