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John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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How do you convince people that homosexuality is wrong? While other areas of the LGBTAIP++ are more easier to argue against i.e trannies as long as you're not talking to someone 'woke', but homosexuality is widely accepted not just by those people but by most people in general.
It seems obvious to me that it's a mental disorder at best, but it evidently isn't for everyone. 
This isn't just about convincing them that the gay community is bad, but that homosexuality itself is bad. Any sane person would agree that kids dancing half naked in a crowd of adults dressed in sexual attire who are raining money on said kid is obviously wrong, but most wouldn't be convinced homosexuality itself is bad. How do you change their minds?
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Replies: >>23553 + 2 earlier
>>23315 (OP) 
>How do you convince people that homosexuality is wrong? 
There's no need to "convince" anyone. The scripture is plain, they just don't care about God or His laws (first five books called the law, specifically) or Christ and His message (e.g. Mt 5:17) and therefore they're not worth your time. Period. /thread
>it posts this image on a website that hosts porn
the irony
Replies: >>23567
very original

>They used the idea of a gay gene to get acceptance even though the science behind it was bunk.
I read into that one time and all I found was some mentions of genes that were more prevalent in gays, and maybe increased the likelihood of gayness, but nothing that could be called an actual CAUSE of that.
The "born that way" argument doesn't even work in their own framework because they still accept/talk about the existence of bisexuals, even though the entire premise behind it is 100% choice.

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How do I know everything written is scripture or not? How do I know Paul wasn't some crazy weirdo who decided to throw in his own interpretation of Christianity? Even then, the authenticity of some of Paul's letters are heavily disputed and some even universally agreed as not consistent with his own writing. 
How do I know whether or not I should practice Judaic law or not? Christ said he is here to fulfill the law, but he also said he would not abolish it.
>Matt 5:18: 18 Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single letter,[a] not even a tiny portion of a letter, will disappear from the Law until all things have been accomplished.
>Gal 3:24: 24 Therefore, the Law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, so that we might be justified by faith.
Should I practice the law to renew my faith? After all, it's what the early Jewish Christians still did anyway.
Romans 2:25: 25 Circumcision has value if you obey the Law. However, if you break the Law, you have become as if you had never been circumcised. 26 In the same way, if one who is not circumcised keeps the precepts of the Law, will not his uncircumcision be regarded as circumcision? 27 Then the man who is not physically circumcised but nevertheless observes the Law will condemn you who have the written code and circumcision but break the Law.
How do I know the Roman church is the true church? I am not a Catholic, but it's said that "the gates o
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Replies: >>24886 >>24904
i dont find the idea that christians were suffering from mass delusions or psychosis very plausible.
i also personally believe that the field of psychology is a very suspect science in general and that mental illness is mostly a recent phenomenon(its certainly been on a dramatic rise in the past century compared to before(one may note the corollary that atheism is also on the rise this past century))
i think psychoanalysing people from 2 millennia ago is unreliable anyway
>Paul as a Gnostic, or someone who entirely misinterpreted the Gospel/Christianity.
the other apostles didnt think so

if someone has gone through robbers and shipwrecks to get a message to me, im naturally going to take his message much more seriously and as being more sincere, its not "persecutory mania"
most of that post takes for granted that Pauls writings were either written by someone else, written later, dishonest or delusional which i dont accept
it seems like suppositions based on very little to me
I have no idea why you are so troubled by this brother, after glancing at it it's clearly the same kind of circular, anti-evidential, speculative, anti-Christian drivel you expect of secularists. In fact, this combined with a single post from your idea has me a little suspicious that this is concern trolling. 

Maybe Paul and Jesus were lunatics. Maybe they were raving madmen and everything they were saying and believing was the product of a deranged mind. *Or*, maybe Christianity is true. I suppose to determine which it is we'll be needing the other side to present their evidence and make their case to establish their historical claims. Unfortunately this is always where the wheels fall off for them because they have no evidence and they have no case, consistently the only response I have ever encountered to this incredibly basic challenge to the secular history of early Christianity is "how dare you question us". That's it. Appeal to authority is all they have. Their fiction is derived from a method that starts by prejudicially assuming what Christians have always believed is false, coming up with excuses for why all the evidence which exists doesn't count, and finally deriving history on the basis of nothing but divination of their own farts. Learning to deal with appeals to academic authority are something which anyone getting into apologetics needs to do because it now stands as the foundation o
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Replies: >>24885
>a single post from your idea
Your ID*
>>24802 (OP) 
>How do I know whether or not I should practice Judaic law or not? Christ said he is here to fulfill the law, but he also said he would not abolish it.

the only aspects of the Old Law youre meant to follow as a Christian are the Moral Law and, if you want, the feasts and Saturday Sabbath.
>>24802 (OP) 
>How do I know everything written is scripture or not?
I presume you meant 'everything written in scripture is [legitimately Spirit-breathed, inspired] scripture'?

You might start by investigating the ICBI statements on that very topic Anon. [1]

>1. God, who is Himself Truth and speaks truth only, has inspired Holy Scripture in order thereby to reveal Himself to lost mankind through Jesus Christ as Creator and Lord, Redeemer and Judge. Holy Scripture is God’s witness to Himself.

>2. Holy Scripture, being God’s own Word, written by men prepared and superintended by His Spirit, is of infallible divine authority in all matters upon which it touches: it is to be believed, as God’s instruction, in all that it affirms: obeyed, as God’s command, in all that it requires; embraced, as God’s pledge, in all that it promises.

>3. The Holy Spirit, Scripture’s divine Author, both authenticates it to us by His inward witness and opens our minds to understand its meaning.

>4. Being wholly and verbally God-given, Scripture is without error or fault in all its teaching, no less in what it states about God’s acts in creation, about the events of world history, and about its own literary origins under God, than in its witness to God’s saving grace in individual lives.

>5. The authority of Scripture is inescapably impaired if this total divine inerrancy is in any way limited or disregarded, or made relative to a view of truth contrary to the Bible’s own; and such lapses bring serious loss to both the individual and the Church
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Look at this fella, angry about the Bible and for having his Lolicon being censured by the "fascist Christians"

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>>24828 (OP) 
dont look right or left, look up.
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>>24828 (OP) 
The people who are still throwing around terms like "SJW" and calling themselves "anti-SJWs" in the Year of Our Lord 2023 largely haven't moved on from 2014-era Gamergate paradigms. They occasionally dress it up with rhetoric, but most of them oppose feminism or "woke ideology" because they want to play video games with big boobs and lolis. The more noble of their ilk either went down the pipeline from sex pest libertarianism to the so-called "alt-right" and then beyond or they simply grew up. Those that remain spend their time defending their porn access.
Replies: >>24850
My 2 cents.
D&D/Rock/Games/Anime/whatever are fine and "Christians" who "fight" those things are in fact silly. However, they're not a good representation of Christianity as a whole, and people who hate Christianity just because of them are even sillier.
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>>24828 (OP) 
>Just some guy
Well yeah, that guy is kind of known for it.  A fair amount of gamergate-adjacent ecelebs suck for various reasons. Some are anti-Christian this guy specifically is because he's pro faggot, maybe even a faggot himself, some because they're just grifters. Usually the former is also the latter. The skeptic community didn't start Gamergate, it's members simply jumped on board. That's not to say they weren't real Gamergaters, only that they didn't make it. 
I think this is a bit of an oversimplification though. Some "anti-sjws" anti-Christian, others are not. The fact of the matter is that the majority of sjws ideology is anti-Christian, and consequently every Christian is "anti-sjw" by default. 
If there's one thing wrong about Gamergate it was certainly their desire for "fanservice", however the feminists who pushed for censorship of said fanservice did so for the wrong reasons not to mention they also demonized "conventional attractiveness", made female characters masculine and vice versa, and pushed for fat positivity. There's also the question of to what extent censorship should be enforced.
Replies: >>24854
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>If there's one thing wrong about Gamergate it was certainly their desire for "fanservice", however the feminists who pushed for censorship of said fanservice did so for the wrong reasons
I agree that the push for censorship was not done out of honest or noble intentions and that Gamergaters were absolutely right to call them out for it, but their counter was fundamentally the same as the "just let people enjoy things" crowd. You see this a lot with people who defend their posting of lolicon hentai. I suppose they were right about what was wrong but wrong about what was right, to use a cliche.

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I need some bread pills about Buddhism, like inforgraphs or webms showing why Buddhism is satanic.
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Replies: >>24625 + 4 earlier
No Catholic doctrine states statues will save you, they are there to elevate people's minds to God and the lofty realities.
As to buddism i dont know much about it but i never heard about them attributing saving powers to statues, could be wrong.
Replies: >>24630
>>21803 (OP) 
Schopenhauer is basically Western Buddhist.

Yes, it is not a very cheerful religion. They do crusade against Muslims though, so can't be all that bad.
No, Buddha is only a teacher ("rabbi", if you wish). A true Buddhist would tell you that Jesus, of course, was a Buddha, too, as it is a state of being above mere humanity, but below true divinity. Pagan gods they (Buddhists) usually deemed inferior and not worthy of worship.>>22438
>No Catholic doctrine states statues will save you
Idols are carried around and relics heavily guarded, you are wrong.
The buddhism i know preaches of life being pretty bad so the best move is not to play, in that non-playing they retire from life aka go to a monastery, try to do the least bad things they can and help people when they have to go out for some reason, that being crops, needs or getting money for those things.
In the meantime doing nothing at all the entire day and trying not to do anything bad they managed to invent tons of stuff or develop things other mystics left them in their visits, like paradoxically martial arts used by the military later on. Some monks often got into this and tried to pretend killing bullies was better than letting them go around bothering people so their morality heavily varied over time. At the end of the day they pretended to do nothing so they couldn't sin and thus get a chance at going up or reincarnating as something better next time, all the while practicing their spirituality.

One thing they did better despite being trained killers at times was not going around converting by force entire tribes like some misguided christians did. He who has ears to hear let him hear, no need to shove it in their face by force or repeat all day the same verses.
Replies: >>24632
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>one thing they did better despite being trained killers at times was not going around converting by force entire tribes like some misguided christians did. 
>he doesn't know
Meanwhile Christianity converted the whole of the Roman Empire and beyond while under official persecution for three centuries and without bearing the sword. Somehow that utter historical miracle is overlooked as something unremarkable.

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Hello, I'm a Christian, and I am still learning the Bible, though I consider myself decently knowledgable on its themes and messages. In the last 3 years I have undergone a massive transformation from a useless atheistic tranny into the lover of God I am now, it felt like being awakened to the truth of the universe in totality, like seeing every life at once that all point to the singular truth--that being God at the head of all things. And through my Biblical journey I have come to adore the Lord, I've come to understand the secrets of the heavens and the earth, and I've seen the light at the beginning of the tunnel, only to now know that we live in an age of darkness. The world is dying, degenerating from the natural goodness that God has shown me. I want to devote my life to the Lord, I want to give my life to Him.

But I have recently come to a crossroads of confusion. There are so many countless denominations of the church, each with hundreds upon thousands of people with their own views that differ from my own. I'm unsure if I even have any specific views on worship other than the passion I have for God. And the sheer numbers of pathways overwhelms me. They all deal in the question of what must be done for salvation but in my revelations I have rarely even thought on such things. I fear that I am pursuing the wrong path, there are countless years of history behind the churches, and they all fight one another over what is and isn't true.

It does not help that I have a t
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Jesus left a Church, and gave her the Holy Spirit to guide her. If you are separated as a lone sheep you are easy pickings for the prowler. 
Treat your dislike of other people as a cross, and Jesus said to carry the cross, not evade them.
As to the real church, you may read the Church fathers and see they have the sacraments. St.Ignatious of Antioch which was a direct disciple of the apostle John says: “those who hold heretical opinions about the grace of Jesus Christ … refuse to acknowledge that the Eucharist is the flesh of our savior Jesus Christ, which suffered for our sins and which the Father by his goodness raised up”
So, you should become Catholic and get the sacraments. If there is no Catholicism in your country, be whatever sacramental Christianity is there, Copt, Orthodox, etc. 
And remember this by Paul: '...conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.'
The Church dictates what is truth, the Church dictates what is the correct way to interpret the bible. If you read it by yourself, disregarding how the saints and theologians read it throughout the ages, you'll gain some erroneous views. Some go so far as denying the divinity of Christ due to their own faulty and blind interpretations.
Replies: >>24120
>The Church dictates what is truth, the Church dictates what is the correct way to interpret the bible
This should be all you need to hear to know to stay away from Rome
>>24079 (OP) 
You should go out and talk with priests, elders, other followers, etc. Christianity in society is way different and it will give you perspective on all sorts of topics which you might not even have stood still with. Seek and you shall find.
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>>24079 (OP) 
>I've come to understand the secrets of the heavens and the earth
Prelest. Pray for humility.

>This world is a corrupt world and I do not have it in me to trust other people with a topic I view so delicately.
Say what you will about the world, but you cannot curl up in a shoebox until you die then try to declare that a life. Even those called to the monastic life share it with their brothers or sisters. If you are called to be a hermit then by all means do so, but do not claim the privileges of the hermit without paying a hermit’s dues. 

>I fear that I am pursuing the wrong path, there are countless years of history behind the churches, and they all fight one another over what is and isn't true.
You have Christ the Redeemer on your side. Your final judgement will be a compassionate one that takes your circumstances and heart into account. Therefore, go out into the world and do your best. Even churches within the same denomination will differ. Don’t be a little bitch about it: Find your church by shopping around.
>Jesus left a Church, and gave her the Holy Spirit to guide her. If you are separated as a lone sheep you are easy pickings for the prowler. 

This. Even if you have trouble getting along with people, there is growth in making an effort. In addition, once you have kids, you absolutely need to have them grow up among the people of God lest they are lost to globohomo well before puberty.

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An anon on 8ch's /christian/ storytimed this in honor of Easter several years ago. In honor of the end of Lent and the Resurrection of our Lord I present, for your reading pleasure, Serenity.
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Replies: >>24531
That correspondence is very interesting. I think the desire to hold up a mirror to "brittle" Christianity is a very good one, and one I've long thought is a difficult problem.

That reference to the two suicides adjacent his gig with Penthouse piqued my curiosity. I didn't find any information on it, but I did find this: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/unfundamentalistchristians/2015/07/40-questions-for-christians-now-waving-rainbow-flags/
Replies: >>24487
Thanks anon. I didn't know about the post volume 10 stuff. The email was really interesting and I think it partially explains why the comic is so bad and yet so good.
Replies: >>24487
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Buzz Dixon's pretty much a quintessential boomer liberal. It is probably for the best that the comic ended around the time that it did or it would probably have an even more pronounced impact on its content.

Interestingly enough, he's maintained multiple times that he wants to continue the Serenity stories. We'll see if he ever makes good on his promises.

He's posted a little more about the creation of the comic on his personal blog. Much of it reiterates what's in the e-mail, but there are a few extra details about the process.
Isn't this copyright infringement?
>>24250 (OP)  Deep down a part of me wants for Buzz to finish Serenity properly (instead of it ending like a usual 12 ep anime adaptation). Yet I would not want that because Buzz may not be able to write in the same mindset as he was back in the early 2000's. Whatever may happen with this little pet project only God knows, one thing is certain however, it truly is so bad its good (in all the best ways possible). Thanks for bringing back some /co/ memories anon, God bless.

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I've been thinking of getting into Christianity (sorry for poor choice of words) for the longest time now as someone raised fully atheist. Got given this KJV bible on the street today. I think this is my sign - gonna start reading it, now's better then ever.

Any advice for what to do other than just reading the Bible?
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Replies: >>24478 + 3 earlier
>>24232 (OP) 
>what to do other than reading the Bible
Believe, and follow the Bible as much as possible.
I recommend studying the empirical facts about Christianity, The Case for Christ is a good start.
Study Guide in 251 page. Check this.

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“His Only Son”, the original biblical drama that recounts the life of Abraham based on that one time in his life, mentioned in Genesis 22, where God tested his faith by asking him to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, on the mountain of Moriah, has earned the No. 3 position in the world, just below “John Wick: Chapter 4” since last weekend.

>«HIS ONLY SON profoundly explores mankind’s relationship to God and encourages viewers to turn inward and ask: Can your faith still stand when you are asked to give everything?» the film’s official description read. With a budget of $250,000 achieved through crowdfunding, it reached a box office record that had not been achieved before and that is attracting the public to learn more about biblical stories.

>With an accurate and authentic vision, the reviews of the film explain that “His Only Son” is a refreshing, profound and contemplative experience, which comes at the perfect time for Easter, said Jared Geesey, the senior vice president of Global Distribution for Angel Studios. Likewise, he said that people are flocking to theaters, because they now have a preference for this type of stories.

>Promising to fully adhere to the biblical narrative, it will have Nicolas Mouawad, a Lebanese actor playing Abraham, Sara Sayed, born and raised in Tehran as Sarah, and Edaan Moskowitz, playing Isaac, who is an Israeli-American actor who was born in California.

>The inspiration for the film came from former US Marine David Helling, who spent time in the Iraqi desert and had a desire in his heart to share Bible stories with audiences on a theatrical stage; and he is now the one who directed the piece. “I didn’t set out to do Christian films,” Helling added. “I set out to do biblical films because they’re for the sake of the gospel — not the typical Hallmark with a Jesus tinge over it.”

>Other Angel Studios hits besides The Chosen, the first multi-season series about Jesus, is “Jesus Revolution,” which tells the true story behind the Jesus Movement of the 1970s.

>The studio has aimed to make these types of productions to attract people to faith-based content thanks to its genuine and story-driven approach.
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Replies: >>24220
John wick 4 had good potential for a Christian moral to the story but the writing team ended up filling all the story time with action scenes so it kinda got overshadowed. 

Good movie either way.
i havent been to a movie theater in 4 years
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>>24212 (OP) 
>Is it just me or is Christian media becoming more popular recently?
I went to the theater recently and although I didn't see any trailers for this film I saw trailers for two different Catholic films. A quick look online shows that there are planned showings for other "faith-based" films as well. My guess is that either they realized that they could probably make up for the lost revenue from socially conservative families not showing up to Disney films anymore by showing the occasional Bible epic or that so few people actually go to the theater to see new releases that they're desperate for an audience that's equally desperate for something to watch.
I want an anime about Revelations.
No metaphors but dragons and warriors.
Replies: >>24235
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Best I can do is a video game based on a book of apocrypha depicting a apocalypse.

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These anime posting threads have been the bane of this board's existence for the past month now.
Post interesting theological takes or positions, things that don't necessarily fall in line with Christian orthodoxy, or are taught by major denominations.
>inb4 Ortholarpers come to the rescue.
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Replies: >>24205 + 7 earlier
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>Not only have many freemasons and supposed freemasons fought against bad things and many have even been hated by "bad" people but also the beliefs promoted by the Lodge are virtuous in nature. The fact belief in God/god is mandatory, their belief in charity, truth, and love all make them seem pretty legit to me.
That's just a surface level interpretation, they're not actual deists they worship lucifer, they just hide the God they worship for the uninitiated.
Replies: >>21338
thats what everybody says, and yet
Replies: >>21340
>To what end are you looking to consider magnitude in sin when all sin takes you away from God's satisfaction
Where is this in scripture? Not in the old testament, where some sins have a penalty of Death and others require penance in the form of a sacrifice.
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>>20133 (OP) 
cool infographic

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What do we make of this, /christian/s?
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"irish" americans are less irish thsan the average englishman
Replies: >>24075
the Guinness family of fame and renown, whose brewery is of much note and honour, were Protestants for your information
>"irish" americans are less irish thsan the average englishman
Yeah it's not that simple, mate. I'm not going to defend the ignorant, cringey behavior that gets played up on T.V. Nevertheless, there is a living cultural continuity present in America, like it or not. 

But this is the internet so I'm not going to change your mind anyway.
Hmm... I've never heard that before. St. Patrick's Day is a Holy Day of Obligation in Ireland, and feast days cannot simultaneously be a day of fasting. But I understand that as more a coincidence than an act of his intercession because Patrick's died on 17 March. There is no extant record or myth that I've encountered to say he died specifically during Lent to provide the Irish a relief during the 40 days. 

Even if the intercession justification were true, that would only count in Ireland. St. Patrick's Day is not a Holy Day of obligation outside of Ireland. Or at least not in America, anyway.
Replies: >>24081
>Even if the intercession justification were true, that would only count in Ireland. St. Patrick's Day is not a Holy Day of obligation outside of Ireland. Or at least not in America, anyway.
I think St. Patrick's Day is a first class feast day in dioceses which have St. Patrick as their patron. Even in other dioceses where he is not, it's not too uncommon for bishops to grant a dispensation to eat meat because I suppose the faithful cannot go without their corned beef.

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