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 Dress to impress!

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I dare you to show up your asshole
Replies: >>233109
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Fuck off, ESL.
>>233107 (OP) 
Have you had gay sex yet?
>>233107 (OP) 
Go namefag in /digi/.
Replies: >>233113
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>dude namefags bad cause uhhh well you know imageboard culture and stuff
fuck off nigger it's obvious that you view this place as a friend group just like they do
you arent any different from those retards in any way other than that you try to hide it
you are incapable of gatekeeping so shut the fuck up and never try again
you used to post there and now you call them retarded, lol
Replies: >>233115
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i didnt just try i was there for like a year cause i was freinds with the guy who made it and then i wasnt anyomore so i stopped
Replies: >>233127
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Namefagging is histrionic spic shit, kill yourself generic namefag.
Replies: >>233118
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i said that you are incapable of gatekeeping  can you not read you fucking brainlet stop trying
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>2004 4chan is just like digiscorddit
Maybe don't use boards that allow namefagging/tripfagging if it makes you overcompensating tryhards so butthurt. Surely you can find someplace with enforced anonymity.
Replies: >>233125 >>233127
these people probably werent even born in 2004
Replies: >>233126
Perhaps not.
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You come to a place where everyone is anonymous, and you choose not to be anonymous so you can post status updates whenever you get drunk.
>i was freinds with the guy who made it and then i wasnt
Typical, drama breaking out between woman brained faggots.
>don't use boards that allow namefagging/tripfagging 
There are rare occasions where that's useful, but in this faggot's case it's just lazy attention whoring.
Replies: >>233128 >>233136
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>You come to a place where everyone is anonymous
Quite literally wrong. This place will never be your friend group and you will never have any kind of influence over it.
Replies: >>233129
>This place will never be your friend group 
Yes, that's the point of anonymity.
>you will never have any kind of influence over it
And supposedly you do? No single individual has complete influence over an imageboard, anyone can chime in their two cents for it to be considered or dismissed depending on whether it's reasonable or not. The only thing that is guaranteed is each anon's own free will and judgement. This of course isn't applicable to woman brained faggots like yourself.
Replies: >>233131
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>Yes, that's the point of anonymity.
okay? there's no rule of anonymity to this place so nothing you just typed matters
if there were then the name field would be disabled
>And supposedly you do
no? good job typing completely irrelevant babble
Replies: >>233140
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Well op, is this the (predictable) reaction you wanted?
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>woman brained faggots
Ah it's this guy, see here >>>/r9k/4706
>was actually the main anon vehemently ranting and raving about /digi/ for the past couple of months or so after I got kicked out on the grounds that I was a "shill" for saying that both of the candidates in the recent US election were controlled opposition.
He is butthurt about getting banned from there so he is on a crusade now and admits to it
Replies: >>233140
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i know i havent drank enough
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>there's no rule of anonymity to this place
It's up to the discretion of whoever decides to make an identity for himself to do it for a recognizable purpose. Of course no one can stop you, but you also can't stop anyone from calling you out.
>nothing you just typed matters
How could you be so disingenuous? If what I typed doesn't matter, what you typed doesn't matter. Nothing matters unless somebody decides it matters to them.
Probably so, and it's my fault for getting my jimmies rustled, but I wanted to see where this would lead.
Yeah that's me, and if you bothered to read you'd know the reason I got banned was bogus. I can confirm that most of the posts since then that were critical against /digi/ were from me, and I was also 757f5a, 0b8cfe, 07bccc, deccc3, 26e84b, 14fc5e, and 3c8b6f  >>>/v/243716.
>on a crusade
I rant about that place as much as I can because it's subversive. Namefagging attracts the most conceited kind of scum and sometimes converts otherwise honest anons into conceited scum trying to fit in to whichever identity that has the most perceived authority.
>admits to it
I did it to clear the confusion because I could see that a boogeyman was being created, but like I said in that post, I'm not the only one who's critical of /digi/ such as >>227592, but I was also >>227127 >>227132 >>227139 >>227154 >>227158 >>227168 >>227217 >>227220 >>227225 >>227241 >>227430 >>227444 >>227453 >>227504 >>227123 in that thread and some other posts but that's besides the point
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>what you typed doesn't matter
yeah it doesnt
>Nothing matters unless somebody decides it matters to them.
yeah and youre retarded if you somehow decide anything on an imageboard matters to you
Replies: >>233146
>outing yourself as the most insufferable cancerous faggot killing the site
Replies: >>233146
Also notice how you have a guy who literally admits to derailing and spamming hundreds of times and then ask yourself why this site is such a shithole and effectively dying.
Replies: >>233146
>I rant about that place as much as I can because it's subversive. Namefagging attracts the most conceited kind of scum and sometimes converts otherwise honest anons into conceited scum trying to fit in to whichever identity that has the most perceived authority.
You are posting on a board where child porn gets spammed, normalniggers talk about fucking genderfluid whores and yet you have the gall to complain about other boards?
Replies: >>233146
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<I rant about that place as much as I can because it's subversive
Sounds like projection.
Replies: >>233146
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>youre retarded if you somehow decide anything on an imageboard matters to you
That's because you don't see the value or potential of imageboards. Or maybe you do, I don't know. But if you don't then why do you come here? Why does anyone bother contributing OC? Why does the admin spend so much effort keep it up? For their own particular reasons but primarily because the objective of imageboards is to organically strive towards truth, beauty, and to have fun.
If you actually considered what I had to say you might see that identity whoring is killing the site.
Ok yeah I do go overboard, but what I'm saying isn't just baseless, and I'm probably not the only one who sees the harm that /digi/ does.
Pic related, except for the pizza.
Have you even read my explanation?
Replies: >>233148
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If by "explanation" you mean the delirious and unreasonable rant right below what I quoted, yes I did. They arent "converting" anybody into anything and you have no proof for that claim.
Replies: >>233150
They've created a bridge for edgy xitter niggers who are used to identity fagging and group thinking. It's not just the identity fagging by itself that's insidious, it's the type of smug tee hee woman brained mindset someone has to have (like zonz) to be an identity fag which subverts the honesty of imageboards, and a lack of honesty or a hostile attitude towards being actually honest is poison to places like these.
Replies: >>233151 >>233154
Replies: >>233156
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I still don't see how any of that is true. They don't attack or try to influence purely anonymous posters like me. As far as I can tell, they mostly want namefagging and tripfagging to prevent imposter trolls, yet they still don't shun anybody for not doing so. And another thing: plenty of boards on 4 and 8 had their own strong biases, so I don't get this whole gripe about how digi or et cetera board or zzzchan in general is failing some freeze peach doctrine.
Replies: >>233156
>>233107 (OP) 
You're drunk? You should see my uncle!
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I guess the only proof I have is one or a few of the users there use twitter, or at least keep up with the posts of some random gook on twitter who doesn't say anything interesting. They complain about discord, but they're board practically is one in the form of an imageboard as someone said in before. What I'm saying doesn't really hinge on proof though, well it might be proven if sturgeon traced IP's where they came from, but more so you should just observe what kind of environment that board cultivates, and anticipate what kind of people it would attract based off of that. I know some fucking smug faggot will say some bullshit like
<they attract based posters and you don't like it because you're not based
Proving their bias for a pointless board that's supposed to be a
>Gatekept single-thread board for discussing nearly anything
when it's really a board that centers around what the prominent identity fags want to gloat about and their approved kosher viewpoints.
>They don't attack or try to influence purely anonymous posters like me
Their subversion is detached and indirect like how kikes operate. no wait actually more like womenlol
>yet they still don't shun anybody for not doing so
They stalk post their user's post history.
>plenty of boards on 4 and 8 had their own strong biases, so I don't get this whole gripe about how digi or et cetera board or zzzchan in general is failing some freeze peach doctrine
Refer to one of the archive links of a shoa'd thread from two months ago where at least two anons that weren't me I don't don't know how to prove this talking about how they think that one of the /digi/ mods are now global mods. (I just got word filtered auto banned and I'm assuming it was because of the archive link)
Also disregard what the loli says.
And sorry for the typos.
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>they think that one of the /digi/ mods are now global mods
That seems to be predicated on flimsy evidence that a digi mod and global mod both expressed vehemently pro-Trump positions with moderation actions at different times. I'm not a Trump fan personally, I was one of the posters temporarily banned by a global/b mod for posting a certain photo of Trump, but I also think there are many Trump fans even on niche places like this and so I don't really buy the idea that any digi mod gained global power and consistenly acted overbearing with it for Trump's sake.

I don't know why you got word-filtered. Seems like there are a lot here and some sound unfair. Never been banned from one personally, but autobanning word filters are a bit ridiculous depending on what they are.
Replies: >>233161
>I guess the only proof I have is one or a few of the users there use twitter
oh no, the fucking humanity
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It's not just that though, I've said this before and it's really starting to get repetitive but, in the board rankings thread that was shoah'd (not by virtual but by some other mod called invadersmustdie when the burger elections were happening) where I first started to criticize /digi/, my posts got deleted by virtual when I said that the users there had more in common with blacked.gov than they'd like to think. The log message was "cleaning replies" but right after he deleted those posts "someone" posted their iteration of the board rankings placing /digi/ in a high tier and then the page was archived as if to rewrite they were trying to rewrite history. Then virtual went on a banning/deleting spree of every post acknowledging that, which is when I proceeded to sperg out hard. Someone in the /v/ meta thread said that maybe the mod's intention was to prevent inter board drama, even still, virtual exhibited some really petty woman brained behavior. If he's not a mod at /digi/ it just shows /digi/'s influence. Or maybe it was all just a clusterfuck of a coincidence, but I don't know.
Replies: >>233170
>as if to rewrite they were trying to rewrite history
as if they were trying to rewrite history
alright soooooooooooooooooo, let me undrstand the wigger shit you are saying,  its a subversive teehee board ran by women trying to brainwash anons into something you dont even specify and they are killing the "honesty" of imageboards 
by being like five people & how sturgeon needs to trace their IPs to discord and how its all a psyop to get people to use twitter by zognald
wheres the proof and what wigger crap is honest of imageboards lmao
nobody likes you obsessed retard
(the mods here are still retarded and just come delete stuff literally at random then leave the 1 cp spam per day up for the other half of the day)
kys lmfao
>some random gook
Never mind, it turned out to be the guy who wrote Megami Tensei novels.
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