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Is it worth watching? I heard mixed things about it plus I was spoiled the ending a time ago.
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>a joke episode due to xer
>father does not really know her/him to the point of not knowing xer gender aka daddy issues 
>hackering means putting on silly vr glasses and le XD
le zomg random character so avant gag

I'd appreciate the opposite, a sane older male character on IRC that would hax.exe with bad hygiene and thick glasses rather than VR cancer-goggles. 

Xe was the worst character. 

Her leaving was just part of the show trying to make you feel depressed for no reason. She leaves for no reason, the entire thing is batshit in regards to xer even finding her father and leaving, assuming he even is the father. I was listening to the Nip audio talking about their making the show and at the end of one ep they literally say "we talked about nothing!". 

It was nothing. zomg random nothing. Perhaps it wasn't even planned, it meaning to add to a sense of meloncholy, to add to that 'weight you're gonna carry' as the point of the show was indeed just to snipe it's own genre. Maybe they got rid of xer so as to make the ending even feel serious lest a buncho of XD fly all over the place near the end.
Replies: >>2098 >>2100
>the opposite
Forgot to point out how it's a darkie. Pale would be better for  a computer hacker. Pale and fat, not thin and tan. Low effort avant-garde bullshitery. Old, pale, fat, male, that should have been the hacker character. The faggot with the vhs collection should have been but him watching older tv would have been too much effort. They musta already blown their payload simulating tom and jerry as it was.
Replies: >>2099
brown loli nips though
<joke episode
>didn't realize the series itself is the joke, everyone who watched it was the punchline
Replies: >>2101
It is not to be taken seriously as in looking more into it rather than what is presented explicitly.
Kinda like The Big O but a bit more honest because that series did try to put some mystery into it, along with a EVA-tier ending but the creators said in the end that it was all done to make a toy line, that's it, what you see is merely what was thought.

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NatSoc anime girls thread
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The op for AoT season 3 is so bad lol

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I'm watching Haré+Guu and some Kirby: Right Back at Ya! Bretty comfy.
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What is this ESL/schizo-drivel?
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Didn't really click for me until they put the loli in the swimsuit. Still wish that I saw more of Shinobu because that's the reason why I'm watching this shit in the first place.
Interesting how the main guy was set up to be this complete loser and yet by the end of the season nearly the entire cast is slobbering over him.
Replies: >>2090
This. What first drew my attention to this series is that gif of shinobu kicking and revealing she put bandaid on her coochie.
Replies: >>2092
Yeah That coochie bandaid drew me to the series
Replies: >>2092
Pretty much the same for me.

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What have you been watching?
I've been re-watching Fist of the North Star and DBZ.
I grew up with Hokuto no Ken and is still one of my favorites. DBZ is pretty fun too.
I'm also planning on watching 79' MSG and Sailor Moon.
What are some good anime that aired on these two decades? I know there's a lot of good stuff but I've barely scratched the surface.
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Initial D

Started watching it couple days ago, all these years i thought it would be boring for someone like me who doesn't care about cars, but i got super into it right away.
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Red Cat Ramen, an SOL about a human girl working at a ramen shop ran by talking cats and a tiger. It has a lot of recognizable voices and a very relaxing pace. Animation is kinda cheap and when they switch for CGI its very noticeable but it makes up for it.
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The only old stuff I have watched recently is Digi Charat. Neat Comedy show and I can understand why it became the brainrot of choice in 1990s. 

What good shows aired in the span of two decades? The stuff that made it into our hemisphere alone is way too much to discuss in one post. So I take something random. And the lucky winner is Versailles no Bara from autumn 1979, which source material was one of the most influential Shoujo works ever created. Rightfully so given that it enabled more women to actually write them. 

The story concerns the entire life of Oscar Fançois de Jarjayes, who is in reality woman but was raised by her father as boy, because he needed an heir for his rank of commander of the Royal guard. During her life she experiences the entire failed regency of the last Bourbon King Louis XVI. and became frens Marie Antoinette, some Swedish guy and various people from the third estate. Her life tragically with the monarchy she swore protect gone and she herself basically cucked. 

Pretty good with many up and downs and if it can be helped, I recommend watching the original TV animu or reading the Mango. If you think it impossible to obtain, don't worry! It got some rare as hell Western releases as well.

In contrary to the foot drawn fare that was Mazinger Z and certain episodes of Gundam, this one holds up. A bonus the original has over the movie that gonna to come out is that its design is pretty much the same as the Manga. Which is really simplistic in itself. 

No idea about the sound and the rest. To judge that properly, I would have to rewatch the show. I can't even tell you anything about the original voice acting, because I grew up with a localized dub. 

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Replies: >>2039 >>2085
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this sounds very interesting, i might have to check it out just because i love historical content

i always liked the pseudo historical old stuff like pic related
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>it's funny as fuck.
It's even funnier when you realize how much real occult and esoteric knowledge both Kanzaka and Hayashibara packed both into nearly this entire series and Lost Universe as well. If one has the eyes to see, many truthful facts about the world we currently live in and its workings can be found. I can strongly recommend it to anyone who would like to be initiated into magic and mysticism while also having fun.
>Versailles no Bara
Nice, very Aryan.

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I'm bored. Recommend me good animes. I'm looking for over-the-top weird comedy or/and something dark and gruesome.
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Anything like Zipang out there?
Replies: >>2048
Area 88?
Replies: >>2049
Good choice but I already saw that one
Nyanko Days, but it's just shorts.
Replies: >>2080
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There's a manga and it's 5 volumes long, so that's not as much of a problem.
>Your country "Tor Hidden Service" is not allowed to post on this board
Fucking cuckchan-brained nu-mods...

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When I think of surreal anime and shit like that, I think Sentou Yousei Yukikaze or Serial Experiments Lain, I kinda understand the plot of Yukikaze but for Lain I'm at episode 7 and I still don't undestand get it :^). 
So why I'm watching something that's a bit hard to understand for me well I like the unique that vibe and feeling they give you, the visual the sounds they always try something unique and they give you this surreal feeling, and especially love Lain because the worlds seems familiar but it isn't everything about is awkward, it's feeled with long scenes with just ambient sounds or characters just staring at each other the same goes for Yukikaze. 
I'm not sure how I can explain it but I like these type of anime.
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Dr. Irabu's Office is another I just remembered. Don't really recommend it. There are scenes with 3DPD.

Mononoke is kinda surreal? Has a unique art style and is about ghosts, at least.

Kemonozume is odd. I think it's animated by the same people who did Mind Game? It looks similarly weird.

Gantz is trippy. Basically some strange being photocopies people that just died and forces them to hunt other strange beings, freeing them from servitude when they successfully complete 100 jobs or something. 

Gungrave is a bit weird. Like half the series is very grounded, straightforward mafia stuff and then it goes full sci-fi. That's a show I wish stayed grounded to be honest. Really wish there was a good mafia anime (maybe there is and I just don't know, but 91 Days certainly isn't it).

Don't know the cut-off, but Higurashi no Naku Koro ni is a bit surrealistic with the "town loses their shit" parts. Would RE:Zero be considered surreal since the protagonist is always witnessing his friends be brutally murdered before time resets?
King of Thorn is a weird movie, too.
Dorohedoro also exists, but I personally think it's extremely bad. It has a lot of CGI.
Replies: >>2078
The manga is better.
Replies: >>2079

it also goes well beyond where the anime ends, which looks terrible and does a major disservice to the beautiful manga art imo

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muscle girls
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This show is pretty good if you want some fit girls to gawk at, it's not like much else happens in it anyway.
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I just come to say:
Your shit is all ugly and gay, and goes against the unique aesthetic values proposed by 2D girls.
Thread hidden.

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I recently heard some anons say that Berserk is the best manga ever created. So I'm going to be reading it.
I haven't read that much manga in the past. Mainly because I'm a lazy faggot that prefers to watch something instead of reading it. However there are times where a manga can't be replicated in an anime and vice versa. The mangas that I've read so far are proof of that (Goodnight PunPun and some of Junji Ito's stuff). Besides Berserk I also have Chainsaw Man and Futari Solo Camp (Don't know what this one is about but the female protagonist is hot as fuck) on my list.
What have you been reading?
Anything you recommend?
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I want to pirate without litterally broadcasting my ip to the world torrents are a giant honeypot. And lol at moral fagging about pirating. Go back to reddit.
Replies: >>2071 >>2072 >>2076
Just use a VPN if you're so scared.
>inb4 kek paying for piracy!!???
You can also use your VPN for other purposes, so you're not exclusively paying "for piracy".
>lol at moral fagging about pirating
But it's true. If hosting terabytes of data and freely distributing them by yourself was so easy and cheap, we wouldn't have torrenting in 2024.
i think you are quoting the wrong post
Replies: >>2073
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>newfag zoomer scared of torrents can't even quote right
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Its only legally dangerous if you are uploading shit. But this is not why I am replying. Its the the post you are actually reffering to. What the hell has /clang/ to do with torrenting?

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Be it a one shot gag strips, manga, animated shorts, a complete anime series, or a fully fledged movie. 
This thread will be about sharing various (or upcoming) anime or manga series that have been based off of video games you've played or just simply came across it without even realizing it's based off of a game.
While some of these may follow the same plot lines as the developers intended some of them tend to add in new characters to the mix and go completely off the rails with their own stories. At even times they can just be 
So far here's a couple of vidya related manga and anime I know about...
1.Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki The Animation (-Has a manga too)
2.Nier: Automata Ver1.1a
3.Xenosaga the Animation
4.Sakuna of Rice and Ruin
5.Klonoa door to phantomile (short 2 part manga being the introduction of the game)
6.Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of time
7.Tower of Drauga:The Tower of Druaga: The Aegis of Uruk
8.Senjou no Fuga not a fur fag I swear. I just find the giant ass battle tank genre underrated as fuck
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Replies: >>2068
>>2067 (OP) 
I fucked up typing shit I know

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