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> Made using 100% free software
> 3D Animated movie
> One guy rigged models, wrote story, voiced half of the characters, composed music
> Took 3 years
> Out since October
> In total has less than 300 views
> Sends an email to Free Software Foundation. They don't promote it.

Why isn't Moria's race more popular?

TOR: http://ttauyzmy4kbm5yxpujpnahy7uxwnb32hh3dja7uda64vefpkomf3s4yd.onion/films/Moria's_Race.md?
Odysee (LBRY): https://odysee.com/@blenderdumbass:f/moria-s-race:5
Peertube: https://peer.madiator.cloud/w/vmPmME5XPWNc8uXSMe1xCk
Archive.org: https://archive.org/details/morias-race
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b83W_azDOK8
Invidious: https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=b83W_azDOK8
This is what happens when you treat open source like a religion.
Replies: >>12320 >>12321
what does that even mean in the context of this video
Replies: >>12322
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>yes, I treat freedom as my religion, how could you tell?
>what does that even mean in the context of this video
Because the only thing you talk about is how it's made with open source software. As if the audience is supposed to give a shit about that.
Replies: >>12324
>>12318 (OP) 
Doesn't look that good for 3 years of development
Replies: >>12327 >>12353
It's like when the daily wire makes a movie and conservatives are like you've got to watch the conservative movie because it's conservative and you have to support the conservative move makers. The only thing anyone with a brain cares about is if it's a good movie or not.
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>that opening shot with the car 
I have to agree with >>12323 
You don't need the best tools to make something good, but that doesn't mean shit made with shit tools isn't shit. The car just goes impossibly slow around the loop with stock cheering sound, and then there's the shitty 3d children with bad voice acting and bad writing. 
Rather than just wasting three years on that he should have spend at least a couple months learning the basics of animation. As is there's no merit to it but the "made in floss" meme.
Replies: >>12338
>>12318 (OP) 
>Blender Dumbass
Oh yeah this guy, a bit of a weirdo. He's made some other "open movies" over the years but hasn't improved at all, despite that he sees himself as some kind of modern day Stanley Kubrick. IIRC he has a very suspicious obsession with child actors as well.
Where is the torrent with a watchable bitrate?
Replies: >>12405
After watching the whole thing, the main problem I see is that it is too "kosher", just like he admitted in the post. The animation itself is not bad. Voice acting was not the best and could be clearer and better paced.

If he wants to reach internet fame, his movies need to be less like a knock-off Wreck-It Ralph and more like Killer Bean, he will have to compromise on his freedoms and release them on YouTube and perhaps even on TikTok, and he will have to create some kind of social media following previous to the release.

Not being on the platforms people actually are is a major strategy mistake. The same thing happens with free software zealots that think they can educate people about Free Software while refusing to connect with the largest possible audience. This is why Free Software support is shrinking and open-soros is all people have ever heard.
what the fuck did i just watch
Moria is a true sportsman.
Replies: >>12353

The voice actress (voices of Dani and Moria) were voiced by a woman who didn't know English! She knew Russian-Ukrainian. BlenderDumbass found her, I may be wrong, from his workplace as he lives in an Eastern Slavic neighborhood. I forgot to mention in it, but here you have it.
His animation could be 100% free if he made it by hand. It would have been actually good too, all forms of CGI are degenerate.
The problem I see with most 3d movies is that background has the same level of detail of foreground, it makes it difficult to follow. If it's a 3d FPS I have no problems with it, possibly because I control the perspective.
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>>12318 (OP) 
Maybe part of the problem is how hopeless it is to expect software people to not be complete philistines and appreciate art, and the amount of time and effort that it takes to make it. Especially animation. 3D or not, it's a crazy amount of work. I guess it's not too shocking, for those people to be like that. You see them in video games too, they are the ones that ruined them. It's a shame that the FSF didn't do anything with it, because it proves that you can make art using free software, and one of the major criticisms of it is that you can't do those things.

I think he made everything on his own, including every single model. Animation of any kind is hard work. There is no way to make it quick and easy... yet, AI will probably make that possible. But he clearly put a lot into this, and I appreciate it. This kind of reaction reminds me of software niggers mocking Terry Davis for his OS for not being Windows, when it was never supposed to be that, and totally ignoring the technical achievement of a guy taking 10 years of his life to make something like that on his own, and that he put a large part of himself into it. It's the same case here. Seems to be a common pattern, people that don't make shit being unable to appreciate what actually goes into it. Maybe a lack of empathy too.

That was my favorite part, I'm weak to moments like that.
The cars and the streets actually looked good.
That shiny futuristic look is nice.
I know how hard it is to make anything on your own, especially animation. this is very impressive regardless of the tools used considering this is a solo project by what i assume was a self taught hobbyist.
There is effort, technical value and common value. Just because I spend 10 year taking a shit doesn't make it good food. If you master the poo's art of shitting and shit while performing circus tricks it still doesn't make it good food. Food is generally evaluated not by its technical difficulty, and mostly not effort.
Problem with producing things such as movie is that most movie people are not movie nerd, they evaluate movie not by its technical value nor effort. It looks anything less than random chinktok crap, then they drop it.
People who evaluate OSes and will even hear about TempleOS are usually more technical and understand the effort that goes into it. Therefore Terry is respected.
Replies: >>12369
not even technically impressive, it literally runs like an interpreter not an os, he didnt know how to make an actual scheduler so every 'process' just runs in a concurrent queue all with the same mapping, hence 'task' just like an interpreter, if one starts to stall then the whole system stalls waiting for it to finish, this is completely idiotic for anything using a disk that has to wait on io  which is why no one was stupid enough to strap a bootloader to a literal interpreter and use it without a real os that can swap out your stalling piece of shit and run something else while it waits
the only thing impressive is the reaction to someone reinventing the wheel with a hexagon and people fawning over how impressive it is
Replies: >>12370
>not even technically impressive
Write your own then and show us how it's done.
Replies: >>12380
Same thing could be said of animation. Convenient example showed up. But it's beyond that. Back in the day, even before TempleOS was called TempleOS (he renamed it a few times, it was called LoseThos before), Terry was actually mocked by tech people in various websites that he posted in and was not respected. I don't remember where I saw all that, but maybe something covering Terry's life shows examples of it.

And really, those are just more examples of people being narrow-minded and trying to devalue other people's efforts when they haven't done a single decent thing in their lives and lower the value of humanity just through their presence. If it's not made by Microsoft or Disney they'll probably mock it.
Also I did a bit of more research and found out in some of this behind the scenes video, this movie on his word took roughly '2' years of work, it started in 2020, then stopped before 2021 and started again in 2022.
Even with those two years, it's not that impressive and this guy really is obsessed with kids.

>It's a shame that the FSF didn't do anything with it, because it proves that you can make art using free software, and one of the major criticisms of it is that you can't do those things.
There are better examples like Blender's own films & Big Buck Bunny.

>This kind of reaction reminds me of software niggers mocking Terry Davis for his OS for not being Windows
Terry Davis wanted to make an OS and he did it. People who mocked him were butthurt normalfags who didn't understand what he did or what his objective was. 
This is just a bad animation in no uncertain terms. The goofy look and wonky physics were most likely a failure and not intentional in a surreal or abstract way, and even if they were intended to be intentional shit is still shit. 
Rather than Terry Davis I think he's closer to Chris-chan who spent over a decade drawing with barely any improvements.
Spoiler File
(3.7MB, 854x480, 01:00)
>>12318 (OP) 
>Why isn't Moria's race more popular?
Because it isn't high quality despite the obvious effort put into it. The animator needs more practice and better resources, his work may pass as a student film but nowhere near the level of Blender's free movies and the like.
The hair animation reminds me of vid related
Replies: >>12475 >>13349
There are way crappier animations that do way better. It's not quality. You can make low quality shit and people will still watch. It's marketing.
Replies: >>12476
"So bad it's good" is a thing. Moria's race is bad but isn't the room bad, it's just bland.
Replies: >>12477

Maybe it's the Uncanny Valley?
Replies: >>12478
No. Uncanny valley it's when it's almost there but lacks the critical last step and triggers the brain.
Replies: >>12479

It is kind of almost there. The render engine that they are using is good enough to convince me that this is a real photographic image. Though I see weird stuff in it, like the strange stylized people and weirdly clean cars and streets. This is the source of the Uncanny Valley.
Replies: >>12483
The rendering is good but the models and textures aren't. It's like garten of banban, not uncanny valley.
>>12318 (OP) 
>Rendered on CPU to avoid proprietary GPU drivers
Someone buy this guy an AMD card
>>12318 (OP) 
I can't watch it because it's a bobble head poo talking with music that's too loud.
Replies: >>12503
Turn on the subtitles, the voice acting is horrible.
The biggest pitfall is the animation, which is expected considering it was made by a young and inexperienced 3D artist.
Is blender no longer FOSS kosher now?
Replies: >>13350
blender is still foss, blender does not provide drivers
speaking of, on may 5th he's going to do a presentation at libreplanet 2024
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