Welcome to /christian/, the webring's hub for discussion of Christianity, faith, the hard questions, and the Gospel Truth!
1. Follow the global rules; do not post illegal content.
2. Do not post pornography, lewd, or semi-lewd imagery of any form. If its intention is to arouse, it will be deleted.
3. Do not spam threads or posts.
4. Do not advertise other imageboards.
5. Do not post anything that attacks/insults Christianity. Good-faith debate and discussion is allowed; make sure your posts are high quality, well-written, and well-researched.
6. Put effort into your posts. Low-quality threads and posts (including bait, off-topic, flaming, or nonsense/schizoposting) will be deleted.
7. One-liner questions that don't need their own thread go in QTDDTOT >>6836 . If your thread was deleted, there is a good chance it was moved here instead. Last edited 14/03/2024, 14:41:04 by christianjanny