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John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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Hey Anons,

I am thinking about applying to divinity school next year and wanted some advice. Prior to starting college, I was an atheist, was addicted to drugs and alcohol and was generally self-loathing and self-destructive. Freshman year I had a religious awakening and decided to teach myself a lot about gnosticism and buddhism. Overtime I found myself slowly moving towards Christianity and can happily say I am a full convert. My campus priest and I are close friends and I have fully accepted that Christ is my lord and savior.

At this point I am finishing up undergrad with a double major in History and Theology. My family wants me to apply to law school and I think I could make a good living as a lawyer. My father is in prison and my mother is very materialistic, both really want me to pursue law. Additionally, my brother is very successful in his field and made a point to say it will be up to the two of us to take care of our mother and sister (she's a drug addict) when we're older. Working as a lawyer will allow me to more money to take care of my family and hopefully the future family I can create one day.  However, I am worried I won't like the legal profession and more importantly am very worried I will revert to my old ways. As time goes on I find myself progressively less passionate about the law and really want to continue to study religion. I just feel like if I do not dedicate my life to my faith, I will not live a life with faith.

I have good grades and will have good recommendations and think I may want to apply to divinity school. I am not sure if I would make a good priest. I am not the best public speaker and am not the most virtuous but I do want to dedicate myself to the church. I do want to dedicate my life to theology. I do want to live a life worthy of God's presence. I really just feel lost and would like advice. Should I turn my back on my responsibilities towards my family and focus on God? Should I turn my back on my responsibilities towards myself and focus on helping my family? I really just need advice. Please pray for me and thank you for reading.
Replies: >>25192
This is something you should talk to your pastor about. practically speaking we need more priests/pastors. Any atheist can be a lawyer provided they have the means. But to be called to preach is truly something special.

>Should I turn my back on my responsibilities towards my family and focus on God?
>If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:26
Replies: >>25192
Pray on it. Look at where God is pushing you to go. It may be subtle in some ways, but He will guide you to the right path. Have you brought up your thoughts to your family? Do they have an opinion? From what you've said they will most likely be against it, however it is ultimately up to you. The most important thing you can do is continue praying and pay close attention to where God wishes for you to go.
>>25115 (OP) 
>listen to a bunch of "scholars" deny God's words and brainwash you to doubt

We don't need priests at all. We need preachers

We don't need "scholars" and "intellectuals" either, wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight. Alexandria, the source of bogus "versions" of the Bible, was full of "scholars" and "intellectuals" and they produced garbage.
The KJV was translated by scholars and intellectuals
Replies: >>25210
I understand and sympathise with this attitude. It's humbling, sobering. Still, a more sensible bet would be for us to cultivate our own intellectual class. If we did so, and the Lord allowed it, we could experience something like at least a spark of the Patristic Age again. It was just as rife with heresy, but also with no shortage of men of knowledge that were full of the Spirit.
This is a good point. Anyone considering seminary should be certain of its theological orthodoxy ahead of time, since many have drunk the coolaid of secularism. At many if not most seminaries today your teachers will, instead of teaching you how to lead God's people and defend the faith, attempt to do everything in their power to destroy your faith and convert you to damnable heresy. It is unlikely in 2023 they will even tolerate a believer, should they fail to shipwreck your faith.
In the early 16th century when scholars and men of that sort still seriously believed and were not Marxists.
Replies: >>25211 >>25223
Erasmus was Catholic yet the reformers didn't see an issue with using the Textus Receptus he published as long as the work was good, not that much good comes out of today's liberal seminaries.

Modern academia wants to be loved by the god-denying secular world so that even if there are Bible believing Christians within their institutions they force them to shut up or face demotion unless they toe their lines that the Bible is a manmade creation, that God doesn't exist, that what scholars produce is always right like their denial of (what they call) the long ending of Mark or John 7:53 to 8:11, and that everyone else has to bow down before their credentials because they're indisputable geniuses. Yet none of that is worth anything because the castrated Bible translation that they produce, the New Revised Standard Version, is literally one of the worst-selling in existence with the only thing saving it being that they lobby liberal denominations to buy it in bulk to fill empty pews. The sad part is that historically orthodox Christian colleges like Harvard and Yale were hijacked by their perversion and conservatives need to assert their right to the institutions of their forerunners:
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