What the Protestant heretics do not accept is that the Bible as a set of inspired books comes from the Church and not the other way around, as they interpret it, that the Church derives from the interpretation of the Bible, which in their case degenerates into a myriad of sects since each one corresponds to a private interpretation of the Scriptures which in turn are translated at will to justify the chosen interpretation.
The Church is the sole depository, custodian and interpreter of the Bible. It is Sacred Tradition that gives authority to the Church and not the alleged arbitrary interpretation of certain passages.
Among many other heresies, Protestantism is impregnated with pseudo-scientific gnosticism since each sect believes to find a truth in the Bible that for those who do not accept it is hidden because they do not know how to read and interpret. All the biblical studies of these heretics ooze rationalistic exegetical presumption, but reason emancipated from the authority of the Church is of no use to them. It is satanic liberalism that is behind all this arrogance of claiming to know without submitting to any authority or Tradition.
To interpret the Bible without submission to the Magisterium is like pretending to sing a song having only the lyrics and inventing the music, supposing that they even possessed the lyrics, read translation, authorized.How many evils would have been spared to humanity and to the Faith if that cursed monk called Luther and his followers had not unleashed the liberal, Judaizing, immanentist, nominalist and relativist beast! By far the principle of "Sola Scriptura" is the most dissolving and demolishing for Christianity.
On the other hand, this rationalism of scrutinizing the Scriptures and extracting everything from them is simple emulation of Judaism, and therefore Judaization, since in reality Protestantism finds its archetype in the rabbi and in the synagogue consecrated to ruminate the Torah and the Talmud until learning them by heart. The Protestant does not feel secure in Tradition and needs to rationalize his faith and therefore imitates the Jews. In fact, Protestants have assumed as canonical the same books that the Jews include in their Tanach.
Protestantism as a whole is the great Jewish subversion within Christianity, it is known that the Reformers consulted the rabbis about the bible and its interpretation and that many humanists and translators of the first bibles were marranos (jews that said they were christians to avoid persecution).
- Hypermonotheism. Relative in the case of the Protestants who of course are Trinitarians, but have eliminated the cult of the saints and the Virgin.
- Veneration of "the sacred book" (Sola sriptura). One such sect claims that the authentic bible is the King James Bible, in English. Sounds to me like the copy of the Koran that has been in heaven since the beginning of time, "begotten, not created". Otherwise, the good King James was accused of crypto-Catholicism
- Association with political power. Protestants created national churches, such as the English one, in which the head of state is also head of the national church. A theocracy, at least potentially.
- Predestination. This is not a trivial coincidence, which leads to abandoning Charity and to favoring disoriented fanaticism.
- Disintermediation, rejection of the mediation of ecclesiastical hierarchies in the interpretation of sacred texts. Protestants suppose that the Holy Spirit will inspire the reader of these texts, written thousands of years ago, in other languages and circumstances.
Protestantism, in distancing the presence of God from temporal life, did not begin by denying the divine derivation of the royal power then recognized, but favored the idea that this power was, yes, by the will of God - "God chooses the King" - but that such a choice had no transcendence, so that the King chosen by God did not have to rule as a divine vicar, but by his absolute will: "God sets the King, but the King sets the law" is the formula of absolutism. In this way, between God and the actual law, the omnipotent will of the King was interposed. And this absolutism derived from the Protestant heresy was easily transferred to the democratic powers that took the place of ancient monarchies, with the aggravation of totally dispensing with the divine origin of power, since the will of the people came to be divinized, replacing the will of God.