practice mode drill will fix your reflexes once your muscle memory sets in
if you think it's boring or just don't want to, keep playing and keep thinking what would happen if your muscle memory did X instead of what you usually do, with enough concentration and control over movement you can sometimes fix that kind of thing mid-game
>yeah this is the good shit I need, but how, I lack knowledge about how to use the training dummy effectively
practice being on offense against shittier players, ideally you want someone that knows how to BE and counter-pressure you enough to be wary of it, but not enough to corner loop you 100% of the game so there's no chance to practice pressure anymore
this will let you get into situations that will give you chances to limit opponents, think about them, remember them, what am I supposed to do to limit at point X? remember, limiting consistently is a lot better than maximizing damage because you get less chances for enemy to airtech and potentially fuck your shit up, you get more opportunities to get better at oki in turn, which is a massive advantage in this game, so remember gaps where you're missing opportunities to limit shiet for pressure and find out ways to accomplish those, that's what I did for combos and confirms
for cards, stick with what you already have, wind god kick is great and youkai buster is great, everything else is up to taste, do not worry about that for now
for blockstrings and advanced movement you just have to play ace combat with touhous, I've found no way to practice that because everyone has different habits for former and you just want to dodge alpha strikes and hit first for latter and most have different patterns, for both characters and players
it all sounds so complicated but once you get a feel for playing game it'll click in place, we have another Reimu main over here that you can play and pilfer things from if you chance on one another and people do host pretty frequently around here