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Discussion of Christianity, the Church, and theology

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John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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Welcome to /christian/, the webring's hub for discussion of Christianity, faith, the hard questions, and the Gospel Truth!
1. Follow the global rules; do not post illegal content.
2. Do not post pornography, lewd, or semi-lewd imagery of any form. If its intention is to arouse, it will be deleted.
3. Do not spam threads or posts.
4. Do not advertise other imageboards.
5. Do not post anything that attacks/insults Christianity. Good-faith debate and discussion is allowed; make sure your posts are high quality, well-written, and well-researched.
6. Put effort into your posts. Low-quality threads and posts (including bait, off-topic, flaming, or nonsense/schizoposting) will be deleted.
7. One-liner questions that don't need their own thread go in QTDDTOT >>6836 . If your thread was deleted, there is a good chance it was moved here instead.
Last edited by christianjanny

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This thread is for legitimate, well-crafted, and well-intentioned complaints and concerns about the board and its moderation.
This thread is NOT for:
>complaining about your post being deleted
>complaining about why you are banned
>complaining that mods are censoring you

If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected]

Previous meta thread: https://archive.fo/nnf2O
Last edited by christianjanny
124 replies and 26 files omitted. View the full thread
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Did migration completely wipe out this board's user base?
You mean the one that the board had before we got raided or before it turned into a wasteland?
Replies: >>26688
where did everyone go?
Replies: >>26770
i miss anon.cafe
They're split between here and trashchan. Or fediverse. Or pehaps scattered to the wind and nowhere to be found. In any case there's much to pray for.

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As of right now we only have three banners. I'd like there to be more, and I'm sure someone somewhere has saved the banners from previous iterations of /christian/, 8chan and otherwise. If you have them, post them here, or feel free to make your own as well! The only requirement is that they are 300x100 and of high quality.
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Replies: >>26545 + 3 earlier
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I knew i got one wrong, i even double check and didn't see it.
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There you go.
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>>22362 (OP) 
Tried and failed to edit a Captain Falcon helmet on St. Nicholas. Still, good banner hopefully.
Replies: >>26546
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And I forgot to scale it down. Mea culpa
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I hope this doesn't count as a Mormon banner.

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I'm just curious to hear your guys story, how and what did God do and give you to finally defeats your bad habits and the such (I don't have any files really so here's a random image)
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Replies: >>26678 + 7 earlier
Feeling more about this, I think a big part of the problem is I have been heavily using pornography as emotional compensation for so many years, that my person is too invested into it to just quit. It's more than an addiction. It's a way of life. Quitting would be quitting a part of myself. And so now the question becomes how to release all of those emotions tightly locked up in porn for moving them into something else. Maybe letting go of putting in the effort of quitting to continue with heavy use until something just suddenly changes, or I hit rock bottom? But I don't know.
Replies: >>26650 >>26678
Quit completely, delete every porn image off your devices and stop whacking it. If you can abstain for a day, then you can abstain for a week. If you can abstain for a week, then you can abstain for a month, and so on. Small steps, and if you fail, you pick yourself up, ask Christ for forgiveness and strength, and start over again. It's a journey and a hard one, but eventually it will be a distant memory and you won't even have to think about it anymore.
Replies: >>26800
>>23460 (OP) 
The biggest thing was getting involved not just in a church, but also in a good Christian group of friends who love the Lord more than anything else. When you spend time around other people, you become more like them. It took special permission for particularly advanced souls before certain monks became hermits. You need good people in your life who will build you up and expect better of you.

There's nothing wrong with quitting a part of yourself. Otherwise, we would never improve. You need to face your emotional insecurities and flaws before they destroy you. Try to find a good Christian therapist who can help you avoid hitting rock bottom in the process. And stop abusing yourself. You deserve better. Once you've crossed that bridge, you'll thank the Lord that he brought you there. Remember, you are more than your addictions and flaws.
one day you will, by the will God.
>If you can abstain for a day, then you can abstain for a week
Wrong, also your own imagination can make porn or porno situations
The best way is to distract yourself

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Blessings in Jesus' name, brothers.

This thread is for biblically-informed and prayerful efforts at making sense of the upcoming US elections, and it's citizens responsibility before the Lord. 'Alien' perspectives lovingly appreciated.
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always remember
Replies: >>26798
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Based, and a sobering start.

>remove religion
>promote degeneracy
This is the part I can't stomach. How many will not be lost to the current state of things and their triumphant brokenness. I feel it in my heart that I have to be open to the possibility that righteous people exist at God's pleasure, everywhere and nowhere, in every niche of the socio-political landscape but for the most egregiously demonic. Test, with patience and loving kindness, because Jesus said so. I pray that our civility stands on His spiritual reality, and not on any secular reason. This is how the people of the God prepare to look at worldly things without becoming worldly themselves. Amen.

Consider this, please. Both candidates are 777% what Schlomohomo wants. Both ostensively give a living demon like Netanyahu whatever he wants, among a laundry list of scandals. It may be the case that no institutional politicians would ever even become présidentiable without ((( their ))) blessing. I don't know what we should be doing about this, honestly. A Christian party? Aren't there too many already? Not in the US, but does that even matter? Any dealings with these people, whom we test as per the above, and most unfortunately, are literally jumping into a pit of spiritual vipers. Christian anarchist ways? I have an interest in p
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Do you think that Marian apparitions and miracles attributed to saints may be works of the Devil and demons?
I read that this kid was recently canonized as a saint
>A kid with a pancreas defect asked to a relic of the would be saint to not throw up as much, and later was healed and could eat food without throwing up
>A woman after a fall from a bike suffered brain haemorrhage and had a low chance of survival, her mother prayed intercession on his behalf and the daughter's haemorrhage disappeared
I'm thinking these may be the signs and wonders Jesus warned us about? That those are the works of demons trying to legitimate the power of idols?
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Replies: >>26793
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I say Mary is blessed, and indescribably based. This is biblical, and not idolatrous. Mary is a very central piece of our Lord's vision, and therefore a frequent and treasured element in my reflections. I can appreciate Marian art broadly. I can share my appreciation of Mary and her role with anyone. I give witness in fathering a girl to see Mary as a central model for all areas of a life in discipleship, and point to how her mother has always strived to do the same.

And it all stops there.

I don't walk after a procession, religious or otherwise, especially if led by an image made by human hands. I will certainly not step out of my way to look for such images with my God-made feet and eyes, not even out of scientific curiosity. I will not use them as props for prayer (icons), and certainly not as the direction of prayer. I will not touch such images, especially with a warm heart, or presume to please God in so doing. Not with my God-made hands and fingers, and neither with - God forbid! - my lips. Not implying anything, chill. And, of course, saying Mary is blessed is 100% biblical. Mariolatry is not.
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A lot of cherry picking, God bless you.

Mariolatry is not biblical. Seethe and growl however you please.
>>26659 (OP) 
These miracles lead people to Christ and the church, which would be the opposite of what Satan would want.
Replies: >>26794
Do they? At what cost? Men and women of remarkable perseverance in discipleship are to be celebrated, especially the example of those who willingly suffered and died for Christ. This is proper veneration, without graven images. I have even known Catholics and Orthodox brothers who had a sober understanding of sainthood and veneration, but I fear they are an infinitesimal minority: most will simply run to the idol-mongers hoping to find magical recipes and amulets until Jesus has so small a place in their hearts that it doesn't make much difference. The OP brought the issue of miracles attributed to the saints or, more precisely, to the favour they were able to obtain from the Lord. Do most believers care about this precision, though? How many are not left with the impression that the saints, and not Christ, are performing those miracles?
Replies: >>26797
Funny you should mention that. Today I shared the gospel with a good aquaintance. I asked him if he goes to church (as I had a feeling from prior chats that if I asked him if he was Christian, he would say yes). It turns out he's Roman Catholic. I asked him if they ever told him how to be saved and go to Heaven. He responded uncertainly, saying: "yes, you know... be a good person". He showed me a little 4" statue of a saint, and some kind of tabletop locket (I don't know what it's called - it opens and has a photo of a bearded saint on one side, and words on the other). He started telling me about the miracles done by this saint. He never mentioned Jesus during our whole conversation.

I had a pocket New Testament and shared with him scriptures showing that it's Christ alone who saves us, and he did all of the work. Our part is simply to trust in him, and we go to Heaven. I shared the verses in Romans 3, which say there are no good people and we're all sinners. I shared the scriptures about the unnamed crucified thief, who was a criminal who did no good works, who simply changed his mind at the very end, recognized his own sinfulness (contrasted with who Jesus truly was and Jesus' sinlessness) and asked in faith for Jesus to remember him. Jesus promised him Heaven. I shared Romans 4:5 ("But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteou
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I hope you went to church to-day, /christian/!
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I did, but i keep forgetting what the sermon was about and have to look up the stream recordings later in the week to remember. i'll post in this thread after each service so i can remember what it was about
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Did you go to church to-day, /christian/?
Replies: >>26789
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i did, it was a miserable experience
>see cute girl around my age during Bible study
>want to ask her out
>realize i haven't asked out a girl in years
>completely socially inept
>spend all of Bible study and the service trying not to freak out
>eventually start a conversation with her only because a senior member literally dragged her over to me
>make small talk for a bit with her and her dad
>awkwardly say bye and walk away
it hit me right there how my social skills are completely nonexistant. i can't even hold a conversation for more than two minutes. i just feel completely hopeless right now.
finding a bunch of other social events in the area that i'm going to force myself to attend, liking every single breathing female on every dating app, i just need to talk to more people.
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Replies: >>26790 >>26792
The pandemic messed up almost everyone. Our society will never be the same again. Maybe you could try hanging out with some good Christian men and rebuild your social skills that way. But the worst thing you can do is give up, anon. Even if nobody else believes in you, I do.
I pray you find your heart's desire, Anon. Ultimately, your relationship with Jesus Christ will far, far outstrip anything possible in this life. So at the least you can rest in that if you're Christian, Anon.

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Post Christian video clips. Hymns, sermons, memes, or anything else you find is allowed as long as it's /christian/-appropriate.
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A short talk from the Holy Mountain.
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Would anyone like to start a groupchat in which to read and ponder some book from Holy Scripture together, join in telegram the group /zzzchanscripture and we'll do a poll

(With the leave of the mods of course)
Telegram requires a smartphone so I can't join.
Of course I assume after 10 days you probably gave up anyways, but Revolt doesn't require a phone. But in general... this board is dead... so I'm not sure how a spinoff would not be dead as well. I think there's very little hope for continuous all week fellowship through the internet.
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First a glowie wants to glow even the Holy Bible (get a life, seriously). Then Kohen wants to shout this ministry is dead. With all due respect, BO... but nevermind. Let's sit and wait what will come next. I'd wager JoSfaggots and asatrutrannies are just around the corner.

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Didn't see one active, so I decided to make one. Reply with your prayer requests and I will include them in my daily prayers and when I go to Mass. Other anons are encouraged to do the same.
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Hey anons, not exactly a Christian but I would like your assistance. I am currently suffering from intensive demonic attacks. I am seeing awful faces, clouds of energy, flashes of light, and colored lights, and I am suffering all sorts of violation and nightmares. I am praying and reading the Bible as I can and rebuking this spirit as it attacks. I already have my family praying for me, but it wouldn't hurt to have you guys praying for me as well.
Replies: >>26531
Holy Father, we thank you for allowing our community to successfully migrate to its new home. In Jesus' name, we humbly ask that we may become full of the Holy Spirit, so that we can minister to our broken brothers in the chanosphere, and grow together in discipleship. Amen.

Holy Father, in Jesus' name, we ask that you relieve our brothers from the oppression of darkness, and that you send them the Holy Spirit, so that they may long to know and serve you, and so that they renounce whatever sins place them under the yoke of the evil one. Amen.
My family is in a tenuous financial situation at the moment. Pray that we find a way out of it and don't lose the house.
Replies: >>26622
Praying for you, friend.
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Blessings upon you, brothers in Christ. This thread hasn't seen much lately. I hope that you are firm and strong. May Jesus hear your prayers and make you full of the Holy Spirit, amen. Please update.

This wall of text is in witness to His mercy. I was here out of a job for over a year, with a five year-old and a wife barely making minimum wage. We prayed like glowing embers. You brothers prayed for us too, thank you. In the last few weeks I was blessed with not one, but two jobs. The first was a very modest full-time, hard labour opportunity at a local business, which I found by calling a number an acquaintance had just posted in a common group. In prayerful diligence at work. All the time. The Lord moved my employers to let me take up a part-time schedule after not even a month, to accommodate for the second job. It seemed obvious to me that such an arrangement would help keep myself humble before the Lord, because this second job, while just a term contract, and at a still very modest rank, was unbelievably favourable, with all the temptations that come with it. Twice the rates, very flexible hours, some remote component... It's also easier on my boomer bones, open for growth, unionised, with health/life/pension benefits, and with a constellation of very, very friendly old colleagues. God wanted to amaze me so much that this job found me by complete surprise, with a person writing to offer the contract. 'This is not a competition, it is a direct appointment, if you acce
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