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Here's how you could "fix", or make a better version of the C programming language.

How would you improve C or another language?

Most important

- #import, imports the file into the program, but only makes the contents (variables, functions, types) available inside files that include it directly. It does not place the contents where you #imported it like #include does. Header files and compiler settings are unnecessary for #imported files. #defines do not have to be compatible with it, if that's what it takes. #include is still useful though, although I would probably call it #paste instead.
- Use . instead of -> for dereferencing struct members. It seems like a nitpick but it's important because of how prevalent and annoying and totally pointless (insert pointer joke) it is.

- Built-in build system. Use a more restrictive version of C as a "scripting language" (whatever is required to allow it to compile instantaneously), it compiles into a temporary program that runs inside the compiler, essentially it's only purpose is to set up the compiler settings and some global variables, maybe copy some files around. I'm fine with using a separate build script for personal use, but as soon as I have to interact with someone else's code and build processes, I just want to throw all of computers into the trash. The compiler should only have 1 or 2 options: selecting the build file, and maybe an output path. Build files should be able to inherit other build files (so you can keep most of the settings same, and only change a couple things for different build types).
- Structs are automatically typedef'd. Maybe you can optionally pre-declare it to solve visibility issues (2 structs that contain pointers to each other).
- Types for enums, and type checking (can't set a value from enum 1 into a variable whose type is enum 2, without casting).
- Namespaced enums and automatic member picking. For the enums and function "enum FOO {X, Y, Z}; enum BAR {X, Y, Z}; void fizzle (FOO);", you can call the function with "fizzle(.X)" which has the same meaning as "fizzle(FOO.X)". "X" by itself would not refer to anything unless one of the enums was anonymous.
- Bitfield type. Basically just an enum, except it gives each member a different 1 bit (1, 2, 4, 8, 16...).
- {} automatically casts to the target type where ever possible, no need to cast it manually. Example: for function "void foo (Vec2)", you can just call it with "foo({.x=1})" instead of "foo((Vec2){.x=1})"
- Variables do not implicitly cast if there may be loss of information. For example u8 to u32 works, but u32 to u8 requires manual casting. Same with floats to ints, signed ints to unsigned ints.
- Variables initialize to zero by default unless you say otherwise. For example "Vec2 pos;" is the same as "Vec2 pos = {0};", meanwhile "Vec2 pos = #noinit;" is undefined.
-  works on all types, including structs. "if (foo  bar)" just works, always, as long as the types are same.
- Anonymous structs should just work, and be compatible with each other. For example if you just want to group 2 values, you shouldn't need to declare a type name for it when you send it around.
- Ability to get the member of a struct directly from a return value. For example for the function "Vec2 foo ()", you can do "float x = foo().x". This, when combined with anonymous structs as mentioned above, would allow you to do multiple return values by yourself without explicit language support for it.
- Compile-time functions (constexpr). Basically a it is guaranteed to run at compile-time, so it just leaves behind it's return value and doesn't even exist at runtime.
- Make it easier to get rid of libc or whatever it is that bloats the hell out of your program. Your hello world program should be about 1kb, and if you don't import any libraries then the only thing that should make it bigger is the code that you type in.
- 16-bit floats.
- Switch cases break by default. "fallthrough" keyword added for falling through. "break" does not interact with switch, so you can break from an outer loop with switch.
- More run-time memory safety options, better error reporting, and callstack tracing (especially upon a crash), toggleable with build settings.
- Safe version of alloca, or just make alloca be safe (returns NULL if it fails, instead of silently exploding)
- function_id, basically func except it returns a unique integer ID for the function instead of a string for the name, starts from 1 so 0 can be treated as an error. Also function_count or max_function_id so you can create an array that contains information for every function.
- Inline functions actually inline properly and work properly, there's no reason that a function should ever fail or refuse to inline, unless you explicitly allow "optimizations" to ignore it when you told the compiler to inline the fucking function.
- Better function and variable visibility logic: "local" = local to the current file only (this is the default), "public" = visible to other files through #import, "export" = available outside of the program as dynamic library functions
- _Generic lets you select arbitrary code snippers, not just words, for example "_Generic(x, int:{ foo(x, 0.5) }, default:{ foo(100, x) })"
- Forbid setting variables inside "if" parentheses, it makes code less readable, but more importantly is error-prone. "if (x = foo())" should not be valid, and looks too similar to "if (x == foo())".
- #defines that are local to a function (2 functions with the same #define inside of them won't conflict).
- Multiline macros. For example:
	x = 14;
- Custom string delimiters with options. Especially options to manipulate whitespaces so you can still tab and space the text block in your source code properly without affecting the string content. For example:
char* foo = #string(ignore_tabs, ignore_leading_whitespace, ignore_trailing_whitespace) #LOL_STRING#
	this is a "story"
	all about how my #1 life
	got turned upside down
- #onbreak, similar to a macro, except it's automatically placed directly before all the following scope breaks (at the end of loops and if blocks, before return statements, etc) from the scope where it was defined in.
void foo () {
	for (...) {
		if (e) return; // not placed here because this is before #onbreak
		char* foo = malloc(123);
		#onbreak free(foo);
		if (x) {
			/* #onbreak contents placed here because of continue */
		if (z) {
			/* #onbreak contents placed here because of return */
		/* #onbreak contents placed here because the scope where it was defined ends */
- A better way to do variable arguments. There's many ways you could handle it but anything is probably better than the half assed crap that C currently does. I would be inclined to use some kind of type IDs because they have the least structural implications, all the language really needs to do is create a list of IDs for all the argument types:
void foo (... arg) {
	void* p = va_datapointer(arg);
	for (int i=0; i<va_count(arg); i++) {
		switch (va_typeid(arg, i)) {
			case typeid(int):   printf("Argument %i is an int: %i\n", i, *p);                           p += sizeof(int);   break;
			case typeid(float): printf("Argument %i is a float: %f\n", i, *p);                          p += sizeof(float); break;
			case typeid(Vec2):  printf("Argument %i is a Vec2: %i %i\n", i, ((Foo*)p)->x ((Foo*)p)->y); p += sizeof(Vec2);  break;
			default:            printf("Argument %i is invalid!\n", i);                                                     return;
Vec2 pos = {};
foo(123, 0.5, pos);

// arg is just a pointer, imagine the following (the variables should be tightly packed in memory) (#defines are "insecure" for the sake of clarity):
#define va_count(arg)        *(int*)arg
#define va_datapointer(arg)  arg + sizeof(int) + (*(int*)arg * sizeof(u16))
#define va_typeid(arg, i)    *(u16)(arg + sizeof(int) + (i * sizeof(u16)))

int argcount = 3;
u16 typeid = typeid(int);
u16 typeid = typeid(float);
u16 typeid = typeid(Vec2);
int arg1 = 123;
float arg2 = 0.5;
Vec2 arg2 = {};

- Some extremely simple templates. I shouldn't have to manually declare 800 different vectors and a new array type every time I want to put a new variable into an array.

- Fixed length types by default. u8 for unsigned char, i32 for int, f32 for float, etc. Old names can be used for flexible types where the compiler is free to change it as it sees fit for optimization or platform purposes.
- Pointer is a property of the type, not the variable. "int* foo" is more correct than "int *foo", and therefore "int* x, y" declares 2 pointers instead of a pointer and an integer.
- Ignore const when calling a function that has const arguments (you shouldn't ever have to cast a variable INTO const).
- Remove the "static" keyword. For variables it should be something like "persist", the naming for functions was elaborated above (tl;dr: static is default, public/export makes it visible).
- Ability to shift a pointer without casting, for example "foo !+ 3" gets an offset of 3 bytes from the pointer, not an offset of 3*sizeof(type).
- "alias" keyword, lets you make a new name that refers to something else. Less error-prone than using #define.
- #c_version, an optional declaration at the top of the file that tells the compiler which version of the language the file was made for. This makes it easier to change the language in the future since the compiler knows when a file expects outdated functionality, and can choose whether to implicitly support it, to give a warning, or to try to compile it with the oldest available compiler version.
- Remove "++ x" -style syntax. It causes unnecessary headaches when code golf nerds think they're being clever by cramming shit into a small space and intentionally exploiting esoteric differences like this. "x ++" is enough and more consistent with "x += 1".
- Nested functions exist globally. The point is to let you store a pointer to the inner function and call it from elsewhere after the parent function has returned.
void (*foo) ();
void set_foo (int which) {
	void a () {
		printf("I am a!");
	void b () {
		printf("I am b!");
	if (which) foo = a;
	else       foo = b;
void main () {
	a(); // error: 'a' is undefined

Coming in C2X

- bool, true, false, as real keywords
- null is a keyword for a 0 value pointer, not some weird void pointer macro. While nullptr is an improvement, it's almost twice as long as it needs to be and I'll just end up doing #define null nullptr
- Binary constants, for example (0b10010110)
- Number separators, for example (10_000_000  10000000), (0b10010110  0b_1001_0110)
- {} initializes structs to 0 (same as {0} currently)
- Empty function arguments is the same as void arguments. "void foo ()" is the same as "void foo (void)"
- Binary file importing. I don't know how this works, but it better also give you a constant for the size of the file.
Replies: >>11621 >>11631
>-  works on all types, including structs. "if (foo  bar)" just works
- =.= works on all types, including structs. "if (foo =.= bar)" just works
>for example (10_000_000  10000000), (0b10010110  0b_1001_0110)
for example (10_000_000 =.= 10000000), (0b10010110 =.= 0b_1001_0110)

Can't we just use bbcode tags instead of this shitty formatting syntax?
Replies: >>11622
Oh also, all underlined words should be surrounded with 2 underscores.
>im not a retard its just that the simplest language of all time is broken and needs to fit my idiotic nonsense
Replies: >>11624 >>12006
I write more C code than everyone else on this board combined.
Replies: >>11625 >>11734
and yet you think -> is totally arbitrary and can be replaced with . when its nothing more than syntax sugar for fucking  (*asd).asd and think you can just do a == (ie.cmp) on structs which are of arbitrary sizee and more often than not dont fucking fit in the fucking register 
yeah you clearly write so much c that the simplicity of it is so obscure to you you think it has to be fixed with nonsense only a pyshit could come up with
Replies: >>11626 >>11630
You clearly don't write a lot of C.
Replies: >>11627
project harder loser, i can pull out dozens of quotes that show you have no experience and jumped into c from pyshit and cant understand the simplicity of c and why its intentionally kept simple
Replies: >>11628
If someone posted a C program in this website, there's a 90% chance the post was made by me. In this board, 100%.
Replies: >>11629
>i posted 90% of the garbage code here therfore i m not idiot
read THIS THREAD you fucking loser, youre a complete idiot
>you think -> is totally arbitrary and can be replaced with . when its nothing more than syntax sugar for fucking  (*asd).asd
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy fuck i'm dying ,sentience-free posting LMAO
I like both your lists in general, but I would probably cut out half of the things you want just because I dislike adding arbitrary rules that have better solutions. My biggest suggestion would be removing the restriction on if(x=y) and instead augment the build system to allow for in-house linting. This would be WAY more powerful than having some authoritarian language committee trannies telling you to use the latest newspeak, which changes every day. Instead, the user has the freedom to use libraries that check their work effectively, based on their workflow and domain-specific needs. WAY BETTER. I would also extend this to multi-stage build script compilation in place of compile-time execution. In my idealized C, I think this would probably be simpler and more "C like" for the sake of implementation.

This is definitely nitpick material but I would also say that - if you were going to get serious with this - drop using any reference to C, (ie, your #c_version) and also make considerations for people who are trying to determine whether a piece of text is your C, or the original C. Main thing that comes to mind is your changing the semantics of "int* x,y;" While I agree that the original semantics were the wrong choice, I would not want to scratch my head over whether a particular file, in the wild, is using "type first" or "id first". IF THE FILE EXTENSION IS JUST .C THAT WOULD BE VERY BAD.

I get the sense that you're going for "the time machine has sent you back to 1989 and you need to fix the C99 language standard" but if we're talking about reality these sorts of practical concerns should be addressed. Anyway I'd like to post my list, but I think I'll need to take a bit of time to get everything down. It's better to present as a whole.
Replies: >>11632
>augment the build system to allow for in-house linting
That may be better, it may also make compile times slower, but my first instinct is that it strays too far from what C is because now you can't necessarily understand the program without reading a some build system related metaprogram first. If I was completely hands-free to do anything, then I wouldn't even remake C in the first place, I would make a new language with different syntax and do metaprogramming completely differently.

>authoritarian language committee trannies
On one hand I like having more freedom, but on the other hand I have to suffer from stupid bugs caused by typos that the compiler won't warn me about because some code golf enthusiasts want the ability to save 0.2% code size by cramming a statement inside an if block header. I can remember at least 3 times that I had a bug that was caused by assigning a variable where you're expected to be comparing variables. I don't think this kind of freedom is valuable in any way to real programmers, it doesn't help you or do anything useful or give you any new capabilities, in fact it does the opposite by making certain typos not give errors which makes me feel like I'm programming in Javascript.

>I get the sense that you're going for "the time machine has sent you back to 1989 and you need to fix the C99 language standard"
Kind of, except I doubt you could fix C by using a time machine. What I'm thinking of is more like what if the C committee decided that they're dropping backwards compatibility and created C 2.0. Not a new language exactly, just a better or alternate version of the same one.
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python just works
check em
Replies: >>11635
Can't you use Zig or Nim as C-replacements? I don't know much about those 2 languages but they look like good candidates.

But it doesn't have the performance or low-level control of C.
Replies: >>11636 >>11643
>Can't you use Zig or Nim as C-replacements?
They operate on a similar level so sure. Doesn't mean they're better though.
tl;dr can you break it down to things "Better C" from the D programming language doesn't have?
Replies: >>11651
Zig is vaporware and has way too much boilerplate and "you do it our way" fanatism behind it to ever be successful.
Replies: >>11830
The Zig compiler doesn't even compile source code with tabs in it because the developers are fanatic retards.
Replies: >>11645 >>11830
Get a load of this fag.
Replies: >>11646
>current year
Anyway, why should they care about formatting at all? It should be up to the user.
>- Use . instead of -> for dereferencing struct members. It seems like a nitpick but it's important because of how prevalent and annoying and totally pointless (insert pointer joke) it is.
It should be . to dereference a pointer to struct and get the named member or simply get the named member, automatically decided based on whether it's a pointer to struct. A . over -> is because that's one less keypress. If you want to get the address of a struct member, you should do e.g. &ptv.tv_sec.

>Structs are automatically typedef'd
>Namespaced enums and automatic member picking.
>Variables do not implicitly cast
>Forbid setting variables inside "if" parentheses
> = = (equality) works on all types, including structs.
>Custom string delimiters with options
>A better way to do variable arguments. There's many ways you could handle it but anything is probably better than the half assed crap that C currently does
There is no problem to be fixed and your ideas are garbage. 
>Built-in build system
>Fixed length types by default
>Variables initialize to zero by default unless you say otherwise
>Ignore const 
>Remove the "static" keyword
>Remove "++ x" -style syntax
Not only is there no problem to fix for any of these, but you're introducing problems.
>Types for enums, and type checking (can't set a value from enum 1 into a variable whose type is enum 2, without casting).
There is no problem that this fixes.
>Bitfield type.
A "type" would be overkill. The only thing that is necessary is syntax to describe how each sequential enum is generated, this would be much more powerful and simpler.
>{} automatically casts to the target type where ever possible.
>Anonymous structs
Already a thing.
>Anonymous structs should be compatible with each other
Again, there is no problem that this solves, and your idea is retarded.
>Ability to get the member of a struct directly from a return value
Already a thing.
>multiple return values
Have you ever heard of pointers?
>Compile-time functions
Compiler implementation detail. You have C++ braindamage.
>Make it easier to get rid of libc
Has nothing to do with C.
>16-bit floats
Maybe a floating-point type that requires even less range than the minimums and maximums float requires could be introduced depending on whether there is hardware support for this, sure.
>Switch cases break by default. "fallthrough" keyword added for falling through. "break" does not interact with switch
This is the first suggestion that fixes a real problem. Switch cases falling through by default means C does the uncommon thing by default. It should do the common thing by default.
>More run-time memory safety options
>callstack tracing
Nothing to do with C.
>better error reporting
Too vague.
>Safe version of alloca
1. Point to where alloca() is in the C standard. 
2. Do you even know C? Did you know there's something called auto storage duration that does the same thing?
3. There's nothing unsafe about alloca().
>function_id, basically func except it returns a unique integer ID for the function instead of a string for the name, starts from 1 so 0 can be treated as an error
Already a thing, take the address of the function.
>Also function_count or max_function_id so you can create an array that contains information for every function.
Perfectly doable as C currently is.
>Inline functions actually inline properly
Not C's fault. Also, what the optimizer does is the compiler's problem to begin with, C went full retard here. Your suggestions are extremely bad, but now that there is a real flaw, your text about fixing "flaws" has nothing about fixing it, instead you want to make it worse.
>Better function and variable visibility logic
Congrats on a good suggestion.
Dunno, the only thing I use from C11 is atomics.
>#defines that are local to a function
Feel free to declare a variable.
>Multiline macros
Already a thing.
>#onbreak, similar to a macro, except it's automatically placed directly before all the following scope breaks (at the end of loops and if blocks, before return statements, etc) from the scope where it was defined in.
goto considered useful.
>I shouldn't have to manually declare 800 different vectors and a new array type every time I want to put a new variable into an array.
You don't.
>Pointer is a property of the type, not the variable.
>Ability to shift a pointer
What you said doesn't make sense in C. Perhaps you're thinking about assembly.
>"alias" keyword
Learn to name things.

I don't feel like reading the rest of your post, but it shows great ignorance.
Replies: >>11652
1. void pointers implicitly cast to other pointers
Replies: >>11658
>I don't feel like reading the rest of your post, but it shows great ignorance.
You should look in the mirror.
Replies: >>11653
You hardly even know C as your post shows, yet you want to "fix" it.
Replies: >>11659
That's not much to complain about, relatively speaking.
You should use Better C then.
I use C for making programs, not for competing how accurately I remember what I read in a book about it.
Replies: >>11660
>I use a language I barely understand for making programs, not for competing how accurately I remember what I read in a book about it.
nooooo, the language is broken
Replies: >>11661
>I write more C code than everyone else on this board combined.
If that's true then you know that the whole point of C is that is can run on custom microcontrollers with 56Kb RAM and 16bit bytes not just your x86 "gaming" laptop. Github is full of bloated "better" C's that only compile with LLVM and 64GB of RAM and therefor can never hope to replace C where it is actually used most Rust being the most hyped example.
Replies: >>11740 >>11773
Replies: >>11741
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I don't know why you think I would give a shit what someone else uses C for, or why that would matter for this topic in the first place. If C was better, then people who currently enjoy C would enjoy it even more.
Replies: >>11776 >>11778
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>i dont give a shit what a system language is for, if c becomes abstract javashit then kernel devs would enjoy it more
Replies: >>11777
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>I didn't read, and probably can't
>I don't know why you think I would give a shit what someone else uses C for, or why that would matter for this topic in the first place
Your topic is about creating a "better" version of C. Understanding what C is used for in the real world should be relevant. If you're just making a useless toy language to suck your own dick then the real question is why do you think we would give a shit.
Replies: >>11780
If you want to really improve a language why not make a Scheme with a tree-destructuring lambda? Fix NIL-punning and gas the boolean type and I'd hack it all day.
How does any of the things mentioned go against your personal perception of "what C is used for in the real world"?
Replies: >>11833
what do you mean? I have been using it for the last 3 years for hobby projects

so you have a language that matches like 95% of the points in your list, and your problem is that it enforces some minor style guidelines?
let me rephrase because I'm not even being rhetorical. what else do you dislike besides that? how much have you used it?
>How does any of the things mentioned go against your personal perception of "what C is used for in the real world"?
<C is a small and simple and portable language
<all the shit you mentioned makes it less small and less simple and less portable
<we already have 6m toy languages built on llvm which are useless in the real world
Do you understand now?

>your personal perception of "what C is used for in the real world"?
Dude I'm a firmware engineer. While you were writing your post I was at work getting paid to write C.
Replies: >>11835 >>11917
ad populum fallacy. if you care so little feel free to ignore the thread
Replies: >>11907
If you didn't want any feedback then feel free to write a blog instead of posting on a discussion board.
Replies: >>11917
You didn't post any "feedback", you're just crying because you don't want C to change at all. Even the creators of the language themselves disagree with you.
Replies: >>11918
>you're just crying because you don't want C to change at all
You know that's not what was said. Take some time to calm down and then read the posts properly.
Replies: >>11919
You didn't post any "feedback". The amount of people who care that a new feature is added or changed are a minority of autists who are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, and probably are already using an outdated version like C99 and therefore are doubly irrelevant for this discussion.

Other "toy languages" have literally nothing to do with this discussion either.
Replies: >>11920
>The amount of people who care that a new feature is added or changed are a minority of autists who are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things
What are you actually trying to achieve?

If you want to make changes just for yourself then that's the definition of a toy language.

If you want to make changes to help other people then you need to understand what those other people actually need.

You're hitting the gas and the brake at the same time by saying you want to improve C but also fuck everyone who actually uses C.
Replies: >>11921
Why am I not included in "what C users want", but you are?

>What are you actually trying to achieve?
Make a better version of C that's more fun and comfortable to program with and doesn't fuck it up with something retarded like making a garbage collected language and then putting the "better C" as a secondary compiler mode, or by making the syntax even more of a clusterfuck than modern C++, and whatever stupid shit all the "C alternative" languages do.

Why don't you pick some of the features that were listed and explain how they're bad instead of giving subjective strawmen about "what C programmers want" or whatever. The only suggested feature that kinds of goes against C-style programming is "extremely simple templates", and even that's questionable.
Replies: >>11923
>subjective strawmen about "what C programmers want" or whatever
In 2023 C is used for 3 reasons
1. it gives you direct access to memory
2. it gives you tight control of resources (memory, power consumption, latency, code space)
3. it's simple enough to write your own compiler for custom hardware
If your "improvements" fuck with any of these then it's not a better C it's just another Rust wannabe.

>Make a better version of C that's more fun and comfortable to program with
Ok lol. This was my mistake for taking you seriously.
Just do it. You can learn a lot by writing your compiler/interpreter so it's still worth doing regardless of anything else.
Replies: >>11924
>If your "improvements" fuck with any of these then it's not a better C it's just another Rust wannabe.
And it doesn't, so what's your point?
Replies: >>11925 >>11926
just stfu retard your ideas are superficial garbage meant to crutch your own ineptitude and inability to code something that isnt trivial trash, shit like
>Remove "++ x" -style syntax. It causes unnecessary headaches when code golf nerds think they're being clever by cramming shit into a small space and intentionally exploiting esoteric differences like this. "x ++" is enough and more consistent with "x += 1".
is 100% pure unadulterated i-cant-code-so-you-must-also-code-like-a-retard-just-so-i-can-read-it, ++ is a completely different fucking instruction you moron ADD is not INC you buffoon thats how little experience you fucking have, on a shitty fucking processor with only 4 registers x+=1 uses 2 fucking registers instead of just the one nice fucking suggestion gimping the language just because you cant fucking read non trivial code
Replies: >>11927
>And it doesn't, so what's your point?
Nice try, I'm not reading your 6.000.000 word blog post just to prove you wrong with specifics. Seriously though, you'll learn a lot more by jumping into a real C compiler and trying to implement some of these changes yourself rather than just talking about it on the internet. Something like TinyCC might be a good one to try hacking on. Or start from scratch, there are plenty of resources including the famous dragon book.
So the feature you decided to use to prove how un-C-like the suggestions are is to pick one of the least important syntax tweaks from under the "Nitpicks" list, and your attempt to explain why it's such a big sin involves projecting an imaginary thing that wasn't said into it. If you want INC then you use x++, if you want ADD then you use x+=1, there's no need for ++x except for retarded code golfing which is completely subjective and has no impact on the actual program.
Replies: >>11928
>there's no need
stfu imbecile you clearly dont even know what a fucking dependency chain is, ++x has no fucking dependency it is guaranteed to never use more than 1 register and can execute immediate x++ can not be executed until the left side is done and so has to either wait for the whole chain to finish or use another fucking register, stfu you fucking moron im fucking sick of youre idiotic nonsense you dont know shit try learning how to fucking code before coming up with garbage
Replies: >>11929
>x++ can not be executed until the left side is done and so has to either wait for the whole chain to finish or use another fucking register
Is that a CPU thing or a C semantics thing? If ++x actually gives you the ability to do something in the CPU that you can't do with x++ then sure, you can leave it. Post example code where that's the case.
Replies: >>11930
the fucking compiler can place it wherever it fucking wants either before or after its needed based on the fucking pre/post inc you use peabrain a  fuck_you = ++x + y++ would be
inc x executed anywhere here
add x, y
mov a, y
inc y executed anywhere here
using x++ instead of ++x is how peabrain retards like you fill shitty soygrams with false dependencies
Replies: >>11931
>fuck_you = ++x + y++
That's exactly the kind of code golfing that I was talking about which forces you to stop and think "hold up what exactly is happening here?". I don't see how that allows the compiler make a decision that it is unable to do with this:
x ++;
fuck_you = x + y;
y ++;
ITT: people who think each C expression compiles to one corresponding instruction, who have no idea what a dependency is, and who have never heard about a load-store architecture.
I’m a bit of a hobby C programmer, so maybe what I’m suggesting might not make sense, but I have a few ideas. I like both C and Scheme for being relatively simple languages despite them being completely different in practice. I would just add a few things to C to make it more lispy without doing anything too radically different. This list gets a bit more outlandish as it goes on, but the first few seem pretty reasonable to me.

- Enums as Types: this would basically take the place of some of the uses of symbols in lisp while still being internally represented as an int. A typedefed enum variable could only be set to one of the values explicitly designated for the enum unless you cast it from an int to the type of the enum.

typedef enum{ Red, White, Blue} American_Color;

American_Color r = 0; /* compile time error */

American_Color r = Red;

American_Color r =  (American_Color) 0; /*explicit override*/

- Better variadic functions: you could do something like:

int add(int num_of_args, variadic int args[]){
    int sum = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < num_of_args, i++){
        sum += args[i];
    return sum;

and then add(3, 1, 2, 3) would return 6.

- Some kind of apply function. It would take a function, some args, the second to last arg would have to be an int that’s the length of an array, and the last argument would have to be an array. Then it would call the function as if the args and the elements of the array were arguments of the function. For example,
int nums[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
with the definition of add above would be like add(5,nums) and would return 15.

- A basic form of lambdas without captures. I think this one is the craziest idea of the lot but I don’t think it would be completely out of place in C. Since there aren’t any captures, the compiler wouldn’t have to dynamically allocate memory. You could do variadic arguments if you wanted.
int (*add_three)(int,int,int) = int lambda(int a, int b, int c){
    return a + b + c;
- C++ style generics. Because why not.

- Some lisp like higher order functions like map, filter that operate on arrays instead of linked lists. There could be a mutating version that changes the array in place, or a functional version that doesn’t.
int nums[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};

map_in_place(5, int lambda(int x){ return x * x;}, nums);
Then the lambda function would be applied to every element in nums so that every element was squared.

Or you could do:
int nums[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int squares* = malloc(sizeof(int) * 5);
map(5,int lambda(int x){ return x * x;}, nums, squares);
Then squares would be filled with the squares of nums.

I think that this is about as far as you can take it before c starts to lose its simplicity, but I would consider this the perfect half way point between C and a simpler lisp dialect like scheme.
And an example of filter could be like
char *message = "hows it going";
int length = 14;
filter_in_place(length, int lambda(char c){ return c == 'a' || c == 'e'  || c == 'i' || c == 'o'  || c == 'u' || c == '\0';}, message);
and this would put remove all the non vowels in message.
enum is good so long as theres no longer name conflicts between enums using the same labels why enum was never turned into a typemodifer is a mystery, for the rest we have fucking qsort that takes a function pointer, literally the exact same thing, compiletime sorting is your own idiot fault fucking write your static shit correctly the first time
Replies: >>11953
Dude, why are you so angry?
Also you’re completely missing the point of the other stuff. It’s not just about function pointers, it’s a more generalized way of dealing with functions in general. Maybe you don’t know lisp (or even something like JS or Python) which all have these things for good reasons. I wanted a minimal form of these so that it wouldn’t be too hard on the compiler while making C significantly more powerful.
Replies: >>11955 >>11979
literally qsort and it doesnt make c more powerfull its makes it retarded youre writing shit that makes sense for a fucking interpreter not a compiler, shit like map is completely retarded when you can just write a fucking loop, what fucking 'power' do i get from map_in_place(5, int lambda(int x){ return x * x;}, nums); instead of for ( int i=0; i<5; i++ ) num[i] *= num[i]; if anything youre making it worse with the overhead of using anonymous functions
Replies: >>11956
I don’t know why you keep bringing qsort into this, it has nothing to do with what we’re taking about. Everything I wrote would follow naturally from having variadic functions that people would actually use. And anonymous functions wouldn’t add any overhead since it doesn’t capture to local environment.
Replies: >>11957
cuz thats all youre saying, an iterator with a callback function and yeah exactly an anonymous function isnt local its a new subroutine you have to jump and will have the pointless overhead of a prologue and worse if theres any branching involved
whats even wrong with va args from the standard
>Better variadic functions
Maybe this is a compiler extension, but it already works:
int add (int num_of_args, int args[]) {
	int sum = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < num_of_args; i ++) {
		sum += args[i];
	return sum;

void main () {
	int x = add(4, (int[]){3, 1, 2, 3});
	printf("%i\n", x);
You could probably make a macro that makes calling it simpler.
Replies: >>11959
what the fact that its just a pointer or that youre using a compound literal either way thats normal and not even variadic,printf is the actual variadic, yours still has the (int, int*) prototype, trivial stuff like that is what the VA_ARGS is for like 	#define ADD( C, ...)	add( C, (int[]){VA_ARGS} ) still not a va until you can pass any number of args of any type
>Dude, why are you so angry?
This is probably the same retard that got absolutely BTFO in the systemd removal thread. He sounds almost identical. Read from >>8429
Notice that the program in the last reply in the chain doesn't even work. Pretty much everything that the ESL clown said was wrong.
Replies: >>12006
C is not that simple because of there is undefined behavior lurking around almost every corner in C. Actually simple language would be something like R5RS or Lua.

>everyone is the same poster
Replies: >>12007 >>12013
>implying there's more than 10 posters on this dead board
Quacks like a duck, etc.
>C is not that simple because of there is undefined behavior lurking around almost every corner
That's the complexity of the hardware bleeding through the language. If you don't need low level hardware control then you don't need C.

>R5RS or Lua
In the case you're just transferring all the complexity to the interpreter / virtual machine.
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There's nothing very complicated about a PDP-11.
C is a lot simpler than R5RS and Lua and he clearly doesn't know C if he says "there is undefined behavior lurking around almost every corner". It's just a LARPer.
Undefined behavior is simplicity by providing less features and guarantees. By shifting the responsibility to the programmer, the implementation of the language is simplified. Or you can call it "worse is better".
I remarked to Dennis [Ritchie] that easily half the code I was writing in Multics was error recovery code. He said, “We left all that stuff out [of Unix]. If there’s an error, we have this routine called panic, and when it is called, the machine crashes, and you holler down the hall, ‘Hey, reboot it.’”

        — Tom Van Vleck [http://www.multicians.org/unix.html]
Replies: >>12031
Undefined behavior is simply a nonsensical operation most of the time. There are a minority of undefined behaviors that exist for other reasons or that are simply bad design.

I would put C UBs into 3 categories:
>1. The operation would be nonsensical, even if it wasn't UB
If a buffer overflow wasn't undefined behavior, it would still be a bug. It does not make sense to write the 11th element of an array with 10 elements no matter what.

If reading uninitialized variables wasn't UB, it would still be a bug. It doesn't make sense to read values you haven't written. Not only that, but the 2 solutions to this would be mandating initialization (Scheme) or automatic zero initializazion (Java). If you mandate initialization, you have fixed nothing, failing to initialize is still a bug, and anyone who has written Scheme knows that in Scheme, you often initialize variables with values you never use because initializing at declaration doesn't fit many cases. With mandatory inialization, you still have a bug where 0 isn't the initial value you want, writing an automated tool to check if the variable was initialized it impossible (it can't tell if you wanted 0 or if you forgot to initialize), and you now have the issue that writing systems code is impossible because you probably don't want to zero out a memory mapped register or other such thing.

The existence of uninitialized variables also has the use case of deliberately reading garbage to use it as one of the sources of entropy for a RNG. 

>2. The UB improves performance
Pointer aliasing rules are a thing because some CPU architectures are unable to do unaligned reads entirely, and even the ones that are able are more efficient if the reads are aligned. This means a C implementation doesn't have to do byte-by-byte reads and writes in the worst case. This optimization later turned out to be a good design for other reasons, for instance, it's a requirement for atomic operations to be possible in many architectures, and compilers began to use pointer aliasing rules for optimization.
>3. The UB is bad design
One stupid undefined behavior would be that not terminating a source file with a newline is UB. There are very few UBs like this in C.

I don't know why people who bitch about C are so ignorant of programming   in general and don't even know C, but this thread and specially OP are some of the worst examples of this. And C is actually a language with plenty of things actually worth complaining about.
Replies: >>12032 >>12035
>why people who bitch about C are so ignorant of programming
This is the result of relentless shilling of other programming paradigms and languages in colleges. Programmers are very susceptible to first language inprints which they base all other programming languages on. They compare C with the language they like and find it lacking.
Replies: >>12035
>Undefined behavior is simply a nonsensical operation most of the time. There are a minority of undefined behaviors that exist for other reasons or that are simply bad design.
A lot of it is portability. The result of an operation depends on how the hardware is designed so when the language spec says undefined behavior it just means insert whatever behavior makes sense for your platform here.

>Programmers are very susceptible to first language inprints
We also live in a time where basically all CPUs are x86 or ARM. People don't realize that there are CPUs that are not little endian or don't use 8-bit bytes but you can still write code for them in C.
Replies: >>12045
theres nothing that makes sense on any hardware with shit like  i = ++i * 2 * i++; or i=returnWithadd5(i) * returnWithhalf(i); the output depends on the order it gets evaluated in which isnt defined, its whatever random order the compiler happens to put it in
Replies: >>12046 >>12049
>theres nothing that makes sense on any hardware with shit like  i = ++i * 2 * i++;
>its whatever random order the compiler happens to put it in
And what order makes the most sense for the compiler to use will depend on things like if your CPU architecture uses sliding register windows or everything has to be passed on the stack.
Replies: >>12047
has nothing to do with the hardware its undefined by the fact the same value is being modified multiple times without a sequence point, whether you get (2 * i++) then (result * ++i) or (++i * 2) then (result * i++) is based on whatever junk came before it and a dice roll theres no reason for it to always pick the same order
Replies: >>12054
>i=returnWithadd5(i) * returnWithhalf(i);
Did you mean to use &i? Order of evalution is not UB, it's just unspecified. I could understand why you would want function evaluation to be lexically ordered, but its obvious that things like arithmetic should allow some reordering to do an equivalent operations more efficiently. Is it bad that you can write functions with references that have some silly side effects that cause problems up if you try to do weird one-liners? It's easily avoided, just don't do that. The alternative is imposing ordering on just functions in expressions. That's probably a better choice, but it's not a massive improvement.
Replies: >>12051
yeah &i no one cares about this except functional retards changing the same value multiple times in one expression isnt allowed but wont stop compilation, same with everything else considered ub these are things intentionally ignored by the standard for obvious reasons
>what order the data gets modified in has nothing to do with how hardware pipelines instructions and stores the data
You're just being a clown now.
Package Manager that just werx and the same for C++
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I don't know why fucking nobody has thought of simplifying loops. Just come up with a new form like 
>iterate (X) { . . . }
Where X is the number of times you'd like to run the interior statements. Extremely clear, and would eliminate a good deal of bugs that come from being off by one/syntax mistakes.
Breddy sure that's what the range-for construct in C++ is for, mate. [1]

#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>

using std::cout;
using std::iota;
using std::vector;

int main() {
  vector<int> muh_levels(9'000);
  iota(muh_levels.begin(), muh_levels.end(), 2);

  for (auto const level : muh_levels)
    cout << level << '\n';


1.  https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/range-for
Replies: >>15142
Rust iterators have that fixed. Rust is the first language where iterators are useful, composable, efficient, and extensible. They actually perform better than loops sometimes because their design allows some optimizations that you can't get out of loops. And they're not limited to iterating over data structures or anything like that like they are on some languages.

In e.g. Common Lisp you can't really extend iterators, the language provides no means to implement your own and have them work with the standard iterator-esque functions (Common Lisp has fold, map, and loops accept the few standard data structures, etc, but there's no way to use them with your own sequential functions or data structures). You can't exactly compose them, and by that I mean writing a sequence of iterator functions and having each of them take the previous function's output, do its work, and output it for the next function, writing the code to do that is trivial, but getting all the iterator-like code out there to comply with your function's API is not.

In C++ you don't really gain anything from iterators. You're still writing that classic C for loop.

In Rust though, no other language I know compares. They're useful, composable, efficient, and extensible, and they produce very simple code. Anyone with enough knowledge to appreciate C's design will appreciate Rust's design, don't let /g/ memes get to your head. I'm not saying Rust is perfect but neither is C mind you, learning Rust is a good idea. The tranny stuff is all true though.

Here's this anon >>15139 's program in Rust:
fn main() {
    (2..=9_001).into_iter().for_each(|n| println!("{n}"));
Replies: >>15143
>the literal gay bath house of programming languages
Even it were truly the best language in the world, I wouldn't touch it with a 10' pole (or a 100' pole) because of the commity surrounding it. On top of that, it's obviously a (((  controlled  ))) gayop language, as opposed the the ISO standards of Ada, C, & C++ .
Replies: >>15144 >>15157
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Standard C is niggerlicious.
Replies: >>15162 >>15168
But C++ is the gayop language and Ada is straight up glownigger shit.
Replies: >>15160 >>15162
Just use Nim
Replies: >>15161
The syntax is almost as bad as Python
>glownigger shit
So is the internet. The point is that Rust is a means to subvert, ada is not. The community surrounding rust is pushing the language as an agenda.
The only thing I don't like about C is implicit value conversion.
Replies: >>15169 >>15172
how to spot a wigger in 5 seconds:
>some ultra particular thing will fix (dogshit wigger language #36)
>- 16-bit floats.
terry davis is niggerlicious wow he can use the hardware. ok but he has no conception of standards, pedagogy, semantics and logistics. you wiggers are always like half a person, bakc to the 80s
Replies: >>15172
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>Rust is a means to subvert
>The community surrounding rust is pushing the language as an agenda.
Replies: >>15171
Why are you posting your fap material here?
I don't like the fuckhuge C compilers. I don't trust a language that I can't write my own compiler for. That's why standard C is a mess, as Terry said. Once upon a time, it might have been ok, like maybe (but I'm not even sure) in the 80's like wigger-poster >>15168 said, but it sure isn't today. I mean back then you had C compilers that ran on 8-bit computers in CP/M. But IIRC, the one in the video below isn't actually ANSI C but the old K&R.
Also Eric Chahi said the C compilers on Atari ST sucked bigly in the 80's. If they couldn't do write a decent compiler for sweet ass 68000 when C standard was smaller, how the fuck does anyone stand a chance now, when hardware is beyond fucked and standards are insane.
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Why can't you make your own iterator?
#define iterate(name, x) for (int name=0; i<x; i++)

void main () {
	iterate (i, 123) {
		printf("%i\n", i);
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