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John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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I'm new to christianity and new to reading the New Testament. I have a question regarding helping the poor and how should we do it. It seems the Bible asumes the poor and those in need to be always in the right and seems like helping them is the best one can do to enter the Kingdom of God. But sometimes the poor can also show greed and injustice, as I have seen how a friend of mine was giving money to a homeless guy and he was harassing her to give him even more money. Even as a kid, being schooled in a catholic school, I was forced to give money to charity and then I found out no one of those we supposedly helped improved in any way, and thus we threw our money right into the trash. I understand one should partake in charity and helping those in need but at what extent? Is every homeless person, every poor, every misserable, good in nature? Or is our aid what matters regardless of who recives the aid and what they do with it? As for example, giving money to a homeless guy and then the homeless buys alcohol instead of food. Our action was good but his use of our money isn't. I want to help the poor and those in need but I'm afraid it will be futile, as people won't improve regardless of my efforts.
Replies: >>25368
I go with a ministry group every week and we buy and give out water and fruit and whatever donations we get, to the homeless people. A lot of them have drug or alcohol addictions that they won't let go so their families reject them because of their addictions, so they're out on the street.

Giving money just fuels their addiction, it's better to give them food and offer prayer.
I share in your questions, OP, and I'd love to hear more brothers who minister to the poor routinely. I know that the less than pleasant attitude among some of the poor are only a sign of how irresistible their slavery to sin has become, and I pray Jesus will not let our hearts become indifferent to them and the importance of charity... or vainglorious, that we'd seek to see the 'fruits' of anything. We are labourers of the kingdom, and the fruits are not ours to require, but His alone.
>Is every homeless person, every poor, every misserable, good in nature? Or is our aid what matters regardless of who recives the aid and what they do with it? As for example, giving money to a homeless guy and then the homeless buys alcohol instead of food. Our action was good but his use of our money isn't. I want to help the poor and those in need but I'm afraid it will be futile, as people won't improve regardless of my efforts.

I had such questions also, but a sermon given today at my church I think answers this question.

Firstly, no, not every homeless person is good, "None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God." (Romans 3:9-11) 

But they may be more blessed. I can think that either: They are more blessed no matter what, or, if you have an evil poor man and an evil rich man, while both are condemned, the poor man is condemned less. I'm unsure which it could be. There could be a third interpretation. The blessedness of the poor is confirmed in the Gospel of St. Luke.

As for helping the poor and it seeming futile, in our liturgy today our priest read from the Gospel of St. Matthew, don't know the exact passage, but the message was something akin to "those who hate a brother who wrongs them, will be tormented". Meaning if someone spits in your face or even hurts you, if you resent them back, you are now debted to the person and God will torment you for such a thing. 

To put this in praxis, he told of the church father St. Ignatius. Apparently before he died, he welcomed in the officials sent to take him or kill him, into his house, gave them food, and thanked them.

We are called to help anyone no matter how vile or evil they may be. Infact we are exorted to love them the most, "You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Mt. 5:43-44).

So, yeah, indiscriminately help the poor. And if a poor man spites you, love him more.
Is the eastern orthodox church good at this, do you know? My local catholic church seems to do well with charity, as does my orthodox church. This makes me now unsure of the patriarchs
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>>25346 (OP) 
The best way you can engage in charity, especially in this day and age, is directly. Get active in your neighborhood, your city, your workplace, your school, your community. Offer a helping hand to those you see, if somebody needs food offer what you can, if somebody needs help paying their bills offer what you can, if somebody needs helping building a house or raising animals or mowing their lawn dealing with a problem or whatever else they might need, lend a hand. 

It's much easier to control how your good deeds are used and where they go when (A. you know the people you're giving them to and (B. when you actually take part in alleviating their problem instead of just throwing them cash. And it also provides and outlet for you to build a stronger community and tend to whatever problems might be afoot locally.
Why would you help the poor if you need to scam people in order to become and remain wealthy? Actually wealthy and successful people charge protection money from small businesses or vandalize them or set them on fire. They collect "charity funds", pocket the money and distribute absolute pittances if anything at all while benefitting from loopholes in the tax law. 

Christians need to be aware that the entire economy is a ripoff, that charities are a ripoff and that they cannot be sheep in this era.
In order to do anything effectively, build groups around your own kind. Basic in-group, out-group dynamic, the kind that is commonly demonized. Prioritize Christians. CHRISTIANS. Do you understand?
Replies: >>25386 >>25387
the healthy do not need a doctor
Replies: >>25450
The idea is to make the non-Christians into Christians as you give food and water.
those without sin deceive themselves.
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