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John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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Didn't see one active, so I decided to make one. Reply with your prayer requests and I will include them in my daily prayers and when I go to Mass. Other anons are encouraged to do the same.
Replies: >>23986
I have an absolutely horrendous roomate forced into my institutional sober living quarters. I'm near to murder, and don't know how to deal with this situation. Pray for me Anons.
Replies: >>23701
Praying for you.
Pray that I learn to trust God more and that I have a fruitful and penitential Lent.
Replies: >>23776
prayers for me overcoming my porn addiction.  Its been tumbling highs and lows
Replies: >>23971
>>23695 (OP) 
go away anime
go away moslem
I was kicked out of my church not donating enough, please pray for my faith to heal and for me to find a forever church home with a community of Christians who will love and accept me
Replies: >>23999 >>24003
thats a thing? Dang. Godspeed.
Sounds like a bad church. The Church i go to doesn't ask for donations during the sermon besides having a box in the church. So it's more voluntary. I never liked the idea of paying the church 10% (or however) of your income, but they unfortunately need money as well.
Replies: >>24004
>I never liked the idea of paying the church 10%
its a biblical concept, although i think in the Bible it was worded as 10% for God since there was a difference between tithe and the temple tax
Replies: >>24016
>its a biblical concept
Could you show me where in the Bible it says ?
Replies: >>24017
Oral Arguments for Hachette v. Internet Archive will begin on Monday

Pray that the Internet Archive wins their court case.
Replies: >>24103
Pray that the Restrict bill doesn't pass.

Here is a summery of the bill: In addition to Sens. Warner and Thune, the legislation is co-sponsored by Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Joe Manchin (D-WV), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Susan Collins (R-ME), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), and Mitt Romney (R-UT).

Vendors from the U.S. and allied countries have supplied the world’s information communications and technology (ICT) for decades. In recent years, the global ICT supply chain has changed dramatically; a number of prominent foreign vendors – many subject to the control of autocratic and illiberal governments – have gained significant market share in a variety of internet infrastructure, online communications, and networked software markets. The growth and prevalence of these untrusted vendors pose serious risks to the nation’s economic and national security. The RESTRICT Act comprehensively addresses the ongoing threat posed by technology from
foreign adversaries by better empowering the Department of Commerce to review, prevent, and mitigate ICT transactions that pose undue risk, protecting the US supply chain now and into the future.

Over the past years, foreign technology, including telecommunications equipment, social media applications, security software, and e-commerce platforms, have entered the U.S. market and become increasingly embedded within our information and communications networks, posing novel threats to U.S.
citizens’ data, U.S. critical infrastructure, the privacy of Americans’ and businesses’ communications, our information ecosystem, and security of everyday products. Notable ICT products – such as Kaspersky antivirus software, telecommunications equipment supplied by Huawei, and software products from firms based in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) – gained traction while the United States government struggled to identify and respond to threats posed by these products in a timely manner. Growing concerns with consumer software from vendors in the PRC – such as ByteDance’s TikTok, Tencent’s WeChat, and Alibaba’s Alipay – have raised serious concerns about a lack
of consistent policies to identify threats posed by foreign ICT products and insufficient authorities to act decisively and comprehensively to address them. Further illuminating these concerns, the top two apps by absolute downloads in the United States from January 15, 2023 to February 13, 2023 were from PRC
vendors Temu and ByteDance. Individual agencies have attempted to utilize their various authorities to address foreign ICT threats within their own jurisdictions, but efforts have often been disjointed, failed to comprehensively address identified risks, or, simply proved slow and under-suited to the complexity and interconnectedness of the global ICT supply chain. Further, these efforts often rely on antiquated authorities delegated to the President by Congress in a pre-digital age. A new approach is needed to systemically review and address the challenges posed by technology from foreign adversaries. Both the current and previous Administrations have rallied around a more holistic 

solution: granting the Department of Commerce authority to review, block, and mitigate a range of trans- actions involving foreign information and communications technology that pose undue risk. Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology (RESTRICT) Act

The RESTRICT Act establishes a risk-based process, tailored to the rapidly changing technology and threat environment, by directing the Department of Commerce to identify and mitigate foreign threats to information and communications technology products and services. This measured, risk-based approach is especially vital in the context of personal communications services, where federal courts have blocked prior efforts to take remedial steps against foreign software vendors as insufficiently tailored and based on insufficiently-substantiated risks. The Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology (RESTRICT) Act would:
• Require the Secretary of Commerce to establish procedures to identify, deter, disrupt, prevent, prohibit, and mitigate transactions involving information and communications technology products in which any foreign adversary has any interest and poses undue or unacceptable risk to national security.
• Prioritize evaluation of ICT products used in critical infrastructure, integral to telecommunications products, or pertaining to a range of defined emerging, foundational, and disruptive technologies with serious national security implications.
• Ensure comprehensive actions to address risks of untrusted foreign ICT by requiring the Secretary to take up consideration of concerning activity identified by other USG entities.
• Educate the public and business community about the threat by requiring the Secretary of Commerce to coordinate with the Director of National Intelligence to provide declassified information on how transactions denied or otherwise mitigated posed undue or unacceptable risk.
Replies: >>24106
If anyone is wondering they lost. https://archive.ph/AOCrN
Replies: >>24106 >>24110
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This is what happens as soon as we get too comfortable having nice things.

Will pray. Can I get a tl;dr on this? Just further increase of government overreach under the guise of "national security"? I can't really find anyone else sounding the alarm on this.
Replies: >>24111 >>24141
shame it's a good place to find old Christian books that are out of print
A summery would be the government is trying to get more control of social media, one aspect of it is they will require you to present a license to use social media.
Call your representative and tell them to oppose the Restrict Act because it's an invasion of internet free speech and privacy and if they don't oppose it then tell them that you will vote against them in the primaries.
Replies: >>24146
Suffering from a lot of mental stress/anxiety/depression/lack of motivation for the past couple weeks, and a lot of anger that things that really shouldn't bother me. Prayer would be appreciated.
Replies: >>24146
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I was planning on at least e-mailing my representative and maybe my senators (all Democrats). Are there any specific points I should cover or bring up.

Will pray.
Replies: >>24147
Say you want the representative/senator to oppose the bill because it restricts free speech and privacy and say that if they don't that you'll vote against them in primaries.
Replies: >>24148
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>if they don't that you'll vote against them in primaries
A pretty empty threat in a mono-party state such as mine, but it's better than doing nothing and just complaining online.
Replies: >>24149
It's making a difference. https://archive.ph/LKQhp
Replies: >>24157
There's an open letter/petition that you can sign. Supposedly it'll automatically contact your representative. If you don't want to tie yourself to this particular petition it has a letter in the description that you could just copy and paste in an e-mail to your congressmen.

Meanwhile, pray that my fears about technological/scientific advancements and their ramifications may be assuaged.
Replies: >>24171
Okay, i emailed my representative the description.
Replies: >>24998
I will be tracking this thread each night before I go to bed and praying for each one in here. Please let me know if there is any specific requests you have.
Replies: >>24535
Trying to quit weed and atheism. Please pray for me
Thanks anon. The more people we have praying, the better. That's what this thread is all about.

Please pray that I get over my cold.
Anons, pray for me. These last few years I've been feeling sad and alone stained by my addictions and sin.

God sent a girl who recently lost her father (7 months, he was the only one who had a job), her heart is broken, her mother and brother too. I have been praying for God to comfort their hearts and I still do. Her mother is very fond of me, so I always have fun when I'm with them. I have seen with my own eyes how this trial is strengthening their faith.
I have rejoiced and admired this testimony of theirs. I am studying the Bible intensely and praying to overcome my sins, but I still keep falling into the same mistakes. (porn)

Please anons, pray for me to overcome my sins and for God to comfort the hearts of this family. So that in the end, that all these things glorify the name of the Lord.
If there are any updates to your prayers, or if they have been answered, please let us know.
Replies: >>24600 >>24601
Still haven't had progress with the awful roomate situation, but at least he's starting to be out of the room when I'm working.
My cold is getting better. Thanks to anyone who prayed for me.
I want someone who understands and cares about me. I can't pray for myself anymore. If god can answer this then I might start believing in him again.
Replies: >>24636
Hey anon, I will pray for you. I am feeling that we are going through the same situation. God has a much greater purpose in our lives. Message me on telegram: @onestaali
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There is a particular person who I really care about, but because of the stars i had to stop interacting as much as I used to.
I'm sending prayers every single night so that this person is ok. I want her to be the very best of herself possible. If you anons may join, I would be glad if you could do this as well.
I just really hope she does the right things in life. Sometimes I wonder if she knows how much I care
I talk to God all throughout the day, but He doesn't seem to talk back or give me any hope.
Replies: >>24772
I'm trying to not be angry/aggressive/wrathful on the internet, but I'm not sure how to do that.
God doesn't shine any of His light in my life.
Guess I should jus avoid the internet, but then I'll never face the challenges and truly learn and grow.
Replies: >>24772
Perhaps you are being tested, do not lose hope.
Please pray for Nick, John, and Jessie to get clean and be free from substance abuse for good.
Any updates?
Well i got an update to my email about the Restrict Act. Here is what he said:

"This year, a number of bills have been introduced in both the Senate and the House of Representatives ranging from limits on the type of personal data TikTok can collect to a nationwide ban of the app.  These bills include:

 *H.R. 1153, the Deterring America’s Technological Adversaries (DATA) Act, which would mandate the Administration to ban TikTok or any software that threaten U.S. national security.
 *H.R. 503, the No TikTok on United States Devices Act, which would prohibit TikTok from being downloaded on U.S. devices and ban commercial activity with ByteDance.  
 *H.R. 231, the Terminate TikTok on Campus Act of 2023, which would prohibit an institution of higher education from receiving federal funds unless it takes certain actions to ban the use of TikTok.

If any bill regarding TikTok reaches the House floor for a vote, I will take into account the protection of values in California’s 19th Congressional District and the security of the United States of America."
Replies: >>24999
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I hope no one here is foolish enough to applaud this action. These people aren't your friends. IBs will be outlawed eventually by this exact same type of ridiculous overreach. Christian media? Outlawed.

>muh 'stop all le bad software on muh campuses!111'
Lol. What could possibly go wrong with this carefully-laid plan?
Please pray for me brothers. I may have secured a great opportunity to provide for my family through His mercy.
Replies: >>25003
Thanks for letting us know Anon. Heavenly Father, Open doors for this man. Please prosper the work of this brother's hands, in Jesus' name. Thank You.
Asking again to see if there are any updates to previous requests, as well as any new ones.
Replies: >>25219 >>25225
Thank you for asking Anon. The situation regarding my roomate has improved dramatically: he no longer is.  :)
Replies: >>25221
I trust that means either you or him moved out and he is still alive
Replies: >>25227
Thanks, brother. I couldn't land that job yet, but I trust His mercy and count on your prayers.
Yes, ofc. :)
Please pray for my neighbor family a few houses down, they're going through a very difficult time. While on vacation three of them got into a horrible car accident, and their oldest daughter had her back very very badly broken. I'm praying for them all every night, and I really hope that she can recover well. The wreck was a few weeks back, so there's not much that can really be done now but wait and see how the recovery goes
The Lord is with his faithful in times of struggle, praying for a recovery.
Please pray that God talks to me again.
I will include both of you.
Brothers, I have been having medical difficulties, and it's probably cancer. Please pray for my health, and for my family's strength, and in the event of the worst for none of us to act in a manner which is inappropriate towards God.
Replies: >>25286 >>25287
I will pray for your health, hope you get well anon. God may be with you.
I'll include you as well.
Have you tried fasting for a few days?
Replies: >>25291
I have been fasting every day from when i sleep 7pm to 12pm.
Checking again for new/updated requests
Replies: >>25319
Update for >>25255 i had a dream that i was playing soccer with Jesus and there was a book that had the title of "I am as gentle as he is" which is an accurate description of me most of the time.
Replies: >>25327
NTA. That's pretty neat, Anon. Thanks for sharing it.
Please pray that God talks to me, once again.
Replies: >>25334 >>25336
Reminds me of The Imitation of Christ if you ever read that, inasmuch as he talks about the visitations of God and the Psalm 13 sort of things.
Replies: >>25348
please pray I get a good job. I've been a Hikki for so long I'm starting to degenerate.
Replies: >>25352 >>25356
I had another dream about Jesus, where he said "what inconvenience can i help with?" and then i woke up before i could answer.
Replies: >>25338
There is more to this Dream, when i was an atheist i would complain that God made a bad world of inconveniences.
What about the books reminds you of me praying for God to talk to me.
OK Anon, stay encouraged!
That's two now anon. Lord Jesus, hear our prayer! Would You please help us find work and provide for our loved ones? Would You please allow us to, through such work, give glory to Your benevolence and testimony to Your mercy? We trust that You desire nothing but what is best for us, and we long to see You do Your will in each of our lives, with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My dog had an inspection today. The vet detect him a tumour in the spleen. Tomorrow I'm gonna go to see if he can have a surgery before it get's worse. Please, I would like if you pray with me for his safety. Thanks.
Hi anons, I've been really lost in life recently. It seems my engagement has fallen through and I feel terribly uncertain about my future now after being together for 5 years. I somehow stumbled over here and it brings me some hope and joy to find a Christian corner—I'm not exactly Christian, but I've been going to church recently as well as praying more. I think I'd like to convert someday, but for now it feels really daunting. Please pray for me to find my way. Sorry for the long rambling post, just been really lonely. Thanks guys. I'll keep you all in my thoughts as well.
Replies: >>25430
I've been there. Breaking up after 5 years (not a Christian relationship by any standard). You look around, age against you, in the hopes of finding something. Jesus calls you... and you resist, as if the commitment to Him is much too heavy, or as if you could find what you are looking for without him.

You are prolonging your agony, but it's good that you've been trying to pray. Treat your prayer as your free, 24/7 on call audience with the king of kings, who welcomes and loves you more than you could ever love yourself.
My grandmother was admitted to the hospital this morning after what looks like a heart attack. Please pray for her and my family.
Replies: >>25535
Will do, Anon.
Please pray that God helps me to love myself and feel whole so i don't have to look for love from porn.
Replies: >>25548
I'm willing to pray that you come to understand the love of God for you instead. Will that be a good start for you Anon?
Replies: >>25551
That will be good as well. I feel like love needs to be prove to me, personally.
Replies: >>25552
Alright, fair enough then. I'll pray for that.
Asking again for updated prayers, this is my list so far:
>Anon's friend's family
>Anon's trust in God
>Anon's church seeking
>Anon's stress/anxiety/depression/lack of motivation
>Anon's atheism and quitting drugs
>Anon's porn addiction (x3)
>Anon's loneliness
>Anon's friend
>Anon's friends and sobriety
>Anon's neighbors
>Anon's speaking with God
>Anon's health issues
>Anon's job search
Lord Jesus, would you please remember us brothers in Your infinite love? Us little, fallen, broken and undeserving brothers on this thread? Please, have mercy on us.
Replies: >>25627
Amen. Thank you for Your great grace and mercy, Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name.
Please pray that God protects me from specific dangers that he knows i worry about.
Please pray for Michael Voris. Not sure of the specific reasons for his resignation from Church Militant but it doesn't really matter, he needs our prayers to help him get back up and continue to bear his cross.
Bumping to check for new/updated requests
Still struggling with unemployment. I'm glad the Lord gave me a supportive, patient and godly family. I'll leave the prayer our little one said a few minutes ago, hoping that the Lord will confer the same blessing unto all our brothers in the thread.

Jesus, would you please take away our fear and our bad dreams? Amen.
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Pray that I will have the strength to keep a fast from alcohol for the duration of Advent.
not op but i will pray for you and them.
please give us an update
Pray for me to learn how to set boundaries and say "No." when it comes to work. I am too nice of a person for a secular and materialist country with a cold-hearted disposition against its own workers. My over-willingness to help and say "Yes." has burnt me out of 2 jobs within the last 2 years, and there's a risk of it becoming 3 jobs. But I'd rather not quit this 3rd job. Lord willing, I'd rather learn to be more temperate in refusing unreasonable positions, and be transferred to a less stressful position and/or a reduction of hours, rather than quitting.

Pray for me to find something else to do with my free time besides games, and especially video games. After years of struggling with a declining 30 year old interest in video games, this year I've come to the conclusion that I must stop playing video games. Dopamine fasts of varying lengths and intensity have failed to recapture a joy in playing video games. Trying out new kinds of games I have never played before, or not played in a long time, does not work either. And so I am experiencing a little bit of an identity crisis as I come to grips with video games no longer being an integral part of my life as they once were. Which I know does not make sense, as I know I am giving up absolutely nothing by quitting video games. Nevertheless the 'feeling' that I am losing something important is still there.

May God bless you all with the wisdom to see the light at the end of your burdens.
Replies: >>26146 >>26155
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>Which I know does not make sense, as I know I am giving up absolutely nothing by quitting video games. Nevertheless the 'feeling' that I am losing something important is still there.
No, we all understand exactly what you're talking about, Anon. I think it's something to do with the truths behind this verse:
>"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I set aside childish ways." [1]

We all want our lives to count for something important. Sadly, few of us actually manage it. Mostly (I think) b/c we simply cling to the mundane (ie, vidya, &tc), rather striving for the monumental & 'impossible' dream.

I pray that 2024 be a yuge turning point for the better in your life, Anon! Cheers.  :)

1.  https://biblehub.com/1_corinthians/13-11.htm
Replies: >>26147
>rather than striving for*
Please pray for my father who works hard for our family at his old age. Please pray that my older brother will find a stable source of income for the family upon graduation.
Replies: >>26152
Please pray that I don't succumb to novelty and download games and unblock time wasting websites again. Strict abstinence from all entertainments modern has brought great peace into my being, and which aids me for my pursuit of learning (mathematics student, philosophy in free time). Please pray that I will not lose my present and hard earned stability, after much inner torment from the mindless distractions that modern media affects.
Replies: >>26152 >>26155
OK, Anon we'll pray! Merry Christmas.
I have about 9 consoles most of which are soft modded and about three PCs, two of which i've built for games, and i hardly use them at all. God clearly wants me to get rid of them, and i wouldn't miss them very much, but there is this awful clinginess i have to them, they don't help me. I must leave them behind and I've told God before that if he wants me to then i'd leave them, and yet i have so many and i have problems leaving them. No video game is better than God.

I'm close to dealing with the exact problem right now, i will pray for everyone in this thread, including you.
Brothers, my community is hurting. The lead pastor tried hard to be joyful about Christmas. One of us in the staff has a 6-year old wasting away in hospital since Tuesday. Damn, the girl even appeared in our service materials. She is likely not coming out of this...  not without major, life-shattering consequences, and on a very dim chance. This changes every verse, in every song, the context of every scripture reading. May Jesus be kind to this girl and her family. Shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.
I think I might be homosexual. I'm not sure, I have a lot of conflicting feelings and experiences on the matter. Naturally, my love for God comes first either way, and I am resolved to be celibate for the rest of my life if needed... But I'm kinda torn up over the potential loss of the chance at getting married and having my own children and family someday, which has been a real dream since I was very young. At this point I'm just hoping to know for sure if that's my cross to bear or if I've just been confused.
I will try to pray for you all more often, God bless.
Replies: >>26206
I've made myself a student of human behaviors and relationships to try to treat my own mental dysfunctions. The dysfunctions in question are along the lines of Limerence (love addiction), Atlas Personality disorder, other things that lesser interest me like mild Narcissus behaviours or moderate Autism and so on...

But the interesting part of it is that Limerence can be felt toward both sexes. So when you're experiencing this for the first time and another *male* won't leave your brain even if you're trying to shake them from it then this leaves you questioning whether you're a homosexual, or at the very least some sort of both ways kinds of sexual.

At that time I decided that I was "90% straight" (don't blame me for this terminology;- woke gender identity pandering was only just being field tested back then) and that perhaps some 10% femininity was causing a problem - but that as a result my adoration however extreme is just mostly platonic and thoughts of procreation or cohabiting were "just not a possibility" - that is to say they didn't plague my brain unlike the more generic notions of love might do.

Once I understood that I was not possessed of what I called "latent homosexuality" (that way inclined since birth) that meant that I have the means of choices to be making, and as it happens I chose to express it through 'Philo' instead of 'Eros' which, while still bad for those recipients of it I think, due to the extreme nature of it, I think it mostly made me come across as some sort of asexual weirdo to those on the receiving end more so than giving an 'in the closet homo' vibe.

You too may undergo a similar sort of journey of learning to delineate between Philio, Eros, and Storge and so on. Once I had that, along with the understanding of the human body to find it less fascinating to glance over cept for point of comparison, I've no worries at all about wanting to do stuff with another man. It just doesn't interest me.

I thank God for not being possessed of "latent homosexuality" and it's implied difficulties but then the debate rages on over whether this has ever even been a thing. A lot of the people who claim to be gay were abused when they were children by a relative or some other that got close to them. The actual number of homosexuals minus the social contagion element is <10%.

Sorry this explanation is an essay but I thought it might be beneficial to you. You are by statistical odds alone, very unlikely to be a homosexual anon.
Replies: >>26219 >>26292
Your possible inclinations do not define you, brothers. They are not even formed into a consistent source of temptation at this point... they are just 'ambient' or 'background' darkness from our fallen world and selves. (Take it from someone who has suffered with the so-called latent homosexuality for too long).
>A lot of the people who claim to be gay were abused when they were children by a relative or some other that got close to them.
Nearly every famous homosexual celebrity has mentioned how he or she was sexually abused as a child. Every person I've come across IRL who identifies as a homosexual has told me or others the same story. Most celebrity homosexuals were child actors in Hollywood. I'm sure that's just a coincidence...
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Please pray that God delivers  me from my demon induced schizophrenia.
Pray for the pagans in Gaza and the west bank that they won't have their homes stolen and their people massacred. 
Pray for the Christians in Ukraine who are made to murder each other by their wicked governments. 
Pray for my dog. She's terribly ill and is my only friend in this wicked world. 
Pray for the Homeless, who have no food, shelter and are ignored by the people on these cold nights.
Replies: >>26249
thanks for the prayers. At least my dog has recovered.
Replies: >>26251
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Good! Thanks for the update Anon, that's an answer to prayer. Cheers.  :)
I did not want to mention this because we are on an imageboard but I feel bad because you wrote a long response and my situation may not quite be the same. ##I am female, and I'm concerned about attraction towards women, and a lack of attraction towards men.## 
I do hope that maybe I'm just confused, it makes me worry though since I've had unusual feelings since a young age. Never been sexually abused as a child and even had a rather positive view of the opposite sex throughout my life, unfortunately had some painful experiences once I was older but that's long after the signs began showing up. 
I appreciate your explanation nonetheless, it's kind of you to share your own experience. and I hope it's not too bizarre for me to be here.
my car is 100% going to be declared a total loss by my insurance company, and i won't have the money to get a half-decent car for several months. pray that things work out for me.
if somebody is around, please pray that my grandma's health gets better and she's not in pain anymore, and also that i make peace with my girlfriend and we can get married soon. thank you anons!!
Replies: >>26427
Prayed for your Grammy, Anon.
I am praying for God to add some innocent ignorance back into my life. I broke the Ecclesiastes commandment to not be overwise. It happened somewhere in my twenties when I decided to give secular wisdom a try at answering life's mysteries. And so I spent a not insignificant time during that decade reading any historical, political, psychological, sociological, and philosophical work that I deemed interesting. But all I got was more questions than answers. And what answers I found are unsatisfying, even if they are true (i.e. history is cyclical, and there is no new thing under the sun.) Moreover being too smart also led to me trying my hand in exercising myself in great things, and matters too high for me, which is contrary to the commandment.

This all gives me feelings of alienation from all other people. Even from people which appear to have my welfare in mind. It also feels like I've been unwittingly optimizing fun out of my life. And that a part of my daily struggles with depression and anxiety stem from going against the Lord's word on these matters of wisdom.
Replies: >>26429
May God bless you both for you wisdom in coming to your right senses, and for endeavoring to get back on the right path. Godspeed, Anon.  :)
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We should say a prayer of thanksgiving for our board being successfully migrated to a new site before anon.cafe shut down.
Replies: >>26531
Hey anons, not exactly a Christian but I would like your assistance. I am currently suffering from intensive demonic attacks. I am seeing awful faces, clouds of energy, flashes of light, and colored lights, and I am suffering all sorts of violation and nightmares. I am praying and reading the Bible as I can and rebuking this spirit as it attacks. I already have my family praying for me, but it wouldn't hurt to have you guys praying for me as well.
Replies: >>26531
Holy Father, we thank you for allowing our community to successfully migrate to its new home. In Jesus' name, we humbly ask that we may become full of the Holy Spirit, so that we can minister to our broken brothers in the chanosphere, and grow together in discipleship. Amen.

Holy Father, in Jesus' name, we ask that you relieve our brothers from the oppression of darkness, and that you send them the Holy Spirit, so that they may long to know and serve you, and so that they renounce whatever sins place them under the yoke of the evil one. Amen.
My family is in a tenuous financial situation at the moment. Pray that we find a way out of it and don't lose the house.
Replies: >>26622
Praying for you, friend.
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Blessings upon you, brothers in Christ. This thread hasn't seen much lately. I hope that you are firm and strong. May Jesus hear your prayers and make you full of the Holy Spirit, amen. Please update.

This wall of text is in witness to His mercy. I was here out of a job for over a year, with a five year-old and a wife barely making minimum wage. We prayed like glowing embers. You brothers prayed for us too, thank you. In the last few weeks I was blessed with not one, but two jobs. The first was a very modest full-time, hard labour opportunity at a local business, which I found by calling a number an acquaintance had just posted in a common group. In prayerful diligence at work. All the time. The Lord moved my employers to let me take up a part-time schedule after not even a month, to accommodate for the second job. It seemed obvious to me that such an arrangement would help keep myself humble before the Lord, because this second job, while just a term contract, and at a still very modest rank, was unbelievably favourable, with all the temptations that come with it. Twice the rates, very flexible hours, some remote component... It's also easier on my boomer bones, open for growth, unionised, with health/life/pension benefits, and with a constellation of very, very friendly old colleagues. God wanted to amaze me so much that this job found me by complete surprise, with a person writing to offer the contract. 'This is not a competition, it is a direct appointment, if you accept it'. I couldn't believe my eyes. The Psalm 30 squint. Greenlit until Christmas. Holy smokes. And now sleep. Hard labour tomorrow.

Blessed are you, Lord Jesus. Thank you for living through this great experience, and for the opportunity to share it with my brothers. You heard my prayer and blessed me, this I testify. Also, please lead me to fulfil both contracts with equal diligence, in service, gratitude and witness to You.  Thank you. Amen.
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Bumping this thread to ask for prayers that I may overcome my nostalgia.
Replies: >>26910
Will pray for you, anon
I am praying for the sudden generosity and flattery today by some rando truck driver toward a married female coworker is not some subtle attempt at adultery. And if it is, then I pray for God to rebuke it. And if God shall not rebuke it, then I pray for the Lord to at least place a stumbling block before the truck driver so that he rebukes himself.
Replies: >>26950
The charity turned out to be genuine, thank God. My suspicions are humbled. Now I think to repay the generosity with my own generosity somewhere else.
Ran into some foolish companies trailer with my car that they parked in my driveway in the middle of the night. I didn't damage the trailer whatsoever but the owners are lawyers and have a camera on it so they might go after me anyways. It was the metal hitch of the trailer that ended up barely scratching my own car's plastic parts, their hitch is undamaged. Pray for the will of God to be done.
Replies: >>26988
Prayers enroute, Anon! :^)
With the recent happenings in Syria, spare a prayer for the Christian communities in that country.
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