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John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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Hello anons. I have some questions to inspire thought and debate.
1.Do you believe that this /christian/ community is contributing to the advancement of the kingdom of God? Can God use this imageboard to change someone's life?

2.Do you believe that prayers made by anonymous people can change someone's life?

Forgive my bad English. It's my first time posting here.
>>23184 (OP) 
1.Do you believe that this /christian/ community is contributing to the advancement of the kingdom of God? Can God use this imageboard to change someone's life?

it lets me learn and i can connect more easily with more people "like me" 
2.Do you believe that prayers made by anonymous people can change someone's life?

there are people all over the globe praying for us, i know God is hearing why not some anonymous in the deepchanweb?
it doesnt sound too extreme? 
job prayed for his friend after they made and offering but they didnt pray to job 
correct me if im missing something here
>>23184 (OP) 

Let's try to get this thread back on track:

>1.Do you believe that this /christian/ community is contributing to the advancement of the kingdom of God? Can God use this imageboard to change someone's life?

I personally have mixed feelings about the first part of this question.  The second part of the question is a very easy yes.  God can change someone's life through an unlimited possibility of means.  

As such, yes, this place has the potential to change someone's life by the Grace of God, absolutely.  The problem, is that anonymous image boards, such as the one we are on, for obvious reasons, pours gasoline on the kindling that is the Online Disinhibition Effect - basically a fancy schmancy term to describe the phenomenon of the tendency of people to act like insufferable jerks, or at least in a manner they never would in real life, because of anonymity or the perception of anonymity.  Thus, anonymous image boards tend to be absolutely infested with trolls and those with mental illnesses who would not be tolerated in other online communities with better moderation and standards.  

So you could potentially have a profound theologically conversation on this board that could affect you in a positive way.  But you honestly have a better chance of getting into a petty and futile argument with a bad faith troll, or a mental case who cannot be reasoned with; or at the very least getting into an ugly argument with someone else in good faith, because decorum and manners can often go out the window with anonymity and being absent from the cues and consequences of interacting with someone in real life.   

On the other hand, there are definitely people here, who for whatever reasons, feel more comfortable in this environment in comparison to more traditional online venues of communication.  The fact that /christian/ boards exist in the first place, indicates that there are people in these communities that clearly want and need to be churched and reached.

So for me personally, there is a tension between wanting to be there for people who feel most at home on anonymous image boards, but also getting fed up with the trolling, juvenileness and chaos inherit to image boards.   

2.Do you believe that prayers made by anonymous people can change someone's life?

Absolutely; yes.
>words words words
You might want to try a more traditional forum, like here:


And then just join a sub-forum that most matches your denomination or interests.
The true church are those who follow the Bible not your fallible and venal frauds who claim to speak in the stead of God. You say that your big C Church says that you can't understand the Bible without the big C Church explaining it but you can't even point to who the big C Church even is in the present world. Human traditions always pass away but the word of God never passes away. That is why your "Church" of vanities is forsaken.
In that passage you quoted, Peter is saying that he and others heard an audible voice of God from heaven - and that the scriptures are even more sure than their witness, because the scriptures were not men's words, but the Holy Ghost through the human speakers/writers.

I'm glad you posted the context, but you completely ignore the context when you focus on verse 20 alone. If that's the only scripture you can cite to prove we can't understand the scripture without the RCC, I'd rethink it.
>you can't understand the Bible without the Big C Church
If one cannot understand it (*properly*), it is a reasonable inference that one CAN'T ACTUALLY FOLLOW IT.
Who IS the Big C Church in our time?
'Give a serious answer that you have conviction in.'
Christ said He would be with us Always, even to the end of the age. Which one is the 'C'hurch within which His presence dwells and His truth is living to this day?

The Rabbinical Jews make the same argument, that they exclusively as the Chosen People have the right to interpret scripture and that the Gentiles are completely without understanding and do not even deserve to read the Tanakh for it would only confuse them. Yet Christ defied them and made their argument entirely meritless. Why do you take after the likeness of a tree that He had hewn down for its corrupt nature?
Replies: >>23424
>If one cannot understand it (*properly*), it is a reasonable inference that one CAN'T ACTUALLY FOLLOW IT.

You can follow what the Church teaches about the Bible. 

Those who reject Matt 16, and reject the Church of Christ that the Lord created are following something else. 

The Big C Church is the faith left by the Bible the teachings of the  True Popes and the traditions of the church before it fell to the Freemasons. You are right, I can't point to a church building or a parish with the "Church", but as protestants are fond of saying, the Church is the people. So the people who follow the faith of Bible and True Popes and Traditions (like penance) are the Church. 

The Jews believed that God choose them. The Lord says he can make sons of Abraham from rocks if he wants. Christians, on the other hand, choose Christ, and that means accepting all of his word, including Matt 16 and his church
Replies: >>23426
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>The Big C Church is the faith left by the Bible the teachings of the  True Popes and the traditions of the church before it fell to the Freemasons. You are right, I can't point to a church building or a parish with the "Church", but as protestants are fond of saying, the Church is the people. So the people who follow the faith of Bible and True Popes and Traditions (like penance) are the Church. 
Your answer is responsibly made. The mods have deleted half the posts in the thread, so to continue in this quarrel is of no use. Go in peace and may God be with you.
>1.Do you believe that this /christian/ community is contributing to the advancement of the kingdom of God? Can God use this imageboard to change someone's life?

I don't think so. Anonymous, online, disembodied. So many people here still being the same they were before converting but with just some christian flare on it. Still using foul language, still hating on others relentlessly the same way but now with a theological backing. It makes me laugh.

If you truly understood the problem of technology and the internet and of the pretty and stylized images within it, you would've left places like these a long time ago.
Replies: >>23703
Wise words. I agree with you. It's been a few years since I started attending this mageboard. People here don't have that Christian flare, they live like people of the world, they talk like people of the world.

>If you truly understood the problem of technology and the internet and of the pretty and stylized images within it, you would've left places like these a long time ago.

And why haven't you left this place yet? Do you think if there were good moderators things would be different?
Replies: >>25373
>1.Do you believe that this /christian/ community is contributing to the advancement of the kingdom of God? Can God use this imageboard to change someone's life?
Yes, but it's also mostly a image board for Christians to talk about stuff. People don't go online to be persuaded they go online to troll or express themselves.
>2.Do you believe that prayers made by anonymous people can change someone's life?
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>>23184 (OP) 
>1.Do you believe that this /christian/ community is contributing to the advancement of the kingdom of God? Can God use this imageboard to change someone's life?
this board back on 8chan days was instrumental in my conversion.

>2.Do you believe that prayers made by anonymous people can change someone's life?
 I don't see how anonymous prayers are any different than non-anonymous prayers technically speaking, I suppose it's more psychologically comforting to have somekind of physical connection.
There is never going to be a christian 4chan board. I's write a big textwall about why but who cares: nobody. Because the born agains are going to come here sometimes and like Christiana they'll let the dirt sink to the bottom and drink, they're used to that at church anyways, actually I wouldn't even describe this as a puddle, it's more the born agains just come to put water on parched ground because there's a christian sign on the ground and they're confused. Being a leader of falsehood will not make the judgement easy, you know the requirements for bishop and elder. He say, "Oh it's not that serious" Oh I know this is not that serious, that's the problem. But I say this all for no reason (Matthew 21:45).

If you try to make friends on here you won't be allowed, but that would be much more helpful than anonymous whatever, to have someone. For example my grandfather has helped someone get off crack cocaine. He did it by being there for him whenever the man was tempted he would call him and God has been with both of them very wonderful. The netizen is a loser and when he gets saved he's still like that, I hope no one comes here for serious stuff but for the happiness when you see another pilgrim. But netizens don't really exist anymore either, which is good. But it takes a netizen to give his life to internet stuff that others just come by for sometimes. But nothing will change, but with enough complaining people do change and seen that, things were much worse before.I hope everyone does well anyways.
Replies: >>25374
>There is never going to be a christian 4chan board
There "is" it's called /his/
Replies: >>25375 >>25383
Actual 4chan is definitely not going to have one, hopefully not. Because there's no independent boards there, so if Hiro or whoever owns that website now made such a board you have to understand the person in charge of such a thing is also in charge of the rest of 4chan. And if you want a church run by mcdonald's CEO people will go, sadly. Blind men, and as blind men they lead the blind and they both go to hell. Or maybe they took "theology and religious studies" in college and got a big fat head and a shrunken skull.

But I do mean 4chan as in all the futaba imageboards.
Replies: >>25382
I understand that, I was remarking on how everyone on the history board over there seems to be roleplaying as either internet Christians, Muslims, or atheists. I never went on that board until recently and found it an awful place where nobody actually seems to know much or is interested in sharing their knowledge, yet are keen make arguments among themselves with each poster being convinced of his own genius.
/his/ used to have a strong Christian community but recently it's been flooded with atheist blasphemers
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