Fellow autistics, i plead for thine advice.
so i've always been "that guy" all my life, you know, the one who stays in the background and doesn't talk very much unless he is pushed to yeah that guy. so anyway while i am autistic, i am higher on the spectrum and have at least some self-awareness, so i can mimic normalfags up to a point and not seem completely off. but here's the issue: this approachability compared to other people, along with my quiet nature leads to the normalfags dropping their whole life story on me all. of. the. damn. time. their relationships, their childhood trauma, their mental illness! all of it! and the worst part of it is how i deal with it! being that i am autistic, i do not comfort them, i give them the most logical way of going about their situation, at least, from what comes to mind and how i think about it. and then they will proceed to get a little mad, saying that i am too serious of a person and that i should not be so cold, and then continue to dump more of their problems on me. i do not understand why they do this to me. it really confuses me! when i talk i am a problem, when i am quiet i am a problem! and yet you still keep bothering me! im very confused i do not for the life of me understand why they are so conflicting in their nature, so undulating in their emotions! why dont you just get help? why don't you go to a licensed practitioner to sort your issue? why are you being so illogical!?
so, is there any way to avoid these situations. i know i must keep appearances so i can't just completely shut down, but at the same time, they are getting on my last nerve! i know ultimately it is a problem with me though, because i am the common denominator in all of this. its just that when presented with a problem there is an urge within me to solve it. so i speak before i am able to think clearly and assess the what is going on. so i guess what i really am asking is how do i handle situations like these in the most efficient way? how do i turn off my autistic urge to give an answer immediately to a problem?