The only old stuff I have watched recently is Digi Charat. Neat Comedy show and I can understand why it became the brainrot of choice in 1990s.
What good shows aired in the span of two decades? The stuff that made it into our hemisphere alone is way too much to discuss in one post. So I take something random. And the lucky winner is Versailles no Bara from autumn 1979, which source material was one of the most influential Shoujo works ever created. Rightfully so given that it enabled more women to actually write them.
The story concerns the entire life of Oscar Fançois de Jarjayes, who is in reality woman but was raised by her father as boy, because he needed an heir for his rank of commander of the Royal guard. During her life she experiences the entire failed regency of the last Bourbon King Louis XVI. and became frens Marie Antoinette, some Swedish guy and various people from the third estate. Her life tragically with the monarchy she swore protect gone and she herself basically cucked.
Pretty good with many up and downs and if it can be helped, I recommend watching the original TV animu or reading the Mango. If you think it impossible to obtain, don't worry! It got some rare as hell Western releases as well.
In contrary to the foot drawn fare that was Mazinger Z and certain episodes of Gundam, this one holds up. A bonus the original has over the movie that gonna to come out is that its design is pretty much the same as the Manga. Which is really simplistic in itself.
No idea about the sound and the rest. To judge that properly, I would have to rewatch the show. I can't even tell you anything about the original voice acting, because I grew up with a localized dub.