>>23184 (OP)
Let's try to get this thread back on track:
>1.Do you believe that this /christian/ community is contributing to the advancement of the kingdom of God? Can God use this imageboard to change someone's life?
I personally have mixed feelings about the first part of this question. The second part of the question is a very easy yes. God can change someone's life through an unlimited possibility of means.
As such, yes, this place has the potential to change someone's life by the Grace of God, absolutely. The problem, is that anonymous image boards, such as the one we are on, for obvious reasons, pours gasoline on the kindling that is the Online Disinhibition Effect - basically a fancy schmancy term to describe the phenomenon of the tendency of people to act like insufferable jerks, or at least in a manner they never would in real life, because of anonymity or the perception of anonymity. Thus, anonymous image boards tend to be absolutely infested with trolls and those with mental illnesses who would not be tolerated in other online communities with better moderation and standards.
So you could potentially have a profound theologically conversation on this board that could affect you in a positive way. But you honestly have a better chance of getting into a petty and futile argument with a bad faith troll, or a mental case who cannot be reasoned with; or at the very least getting into an ugly argument with someone else in good faith, because decorum and manners can often go out the window with anonymity and being absent from the cues and consequences of interacting with someone in real life.
On the other hand, there are definitely people here, who for whatever reasons, feel more comfortable in this environment in comparison to more traditional online venues of communication. The fact that /christian/ boards exist in the first place, indicates that there are people in these communities that clearly want and need to be churched and reached.
So for me personally, there is a tension between wanting to be there for people who feel most at home on anonymous image boards, but also getting fed up with the trolling, juvenileness and chaos inherit to image boards.
2.Do you believe that prayers made by anonymous people can change someone's life?
Absolutely; yes.