I made a new translation. I admit that this one was a bit rushed and I left some tricky lines with an awkward translation (I want to avoid doing this again in the future), but at least... I think that the translated title on the cover looks nice, doesn't it?
My problem is not about rule 10, it's just that I don't want to clutter the board with too much pointless self promotion... Translating one's first (or first few) doujinshi is an interesting achievement worth sharing, but after that sharing every single translation that I make may start feeling a bit spammy, so it may be better to reserve that for potential special occasions (such as translating a normal manga, or a LN, or a game, etc)... If someone's interested in keeping up with my translations, you can look them up on ExHentai, I guess...
>we don't have any rules against yuri as long as its not some NTR stuff, we strongly oppose NTR and stuff with niggers and multiple male stuff.
I know, and I don't like that shit either... But I want to ask something potentially controversial... what do you think of -- coinciding with the GIF above -- futa on female or on futa (as opposed to solo or with males, which is understandably gay/gayer). On paper I see it like a "best of both worlds" between normal ero and yuri, and some works do feel like that, but I admit that in many works it feels like the artist just loves dicks....
>I'll put your user page in my bookmarks
Thanks, but mind you, that's my friend's account who's uploading for me while I wait for my actual account to become activated, so it will go silent in a week or so. But after that, I guess you can look up my handle to find new translations and my new account.