/japan/ - militarized easiness

for those we cherish, we die in glory

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”Slay the gay.” - Otamin

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I am an incomparable homo this fag zombies threads
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mfw 8teens don't even have control of their own boards
Replies: >>1179 >>1180
whoa sneedjack btfo
no we just control every other board with a cabal of site admins behind the scenes
Replies: >>1181
holy cope
Replies: >>1182
ota is sending their best today

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bros...... the /ota/chads are making fun of us........ https://ota-ch.com/jp/res/515757.html
Seriously though, why did you people steal /bun/'s mascot? There are plenty of other 2hus to choose from.
Replies: >>924 >>930
Ask the koi
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I vote we use the gaphag instead.
Replies: >>975
What do you mean you people?
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No.  As part of sexual harassment lawsuits, the crow must hand mascotship over to the turtle.

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>a shitposting 2hufag nukes your video game board so hard that you don't even have a /v/ anymore
>do what you do every time you get slighted and cyberstalk him while pretending that you're not the butthurt one
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>tfw john will never be as famous of an e-celeb as the firstfag
>post loli on the front page of /cow/ to see what happens
>jannies delete that shit in actual seconds in the dead of morning
Tell me about the hehpills again.
/cow/ is a mess.
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If they can't even solve the fucking captcha I'd like to see how they play chess.

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Why there are so many /cow/ and cuckchanner cucks in here. Can't admin just van them?
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Guntopia is the weasel. This is proof that Julay is run by the gunt cabal, because why elsd would the site owner Robi is dead use one of their spambots to get revenge for being outed as a pedophile?
Replies: >>586
Okay, Now can you explain what you just said to me like you're explaining it to a retard?
Replies: >>587
Not him but that's not an easy task as most of the shit that comes from /cow/ doesn't make any sense to begin with. As you can see yourself by taking a quick look at /cow/, or some of the troll threads they created on here.
I think the weasel guy is hangingflesh too? He has basically taken over Julay and likely is a fed.
Something fishy is going on at Julay, but you'll never get to the core of what exactly is going on there because everyone on the webring is busy dealing with their bullshit and trolling.
Oh and just in case you haven't noticed, pedophile is their favorite word, they think or pretend to think that everyone they don't like is automatically a pedo.
Replies: >>659
They didn't they spam boards with CP?

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