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John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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I think the Satanic conspiracy is better for Christians than the racial Jewish conspiracy. The Old testament faith of ancient Judaism Jews became Christians and "those that say they're Jews but are not" are Jews that study the Talmud and the Kabbalah and according to Texe Mars worship a serpent. So the Satanic conspiracy also has an answer to the Jews as well as the Golden calf during the time of Moses.
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Losing the forest for the trees.

Also this board is a psyop and the owners want you to be ignorant of occult powers. Don't bother digging into the same old things, research.
Replies: >>25508 >>26834

1. They know what the doctrine is. They wilfully choose to subvert it. Not just ignore it - they lie and say it confirms the things they're pushing. You know this.

2. Their dogmatism, i.e. their willingness to excommunicate you for wrongthink is stronger than mine is. If they're pushing people out then there isn't middle ground to lean into. You know this.

Your psy operation, produce evidence or examples please, and your examination of the occult maybe worthwhile except that it's less powerful than to do as you said and get stuck into the bible instead.

There's no "I win" to any of this stuff here either, if it wasn't worthwhile to post I wouldn't do it. I'm not gonna sit here and flex piety on you as I tried to demonstrate prior that I haven't got any.
>to be ignorant of occult powers
There are no occult powers. Show me an occultist with powers and I will show you a fraud. Modern occultists are frauds and pimp out book after book to gullible idiots. They are no better than the self-help crowd. If you had occult powers, you wouldn't be here that is for sure.
"Satanist" is a politically correct term for a Jew or a wannabe Jew (freemason, left-hand-path occultist, whatever) anyway.
>There are no occult powers.
There exists one, and it's a terrible power. It is called Deception. Occultists (and Jews, since an Occultist is basically a Gentile who desperately wants to be a Jew) are people who are really good at swindling, lying, and cheating, which certainly does help them to get ahead in the society of liars, cheaters and swindlers.

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>judaism: incites extreme racial supremacy and hatred, and rape-torture of children
>islam: incites violence and murder of people with different beliefs, and woman oppression (and it also indirectly forbids anime because art is haram)
>hinduism, buddhism, folk religions, etc: utter schizo shit, and many of them are inhumane too
>no religion: makes you a gay rootless redditor who thinks he's smarter than everyone

>Christianity: preaches love, etc and if you look at it from a religious perspective it's also beautiful because of the whole God sacrificing his son for humanity's sins thing
>it's also not schizophrenic/too unscientific

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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Replies: >>26726
>Even a child knows that if the universe had a beginning, then something must have existed before it.
That just moves things one step backwards.
Even worse, it is AI generated.
Replies: >>26727
That just moves things one step backwards.
To the uncaused source of all things, which is logically necessary for the existence of something which does have a cause.
Its a simple premise; anything that has a begin, and we know the universe does for multiple reasons such as entropy, requires something to begin it. 
>That just moves it back
Is a non-argument in the first place, since it still doesn't provide an explanation for how anything exists. Indeed, materialism can never explain how anything exist. The very nature of everything in the universe requires something unbound by that nature to even be here.If nothing uncaused could exist, than nothing could exist.

But the universe itself cannot be this uncaused source because know it had a beginning, we know it is undergoing entropy and changing into an ultimate state of uniformity which is fundamentally incompatible with the idea that the universe always existed because then the universe would have 'already' reached that state
In short, the finite logically cannot exist without the infinite.
>incites extreme racial supremacy
>and woman oppression
>utter schizo shit

Stop making demon worshippers sound good.
so trve anon, so trve

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I'm just curious to hear your guys story, how and what did God do and give you to finally defeats your bad habits and the such (I don't have any files really so here's a random image)
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Replies: >>26678 + 7 earlier
Quit completely, delete every porn image off your devices and stop whacking it. If you can abstain for a day, then you can abstain for a week. If you can abstain for a week, then you can abstain for a month, and so on. Small steps, and if you fail, you pick yourself up, ask Christ for forgiveness and strength, and start over again. It's a journey and a hard one, but eventually it will be a distant memory and you won't even have to think about it anymore.
Replies: >>26800
>>23460 (OP) 
The biggest thing was getting involved not just in a church, but also in a good Christian group of friends who love the Lord more than anything else. When you spend time around other people, you become more like them. It took special permission for particularly advanced souls before certain monks became hermits. You need good people in your life who will build you up and expect better of you.

There's nothing wrong with quitting a part of yourself. Otherwise, we would never improve. You need to face your emotional insecurities and flaws before they destroy you. Try to find a good Christian therapist who can help you avoid hitting rock bottom in the process. And stop abusing yourself. You deserve better. Once you've crossed that bridge, you'll thank the Lord that he brought you there. Remember, you are more than your addictions and flaws.
one day you will, by the will God.
>If you can abstain for a day, then you can abstain for a week
Wrong, also your own imagination can make porn or porno situations
The best way is to distract yourself
I have not. And I probably never will. Notwithstanding the most success I have with quitting pornography by far is a proverbial cutting off of that which offends me, in removing myself from ownership over desktop PC's and laptops (I post this from someone else's computer.) Now I am "free" from pornography. "Free" because I do not practice the habit anymore, but I still have the habit. And I am sure if I went back to my old ways that I would quickly pick up from where I left off.

I still use a smartphone for computing tasks. But curiously smartphones do not have the same grip on me like PC's and laptops do. Perhaps the web browsing logistics do not mesh with me. Perhaps it is because it was PC's, and not smartphones, that had dominion over my impressionable adolescent years. Either way, thank God for me being enough of a no name wage slave that I do not need my own PC for my job. It makes the transition to a smartphone and staying away from computers easier.

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Replies: >>26811
>>26772 (OP) 
Based OP

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Do you think that Marian apparitions and miracles attributed to saints may be works of the Devil and demons?
I read that this kid was recently canonized as a saint
>A kid with a pancreas defect asked to a relic of the would be saint to not throw up as much, and later was healed and could eat food without throwing up
>A woman after a fall from a bike suffered brain haemorrhage and had a low chance of survival, her mother prayed intercession on his behalf and the daughter's haemorrhage disappeared
I'm thinking these may be the signs and wonders Jesus warned us about? That those are the works of demons trying to legitimate the power of idols?
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Replies: >>26793
>>26659 (OP) 
These miracles lead people to Christ and the church, which would be the opposite of what Satan would want.
Replies: >>26794
Do they? At what cost? Men and women of remarkable perseverance in discipleship are to be celebrated, especially the example of those who willingly suffered and died for Christ. This is proper veneration, without graven images. I have even known Catholics and Orthodox brothers who had a sober understanding of sainthood and veneration, but I fear they are an infinitesimal minority: most will simply run to the idol-mongers hoping to find magical recipes and amulets until Jesus has so small a place in their hearts that it doesn't make much difference. The OP brought the issue of miracles attributed to the saints or, more precisely, to the favour they were able to obtain from the Lord. Do most believers care about this precision, though? How many are not left with the impression that the saints, and not Christ, are performing those miracles?
Replies: >>26797
Funny you should mention that. Today I shared the gospel with a good aquaintance. I asked him if he goes to church (as I had a feeling from prior chats that if I asked him if he was Christian, he would say yes). It turns out he's Roman Catholic. I asked him if they ever told him how to be saved and go to Heaven. He responded uncertainly, saying: "yes, you know... be a good person". He showed me a little 4" statue of a saint, and some kind of tabletop locket (I don't know what it's called - it opens and has a photo of a bearded saint on one side, and words on the other). He started telling me about the miracles done by this saint. He never mentioned Jesus during our whole conversation.

I had a pocket New Testament and shared with him scriptures showing that it's Christ alone who saves us, and he did all of the work. Our part is simply to trust in him, and we go to Heaven. I shared the verses in Romans 3, which say there are no good people and we're all sinners. I shared the scriptures about the unnamed crucified thief, who was a criminal who did no good works, who simply changed his mind at the very end, recognized his own sinfulness (contrasted with who Jesus truly was and Jesus' sinlessness) and asked in faith for Jesus to remember him. Jesus promised him Heaven. I shared Romans 4:5 ("But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteou
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Replies: >>26810
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Of all Marian apparitions... fiery, spines, sparks... Holy smokes! It shows through 2d. What abominations wouldn't have amused themselves going by that name and losing souls!

Idolatry is such a disgraceful sin, a nail striking the soul, a rabid bark against the Lord... one finds it here once and there again, until it permeates every aspect of one's life. Isn't the slope a slippery one indeed? It tears our agency away as individuals and societies, it normalises degeneracy on every level, to the point of infanticide and ostensive human sacrifice to demons. Monetised snuff. ((( Zeitgeist ))). Lord please speak to the anon's friend, show him even a shimmer of Paul's favour, that by Your own voice he may come to straighten his ways and rejoice in Your mercy. Would you not possibly, Father, consider to also give me and my bros the strength to fear and love You alone? Please let us not remain slaves to sin, this whole pit of golden calves. Please, have mercy. In Jesus' name. Amen.
As a Catholic I agree that your friend was definitely misguided

The traditional Catholic view is that salvation is through God by having faith in Jesus and following his commandments ("following his commandments" are what we consider works and sacraments).

With that being said, I don't think he was idolizing that Saint. To worship something means to treat it as God which he obviously did not do. The Catholic "idols" are usually akin to something like the nativity during Christmas time.

With that being said, thanks for helping your friend. God bless you.

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Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Like many of you I myself am struggling with pornography addiction and have been trying to beat this illness for the better part of 3 years now. I'm dedicating this thread to all my other brothers in arms out there who are fighting the good fight against the wiles of the devil, Lucifer, and his legion of degeneracy he throws our way.

I'll be using this thread as both a catalogue of my own experiences, so that they may be used by others for their own benefit, and as a place to store, discuss, and share data, tips, and motivation so as to help us addicts overcome our desire so that we may enjoy life as God intended with clarity of mind and spirit.
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i need a wife
it's no longer a matter of i want one, i NEED one. paul says that a life of chastity is not meant for everyone, and most men cannot stop themselves from fornicating, and therefore it is best that he find a wife as soon as possible. the problem is i have no idea where to find a worthwhile one. dating apps are useless. all the women at my church are either underage or already married. i truly don't know where to turn at this point.
Replies: >>26735
Sometimes I wonder if I even want to be free... Please pray for me. Whenever you read this message, please spare a prayer.

I'm so sick of this crap and, at the same time, lack any kind of drive or motivation to change. "My grace is sufficient", and yet, I keep fugging it up.
I pray that God answers your prayers, Anon.

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Hey Guys, 

since a decade I am confronted by the battle against lust. 
I am watching sometimes porn or think on watching porn or masturbation. 

Please pray for me so so I can overcome this battle and do not have to watch it again and think on it.
I'll be praying for you.
We also have a thread on this if you'd like to talk more >>22229

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Hey Guys, 
I am currently at the point where I wanna just give up and kill myself. 
Can anyone pray for me that I keep myself alive and get a job, which will be settisfying and will make me happy again ? 
Cause currently I am in €1.500 in dept, my girlfriend was fired, and together, we are in 2k dept. I hate myself, my life and I just want to end it.
Replies: >>26717 >>26718
>>26716 (OP) 
Fear nothing, anon; the Lord is with you. Trust him with everything, and he will give you more in the next life than you could ever imagine. But that won't happen if you kill yourself, for the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" applies to your own self as well. I hope and pray that your situation will improve, but in the meantime, hold tightly to Jesus and don't let go no matter what.
>>26716 (OP) 
Indeed, you have nothing to fear. Do not submit to panic, to anxiety. Instead, submit yourself to God. You don't have to deal with this alone. It may be tempting to hide yourself away, but bring it all to God and pray for strength and understanding. Even if you don't know what to say, pray and you will find peace. Because no matter how much pressure you feel, God is stronger than all of it. 

>"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)"

And even if have disdain for yourself right now, remember also that God loves you more than you can ever understand. So much so that he gave his only begotten Son to pay the price for our sins. 

Keep moving forward, keep praying, and always keep your eyes on Christ. With Him you can overcome anything; the machinations of the evil one are nothing. 

>"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1)"

>“Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget,
Yet I will not forget you. (Isaiah 49:15)"

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What are y'alls thoughts on Universalism?

Please keep this as civil as possible!!!

For Context: Universalism is the idea that all people are reconciled back to God in heaven, and that all is made perfect again, usually via Hell as a purgatorial fire than an eternal one. It was espoused by some of the Church fathers, most famously Origen, Clement, and Gregory of Nyssa. There is an incredibly small group of "Primitive Baptist Universalists" that uphold that the punishment for sins takes place here on Earth. They're belief isn't the main focus here, but it is here for completeness.

Universalism has caught on with theologians over the years (such as David Bentley Hart and Robin Parry), due to it's logical solutions to things such as the problem of evil and it's historical basis.

To Clarify:
 - Universalism is NOT the religion known as "Unitarian Universalists"
 - Universalism is NOT considered a *damnable* heresy (although whether or not it should be a heresy is debated)
 - Universalism does NOT argue that all religions or lifestyles are right, or that sinning is ok. Christians are expected to strive to be as righteous as possible.
 - Universalism is NOT usually anti-missions
 - Universalists hold to trinitarian beliefs and conservative beliefs on other non-hell issues
 - Universalists uphold that the purgatorial hell is not pleasant and of unknown (albeit limited) length, and still argue for the repentance of sins
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While it is an appealing position, or should be at any rate since we shouldn't be willing that any man perish, I think there are many verses they would need to reconcile this position with such as Matthew 7:13.

I believe the Catholic position is to hold the hope that people can be saved after death, but do not definitively state that it can happen since the Scriptures do not appear to either. Universalism is going a step beyond even in stating that everyone will be saved. Beyond the seeming lack of a guarantee for this in the Bible, I am also hesitant on this position because there are many people who seem proud or spiteful enough that they would not even repent after death if they had the option.
Replies: >>26707
the lack of univesalism is just turning christianism into judaism, another reason why the protestant movement is the biggest heresy ever made.
Replies: >>26708
I would agree with his position, it makes the most sense to hope for universalism, but confident universalism seems like a step too far.

Matthew 7:13 usually isn't viewed as the number of people being saved, but a parable given by Jesus. It wouldn't make sense to think of it as a numerical calculation for who is saved (especially since other parables, such as the wheat and tares and 10 virgins would contradict the small number of saved.) Other verses, such as Rev 7:9, and Rom. 5:15-20 would contradict this.

Even if it was the number of people saved, universalists assert that people would be led to destruction, be purified, and then enter heaven.

Again, I'm not a universalist, I think that it is possible but not a given.
No denomination (Western Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, Various sects of Protestantism) has universalism as an actual doctrine. To be fair, Eastern Orthodoxy comes a lot closer, since hell is considered a mystery and thus their are more Apokatastasis believers.

If Protestantism didn't exist, universalism still wouldn't be the prevailing doctrine.

Obviously, you can believe whatever you want and I'm not here to debate you on Protestantism (It's not the main point of this thread anyway), just thought this was an interesting comment, since Protestants did not invent the doctrine of hell by any means..

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Talk about 'WHOLESOME' shows and 'WHOLESOME' cute waifus.
This thread is NOT allowed to become a borderline /a/ exclave.
Posts advocating for yuri/shota (aka homosex) and other degenerate animes are NOT allowed.
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>Ergo Proxy
I think I'm long overdue for a rewatch of that one. It was one of my favorites when I got into anime while I was still in high school.
The theme of Madoka Magica reminds me of Matthew 16:23. But is such anime ok? Is it respectful enough? I worry that it isn’t.
Replies: >>26644
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I think it's soulful and doesn't promote evil with its themes.
This scene made me think of the love Christ has for us always, even when we mistakenly can't see it or feel it.
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Did you watch any good shows this season, /christian/? Were there any gems, hidden or otherwise? Did you check out "studio apartment, good lighting, angel included," which, as far as I can tell, is a slice of life/romance show with an angel as a heroine? Maybe this place isn't the right audience for it.
Replies: >>26699
Haven't seen much of anything lately anon, been revisiting old stuff seeing if they still hold up, that new deer anime though looks goofy and maybe worth a watch

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