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it's fucking video games, baby

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I'm not talking about among the media and normalfags, I mean on imageboards. It seems like, over the past few years, there's been more and more vocal people trying to defend the current industry with arguments that typically appear like the following:
>These games require more powerful systems
This is one of the most common ones I see. Typically in regards to the Switch but it's more than just that. Over the past console generation, companies have been releasing almost entirely their back catalog of titles dating all the way back to the 1980's. While this isn't entirely "new", what IS "new" is how companies are increasingly treating these releases like they're big blockbuster productions. For some reason, compilations like the MM Battle Network and the MGS collection are treated just as big as a singular Mega Man or Metal Gear game used to (If not, bigger). And this is if they're not outright remaking the game, but with "modern sensibilities" and cut content (That will be sold as DLC) like what happened with Persona 3 Reloaded and REm4ke. And seeing the fact and overwhelming amount of these games date from the fifth and sixth gen (Now moving onto the seventh gen with Dead Spoace and TLoU), the question quickly becomes why do ANY of these games require the latest systems when we're playing the same games from 20 years ago?

Better graphics? Games from as far back as 2007 look fine and still look fine. Better gameplay? They're lowering the skill level and difficulty required to play games in order to be "accessible" to "new players" (IOW people who never play games and never will play games) and any and ALL complaints made about means you’re justing being an “elitist” or liking “dated gameplay”. Better technology? They're doing the same shit people were already doing for the past 30 years, except now it requires 10x the amount of power to do it and often implement it in such a shitty way that it might as well not be there.

What is the point of a new console when nothing has progressed, and even companies are admitting (By their own actions) that games from 20 years ago looked and played better than games of today?

>Why are you making a big deal about the games being pozzed/censored?
Because that tells me that the games are being made by political activists who want to shove their agenda down my throat. And I cannot ignore these guys when they have friends in or ARE the very media and companies who promote and release video games. This isn't comparable to the typical "Cigar chomping executive" who's one and only concern is if they'll make a profit. What these people care about is forcing their political opinion onto each and every person across the globe (They'll never be satisfied with controlling only their own little corner of the market) no matter the cost. And will do everything within their power in order to ensure people who disagree with them are never heard from. Even if, you somehow go behind their back and become successful without any of their input, these people have made it abundantly clear that they will make it their life's sole purpose from that point forward to ruin you and everyone around you for daring to defy them.

Why do you want to support an environment like that?

>I don't care if the game is pozzed or made by political activists, I only care if the game is good.
Ignoring the points of the previous paragraph, why are you supporting these people who make it clear that they hate your very existence? In literally every other context, for example you have a guy selling something but he constantly exposes how he'll "Mow down niggers" the first chance he gets, you would never give that person money. So why is it different the moment it comes to entertainment? There is no separating an "artist" from their "work" when said artist uses the profit made from that work to literally change the environment everyone else operates in to benefit them and only people that think like them. Much more, it's become abundantly apparent who's effecting the world and what agenda they're trying to push, but you think that somehow benefiting that game that only pushes a "fraction" is going to result in things change course. No it won't. All it does is makes them become more bold in their actions as they "salami slice" their way to controlling everything and the ground around you crumbles from a lack of foundation.

So why are you benefiting these people instead of playing games that DON'T have any of this political activism thrown in?
>>240067 (OP) 
>It seems like, over the past few years, there's been more and more vocal people trying to defend the current industry with arguments that typically appear like the following
What image boards do you use where people say things like this?
Replies: >>240070 >>240071
I can only assume he read something that triggered him somewhere else, didn't feel like people would appreciate his rant in the place he encountered it, so he brought his blogpost here instead to vent.
probably just let him get it all out. agree or disagree with the overall message, I generally recommend you sage and hide people who crazily ramble with no purpose like this.
Must be living in coo-coo fantasy world, I don't think anyone on imageboards would ever defend modern devs and their the kike corps behind them. Especially more niche and "extreme" ones like this one.
Replies: >>240084
Indie games are for CUCKS with CHILDISH OUTDATED TRANNY GRAPHICS "bing bing wahoo!" LMAO get a life manchild loser.
I am a masculine man who plays mature realismic games for mature adults and other gigaCHADs such as myself, you babies wouldn't understand refined adult tastes.
Also if you can't run it then upgrade your shitty outdated computer you fucking asshole, you're holding the gaming industry back.
>>240067 (OP) 
>What is a shill and why do they exist?
there would be on 4shit but half of that place is bots and septic tank monsters
>>240067 (OP) 
Can you provide examples of such posts, ideally as thread archives but lacking that as screencaps?
Also, why did you start the thread with an old eceleb webm instead of something relevant to the topic?
>>240067 (OP) 
I also want to see the redditards so we can laugh at them.
<Why are you making a big deal about the games being pozzed/censored?
This is a bad-faith argument so hoary and prosaic that it was probably outsourced to bots years before chatgpt's automated scoldings became a meme.
>why do ANY of these games require the latest systems
Same reason as every other aspect of the "competency crisis."
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>>240067 (OP) 
>Why does there SEEM to be such a vocal defense of the modern state of industry?
It SEEMS like that to you, because kikes use medias and social media to give you a distorted version of the public opinion to make you think that the majority agree with their agenda.
So they think, delusionally, that people will go:
>"Hey, it seems that the majority of people truly believe that shit tastes good, i know it doesn't, but i better fall in line and say the same to not feel like a social outcast"
Just to make a simple example, think about a game forum or social media where people are arguing about Spider-man being turned into a nigger, and all the posts of people arguing against it get deleted for "racism" (aka wrong thought) so you read those posts and think that most people, if not everybody is okay with Spider-man being a nigger, but that's only because they are only showing you the posts (a few may be genuine, but most are not) in favor of it, while all the ones against it got filtered.
So you get a perception that is far different from what is actually the average opinion on the matter.
That's how jews and their minions try to manipulate the public opinion on things, from vidya to politics in general.
They did the same thing for years with all the niggerfaggot movies hollywood shat out, but now they are forced to admit that they lost a fuckton of shekels for that shit, because unlike what they wanted you to believe, nobody liked that garbage.
It's no cohincidence that both the vidya and movie industry are facing the same crisis.
Replies: >>241321
The more they use the same tricks the less effective they end up being, hence the situation we are seeing now.
Replies: >>241327
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Even normalfags now are aware that "conspiracy theorists!" really means "Stop spoilering our plans to everyone, goyim!"
HBO admitted they paid for positive reviews and online defenders. HBO was the one company people didn't suspect was doing this. Therefore, it's reasonable to suspect such fake press is used by a wide range of companies.
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>>240067 (OP) 
And i forgot to add, that in relation to imageboards, some of them like 4chan were subverted years ago, so they have the same type of faggots and jews that would censor shit on social media.

>Why are you making a big deal about the games being pozzed/censored?
>I don't care if the game is pozzed or made by political activists, I only care if the game is good.
That kind of posts are made by malicious entities, sometimes the mods themselves, in the case of compromised boards like 4chan or 8moe, in the effort to control the opposition and sway the people's target away from the real issue, so their agenda doesn't face as much resistance.
>>240067 (OP) 
Same reason you see a lot of people defend big goverment, they get paid directly or indirectly.
>>240067 (OP) 
>m not talking about among the media and normalfags, I mean on imageboards. It seems like, over the past few years
You answered your own question.
Normalfags are entering the imageboards and shitting them up.
Rules 1 and 2 you god damned faggots.
>why are shills shilling bullshit
i dunno man it r mystery
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