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John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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Welcome to /christian/, the webring's hub for discussion of Christianity, faith, the hard questions, and the Gospel Truth!
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7. One-liner questions that don't need their own thread go in QTDDTOT >>6836 . If your thread was deleted, there is a good chance it was moved here instead.
Last edited by christianjanny

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Merry Christmas anons
don't forget Jesus
Replies: >>27038 >>27044
What does the black halo mean?
Replies: >>27045
Chaotic Neutral
Replies: >>27047
More like Chaotic Good

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As of right now we only have three banners. I'd like there to be more, and I'm sure someone somewhere has saved the banners from previous iterations of /christian/, 8chan and otherwise. If you have them, post them here, or feel free to make your own as well! The only requirement is that they are 300x100 and of high quality.
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Replies: >>26545 + 3 earlier
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I knew i got one wrong, i even double check and didn't see it.
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There you go.
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>>22362 (OP) 
Tried and failed to edit a Captain Falcon helmet on St. Nicholas. Still, good banner hopefully.
Replies: >>26546
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And I forgot to scale it down. Mea culpa
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I hope this doesn't count as a Mormon banner.

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Ever since shortly after I left the church of Rome I have been drawn to the Reformed tradition as the traditional and scholarly wing of the fundamentalist movement. Calvinist theologians have been at the forefront of defining (such as in The Fundamentals or the Chicago Statement on Inerrancy) and giving the reasons (presuppositional apologetics, Reformed epistemology) for our faith in an age of "reason". I was blessed especially by the ministry of Dr. James White, especially in his book the Potter's Freedom (which I highly recommend) in showing me the doctrines of grace, though the Reformed tradition is much more than the 5 points of Calvinism. To give a short answer, the reason why I'm Reformed is because I believe everything the bible says. I would think it would be simple to just believe everything God said, but apparently the vast majority of people (even Christians today) find it very difficult. 

The TULIP acrostic is much younger than the doctrines it represents, and even those 5 points were first formally stated as such in the 17th century at the Synod of Dort. But while they can cause confusion (especially the L) the doctrines have been taught since the beginning of the Reformation, and much earlier than that. Since by far the most popular argument against the doctrines of grace is the strawman fallacy, I want to explain each point to you and help you see that you may just believe them already. 

>Total Depravity
This does NOT mean that men are as bad as they possibly could be. In fact, unbelievers are sometimes so showered in common grace that we perceive them as being "better" than many Christians. What this doctrine does mean is that there is no kernel of good hidden deep within man that enables him to cooperate with the grace of God, but that he is according to nature so far gone that he would never, under any circumstances, under his own volition reconcile with his creator and submit to the rule of God, so that when he does so it is a true divine miracle changing the direction of his heart with as much force as would change the trajectory of the earth. For "there is none who does good, no one who seeks after God, no not even one". 

>Unconditional Election
This doctrine is very literally named, as it means that those blessed few among the great crowd of evil whom God shall save have not been chosen (or "elected") because they rose above and satisfied some condition of being so (such as accruing merit and avoiding mortal sin, or choosing to embrace the gospel message) but only because of the good pleasure of God, who has mercy on whom He will have mercy according to His plans to the praise of His glorious grace. It does not mean His selection is arbitrary, but the reasons for His determination are never that the elect merited salvation more than the reprobate. Often this doctrine is criticized as embodying pride, or as giving the Calvinist sinful pride. Nothing could be more scandalous or further from the truth. For I know that I am absolutely no better than the reprobate, and there was nothing about me which made me more desirable than the reprobate, but I can look at every single one of them as they march happily into the maw of hell screeching their hatred of God and say "there go I but for the grace of God". 

>Limited Atonement
This is perhaps the least well understood doctrine, regrettably in large part due to its unfortunate naming to create the TULIP acrostic. The limitation which is referenced is not one of efficiency but of scope, that is, Christ's death was certainly sufficient to save all men who will ever exist, but it was not His intention do so. But this doctrine is much more about what Christ has accomplished than what He has not. To deny this doctrine is to deny that Christ saved those for whom He died, and to assert that His sacrifice merely enabled them to be saved by some other convoluted means, which seems a much more pernicious limitation. For what this doctrine really means is that Christ accomplished the salvation of the elect upon the cross, so that every one of them can say "I have been crucified with Christ. It is now not I who lives, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me". Can the reprobate say this? Can he climb up on the parapets of hell, scream out his hatred of God, and say "I have been crucified with Christ"? Was it for a nameless, faceless mass of humanity that Christ died, to enable them to save themselves if they so desired, or did the Son of God love me and give Himself for me?

>Irresistible Grace
This doctrine is also named literally, as it means that the grace of God cannot be resisted by the elect, that is, they do not have the power to reject His powerful resurrecting grace, but the Spirit changes their hearts to make of them sons of God. They are a new creation, not the same wicked creature which once despised his maker, but they are freed from slavery to sin, so that they may flee with tears to the mercy of Christ, and kneel without hesitation to His Lordship. This is what the Lord meant when He said, "you must be born again".
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>How about you just relax and try to think things through.

That's funny coming from someone who has to undergo pretty entertaining mental gymnastics:
>Heli is another name of Joachim the father of Mary the father-in-law of Joseph.

>Mary had no brothers only a sister so Joseph as son-in-law is the legal son and inheritor of Heli
(I'd like scripture cited for both of these claims, by the way)
>Again, the Sadducees and Pharisees never attacked Jesus
Jew, you could put a full stop here.

The funniest thing about all this argument is, however, that this 'apparent contradiction' is more or less irrelevant. Meaning of Christ's sacrifice, and of the following sacrifices of Apostles and other Witnesses is not in any way hindered if Joseph was, in fact, a bum and not a direct descendant of kings (how many direct descendants of kings with working class jobs do you know?).

A camera can still take a picture despite specs of dust clinging to the lens and dead channels in the matrix. Likewise, truth in the Bible can still shine through despite imperfections of its' writers, whether due to their memory, lack of formal education in a kind of high-brow Greek that is used in philosophical discussions, or plain error accumulation inevitable during the times when books had to be transcribed.

"Every single word in the Bible is perfect, completely
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Replies: >>26916
Heli is short for Heli-Achim ("God prepares"), and the variant is Jeho-achim. John 19:25.

>Jew, you could put a full stop here.
Another ad-hominem. I can tell you do not want to argue in good faith since you purposely conflate rabbinic Judaism with Christianity. Unless you are one of those from /pol/ who do not understand the difference between Israelite religion, Christianity, and rabbinic Judaism. Be that as it may, I don't plan on continuing this debate since you lack sincerity.
>you purposely conflate rabbinic Judaism with Christianity
Were you looking in a mirror while writing this post? 
>understand the difference between Israelite religion, Christianity, and rabbinic Judaism
Difference between Jewish religion and the other Jewish religion (rabbinic Judaism): none
Difference between Christianity and either: infinity.

See, this is a problem. Not listening to the good man Marcion ended up with the Church being forced into a schizophrenic position where you have to truly believe that at some point in (mythic) history, Jews were good and Godly people, whereas evidence of your eyes and ears, as well as testimony of the ancient peoples who were contemporary of those mythical "Good Jews", point towards the fact they had always been a tribe of desert marauders following Hottentot morality and possessing proclivity for thieving only matched by Gypsies.
Replies: >>27053

>Jewish Pope Francis

Who's gonna tell Anon that this isn't how it works lmao

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Merry Christmas
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Why don't you capitalize Christ in your name?
Merry Christmas everyone! May God bless you all!
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merry Christmas BO
Blessed Octave-day of Christmas and Feast of the Circumcision and Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.
For anons on the old Julian calendar


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Blessings, Brothers. I appreciate the idea of mastering OT Hebrew, but I wonder how feasible it would be without ZOG contamination and such shenanigans? Should I stop just fter appreciting some passages and songs, or should I venture beyond niqqudot and basic grammar? Or should I do something else entirely, like reading the Peshitta or the Septuagint? This thread doesn't need to become 'denomination-sensitive'. Simply assume I'm a layman who wishes a closer and breadpilled contact with the Lord and his Word. Thanks.

Spoiler File
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ITT: post resources and advice for refuting the Jewish religion and demonstrating that the Christian religion is the religion of the Tanakh. 

Real Messiah youtube channel (Rev. Dr. Michael Brown answers Jewish objections to Jesus): https://youtube.com/c/RealMessiah/videos

Particularly good vid from the above, "Psalm 22 does not speak of death by crucifixion" https://youtu.be/5QdbLUKhVcE

One For Israel youtube channel (Israeli Christians make arguments and counter-arguments against Judaism, also many testimonies from Jewish converts to Christianity) https://youtube.com/c/ONEFORISRAEL

Some personal tips for evangelizing Jews from my own experience: firstly recognize that the Jews come in a few categories. Jewish atheists are not relevant to this thread, they should be dealt with as any other atheist. Some Jews will view Jesus as a wise rabbi, most who oppose you will view Him as a sorcerer (this should not surprise you as we see much the same division between the unbelieving Jews in the gospels). Some Jews will be more or less informed about their religion and ours, but the ones to watch out for are those (typically orthodox but probably at least conse
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51 replies and 13 files omitted. View the full thread
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BASED Eitan Bar
>The Talmud
It's amazing that in the same book that has heinous and ridiculously childish play-ground insult-level attacks against Jesus, have some actual truth, shows that God's light shines in even the darkest places.
>tl;dr: talmud says God quit accepting Jewish animal sacrifices once Jesus died and rose again.
Pretty much
Also, according to my knowledge, Jesus may have been born in 3 BC, so that would explain it (in my opinion)
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reposting from /sp/ of all places the proper meaning of judeo-christian
i'm sure it was one of you that wrote this anyhow
Replies: >>26569
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>reposting from /sp/ of all places the proper meaning of judeo-christian
Source thread?
Should Christians Support Israel

Judaism is not what you think

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Please don't let this one die.
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Meant that for >>27018.
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Here's a big meme
Replies: >>27034
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Post Christian video clips. Hymns, sermons, memes, or anything else you find is allowed as long as it's /christian/-appropriate.
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I'd take wholesome, 1970s-era Adventist music over Hillsong any day.
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I was looking for a charity that helps the poor yet doesn't support abortion. It seems the three "Catholic" charities; Catholic Charities USA, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Catholic Health Association supported legislation back in 2009 that would fund abortion. This is against the Catholic faith on two levels: #1 abortion, #2 socialism.  

And Peter's Pense - I'm still disappointed yet not at all surprised that Bergoglio (Who some believe to be the current Pope Francis) gave Peter's Pence to homosexual/transsexual prostitutes who were lacking in income because of the Covid shutdowns.  

While searching non-Catholic religious charities that are more Catholic than Pope Frank, I ran across this story 

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed this week that her “Jewish brothers and sisters” believe killing unborn babies in abortions is a religious sacrament “according to their faith.” 
Incredible! She talking about sacrificing babies to Moloch. 

Is it really part of the Jewish religion, or is she lacking in understanding in a major way?

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Replies: >>24842 + 9 earlier
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>>22521 (OP) 
>I was looking for a charity
Anony, this is your first mistake. If you want to help someone, do it directly. You should not trust shady third parties to do it for you.
If they don't seem dangerous you can give them some food, bottles of water, blankets, warm clothing, or gift cards for businesses that don't sell alcohol/tobacco. Or leave it at their spot when they aren't there.
If you donate to charities like can drives, clothing drives, or food banks it's also less likely that they'll misuse your donation on something bad since you're directly giving goods and not money.
Firearms Policy Coalition? They openly and repeatedly call out how gun grabs disproportionately harm the poor.
Try outreach programs that have an Amazon Wishlist for donating goods, and not money, to them? It's what I do. Call me crazy, but I suppose it is hard for most Communist agitators to covet non-premium branded socks, underwear, blankets, toiletry kits, snacks, and other essential items for the homeless. Neither can I imagine most homeless wanting a sermon from the Church of Science about how their homelessness is because of the evil white man.

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