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John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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Hey Guys, 
I am currently at the point where I wanna just give up and kill myself. 
Can anyone pray for me that I keep myself alive and get a job, which will be settisfying and will make me happy again ? 
Cause currently I am in €1.500 in dept, my girlfriend was fired, and together, we are in 2k dept. I hate myself, my life and I just want to end it.
Replies: >>26717 >>26718
>>26716 (OP) 
Fear nothing, anon; the Lord is with you. Trust him with everything, and he will give you more in the next life than you could ever imagine. But that won't happen if you kill yourself, for the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" applies to your own self as well. I hope and pray that your situation will improve, but in the meantime, hold tightly to Jesus and don't let go no matter what.
>>26716 (OP) 
Indeed, you have nothing to fear. Do not submit to panic, to anxiety. Instead, submit yourself to God. You don't have to deal with this alone. It may be tempting to hide yourself away, but bring it all to God and pray for strength and understanding. Even if you don't know what to say, pray and you will find peace. Because no matter how much pressure you feel, God is stronger than all of it. 

>"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)"

And even if have disdain for yourself right now, remember also that God loves you more than you can ever understand. So much so that he gave his only begotten Son to pay the price for our sins. 

Keep moving forward, keep praying, and always keep your eyes on Christ. With Him you can overcome anything; the machinations of the evil one are nothing. 

>"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1)"

>“Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget,
Yet I will not forget you. (Isaiah 49:15)"

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What are y'alls thoughts on Universalism?

Please keep this as civil as possible!!!

For Context: Universalism is the idea that all people are reconciled back to God in heaven, and that all is made perfect again, usually via Hell as a purgatorial fire than an eternal one. It was espoused by some of the Church fathers, most famously Origen, Clement, and Gregory of Nyssa. There is an incredibly small group of "Primitive Baptist Universalists" that uphold that the punishment for sins takes place here on Earth. They're belief isn't the main focus here, but it is here for completeness.

Universalism has caught on with theologians over the years (such as David Bentley Hart and Robin Parry), due to it's logical solutions to things such as the problem of evil and it's historical basis.

To Clarify:
 - Universalism is NOT the religion known as "Unitarian Universalists"
 - Universalism is NOT considered a *damnable* heresy (although whether or not it should be a heresy is debated)
 - Universalism does NOT argue that all religions or lifestyles are right, or that sinning is ok. Christians are expected to strive to be as righteous as possible.
 - Universalism is NOT usually anti-missions
 - Universalists hold to trinitarian beliefs and conservative beliefs on other non-hell issues
 - Universalists uphold that the purgatorial hell is not pleasant and of unknown (albeit limited) length, and still argue for the repentance of sins
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While it is an appealing position, or should be at any rate since we shouldn't be willing that any man perish, I think there are many verses they would need to reconcile this position with such as Matthew 7:13.

I believe the Catholic position is to hold the hope that people can be saved after death, but do not definitively state that it can happen since the Scriptures do not appear to either. Universalism is going a step beyond even in stating that everyone will be saved. Beyond the seeming lack of a guarantee for this in the Bible, I am also hesitant on this position because there are many people who seem proud or spiteful enough that they would not even repent after death if they had the option.
Replies: >>26707
the lack of univesalism is just turning christianism into judaism, another reason why the protestant movement is the biggest heresy ever made.
Replies: >>26708
I would agree with his position, it makes the most sense to hope for universalism, but confident universalism seems like a step too far.

Matthew 7:13 usually isn't viewed as the number of people being saved, but a parable given by Jesus. It wouldn't make sense to think of it as a numerical calculation for who is saved (especially since other parables, such as the wheat and tares and 10 virgins would contradict the small number of saved.) Other verses, such as Rev 7:9, and Rom. 5:15-20 would contradict this.

Even if it was the number of people saved, universalists assert that people would be led to destruction, be purified, and then enter heaven.

Again, I'm not a universalist, I think that it is possible but not a given.
No denomination (Western Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, Various sects of Protestantism) has universalism as an actual doctrine. To be fair, Eastern Orthodoxy comes a lot closer, since hell is considered a mystery and thus their are more Apokatastasis believers.

If Protestantism didn't exist, universalism still wouldn't be the prevailing doctrine.

Obviously, you can believe whatever you want and I'm not here to debate you on Protestantism (It's not the main point of this thread anyway), just thought this was an interesting comment, since Protestants did not invent the doctrine of hell by any means..

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Talk about 'WHOLESOME' shows and 'WHOLESOME' cute waifus.
This thread is NOT allowed to become a borderline /a/ exclave.
Posts advocating for yuri/shota (aka homosex) and other degenerate animes are NOT allowed.
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>Ergo Proxy
I think I'm long overdue for a rewatch of that one. It was one of my favorites when I got into anime while I was still in high school.
The theme of Madoka Magica reminds me of Matthew 16:23. But is such anime ok? Is it respectful enough? I worry that it isn’t.
Replies: >>26644
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I think it's soulful and doesn't promote evil with its themes.
This scene made me think of the love Christ has for us always, even when we mistakenly can't see it or feel it.
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Did you watch any good shows this season, /christian/? Were there any gems, hidden or otherwise? Did you check out "studio apartment, good lighting, angel included," which, as far as I can tell, is a slice of life/romance show with an angel as a heroine? Maybe this place isn't the right audience for it.
Replies: >>26699
Haven't seen much of anything lately anon, been revisiting old stuff seeing if they still hold up, that new deer anime though looks goofy and maybe worth a watch

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Post in this thread to share your current Bible reading progress and to be accountable before others in your study of scripture.

I have just finished Genesis, Matthew, and Mark.
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Replies: >>26665
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>>24554 (OP) 
I haven't read the latter prophets from Amos onward, besides the often cited verses like Zechariah 12:10. I'm gonna read them, then enjoy the Gospels again

I'm happy /christian/ is still around, it took some time to find it again. Have a good day Christanons
Replies: >>26668
You too, friend.
I haven't really read the Bible seriously in years, front to back. The last time I did, I made it just about to the Psalms before burning out. I've picked up and read the Gospels a few times, although it's somewhat hazy to me. 
Recently I had to go to the psych ward. It wasn't fun, but they at least let me bring my Bible into the holding room. I didn't know what the future held for me, whether I would remain sane enough to be a Christian by the end of the week, but I took great comfort in reading the Psalms. I made it through about half of them as I waited to meet the psychiatrist, as well as all of Paul's Letter to the Romans. Reading Psalms 6 and 30 put me at peace for the first time in a while.

Psychosis is strong, but the Lord is stronger still. I should pick up where I left off.
Replies: >>26675 >>26676
God bless you, brother. The Lord is stronger still. Thanks for reminding of Psalm 30.
Good on you, hope you're feeling better. You may want to take a look at a Daily Walk Bible, or find an outline online for reading it over the course of a year, it helped me tremendously.

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It is no secret the Eastern Orthodox reject the Filioque of Rome. 
But what is definitive Orthodox statement of what exactly is going on in the trinity? The Catholics can point to Florence. Is there a similar Orthodox statement? 

Part of me thinks that had Florence not dogmatized the filioque as "one principle and a single spiration" The Catholics and Orthodox would've reunited under an agreement that each side had a permissible theological opinion. I mean, the ultimate reality of the Holy Trinity is unknowable. 

That said, is there any way to resolve the controversy without rejecting the other side as heretical? I see all over the place bickering over who is right and who is wrong. But never do we examine any potential compromises or solutions. 

Perhaps we could say the Father alone is the principle/cause of the Trinity. The Father however,  directs the Holy Spirit as Spiration to the Son initially, and the Son responds in like, unified spiration. Therefore, the Son’s presence to the Father calls forth the Spirit from Him, in a sense. It is by his eternal and natural and proper love as Father for Son that the Ekporeusis of Spirit from Father is begun. It is by his eternal and natural proper love as Son for Father, that the Son calls forth the Spirit from the Father. The Spirit’s hypostasis is sealed in its procession by His resting upon the Son. 

Or perhaps would it be possible for the Latins to revoke the dogmatic pronouncement retroactively as the Greeks never ratified
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Replies: >>26667 + 4 earlier
It also lends itself to the possibility of subordinationism and Arianism that the filioque is designed to exclude.

>Grab a pen and paper and draw it.
It's just a matter of perspective. The Father begets the Son and the Spirit proceeds from the two as if a single principle. So if you didn't draw the relations as a triangle, but rather were looking at the situation head on, the Son being the very image of the Father, it would appear that the Spirit is proceeding from a single source. Our God is three-dimensional.
Replies: >>23619 >>23620
>from the two as if a single principle.
And we know from Florence, Latin principle = Greek cause.
>from the two as a single cause
>From the [Father and the Son] as a cause. 
Therefore, the son IS a cause of the Holy Spirit. 

Which s EXACTLY what the Orthodox reject. They believe the father is the only cause. 
There is no way around it now. 2=/=1. 
Catholics would have to backtrack the declarative statement of a council ratified by the Pope 600 years ago. Which they cannot and will not do. 
If it were so simple as saying "from the Father through the son" we would've reunited it by now.
Replies: >>23622
>looking at the situation head on, the Son being the very image of the Father, it would appear that the Spirit is proceeding from a single source.
Rev 22:1
Then he showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb
>They believe the father is the only cause. 
But do they actually, since they seem to believe in a variety of things so long as they disagree with what the scummy Latins believe.
>>23586 (OP) 
My intuition tells be the most humble answer would be something along the lines of: "God was vauge in the scriptures, we don't know how all of this works for certain.".

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Happy Easter!
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Indeed. He is risen!
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>And in the end of the sabbath, when it began to dawn towards the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalen and the other Mary, to see the sepulchre. And behold there was a great earthquake. For an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and coming, rolled back the stone, and sat upon it. And his countenance was as lightning, and his raiment as snow. And for fear of him, the guards were struck with terror, and became as dead men. And the angel answering, said to the women: Fear not you; for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified.
>He is not here, for he is risen, as he said. Come, and see the place where the Lord was laid. And going quickly, tell ye his disciples that he is risen: and behold he will go before you into Galilee; there you shall see him. Lo, I have foretold it to you. And they went out quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy, running to tell his disciples. And behold Jesus met them, saying: All hail. But they came up and took hold of his feet, and adored him. Then Jesus said to them: Fear not. Go, tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, there they shall see me.
Happy Pascha to all who celebrate to-day!

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Thread for discussing and sharing literature relevant to the Christian faith.

I bought a copy of The Pilgrim's Progress, I read it years ago in high school and I really wanted to go through it again without staring at a PDF, and it makes for good reading before bed. I had no idea there was a part two in the story as well, where after Christian makes it to the Celestial City his wife and children go on their own journey to it as well. Apparently in high school we only ever read part one.

What have you been reading lately?
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Replies: >>25863
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>>25498 (OP) 
This has been a pretty good reference book for me: The Story of Christianity: Volume Number 1
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>Would like suggestions for what to start next
I am just about to finish book 3 The Sword of the Lictor of the Book of New Sun series. It is a masterful series, the Christian themes are there but not in your face like the Chronicles of Narnia series, and are probably hidden a bit more than even The Lord of the Rings. Some elements do stand right out such as a lot of the characters throughout the story are named after early Christian martyrs and saints. So if you want a challenge I would definitely recommend this series but pair it with the Alzabo Soup podcast.

Another suggestion that I highly recommend is the book Laurus picrel. Russian author so it is heavy with Orthodox themes but it is such a wonderful read.
Just bought a copy, I'll review it once it gets here in a couple weeks
Came in the mail today, was not expecting it to be a textbook. I also ordered the first edition from 1999 that has volumes 1 and 2 combined, so I'll be reading this for a while. Maybe the scribbles and notes in it from whatever seminary student had to study from it 20 years ago will be helpful as well.
I finished this a couple weeks ago, volumes 1 and 2 (one of the earlier prints from the 90s with both versions combined into one). It's very good, gives a very detailed overview of Christiainity throughout the ages. Shame that it stops in the early 90s though (my version at least, with the stained glass cover) but still a very good resource.
Currently on another non-religious book from John Taylor Gatto on the issues with modern schooling, then looking into something new and Christian-focused. I might try reading The Silmarillion again but there are so many names and races to keep track of it got really hard to memorize and I quit not even halfway through.

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>Have been hankerin' for gummi-candy for a week or so now.
>Bought four bags earlier this day.
>Find pic-related.
What do /christian/?
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Consume the triune gummi-bear. Afterwards, reflect on the triune nature of God.

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I am from Romania and there is no translation of the septuagint bible into romanian made after 1914.
The septuagint bible is imo better than the masoretic one as it contains more than whatever the bare essentials were considered by the curators of the masoretic one.

There have been BIG changes in romanian dictionaries and lexicons so much so that I can only really understand 4/5 words/expressions.

I have made a promise to myself when I was a kid, to never read a book until I have read the bible from cover to cover.

I intend to fulfill that promise to myself even if regretably I can't find any half decent translations of it into romanian (so that I can promote it to people to read it themselves and to know what they are actually standing for as christians). 
So what are some decent translations of the septuagint bible in english?
Replies: >>26614
>>26610 (OP) 
>So what are some decent translations of the septuagint bible in english?

New English Translation of the Septuagint
It's in modern English and it's free but it has a quirk where they kept the ancient Greek spellings of names.

Michael Asser Septuagint
Revision of the KJV done by an Orthodox translator.

Orthodox Study Bible
It's in modern English based on the NKJV but it has an issue where it deviates from the Greek manuscripts and uses the Hebrew reading in places without any indication:
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I decided for this Lent to avoid browsing imageboards.
What did you for this Lent?
I also wish you a Happy Easter.
Replies: >>26599
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>>26592 (OP) 
>What did you for this Lent?
Quit booze.
Replies: >>26606
God watch over you friend, it is a tough fight
I cut alcohol and soda which wasnt too hard. There were multiple gatherings where either one would've been nice, so it wasn't like I went through it without a thought.
My friend abstained from masturbation so I tried that as well. I made it pretty far at the beginjng but fell short towards the end. No fap is tough but I think I'm making improvements.
This was my first Lent where I actually sacrificed something. Maybe next year I'll make a concerted effort to pray more often during it or even try fasting. I think "giving up" image boards is a good Lenten sacrifice, as it's practialy garunteed you'll be exposed to things that can lead to sin.

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