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John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

What do you guys think of this? I could summarize it but it's better if you give your opinion on if it's convicting or not. It's basically a theory of Jesus, Israelites and OT faith  not being Jewish. I'd really like to know what you guys think?


Replies: >>24972
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>>24957 (OP) 
who would win? 
Thousands of years of documented and verified history, evidence, and supporting rationale.


some random guy on /pol/
Replies: >>24978
The guy on /pol/ is also referencing history as well.
dont think it matters, seems like a cope for antisemitic christians to avoid the cognitive dissonance of their religion having association with JEws. 

Might be a useful trope to use to evangelise to 'alt-right' types.
Replies: >>24985
i think youd cause more harm in the long term using that to evangelize to WN because then youd have to go through the works of abolishing the lie you created.
Italians uses "hebe" to call all the jews because for them they're all the same.
Antisemitism isn't just against jews, semites so all hebes.
Happened like that in history, it's the english that turned it into "all hebes are jews and jews are hebes"
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