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Are you employed in a technical capacity? What job is it? How did you get it? What does your daily wokload look like? Are you looking for a different line of work?
>>5873 (OP) 
May be mining, but I'll bite. Working my ass off on my two jobs. Programming. Daily work looks like another wagie locking in a cagie. Sitting on my ass enjoying the shit efficiency of working while not being able to work on my own projects.
Working in general sucks. I just want to do what I wanted.
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I'm interested in a jerb. I have no idea how to get one though.
Replies: >>5879 >>5880
Just listen to /tech/ and learn HolyC and Lisp, avoid all the cancerous bloated languages like C++ and Python... Trust me anon it's the only way to be a good programmer and get a job. :^)
Why do you want to work? If you really want to, what are your skills?
Replies: >>5885
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>Why do you want to work?
I don't actually want to work, I just want money so I can move out of my parents' house and get myself more and better computers. Work is the only way for someone of humble origins.

>If you really want to, what are your skills?
If I look at my recent github commits, I've cleaned up some shit portability code to the point almost all of it is gone (1000+LoC removed) and no platform was lost, fixed 2 buffer overreads in the same program, fixed the poor English in some documentation, updated a distro's package, ported a program to Musl, fixed the broken install step in a program's build system that was breaking the install step in a distro's package, written tests, and some more.

Right this moment, I'm cleaning up a library that went unmaintained for 20 years but is still widely used. The fork I'm working on was started by someone else a few months ago and it's already packaged in a few systems, that's how desperate they were to have someone maintain that library. I've accumulated so many fixes on it that I've almost rewritten the entire thing. 

I know POSIX shell, C, the POSIX C library, Autotools, POSIX Make, Meson, git, several CI systems, I've written programs for Windows, MacOS, Haiku, and basically all the free unix systems. I don't think there isn't a part of a program I haven't contributed to or written from scratch for my own programs: man pages, automated releases, build system definitions, tests, CI, linting, porting, the C source itself, libraries, packages, that Markdown README.md, you name it.
Given the broad range of programs I've worked on, I imagine most anons in this board are using something I've contributed to, however I'm not so sure about a random interviewer because I've mostly contributed to CLI stuff.
There's more I've done and more tools and small languages I know, more than I remember. My contributions aren't as great as I might be making them seem though.
If you are doing this for money, working is very inefficient. You are better off trading stocks, fooling boomers, flipping ebay. After 8 hours of bullshit, you need a will of steel to do anything you want. Besides, dealing with your parents may be cheaper than rent, depending on your area.
With that said, from your skills, DevOps would be the easiest, unless you want to be a sysadmin or Linux programmer (not a big demand). With your experiences you should be able write an impressive resume. Start sending applications, you will need to send at least 100 in 2-4 weeks. I wrote a Latex template for cover letters, each job is just changing some variables.
You sound based and competent. I'd hire you if I have my own shop.
Replies: >>5887 >>5888 >>5904
NEETing can be an option as well. Identify as race fluid because you have mild autism and schizo on your application. Look for local Linux-related gags for additional income.
Some people managed to live off project donations and code bounty, if you are real good, try it out.
Replies: >>6003
Embedded systems could an option, too.
Replies: >>5904
If only I knew what it is that interviewers even want.
Replies: >>5910
Depends on who is interviewing. If a women is doing that, chad up and be sociable. If a manager is doing that, dive into technical bits of your experience. Apply for junior programming jobs that you can practice your interview on (and decline their offer). Most of the hiring decision, if you don't spill your spaghetti in the interview, was done with your resume. Blow up your numbers and mount an angle that looks best. For example, made one commit that fixed a minor bug on GNU coreutils; can be written as improved and fixed bugs on widely used open-source system components installed on almost all unix and linux (they don't know what the difference is).
Ss cybersec in europe even alive? Can you make a decent living out of it? Won't even mention red team stuff, it's just a meme at this point, at least here.
Replies: >>13955
LMAO imagine working for $100 / month.
I work as a tier 3 tech for pos system multiple national company. Got it by a reach out from linkden.  Nope I’m in the process of looking for a system admin position
Replies: >>6326
Are there any places in Burgerland with a good amount of tech jobs that aren't liberal shitholes? I've heard that Oklahoma and Texas (minus Austin) have some good opportunities and I want to see if there are any more.
Replies: >>6290
Get a remote job, work 3 hours a day, get a mouse shaker for the rest.
>Nope I’m in the process of looking for a system admin position
Nice check out devops it's another word for sys admin but you get paid 50% more
Hardware jockey - keeping crusty PCs running as long as possible. I can score 20 minutes seat time by rebooting for someone not good with PCs or "go to storage facility for parts" if I need a half hour of quiet. Great gig, low pay though, probably retire doing this. Money isn't everything, it's a low stress job.
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I basically got duped into taking a help desk job where my primary goal will be "password reset jockey". However, it pays very well and is 100% WFH. They will eventually move me into taking on "real" issues, and their system is a clusterfuck that their documentation is not helping me understand. I understand that this is a "learn as you go" scenario and I will probably get settled into it, but I am quickly realizing that the tech field that I had wanted to enter into for so many years ultimately boils down to helping retards reset their passwords, commit domain federation/record crimes against humanity so the VP can have a different domain on his email, and the inevitable day when the server explodes and the company loses $5 billion because of you. The fun of fucking around with shitboxes from 2003 and installing Linux on a dead badger is gone. There is only Microsoft, Azure, AD, and pain.
I have decided that I want to go into game development on my own. I want to be self-sufficient and make vidya fun again. This job will be a good stopgap for now, and hopefully the good pay can be used to help pay for my dream. I still intend to learn as much as I can about tech, specifically advanced Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, LDAP, etc., things that will actually come in use for running a game company, I'm just disappointed that the fun died this quickly. What's the point in setting up a homelab/showing off my autistic projects when people can't even understand how complicated they were to set up, or the only people who will understand all reside on a Moroccan Clay Sculpting BBS?
Replies: >>6732 >>6862
You are right, anon. At my job I had to do what those old niggers think is important, meanwhile nobody seems to care all our process is incredibly manual with no fallback. It is the same shit everywhere, pretty much all tech jobs.
No matter what you do, don't work for someone if that is your dream. Make your own company. They will always find a way suck the soul out of everything you dream of achieving.
Replies: >>6861
It has been four weeks and they still don't have all my access rights, so people call me and I can't do shit for them because they didn't even tell me how to reset an AD password ("oh no don't use THAT domain and login, use THIS one and make sure you click these buttons in this exact order or otherwise it doesn't work and you have to do it all over again"). Enterprise is a clusterfuck, it's truly amazing how this world functions at all. At least I helped some guy set up an Outlook rule and another with MFA.
>advanced Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, LDAP
lmao I learned all that am am getting back into pro game dev now. It won't help unless you're doing MMO/multiplayer and standing up the infra on your own instead of outsource to EOS/Steam/AWS GameLift type shit. Do game jams on Itch and learn Unreal+Unity if you want to get into gameplay programming. Unreal devs tend to be higher quality because C++ is hard n shiet.
Replies: >>6901
>>5873 (OP) 
> Are you employed in a technical capacity?
no, right now i am finishing my engineering degree and i don't have time for that, but before i had few different tech related jobs 
> What job is it? How did you get it? 
used to be web developer and computer technician 

technician job was given to me by my fathers friend whose company needed one, web dev job was given to me after i applied for that last year
> What does your daily wokload look like? 
used to be 8 hours of sitting in the office for both of them and doing tasks given to me by supervisor
>Are you looking for a different line of work?
yes, I want to become sysops/sys admin
Replies: >>6866
Algorithms is overrated in the job market. FAGMAN's hiring process is retarded. Leetcode grinding doesn't make one a good programmer. Most of the time, programming is an architectural problem instead of algorithm. It is about picking good names, applying the right abstraction and writing maintainable code.
>When in doubt, use brute force.
Using advanced algorithms can even make the program slower, because their lower big-O has a much higher constant and most of the time a program is not about sorting a million item list. Advanced algorithms have more lines and increase the chance of bugs and maintenance cost.
I am just not going to grind leetcode.
>want to become syops/sys admin
Why do you want to specifically? You need to luck out on a good office or WFH plus good management to get away with slacking off.
Replies: >>6980
Samefagging here, forgot to mention that knowing Git and CI/CD is actually really useful because game devs and especially artfags don't know it they all use Perforce. But be prepared to be running git tech support half your day and standing up + maintaining the pipeline
Replies: >>6980
>Using advanced algorithms can even make the program slower
Any advanced algorithms you actually want to use will be part of the language runtime and/or 3rd party libraries. Any business specific algorithms will be designed/modified by the neckbeard who has been working at the company for 20 years, not the guy fresh out of university.

>game devs and especially artfags don't know it they all use Perforce. But be prepared to be running git tech support half your day and standing up + maintaining the pipeline
Git is optimized for text diff'ing. Perforce is much better for binary files such as game assets.
Replies: >>6983
>Git is optimized for text diff'ing. 
Doesn't Git save different versions/snapshots of full files instead of diffs?
Replies: >>6984
It does. Git handles binary just like text. It performs compression and in some cases choose to compress blobs: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41482898/git-seems-to-store-the-whole-file-instead-of-diff-how-to-avoid-that
Currently working as a NOC tech. Usually I don't do much especially since I do night shifts now. Most of the time I am doing personal work, studying, or playing vidya. Just earned my Network degree and I am working on getting my Network+, afterwards my Linux+. Not 100% sure what I'll do after that. My ultimate goal is to be a Network Admin, or something along those lines.
I have 2-3 years of dev experience and I want to open my company or startup. How can I get into management or business decision without grinding 10 years into a senior and then manager and then CTO? I couldn't find any internship for managers and I don't want to go back to school.
Replies: >>8024
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holy shit i am fucking done dealing with braindead retards at this job. i should not have to spend five minutes telling you where to click the fisher-price sized WiFi button on Win10. what i despise the most is people who don't understand anything about technology but try to play it off as cute or funny, because it's easier for them to play off incompetence as some kind of positive personality trait because they couldn't be fucked to every put in any effort to improve themselves either. 99% of the time it's an obese landwhale as well which just confirms my assumptions.
get me out
Replies: >>7966
Being incompetent is ok, the problem is not acknowledging it and properly offloading it.
For example, I don't know shit about fixing my car and I trust my mechanic completely. I don't try to outsmart him or stand in his way.
Replies: >>7967 >>7971
exactly, i am the same way, i know what i don't know. but i don't try to act like i understand something or tell someone my entire life's story in some vain attempt to appear smart. if people just came up to me and said "my X doesn't work" and then just shut the fuck up except when asked a question (and limiting their answers to only relevant information) my job would be so much easier. but it isn't.
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>Being incompetent is ok, the problem is not acknowledging it and properly offloading it.
It's not only OK, it's an absolute inevitability for literally every human being throughout history. The list of known-incompetancies grows by thousands of items per day for all of us during this modern-era, no doubt.

The key to mental-survival in the unfathomably complex universe we live in is filtering. Or, as Trin Tragula would have it that, "if life was going to live in such a vast Universe, one thing it could not afford to have was a sense of perspective."
Replies: >>7976
On some sense of human supremacism, I believe human can understand everything. By applying precise filtering, computers can imitate Turing machines with infinite memory. Human brains can also employ the same strategy. Abstraction and categorization are precise filters.
Abstraction allow us to redirect pointers to a group of information, so we can swap information. For example, equations are abstraction for physical effects. We can defer evaluation of values to run calculations that would otherwise be impossible on so little space. Categorization allows us to limit ourselves to a subset of info.
Humans also improve their processing power by distributed processing and eventually self-modification. If open source and tested, I would plug my brains to my "Think"pad, maybe forever.
Replies: >>7984
Two words:
>incompleteness theorems

OK maybe that's 3, but w/e. The point stands that we, "wee", little humans have far, far to go until we reach your Ivory Tower fancies Anon. Humility is always much more becoming than hubris is, tbh. :^)
Replies: >>7986
It is not fancies nor hurbis. It is an attitude to not give up and a fact that approximate infinity can be constructed via lineages. If it is not human that do that, another lineage would. I have no pride in saying, that despite our limits, we should not be deterred from approaching infinity. It is because of knowing such limit, we should focus on exceeding or working around it.
>>5873 (OP) 
Cyber sec analyst. Both the most boring shit I've done to the most interesting.
Can I get a networking / IT job with a CCNA and CompTIA but no college experience? I have job experience but it's 2 years of Laravel PHP fullstack web development and it was during high school so I don't know if an employer would believe me.
Replies: >>7999 >>8011 >>8023
You can, but you are fighting against armies of pajeet. You will need more experience (years).
You can try. I think CCNA is usually highly valued by HR people and widely recognized. It proves that you know networking stuff. Perhaps you could host some services on a rented VPS and put a link on your CV (take inspiration from https://snopyta.org and https://nixnet.services). You don't need to host a ton of services but host something like pastebin clone, Scribe and/or Nitter. Don't host image sharing services because you need to moderate them a lot to not get your site taken down or you v&.
Replies: >>8018
I actually have a SaaS app I developed that did pretty well but it wasn't enough to escape wagiedom unfortunately. But I just don't know if that will be enough to get a web dev job considering the market is completely saturated so thats why I'm looking at networking since I have a CompTIA a already and am working on getting a CCNA cert. Hosting frontends like nitter is a good idea though thank you
Of course. A full stack web dev with the networking foundation of CCNA is valuable. Grind neetcode, get the AWS cert, and learn software engineering/systems design. You can easily earn 100k at a minimum after 6 months of grinding if you play your cards right.
If you want a job doing project management, look into PMP. But being senior takes experience no way around it except to aggressively get jobs where you can rise faster, by being surrounded by people smarter than you and changing jobs every 1-2 years
I think I blew it at my shitty help desk job. Boss let me know I might be up for a promotion to tier 3 and I got overly excited and spilled my spaghetti everywhere. He hasn't mentioned a word about it since then and has been treating me coldly. All that work pretending to be normal up to this point and one mistake just blows it all away. Fuck. I keep telling myself that I'm at least still at the same position I was at before. It's not like I lost anything that I actually had. But the idea that I might've dropped such an opportunity is so... disappointing. Typical, really.
Replies: >>8314
>spilled my spaghetti everywhere
What did you do?
Replies: >>8318
Think that one short from Sora Ga Haiiro Dakara where the girl loses it and starts speaking gibberish. Pretty much the only coherent thing I managed to state was that I didn't feel I had enough experience. Of course that's the exact opposite image that I want to project.
Replies: >>8373
lol probably not, especially if you'd potentially be interacting directly with other people on serious problems.  I wouldn't worry.  Experience and demeanor under pressure are things people look for when considering whom to trust with more power and responsibility, and everybody matures at a different rate.  You're obviously still going to be under consideration in the future even if you don't get it now.

Some jobs, like hired hands for trades, for instance, simply being able to show up on time, not be a dick to everyone, and get things done, can be in surprisingly short supply.
Replies: >>8392 >>8797
>Some jobs, like hired hands for trades, for instance, simply being able to show up on time, not be a dick to everyone, and get things done, can be in surprisingly short supply.
I know a dude who is a supervisor in a trade making double what his underlings make only because he made it a year without getting fired for fighting, drinking, or doing drugs on company time.
Replies: >>8393
Sounds about right.  I was out of a job for a while during the 2008 crash, but I had some properties I was helping to manage for an incompetent landlord.  I don't know how to do everything myself, but more than one contractor was like
>uh buddy if you need a job uh
>you know basically most of the guys I try to hire they're all flakes, durggies, and drunks
>but you look like you know what you're doing
Just because I was busy fixing the shit I knew how to do at the same time they were doing their stuff.

Not exactly the big break as far as employment goes, but it goes to confirm that it's not that hard to get beyond entry level when your cohort is mostly fuckups.
Replies: >>8394
most of the time when i feel incompetent at my job, or that i'm slacking off and a huge waste of corp resources, somehow my coworkers make me look like Employee of the Month, every time. it's a good feeling to have either way, keeps you from actually slacking off.
Replies: >>8395
I experience this with bacon eating and my relatives.
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>assign ticket to different group
<they throw it back to me with a passive-aggressive comment bitching that there's not enough info, without clarifying any of the info they need
<instead of putting it back in the queue they assign it back directly to me where I am not notified, so it sits there for days not doing anything until I check it manually
i hate these people
Replies: >>8692 >>13540
Don't forget the classic:
>take pains to clarify exactly what needs to be done and provide all details/information
<they assign it back to you with no notes and no work done
Replies: >>8693
their jobs are about to get a lot more miserable as well, now that we'll be forcing all users to submit their own tickets through our online portal. no more calling in asking for rights to our shitty database program from 1993, no more sending emails bitching that their mouse is broken, do it your damn self. heads will roll.
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>retard techs push another update that completely breaks Office and the only fix is a full uninstall/reinstall
this is the third time they've done this, what are those chimps smoking down there
Replies: >>8767
>still using Office
You only have yourself to blame.
>Some jobs, like hired hands for trades, for instance, simply being able to show up on time, not be a dick to everyone, and get things done, can be in surprisingly short supply
pay more and i won't be a dick.
Replies: >>8805 >>8806
Take it up with the government and the banks.  They're the ones intentionally crashing wages relative to inflation.  You can always negotiate higher starting pay or ask for raises, but if you've made yourself annoying and fungible, then don't be surprised if an employer shops around for a better employee just as an employee might shop around for a better employer.
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>not paid enough to care
>don't care enough to get paid more
Replies: >>8886
I'm all too familiar with this feeling. Looking back, I have gotten significant pay increases by working harder than necessary. It's a gamble but it can pay off. Nowadays though, it feels like I barely have enough energy to get out of bed. I've been working lower and lower amounts of tickets and somehow I still managed to let a couple slip.

On top of that, my employer seems to have a boner for making my life harder. They're trying to force us all to be on incoming calls whenever possible (in addition to our ticket work), and they just announced a draconian new spying system wherein they'll literally be recording our screens and audio devices, both on and off calls. It's such a shame, I had hopes that this could be a comfy job where I could coast, but my justifications for staying seem more and more like sunk-cost fallacy than anything when they keep doing shit like this. I do fucking hate job searching too though.

I even directly asked about the promotion which was mentioned to me as a possibility last month. All I was told in response was "we haven't had time to think about it yet" which sounds to me like they want to dangle it in front of me forever like a carrot on a stick. I've been wrong before though.

So, yeah, who knows if working harder is worth it in the end. Depends on the employer, I guess.
Replies: >>8888 >>13957
this is the part where you update your resume and start looking elsewhere. if your employer doesn't trust you to not be jacking off on reddit or cuckchan while working then they don't trust you period. you'll always be better off going to a completely different employer than staying with one until you're collecting social security, making half of what you could've made had you gone to a different company.
Replies: >>8908
Magic eightball is spot on.  There were two times a job just wasn't working out.  First one wasn't willing to budge on a bunch of corporate team building bullshit like having to spend a month living in one of their dorms and that just was not only over the top but also conflicted with my personal plans coming up.  So we worked it out that I could resign pretty much on the spot but without that reflecting poorly on me if I should want to join one of the upcoming recruitment drives that comes up every 6 months.

The other started out as a temporary part time thing because I just wanted to keep the bills mostly paid while I had the free time to work on some other things.  I said if they wanted to keep me on board then I needed a $10k/yr raise to start putting away into a retirement account (2000s dollars, so rather more in today's dollars.)  They seemed surprised I asked so listtle and immediately agreed.

Common factor in both situations was that the employer wanted me.  I would have liked to stay at either one of them, but you have to have some limits on what you're going to put up with and what you're worth, and sometimes it's for the best to be clear about what your parameters are for staying.  The worst that happens is they say no and you be the one to say, "ok I'll think about it let's keep going."  And if you have particular requests like vacation days, meetings that get in the way, surveilance state, then mention it.  You're probably not the only one getting rubbed the wrong way, and sometimes there's wiggle room for getting some sort of improvement even if it's not your ideal.
Replies: >>13957
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>M$ forget to update a cert and everything broke again
death to microsoft
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uzbekistan has taken over the world
webm is mongolia but i don't care
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I'm trying to get my degree and once I graduate I was looking to go into webdev or something but this market is looking pretty scary right now. It feels like we're headed right into another recession.
Replies: >>9117 >>9147
buddy we're already in a recession if not a depression already. the economy is going to suck for quite a while so don't go waiting for it to get better.
Yup.  Better start making connections and building experience while you can.  Certs in your spare time might be a good way forward to differentiate yourself from the average webdev golem.  A lot of people wind up doing some kind of easy IT or networking gig by eventually knowing more than the other noobs and do-nothings after getting in as some sort of lackey or other.

Graduate degrees are another way in, since they usually pay and then you get to know smarter people and do more interesting things, but that's not for everybody.  Internships or summer jobs with them don't hurt, especially if you want to get to know something unusual and interesting compared to a generic undergrad degree.
I'm having trouble getting a /tech/ job. I'm a recovering NEET so I don't have much experience (almost six months of ACTUAL experience spread out over this decade) and I definitely don't have a very impressive resume. I've padded it out with "Freelancing" and a couple of low certs from freecodecamp, as well as projects I'm working on. I've applied for every possible job I'm remotely qualified for, from sysadmin and network engineer to fucking helpdesk shit, and I'm getting absolutely nowhere.  
At the very least, I can prove that I'm working on the projects and I'm studying for Network+ and Security+ (A+ is going to have to wait because fuck paying for TWO tests) so hopefully those will help my job prospects.
Replies: >>9261 >>9933
Do let us know how that goes. As a recovering NEET myself I haven't had the necessity to fish out tech jobs yet, and I hate the whole industry's current vibe, but if things turn for the worst I'll probably be in similar shoes as you. I'd like to know if there's hope.
Also in a similar boat, about to graduate with a CS degree and have almost zero work experience. Godspeed and keep us posted, anon.
Replies: >>9949
Anons how does one find niche opportunities to hone technical skills ? How do I find obscure projects on github to which I could send contributions and pull requests ? Or just ideas of what to do.
Replies: >>9948 >>9949
What languages do you know?
Replies: >>9954
What do you plan to do after graduation?
>find niche opportunities
You can always just start your own niche project.
Do something you enjoy, don't grind for jobjews.
Think of something makes your life better and make it.
Replies: >>9954
I know some C/C++, but not adjacent tools like Makefile/Cmake yet. I know the basics of bash, Java, JavaScript, learning Angular too currently so I had to fiddle with TypeScript. Some others too like Lua but I mostly forgot, very rarely use it.
thanks for the advice anon
Replies: >>9955 >>9956
It's not hard to find bugs in this one: https://github.com/cmus/cmus/
I found a bunch in the tag parsing code and never reported them.

This one has a bunch of easy issues:
It's not hard to find bugs in it either.

This library is widely used and also badly written: https://git.enlightenment.org/old/legacy-imlib2/
It has dead code and TOCTTOU sprinkled around. They also fail to check error values of a bunch of POSIX functions correctly. I'm sure there's more, I haven't read much of its source code.

The documentation of this one is written by lots of ESLs: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson
You can find grammar errors and typos everywhere. Even if you're ESL yourself (so am I), if you know English well, you can find and fix English errors easily.

Also, if you want to find bugs easily, just learn how to use a linter or static analyzer, then run them against random programs. Chances are, nobody ever did this, and you'll find some low hanging fruit. You'll want GCC's -fanalyzer flag and Clang's static-build utility and libasan sanitizers. There's also cppcheck and a whole lot of other programs, though they tend to be low quality.

If you play this game https://github.com/ja2-stracciatella/ja2-stracciatella inside Valgrind or memory sanitizer, it's going to find lots of buffer overruns. That's corporate C++ from 24 years ago that has been hacked on without rhyme of reason by unskilled freetards who also decided to graft Rust onto it, it's very buggy. It also doesn't run on big-endian, so if you watch for endianness issues, you'll find them.

Generally, obscure programs are a waste of time, focus on programs people actually use.
Also, build system code is a bug hive, partly because all build systems except Meson are trash, partly because most programmers have no idea what makes a packageable program, and even if you try to write build system code well, you won't really have any examples to imitate or guides to teach you. 

I recommend learning some good operating system's package manager and updating and fixing bugs in packages, that'll really open your eyes on what you have to do to make a program packageable and there are very few people who know that. I mean, there are whole languages like Rust and Go that are made by people who have no idea what it takes to make a program packageable.
Replies: >>9957
Void Linux, Alpine Linux and (to a lesser extend) Gentoo are good places to contribute to. You can find other project by using Repology: https://repology.org/projects/ || https://repology.org/repositories/statistics

Alpine Linux installation hints: >>4466

Alpine Linux has very similar package format as Arch Linux. Read the guide from Alpine Wiki:
You can also contribute by writing new wiki pages or by helping with the Alpine installation handbook.

Here is a APKBUILD for Wio that you can steal if you want (it's my first package, so there are probably some errors!):
language: bash
# Contributor:
# Maintainer:
#License: WTFPL, CC0 or Public Domain, you can choose whichever or change license to something else.
pkgdesc="A clone of Rio window management system for Wayland (with extra patches)"
# Original project at: http://wio-project.org
options="!check" # no test suite
#To run Wio, you need to enable seatd and dbus and run: dbus-launch --exit-with-session wio
#You also probably need to set XDG_RUNTIME_DIR , see: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Weston#Usage
depends="cage" #Alacritty is the default term. Should it be here? What about xwayland?
makedepends="meson ninja cairo-dev wayland-protocols wlroots-dev libdrm-dev libxkbcommon-dev wayland-dev"
#subpackages="$pkgname-dev $pkgname-doc"

prepare() {
    # should we really be doing this?
    sed -i 's/werror=true/werror=false/g' meson.build || echo 'sed failed! (at prepare() stage)'

build() {
	abuild-meson . output
	meson compile ${JOBS:+-j ${JOBS}} -C output

package() {
	DESTDIR="$pkgdir" meson install --no-rebuild -C output

8bf65afcb61b59c20e166dce74af34f3161415d85226d2250ba9c82842f173502f79df6b75fd9f4ec1096a1bfa9ae861c3f0d7111cd3eb1a90556991038de9f5  wio-0.15.1.tar.gz

Sorry for shilling Alpine but it's the easiest distro for contributing new packages.
>Are you employed in a technical capacity?
maybe ? Requires specific tech skills since obscure/old machines no longer supported
>What job is it?
Plant breeder/germplasm collector
> How did you get it? 
More hands on than other candidates, not retarded at basic biology, genetics or ochem.
>What does your daily wokload look like? 
1) Flying around world collecting seeds
2) Spending time breeding plants by hand, radiation, or genetic modification 
3) Sequencing DNA in plants/O-chem stuff
4) Machining/welding parts to old equipment
5) Out spraying pesticides since got field got blyated by weather
Mainly 3&5.
>Are you looking for a different line of work?
Maybe, get paid jack shit as B.S (me) and an a bit overworked since COVID bs fucked the maintenance schedule and lack of staff. I'm also sick and tired of 99% of my work never being released because of something cosmetic to consumers.
Replies: >>10154
Are there rumors about centralizing food production by wiping out individual farms with virus or other genetic means?
Replies: >>10158 >>10162
I mean, that's probably Ft. Derek fellas you need to be asking about viruses. Any country that does "biological defense" is bullshitting when they say they aren't making some sort of agricultural ( or human bioweapon.
In the plant breeding sphere it's becoming true due to transgenics (genes not naturally existing). Not so much as a conspiracy but rather just consolidation of large business and bad court rulings Monsanto and glyphosate resistant grass is one. There are two issues at play here:
1) Under title 35 USC section 101 products of nature cannot be patented.
SCOTUS made some bullshit ruling (Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc.) where you could utility patent a gene if it was "not otherwise existing in nature", eg; synthesized in a lab (complementary DNA). Well, those genes eventually escape into the wild, so when someone makes a new cultivar they immediate get sued and assfucked when it does have that gene.

What they do is they breed the plants to be sterile and have patented genes, and in the contract you cannot "recycle" the seed. They push out all the other cultivars because their sterile one has much more yield, and they then send PIs to go around looking for people with seed reclaiming machine/business and trail them until they use it on a farm using their seed (even if it's another crop), subpoena them and then take everything they own.
The industry rule in breeding is that to not be assfucked by an "escaped gene" you have to find a naturally occurring strand with no trees within 2.5 miles. I have heard of cases with alleged glowops where they deliberately go and introduce the gene in wild areas but not in the US (Turkey/Egypt). It could also be some random bumfuck farmer stealing seed and planting it but who knows?
Sorry for the long explanation.
Different anon, but I heard ((( they ))) already do it in 3rd world shitholes. They have genetically modified (GMO) crops that withstand Roundup™ (a notorious herbicide made by Monsanto) and some local farmres don't have the money to buy the seeds for the GMO crops. Then the neighboring farmers also get affected by the sprayed Roundup and they have to sell their land to the globalists or local rich farmers. Btw, Roundup is also likely carcinogenic to humans and it might also kills bees and butterflies. Unrelated: Also, GMO seeds for golden rice (made by Rockefeller Foundation) are also a scam because the local farmers in 3rd world countries don't have money to buy them (or so I have heard). Golden rice also still doesn't have enough vitamin A to be effective on its own. Also, it just so happens that Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is also in the business of making and promoting GMO products.

>https://web.mit.edu/demoscience/Monsanto/players.html (Read this if you are in a hurry)
<"Farmers have found themselves stuck between Monsanto and a hard place. It has become increasingly difficult for farmers to grow non-genetically engineered crops, as contamination has become a big issue."
>https://archive.is/gmMw (Green Peace is right this time)
<"A lot of the studies backing glyphosate have been funded by entities in a position to profit from the continuing sales"
>https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/statement-on-us-intervention-in-mexicos-phaseout-of-genetically-engineered-corn-2023-02-14/ (USA tried to pressure Mexico!)
Replies: >>10172
>Doing it in 3rd world shitholes
They've been doing it in the US for years. It's just you don't ever hear about it on the media.  It's being phased out in the US due to the cancer lawsuits winning, 2-4D's been the next big GMO resistant pesticide also because agriculture and weed control literally can't move away from it and it's leagues worse than glyphosate. 
>Roundup being toxic to humans
That's a question of when, not if. Most of the herbicides are toxic to humans in varying amounts, you want a commonly used deadly one try paraquat, that one will shred your lungs. If about you want to worry toxic shit in your food, go look at anti-caking agents in salt. You want to worry about killings animals en masse? Neonicotinoid for insects and firponil for everything but humans (unless inhaled/ingested) Who am I kidding, go look up DesulfinylFipronil 
>Golden rice
Works well in a greenhouse.... Contrary to it's intended use for broke as fuck farmers in shitholes. I'll let you guess as to why it's not hitting the numbers they claim.  Also not too keen on introduced genes from things outside the same family (never the less different kingdom).

They been trying to de-regulate "simple" transgenics for a while now and APHIS got rightfully bitchslapped for it in 2018/2022 (Proposed rule withdrawn) even if the reasoning was retarded (muh GMOs all bad). If the rules were modified on the gene edits for intra-genus (not inter-genus) plant edits so long as the genome was otherwise not altered I think it would be acceptable since that is identical to regular plant breeding.
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>womyn calls asking how to restore folders
>she accidentally moved a folder in a network share into another one but didn't have permissions to move it back
>so she had decided last night the best course of action was to run a restore on the entire fucking network share containing 60+ TB of data that the company uses on a daily basis
>then let it run overnight
>by the time she called in the morning it was only at 1% but still fucked at least 6TB of data
>shut it down, do my best to not go fucking apeshit on her
>report it to a T3 data tech
>he has an aneurysm
>much talk of asking how the fuck is this possible and why some random thot can't move a folder back and forth but is allowed to do full restores on network shares
always check your permissions, retards can and will crash your company with no survivors if given the chance
Replies: >>10840
>work in company
>all home folders are on NFS
>struggling with permissions on a file
>fuck this shit lets go nuclear
>do chown -R derp:derp on the whole NFS share
>derp I suddenly can't access my home folder
>haha w-werid
>do chmod -R 777 on the whole share
>derp it's working again
>go to toilet
>never come back
What do I do if I'm too spergy for job interviews? Is there a way to reduce the 'tism mannerisms?
Replies: >>10845
Before you go pose like a body builder in front of a mirror also make mean looking faces. Then convince you're possessed by the spirit/ghost of your warrior ancestors. While you're going there psyche yourself up saying schizo shit.
Replies: >>10846
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I can do interviews and everything just fine, I don't actually have social anxiety or anything of the sort.
It's just that while being interviewed, or any social interaction really, I have spaz mannerisms.

I once watched a video of Metokur make fun of el goblino and he's calling him a "spaz" and making fun of his behavior and I'm thinking "shit, I act just like that". Now I can't find the video, it would be a good example. This video would also be an example: https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=D04wb7P_v-4 
Not so much what he says, but the facial expressions, and the way he speaks.
Don't let internet people who play things up for laughs get you down anon, you can do it!
<I let random faggots on the internet tell me how to act and coordinate myself
It's already over for you.
just b urself
Coworkers just got fired. Pajeet ceo is outsourcing to his shithole. I am sick of this company politics bullshit. The information hiding, dude was working fine on Monday and the next day his is fired. It was announced after it happened. The idiotic decision, they fired the most respected team member just for cost cutting, despite announcing how well the corp is doing well financially. The manhandling of everyone, people got moved to teams left and right, no plan was announced.
How come writing code become caged salves? I hate all this work culture bullshit. Maybe I should've stayed a NEET.
I should post more, but I am too tired these days.
Stay strong Anon. Try to have an ace in the hole of some kind soon.
Replies: >>11145
You need to build skills and experience that can't be emulated by midwit street shitters.
Replies: >>11145
Might as well leave now, it's not going to get any better. Brush up your resume and start applying.
Replies: >>11145
Appreciate it. I have been applying for a while. Getting better now with more sleep.
Hey there! So, I'm pretty good with English and I've been dipping my toes into programming. I've got a year of experience in manual and automation testing under my belt, but honestly, I feel like I've barely scratched the surface. I'm really keen on landing a gig that involves coding, 'cause I want to level up my career in that direction.

Since English isn't the main language where I live, I'm kinda leaning towards jobs that really value English skills. Oh, and I should probably mention that I'm in my final year of college with a couple of subjects left to tackle in different semesters. I can't take them both at once, so that's a thing.

So, any advice on jobs or positions that would suit my skills and interests? Any tips would be super appreciated!
Replies: >>11159
NEET, but contribute to wholesome Free Software projects
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>spent 20 minutes guiding the VP who makes $100k/year through closing Outlook and turning his device off and on again
Replies: >>11185
>Graduated 2 months ago from CS, Bachelor's
>No work experience
>0 replies so far while I've been trying to apply to pretty much anything outside of tech support
I've heard some bad things about the market right now, so am I just screwed? Just shit luck that I graduated right when this recession and shit started happening?
I've heard certs are good so I've been working on getting Sec+ since I'm interested in that stuff, hope it helps out a little
Replies: >>11174 >>13883
Where are you located? There was just a wave a layoffs in the US.
Did you even have internship?
Replies: >>11175
I'm a leaf. No internship either unfortunately
Replies: >>11179
You are fucked. Canada's tech job market is much worse than the US. Without an internship your best bet is applying for US internship and get TN visa.
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The concept of a ((( career ))) is a scam to rob you of your precious little time alive to keep the Jew world order going and developing. Work as little as you can and focus on what is important and meaningful to you. Fuck careerism.
Replies: >>11246
I always thought that soft skills are better then technical skills was just a meme but everyday this reality becomes clearer.
Replies: >>11188
Tech skills of your own are great if you're going solo 

But unsurprising, people who are good at dealing with people thrive in group environments.
so what bro just roll with it
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I recently got a job as a fresh college grad. Embedded systems. I work for a toy company. I got the job because I read "The C Programming Language" (slight exaggeration, but only just). Haven't worked there for very long yet.
I actually like the people I work with. Hard to believe, I know. I plan to stick around for a while. I will say that it sucks not having as much time to work on my personal projects, but I'm not quite as zonked compared to some other jobs I've worked so I still have enough energy at the end of the day to do a bit of coding that's just for me.
Congrats Anon. Keep moving forward!  :)
Replies: >>11237
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excellent work
Replies: >>11237
Congrats anon-kun. Now do the needful and recommend me, I am a Brahmin.
Replies: >>11237
Thanks anons. It all worked out.

Thanks. I'll be sure to leverage all the clout I have as a freshly minted junior dev to get you a spot.
Replies: >>11246
I am crashing your party by saying that my condolence. Working is what >>11180 says.
Work for yourself as soon as possible.
Ill formally mass reply to this thread once im done with my TESDA class final assessment see you guys next week with my censored certificate
For now >>11247 (post cycles itself in 2 months) here is my training pictures and adventures (if this is the wrong thread feel free to move this or the other one back and forth as necessary with your mod powers)
dammit guys ive always wanted a decent job and now this is the beginning of my "honest chinesium company in SEA" quest i promise ill never sell out my country to any party
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How long does it take you guys to get good at react nextjs and such js framework? I'm learning right now but they are pretty overwhelming. My coding ability is pretty limited from being lazy for so long.
Replies: >>11291
Don't get good, just copy paste. There are so fucking many js framework, it doesn't make sense to learn them. 65536 layers of abstraction makes it not possible to really learn it. Just copy paste sample code and hack away.
Or better yet don't do this.
Replies: >>11293
ok then teach me how to copy and paste appropriately. I can't just not do it, it's the market right now. I want to get good at hacking and such but it needs time and effort for a while.
Replies: >>11294
>find tutorial example
>build and run
>find a goal, simple goal (eg calculator webapp)
>change tutorial code until it meets your goals
>rinse repeat with harder goals
>push all code to goyhub
>try luck at wage slave market
>ask friends or somehow find people who want (simple) webapp
>apply copy pasta, put on resume
>rinse repeat until you make connections that get you a job or you identify as a psycho trans nigger (nigger/faggot) which gets you a job
Replies: >>11299
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ok i think i made the mistake of typing everything line by line from watching youtube videos and text tutorial online. Thanks, will copy and modify code from now on. Got any other tips? I am out of time and need to get good fast.
Replies: >>11307
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learn a better language
Replies: >>11308
I thought the video was good albeit pretty zoomercore, and I was about to save it, until the paid course jewish shill scam part came in. Why can't there be a single decent jewtube video...?
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>SVP holds company meeting announcing that work-from-home/fully remote will be phased out, despite being a national company in multiple states
>guys keeps bringing up the same retarded decisions everyone else is and keeps mentioning his daughter as well
>mfw chat of 800+ people fucking shredding him for his retarded decision
if they're going to make me move across the country i'm quitting, managers are not humans.
Guys thank you I got the job as automation tester but I'm currently having panic attack right now because I barely know how to code and feel really insecure about my ability. What can I do to at least complete the bare minimum for my task. I have already purchased chatgpt plus to help me with coding. What else can I do to hack away at my job and have nobody thinks that I am incompetent.
Learn the languages you're going to program in and do some basic algorithms in them, you fucking retard. Once you do that, you'll at least be good enough to do the very basics.
>got a job he's not qualified for
act confident 24/7, take no shit, and bullshit your way through it while learning what it is you're supposed to do
Just don't sperg out on them.

They already need someone in that role badly enough that they let you slip in by bullshitting your way onboard. They themselves will train you in what you need to do, they already feel you can handle the job. Now it's just a matter of fitting in with their working culture, and in fact you have some really high favor and accomodation r/n as the new guy. 

Hey be confident, you got the job!


You'll be fine Anon, congratz. Cheers.   :)
lmao if they didnt bother vetting something so simple then youre obviously expected to work under supervision and learn from a senior, trying to act like you know what youre doing is just going to piss everyone off unless you lied about having no experience
Don't worry, most wagies have no idea what they're doing. You just have to be better than average.
Auto test guy here, instead of my ability there is a bigger issue for me here. I can't talk to people or make friends. The group here is close to one another and I always feel like I'm just an outsider. Everyday I have to interact with them and it is pain. How do I get close to them?
Replies: >>11489 >>11531
Unironically just be yourself and don't try to get close to them.
Getting close to them risks revealing your power level. Do some work and let them get close to you. Also talking to normalfags is a waste of time and a potential source of jewish brainwash (eg did you watch that netflix goyslop? And you may start watching it).
Replies: >>11492
Will I get to be alone more if I become better at coding? Dev3 4 5 ... I feel like this is punishment for being stupid. I will literally do anything to have less human interaction. An auto test is like being at the bottom of the barrels. I need to be the best so I can be alone without feeling awkward.
Replies: >>11494
Just integrate yourself into important parts of your place slowly. At the beginning, look for opportunities to insert yourself into import processed. For example, put your automated tests into the build pipeline, get the release blocked unless test passes, etc. When you have sufficient leverage and street creds, you don't have to worry about being alone because people will want to talk to you or ask you about work. Then pretend to be busy to ignore them most of the time while avoiding more work.
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>I have already purchased chatgpt plus to help me with coding.
Buy and read a technical book.
Replies: >>11562
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This sounds retarded but what the fuck does an IT guy even do? Is it just a generalized description or what?
Replies: >>11529 >>11530
its a field not a job description
it can mean sysadmin type of work, or it can mean just helping office ladies and installing windows, and setting up new smartphones and printers etc. Also, the work can be just answering questions over phone or using some company's chat system.
Make sure you take an olive branch if it's offered, even if it isn't necessarily your cup of tea.  If they're going to lunch, try to come with them.  If they're playing a sport outside of work, try it at least once. You can open yourself up to things without necessarily being extroverted and proactive.
What you should be proactive about however is asking questions and for help when you're stuck. That's the best way to improve at your job (and it give you a chance to talk with them).  If you just joined you're supposed to be incompetent.

Besides that, stuff like this takes time. Just wait a bit and they should open up.
Replies: >>11569 >>11772
I came with them on lunch sometimes but it's awkward. They are all older than me, know each other well, chatting over topic that I dont know much about. They play rank csgo regularly but I can't join because I suck ass. Where do I find friends here? I like being alone but I don't like feeling awkward around people. I need to find those cringey weeaboos and get into their circle. Anyone is ok, as long as I can blend in. I stand out when I'm the only one without friends and it feels like shit.
Do any of your anons heres have experience in logistics? Previous job got yeeted and I managed to get into a supply chain side job from a friend at a small company. Mostly sysadmin + supply chain. Right now it's a 10 man op including the boss but they are worried that people will steal their shit since they do a lot of prototyping work.
How do you guys write test case? I'm having trouble writing test cases when there's always room to improve and I keep missing info or get it wrong.  Srs and such there's so much info that I need to have a deep understanding on.
Replies: >>11614
Always test all edge cases and min and max cases.
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Auto test guy here, I'm so fucking fucked. I know literally nothing and their actual requirement is 2 year of experience. Help me guys, I lied too much on cv and they actually believed me.
Either lie and say that you can't for whatever reason or just go with it. 
If you're smart enough you can learn on the job and start studying now can help.
Every company is different. You're going to have 10 years experience and still walk into a new place and have no idea what's going on. They also don't expect much in the first 3-6 months either. Just chill out and learn what they want you to do as best as you can.
Replies: >>11748
If you're a full time employee getting paid by the year then yes. If you're a contractor getting paid by the hour then that's when they expect you to get shit done on day 1.
So I have 2 options, one is to drop the job second is to work without pay for a few months until I'm considered good enough as full time. I chose no pay since it's basically study without tuition fee. What do you guys think?
>it's basically study without tuition fee
no, its work without pay idiot
Replies: >>11763
You didn't even fake it and let them know you suck? Do you know how many pajeets are watering theit mouth for your position?
I am disappoint
Replies: >>11763
>I chose no pay since it's basically study without tuition fee.
It's basically an investment, you sacrifice something now in the hope that it will pay off in the future. Learn as much as you can and build relationships with your coworkers. Get yourself into a position where after the few months they would prefer to pay you than lose you.
Guys it's me the auto test guy. I am utterly incompetent because of my years of being a half neet. Now I want to change my life and strive for the best. There is no actual real work to be done since I can't do shit, but they let me here for a few months to study and will consider moving me back once im good enough.
Replies: >>11764 >>11817
>replies to everyone except the person actually trying to help
I see why you're in this situation.
Replies: >>11766
Ive already meant to do that. I would do anything to keep this job, literally would go out of my way to literally suck dick if it means I can keep this job.
Replies: >>11771
Sucking dick is a job in itself.
>What you should be proactive about however is asking questions and for help when you're stuck.
This is not optional. Do not stay stuck for long, Anons.
Auto test guy here, I keep passing interview and just land myself in a new project again. My dead ass just cannot comprehend this logic, how can a piece of shit like me keep passing interviews while I can't fucking do shit. And it's all tools I have never heard before. Guess this will be a good learning experience, I am just a half neet that cannot muster any desire to do anything if there weren't extreme stress pushing me. I work fucking hard in office but I literally do nothing while at home. Got any tips for me guys?
maybe they're just looking for someone who's actually going to show up on the first day and isn't a drug addicted crackhead. who you are is more important than what you can do.
shouldve known, youre a fucking diversity hire, fuck off nigger
Replies: >>11797 >>11815
Either you are a hoe, or >>11796, or even worse ywnbaw.
Stop asking for tips when you know what to do. Fucking excuse making attention seeking nigger. If you don't know something, fucking look it up. If you can't do shit, learn to do shit on your own. If you can't do even this much, you should kys, now.
Given all the chances and have doors opened wide, but all you do is to bitch, on /tech/ no less, even fucking Shinji does more and have more balls than you. You god damn son of a bitch nigger. Do you know how many hours I put in applying for jobs to get out of my shithole and you come here to nigger brag about your diversity hiring rate?
Replies: >>11798 >>11799
The term diversity doesn't exist in my country I am just a neet and I need help
Being a neet is extremely dangerous and harmful to the mind I need to change or I will die
just play running in the 90s and all will be fine
stfu nigger
You just simply need to learn to use the tools. Play around them (or similar tools) at home, if you want to keep the job. Also, dl or buy a book on the tools and use it as a reference. What tools and technologies were on the job application? What tools you actually use at work? You don't need to answer to either, just buy a book or online course or ask around for learning resources. Complaining and doing noting doesn't do you any good. You either need to learn to use the tools or quit the job (or alternatively you can wait until you get fired).
Replies: >>11818 >>11846
do you work in IT?
Replies: >>11819
No, currently I go to a workshop for NEETs but before that I was in a uni for a while. But even without a job I know that you can't learn anything if you just do nothing. You can't accomplish anything if you just do nothing.
Replies: >>12709
Java and python selemium, postman and knowledge to write proper test cases are the things I'm really struggling with right now. I work hard during office but so far I literally do nothing at home. It's crazy.
Is there anyone at work you look up to?
yes, the rope hanging from my ceiling
Yes, they fired him to hire pajeets.
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My year end performance evaluation will be coming up soon and I'm not sure how to handle it if the results are not what I am expecting. Personally, I think I am due for a substantial pay increase. Going off of both metrics and performance I am doing the work of 2-3 people depending on who you compare me to. I have seen an immense amount of people get hired after me and leave soon afterwards. I am gradually having my workload increased, and both my coworkers and manajerks have pointed on several occasions that I am doing a ton of work. Last year I only got the basic bitch pay increase and bonus because I hadn't been with the company long enough to have done anything worth measuring. Right now I am making just under $54k a year and got a $1000 bonus last year. I am still not at the midpoint for my salary range. I don't really know how to tell the difference between a good and bad pay raise, and how I should bring it up to my manager if I feel I'm being scammed if I don't like the results.
yes, the Jesus portrait
Your company is shit. 54k a year is indian tier pay for anything more than l1 support. Maybe that's why the turn over rate is so high
Replies: >>12093
How's the market in your area? If you are able to, look for another place to work. People have to move from job to job in order to get ample pay raises. But yes, you should definitely bring this up to your manager first and make your decision based on what happends.
Replies: >>12093
Movin up in the world. Nearly a network engineer, but atill have ways to go. I notice that there alot of fuckin faggots in the field though. It's no wonder tech gets shittier and shittier, especially with pajeets taking over. Hope I can outshine them all one of these days and make them look pathetic.
Replies: >>12089 >>12139
If you do what others do with equal pay, you aren't outshining them but wagecuck yourself.
Replies: >>12092
Gotta move up in the world somehow. Sitting on my ass acomplishes nothing, and the more you learn how things work the better.
Replies: >>12106
probably because i am T1 support
i live in a cheap area and the job is fully remote, i actually really like it. i just want to get off the fucking phones.
Replies: >>12106
>T1 support
My condolence.
Work harder for yourself, not for your ((( boss ))). Titles and fiat are hollow achievements. That said, not unless you make good use of them.
Most of the time it's faggots in the field playing politics sucking each other off and kicking off dudes like you to keep them safe. Watch your back.
Replies: >>12112
>My condolence.
it's not all bad, it's all internal support so the people that call in aren't complete jackasses (although you do get one occasionally). mostly people that don't know how to setup their company iPhones (because most of the time our remote management just doesn't work so they have to factory reset it, multiple times)
>retards and jeets
How do you handle working with them? I am seriously considering a career change into sysadmin or networking but I don't think I could endure the amount of niggers, women, trannies and jeets that seem to found at every level of every company in current year. Is it really that miserable or am I demoralized and should get a better attitude? I get along with asians at least.
the pajeets are really pushy and annoying, especially when they don't speak or understand english but as long as they stay in their overseas office they're fine. all the stereotypes about them are absolutely true.
>hello sir actually i cannot to log into my account please raise a high priority issue and provide on-call list so we may get this resolve
just find a company that isn't going to ESGbux and hires actually good people and you'll be fine. even better if it's fully remote.
I have seen good and bad pajeets. The bad ones are are arrogant with a Jew-like victim attitude. Always blaming the situation or environment for his ignorance. Never try to help themselves. Sneaking in "tricks" while putting on the innocent or victim shield. For example, asking someone else to solve problems for them in DMs without opening tickets. They do it to get all the credits while pretending to forget or didn't know he need to make a ticket, or implying it's the helper's fault for not saying it. They are good at blowing up the stupidest problems. If they know you know how to do something, they will get you to record that or to do it for them in any way. Something taking it up to the managers, just because they can't rub two brain cells together to key in a search engine keyword. My approach is to be a hard ass, offering no help unless told to.
The good ones are those who are humble, learns from others and struggle on their own. I help them out and talk to them.
Replies: >>12147 >>12158
I get those to, sometimes they DM me and ask me to do the needful, I don't even look at it or give them a "read" notification, I just hide the chat until they realize they're not getting anywhere.
Also my favorite
>message pajeet asking for help with issue
>"Hey ticket 123456 has been assigned to you for two weeks and you haven't done anything with it, user wants to know what's going on, you need to do X, Y, and Z to get it working again
<"what is ticket number"
i can say with 100% certainty they're feigning stupidity because they can get away with it
That is why I admire Indians.
Replies: >>12161
poo in loo
>because they can get away with it
They are also implying racism if you report them or be too harsh to them in front of managers.
>i can say with 100% certainty they're feigning stupidity because they can get away with it
Pajeets are pajeets, but in that case I'm inclined to believe he's blindly following policy, not pretending to be stupid.
>I am seriously considering a career change into sysadmin or networking but I don't think I could endure the amount of niggers, women, trannies and jeets
Do there even exist tech jobs which aren't completely embedded in ((( the system ))) and which you can exercise freely while living computer varg style in the woods?
Replies: >>12171
good goyim working his ass off to get racially obliterated
It is very hard, but you can do small-scale production of some open source hardware and software.
I am tired of being Excel monkey, I want to automate emails that everyday my shitty co-workers send, but i would essentially kick 10 people out of jobs if I start doing that.I hate my manager.
Replies: >>12177 >>13975
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just do it, automating bullshit jobs means everyone gets a raise
they dont understand logic, use percentages when talking to the idiot
Replies: >>12178
Percentages are great dealing with fags, why these fags act like they understand it all, i tell them in simple language to make things easier for me and these monkeys but then he shows up and shoves calculate Resource utilisation of our team bullshit up my asshole and expect me to complete while these monkeys don't have work to show, and creating tickets on jira service-now, left right and centre like its a fucking jungle and going totally ogaaa-bogga on this.
>i can say with 100% certainty they're feigning stupidity because they can get away with it
Most indians that come to your country to work at your tech company are high caste spoilt brats. They grew up with literal servants in their house cleaning up their shit for them.

That's why they shamelessly ask for help every 5 seconds but also chimp out if you say anything to "disrespect" them. In their eyes you are a subhuman servant who exists to do all the parts of their job they don't feel like doing themselves.
Replies: >>12186
99% of them are overseas contractors that work through virtual machines and shitrix, they never set foot outside glorious india superpower 2025
Replies: >>12187
>Most indians that come to your country to work at your tech company...
<99% of them are overseas contractors
Anons, I think I made a big mistake when I signed my current job contract. Let me provide some background first.

> Be employed as a programmer at a medium sized company
> Had a pretty promising career as a data/machine learning engineer
> Department underperforms, everyone becomes errand boy for other departments. I'm stuck in a career dead end where I'm making customizations in a no-code enterprise application
> No end in sight, every month I stay there longer is wasted because the experience of drawing diagrams is utterly useless anywhere else
> Finally decide to quit, find a promising job at a contract agency
> After four months I get fired because they ran out of contracts; this is still within probation, so I have no recourse
> Become NEET for a month until I get a job at a big company that actually pays really well

Here is where the problem begins: I actually want to start my own business, a promising side project I was working on off hours. The plan was to eventually reduce my day job to part time and see how whether the side business takes off. Legally this is not a problem, my employer has to allow it. However, my employer can also veto any side job if there is a conflict of interest.

Knowing how these big corporations work I can be certain they will veto anything that involves hosting stuff on servers without even hearing me out. I guess the only side business I could have would be making games or something with embedded hardware, or something completely unrelated to software. Basically my side business idea is fucked.

I have no idea what to do. I could either just give up and become a code monkey for life, or I could quit a secure job for a dream that may or may not work out. Even if the business idea were to work out, it would take time for it to become profitable, and until then I would be bleeding money. Maybe I could bridge the time with other services like web design, but even that takes time to become profitable. Fuck this gay shit, I feel like a trapped animal,  I am desperately look for the escape hatch, but whichever way I turn there is a wall in front of my face.
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>> Become NEET for a month until I get a job at a big company that actually pays really well
Sounds dreadful, my condolences
>I have no idea what to do
Do it anyway. Spend the money and form a LLC somewhere they don't monitor.
If they come after you, GPL your code and release it and wash your hands of it.
What are they going to do? Fire you? Sue your LLC?
Replies: >>12200
> What are they going to do? Fire you? Sue your LLC?
No, they will sue me directly. Then they will fire me. It might be different in other countries, but in Germany this is the law. I was thinking of a loophole in which I would open-source my code under the AGPL (so no company would ever want to touch it) and then have another person run the business for me. I would be just some guy who maintains an open-source project for free, and it just so happens that someone I know has built a business around it. The problem is, my employer is a 10,000 man strong corporation, even if my loophole works they will be able to bury me in legal fees just to make an example.
Replies: >>12203 >>12207
Same boat as you. The difference is my projects are not likely to be successful.
If you think your project is going to fly, you can job hop now to a small company, or work as a contractor. You can also do that after grinding a year for that big corp year of exp, then hop and focus on your project.
You sound like this is your first job. My experience is that quickly grind you down. Working on personal project with any sort of scale is not going to work with a full-time job, worse if they know you are good.
Either switch job or grind for a while, then switch.
Replies: >>12210
>but in Germany this is the law
The jews really did a number on your country.
> You sound like this is your first job.
It's my fourth job if you count the four months at the previous job where I got fired.

> My experience is that quickly grind you down. Working on personal project with any sort of scale is not going to work with a full-time job, worse if they know you are good.
Yes. My intention was to get the service 90% complete (it's at around 80% now), then reduce my main job to part time. I am legally allowed to do that after probation, even if I want to work a side job.

> If you think your project is going to fly, you can job hop now to a small company, or work as a contractor
That's so far my only option. I could work as a freelance or contract web designer, I can do static websites, server-side websites (e.g. Django) or even the bloated shit that is SPAs. The problem with this kind of work is the ramp-up, it will take time to get profitable, and I am competing with everyone's 12-year old nephew and Wordpress Pajeets. Or maybe offer programming freelance/contract work, but how the fuck do I find clients like that?
You think you're the first person to have this problem?

Your corporate contract probably said something like all intellectual property you generate while employed belongs to them.

What you need is somebody to front you. A family member or somebody you trust to be the official director of your startup. You do the work but you assign all copyright to this other person as if it was them who did the work.

As long as you don't do something stupid like use your corporate laptop to do startup work then they will have no way to prove anything against you.

It has to be somebody you trust to legally transfer everything to you when you quit your corporate job though. Ideally somebody non-technical who cannot just cut you out of the company and carry on without you.
I would recommend all the essays by Paul Graham. He writes mostly about making startups successful (that's his job) and trying to do great things. One that comes to mind is this one about startup fundraising http://www.paulgraham.com/fundraising.html
Auto test guy here, I'm getting used to my job I think. People around me notice I'm just a novice so they assign me easy ticket for and allow me time to read on the code. Still fucked though, the lead guy seems frustrated at me sometimes but he's still willing to answer my questions. He doesn't give a fuck though so it's kinda nice.
Replies: >>12308
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I've been stuck in a cycle for about 10 years now. I want to excel in programming, but when I get home, I end up doing nothing productive. I relax by reading imageboards or watching TikTok until I feel guilty the next day. I really want to change this. I work hard at the office, but I struggle to do the same at home. It's frustrating because I forget the motivation to improve as soon as I relax. I have a deep desire to create games, develop aimbots, become skilled in hacking, and master Linux. However, my passion for coding isn't as strong as my passion for English, which I've mastered. English is the only reason I'm still with my current company. I feel lost and lazy. I'm seeking help because I can't do this alone. I haven't graduated yet due to failing classes, and though I'm taking extra classes in frontend and backend development to improve my skills, the real issue is my lack of productivity at home. It's affecting me mentally and physically, and I don't want to let down myself or my family any longer. I need fucking help, I can't do it on my own anymore. I can't ask anyone for help because they will just think i'm a fucking retard.
Go on a walk, then be productive when you get back home.
>lack of productivity
This is the symptom, not the cause. Same as programming skills. People can't born liking a certain skill, since they don't even know what that skill is. Without working with any particular skill for a while, they wouldn't know it enough to like it.
Skills are means to ends. Without the ends, it's hard to pick up the means. I don't believe anyone who say they learnt programming without writing any program.
Stop trying to excel in programming. Start making your game, aimbot or whatever. Have a very concrete target. Pick up programming to make it to the target. Not the other way around.
Now you have your first version, it is an utter shitheap. Look at that piece of crap and find out why it is such fucking shit. Pick another target or redo this, depending on your attention span. Make sure you don't do what you found bad on your first piece of crap.
This is how you git gud. You don't git gud by trying to be productive. You do it by actually making something. Somehow along the way you become good. People who learn for the sake of learning either forget it quickly or don't really understand it. You learn it because it is necessary and it is now forever yours.

Even with all these, you can run out of steam. Getting sick, working overtime or just an argument with your family. It can destroy your plans and cut off your motivation. The other part of the story is discipline.
Unfortunately, I am struggling with this too. It boils down to "just do it". But there are a million of unavoidable issues, health, addiction, other goals. The key is to focus on doing things instead of yourself. Sometimes I am able to do this and get some reading done.
Replies: >>12325
Bring a personal laptop to work and do 1 hour during lunch break. You can also try waking up early and going 30mins / 1 hour before work too. By carving out a new time slot like this you are breaking that pattern in your brain which says it is time to goof off on the internet.
Spot on, Anon.
Reminds me of my 18yo self when I fell for all the improvebruh "washurpinus" peterson tedx tropes at once. Autism. There's no point beating yourself down over things which if you were honest with yourself, you really don't have any interest in doing.  
If you find something that truly interests you, you will learn as you go, so to speak, though that's not an excuse to rot away on tikpozz. Maybe try something creative for a change. Drawing? what do i know
I remember waking up at 4 am only to spend the rest of the day wasting away on imageboards
Replies: >>12335
There is nothing magic about waking up early it's just something you probably don't do now so it will break up your current routine of procrastination.
Automation test guy here, work update. I'm going to be released from my project soon because I couldn't handle it, lacking skill... Mostly it is about me having too little experience, spent too much time on a task without asking anyone, didn't speak much during daily meeting and getting scolded by lead a few times. My manager had been giving me some talk and if I don't change, I don't think there will be another chance. What do?
Replies: >>12528 >>12535
If the lead guy decided that you're gone, can I beg for another chance? Every thing seems to have been nailed for me to leave.
Replies: >>12535
I'm going to ask an inverse question:
Whats the best approach for HIRING a programmer to do just a couple tasks? Is there a good website for that or something?

I want someone to program a couple things that I can't be bothered to do myself, and I'll gladly pay for it as long as they do it the way I want. Basically I want some parsers that can extract some information out of certain file types like AVIF.
>just use X tool to do it
Unironically kill yourself instead of replying to me.
Replies: >>12533 >>12534
Also I should specify, I want them programmed from scratch in C without any libraries. Where ever I try to look for developers, all I find are postings that sound like the kind of brainless development that involves half assed scripts gluing libraries to each other.
The jewish approach is to post your task as an online assessment for a stealth startup.
The best approach is to spend weeks interviewing people with C experience, or willing to learn/demonstrate.
Replies: >>12538
Unironically learn a trade and go back to school. It looks like you are no better than an Indian given every chance yet didn't improve.
Replies: >>12539
>spend weeks interviewing people
Where would I go to find people to interview though?

I made a parser for one file type, I want to show it to someone and tell them to do the exact same thing for a bunch of more complex file formats. It wouldn't even be difficult or require any special expertise, the only reason I don't do it myself is that I can't be bothered to dig through file format documentation for a bunch of bloated file formats.
No I'm sticking with coding or I will just commit suicide. I'm not giving up.
Replies: >>12568
Then you may as well go to a code bootcamp or college to be handheld.
Replies: >>12577
Already on a bootcamp, and I haven't graduated yet. Already 2 years late compared to my peers.
Don't mean to blog but here goes. My team was given a part of another team's software a while ago. Without enough time to properly separate ourselves from them, they decided to migrate their code host and ci/cd infra. I didn't know about the cutoff until a few days before it. After that I worked overtime a few days to get it working. Now we can finally deploy to production after at least 1 week. I complained to my manager about this arrangement and overworking.
One related team's director started asking everyone questions, with a screenshot of my complain typed by my manager (I am not in that chat group). The director/manager of the team we got this from got me in a meeting to ask me what happened and how they can help us. The dude in charge of the cutoff is apparently being lynched.
Did I just fuck myself over? Now everyone can put 2 and 2 together and figure out I spoke with my manager and have everyone on fire.
Replies: >>13975
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Does one really need to sign up for Indeed? I really don't want to be a part of the global homo.
Replies: >>12683
>watching TikTok
Its terminal... I'm sorry....
Replies: >>13051
You can apply directly to companies if the button says apply with links. Otherwise, you have to sign up.
The sad truth is that even if you sign up for Indeed, there are millions of companies that require you to create an account just to apply, then ghost you forever and sell your info.
>workshop for NEETs
Can you tell me more about that? I'm a neet myself and I could use some help here.
Replies: >>12723
There is no such thing as workshop for neet, real life is not anime. Get a low level entry job and the stress from real life work will reduce your neet disease.
Replies: >>12745
>workshop for neet
It's called McDonald's.
Replies: >>12777
A fate worse than death, goddamn.
If I were given a choice between working at McDonalds for my 3 hots and a cot or going to prison, I will be drunk driving a stolen Camaro full of drugs into the nearest police station before sundown.
Auto test guy here, work update. It’s been a month since I was kicked from the project, and I haven’t gone to work once. They put me in reserve team, but the manager here don’t really care. I’ve been neeting and playing games and learn making games. Life is unstable.
Replies: >>12870
>They put me in reserve team, but the manager here don’t really care.
It sounds like they are getting the paperwork ready to fire you or they are gearing up for a mass layoff in the near future.
Replies: >>12876
>fire him
His is already unpaid.
Replies: >>13042
No i still got paid, just less than usual.
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those braindead NIGGERS with their newest SATANPHONES in the train watching this brainrotting mental diarherra in the train with maxxed volume always make me homicidal
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As someone deeply involved in automated testing, I'm curious about your proficiency in solving LeetCode problems. Recently, I've been following Neetcode on YouTube, and it appears to be quite beneficial for him. Unfortunately, my coding skills aren't great; I struggle with logical thinking and mathematics. My strength lies primarily in natural language processing. This leads me to wonder, does engaging with LeetCode enhance one's overall programming abilities, including the capacity to adapt and acquire new skills?
Replies: >>13137
>natural language processing
Autotest nigger you should look into product management, sales or marketing. Logical thinking is the basics of engineering, and maybe ntelligent life. There is no fighting this.
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Does it matter if one majors in Computer Science or I.T? I know Comp Sci majors love to talk about how you don't learn theory in I.T, but can't you just take a class for that on Udemy? Like some sort of discrete mathematics and/or algorithms class?
Replies: >>13161 >>13172
A university offering an "I.T." degree sounds as legit as feminist dance therapy. You should be able to get the names and descriptions of the course modules from the university website and compare. I mean I.T. at school and college level is stuff like how to do powerpoint, how to do excel, how to make a wordpress blog. It probably won't include any programming at.
Replies: >>13173
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You guys do make at least the same as this guy right? 
Otherwise I would be very disappointed.
udemy? dont tell me you buy the courses there or something lol.
Replies: >>13173
The degree is at a local state uni and it does include programming, but it's less focused on theory and it goes into things like networking, cybersecurity, the cloud, etc. etc.
No, I pirate the videos.
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Should have picked another career, this shit SUCKS and is OVERSATURATED.
And even if they hire you they can just boot you months after because their client just decided to end the contract.
Should've become a plumber.
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Auto test guy here, i quit my job. Currently looking for fresher position in dev and test. Did I make the right choice guy? My manager didn’t want me to quit, was about to let me in on another project interview. But I already failed twice before and once I’m in project I’m afraid to be overwhelmed and underperforming like before. im kinda sad right now
My goal right now is to find a fresher position so that there will be in depth training and enough time for me to properly set up for real world project. Any advice is appreciated. I won’t give up on making tons of money coding and my dream of becoming the greatest programmer that ever lived.
Replies: >>13271
I think I have said it before, I am saying it again. You can either reroll on your INT or pick up another career. A few years ago, you can still pick up entry level positions without much skills. Now if you are not experienced or very well connected, you can kiss goodbye to any career prospect.
Case in point my place just cancelled raise and promotion for everyone. Despite me working my ass off for the entirety of my employment, with my manager telling me nobody is against my promotion just a week before.
In this market, you can't skill compete people, because nobody cares about your skills if you don't have experience. You can't resume compete people even more because lots of layoffs saturating entry level market with exFAGMANs.
Replies: >>13334
>i quit my job
There is currently a second Great Depression occurring if you are a straight white man. Do you have another job lined up where you can make half a million dollars a day, or will you be joining the bread line in four months?
My company just announced no raise and no promotion for everyone. I have been working my ass off for the past year well exceeding what a level 1 engineer should do. My team is stuck at dealing with a piece of crap where everybody who worked on it either quit or moved to another team. My manager told me nobody opposed to my promotion before this dropped. Ever since I have been applying left and right. ZERO positive response.
I knew it I shouldn't have picked computer science. Even burger flippers' future look brighter than mine.
What do?
Replies: >>13336 >>13628
You don’t get it either I die or I get good at coding. I don’t care about anything else.
I already got another one during the first 2 week after quoting the previous. Right now I just want a place to learn and gain exp, don’t really about high salary.
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The whole economy and financial system are FUBAR, as is the USD reserve currency. Keep working there as long as they pay you, and start stacking some silver and/or gold.
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Auto test guy here, I fucked up again. Last week I went drinking with my co workers and got so fucked up and lost my mind that night. I was so fucked up that I had to beg my friend to come save me. Apparently I talked way too fucking much and now I’m the butt of the jokes these last few days. Also all the head of my department came to drink that night as well. I’m so fucked. I’ve been hesitant coming to work. I don’t know if I sexually harassed any girls there I don’t know I’m too scared to ask. I went to sleep and woke up a few hours later vomiting all over my toilet.
Replies: >>13959
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I have been thinking about maybe going back to school next year (?) or in 2026.  But I think that years of being NEET has rotted my brain. I don't know if I'm able to learn advanced programming stuff (my only experience are small scripts and little toy programs). I have also lost my passion for programming. Also, I'm kinda blackpilled by Ai and robotics (especially after reading Why The Future Doesn't Need Us and Industrial Society And Its Future). I think that many people will lose their jobs (and there are other problems too). I also think that having tolerable job with good/normal working conditions is crucial for well-being (both physical and especially mental).

I think I would probably do okay in IT job or sysadmin job but honestly the whole job market seems pretty bleak, imo. Maybe I should pick another career/field. In high school, I was pretty good at biology. Maybe biology/bioengineering or biochemistry would be more interesting for me at the moment. But I also hate Big Pharma and genetic engineering. But on the other hand, manual labor is not for me since I live in a frail body. I will try to get more /fit/ this summer (or at least I will try losing some weight...)
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>>5873 (OP) 
AI is a new hot buzzword (despite being around for quite some time) and i recently got into it as a hobby, i learned about image generation models, how to train them and how powerful a model that can imitate hand drawn images or irl pictures would be, I'm a bit scared but i can't help but feel this might be good for humanity.
at the end of last year i decided to include my hobby on my resume and i got hired as a marketing intern, they are paying me to train a chatbot for customer and employee service, i designed the appearance of her to look as "realistic" as possible, just now I'm realizing my work might get people replaced, i don't think i should feel bad, i just think it was bound to happen, if it  wasn't me, it would have been some other "AI aficionado", just how time works I suppose.
the hands will never not be a problem
Replies: >>13484
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this anon needs fucking HUGS.
Replies: >>13486
Is this post meant to be ironic
Replies: >>13485
i think it was made by an AI.
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you might not believe this but you sound a lot like me. Right now for me things are still unstable, I felt like i should just give up. But I won't, I will keep going. School for me is useless because the only thing matter is real experience and practicing projects on your own. The neet cycle won't allow you to learn anything from school. I advice you to find entry level job/fresher/junior position and try your luck. Apply 20 30 cv whatever there has to be a few places that take an interest in you. If developer is too difficult, you can try automation test, and if that doesn't work move to manual testing and work from there. Be aware though, if you are like me (neet that rots his brain), you may find yourself in an awkward social position that I absolutely fucking hate.
Your point about AI and stuff replacing developers are retarded. I use AI on a regular basis and that shit is fucking sucks. AI can't make website from scratch, AI doesn't solve bugs. AI only helps you generate template code. That's all it's good for. Nobody in tech industry is being replaced by AI. It's stupid. And the market is bleak because the skill levels has been increased over the years. A developer is expected to know a lot more things now, that's why I advice you to start with either automation or manual testing.
Replies: >>13489 >>13494
From my last job that i got fired, I only took me a few days to get around 5 places to make interview appointment with me. In 2 weeks I already got a new job. If you're starting out I believe it's super easy to land a tech job these days No one ever asked about my degree. The hard part is, being a neet that doesn't learn shit, you have to try a lot harder to catch up with your peers.
Replies: >>13494
How long ago was that? How many yoe?
I don't know where you are, but I have been looking to switch job for a long time and I have got nothing.
Entering the field right now is the worst thing anyone can do. See https://layoffs.fyi
>>13488 is right, there are companies trying to fix this by hiring developers to write training data for llm. However, AIs are replacing people, because it is being used as an excuse for a lot of companies to freeze hiring juniors, and outsource/fire more expensive juniors. Since a while ago, most companies are led by finances and MBAs. They are not developers and don't know what's going on. Decision on hiring and budget are made by these people. It doesn't really matters for them whether AI can replace people or not, they are just budgets for the engineering department. As long as they can survive the job and please the board, until they switch to the next startup, everything is fine.
If I were you, I'd get into business or finance. That's the only reasonable way to make it these days.
Replies: >>13517
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I'm rooting for you Hanyu anon! I'm in a similar predicament myself, even though technically I'm not a NEET since I'm planning on finishing up the rest of my schooling. The only true failure is not starting and not continuing to push on. Why not start somewhere simple and go to some technical college or enroll in some program where you can learn how to program, or learn the necessary requirements for obtaining certifications? It's important to be realistic and to keep things in mind, but it's also important too to not let the fear of the unknown, or the fear of failure to hold you back. Doomscrolling can lead to inaction, so I'd suggest pushing that back (...or stopping altogether). It may seem like ignorance, and it is, but it's not bad ignorance since it's intentful. It  gives you peace of mind. I know it surely has for me.
Also, hit that gym. Even if it's only a little bit each time, becoming /fit/ will improve your mood and health.
Just recently. I faked my cv a lot and it tend to work. HR dont know and dont care about the details. But interview has never been the problem, its what comes after. I think i fell into depression for a while now. I cant socialize, and that what hurts me the most.
Replies: >>13531
How much faking is acceptable? Can you give some example?
I have been applying to jobs to everywhere, if I start sending a fake resume, will they notice?
Replies: >>13537 >>13538
What is your position? I did junior and fresher and both worked. Fake as much as you can prepare for, meaning you have the basic knowledge of the tools you list.  Interviewers only ask the basics of those tools, what they care the most is your experience. List your actual projects, sprinkle in some bullshit if it makes your cv look better. Up your yoe by 2 to 3 years depending on the level of your job. Before the interview, ask hr for JD, what are used in the project. Follow simple template, no colorful backgrounds. If you still cant do it, find facebook groups for job recruitment.
Replies: >>13571
Spam your CV like America dropped bombs on vietnam. Download all the apps, register to all the websites and start applying. They dont care if you lie, they only care that once youre in, you can do your job. And remember, hr always lie more than you, so dont feel bad about it. The only sucker is the honest one, everyone else lies. Just a few days ago my manager faked my cv to 6 yoe for a project interview(we do outsoucing).
Replies: >>13571
I get this all the time.

Here's another I get all the time.
>Be in group A and get task that should be completed by group B.
>Assign ticket to group B.
>After some troubleshooting and resolving some issues, they notice the problem is on the back end, which can only be worked on with group C.
>They assign it to group A stating its a group C problem instead of just assigning it to group C.
Replies: >>13550 >>13642
Ah yes, punishing competence with additional work because it is easier than forcing the incompetent to fix it.
se1 in title, doing work of nearly every titles.
>faked to 6 yoe
A coworker told me he was hired as an intern at an outsourcing place and the next day he is sold as a senior. Thought it only happens in lawless jungle. I was wrong.
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Just working on mah CCNA for now. Rather not work but circumstances are forcing my hand. At least with some IT/Networking/Sysadmin job I'll be getting paid decently and the work will be extremely easy for me.
>No raise
Don't worry, I got let go because the company got bought out by ((( them ))) and a chink, subsequently went to hell in  handbasket immediately after (I am the ag anon) and is now bankrupt. I've heard that IT jobs are on a hiring freeze with a end goal to cut 50%to make all the jobs contract work due to "AI". Is this really possible? I don't pay attention to the new developments in that field cause they are lightyears away from fucking use in plant breeding, but that sounds optimistic as fuck. AI also seems to be a huge bubble imho
>depression for straight white men
Depression for anyone who isn't a copious bootlicker or an illegal, be they white, asian, hispanic. Women not really included. Dindus excluded unless you include token Clarence Thomas because muh politics.

I'm about to say fuck it and go properly finish my machinist skills and just do fab work instead.
Replies: >>13631 >>13642
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AI and crypto ETFs are memes to keep the stonks from crashing, so the herd doesn't wander of the pa$ture. Otherwise they might get some bright ideas.
Replies: >>13636 >>13642
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I think I'm gonna switch careers with something more related to automation/robotics. Which career do you guys think would suit this the best? I don't like the idea of spending 4+ years studying in another field, moreso knowing that those years won't come back and I could've used them for something else, but the absolute bullshit that is needed to get a job in IT as a software dev is, from my point of view, just not worth it.
Replies: >>13636 >>13642
PLC programming and automation for industrial work pays pretty well. I think the hourly for a contractor is like $160/hr minimum and you don't have to leave your room. Get some experience, go solo and subcontract to small/medium companies that make somewhat niche agricultural/industrial. Even if they go out of business the bank will usually let you continue to service the customers, especially if the automation team was a one man show at those middle sized companies.
Pays more if you're an electrician and can do PLC and that stuff in person for diagnostics. That comes out to all travel expenses (or a large per diem) and like something north of $200/hr.
You also get to charge more for the "I need this fixed NOW" if it's 100% critical. I knew a feller who got $600/hr + per diem to fix a mission critical machine that he coded automation for but the manufacture went out of buisness.
>job switch
Honestly, I'm probably going to do skilled labor that can't be taken by wetbacks (yet). Something like machining work in my own shop or vacuum molded plastics for people like I said earlier.
I figured it would eliminate some jobs, but the idea of 50% layoffs of coders and Q/A seemed really optimistic. Thanks for answering.
I have got one from my place too.
>Some dude working in team A wrote a piece of software X, used by team B
>Dude got moved to team C, taking software X along. He took a vacation.
>Back from vacation, dude said fuck it and quit
>Team C has been neglecting software X for years
>Fast forward, critical vulns were found on software X which is still used by team B but owned by team C
>Team A got told to fix it
>Threw interns at it
>Fixed it and tried to send it to another team to own it
>Coworker resisted management from sending it to our team, team D, in the same meeting where they talked about the thing they recently move from team C to us
I think it's the management who are way too hyped on AI to start firing. There are companies hiring programmers to write training data for AI coders, meaning what's publicly available is not good enough. Even so, I don't think the field will recover because of a potential economy collapse and they are generally using this as a way to keep the wages down. Once they find out that the company can operate with 1 person doing the work of 5, even though the only reason he is staying is because he can't find another job. They will stop hiring, or maybe only hire pajeets. AI is more of an excuse than the reason.
In longer term, since most bootlickers are crappy workers. They set a pretty low bar for AI to replace them. That means it is very possible, say in 5 years for AI to become cheap enough and well-trained enough to replace pajeets and stacies on all levels. Programming is getting automated, no doubt in that.
What ideas?
Robotics is a good field to get into. Once AI gets good enough to replace low level workers, the only problem it can't work on is physical world related. What field are you in right now?
Replies: >>13650
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People think ai is a bubble because it keeps going up quickly. People thought the same thing about moore's law and covid. Our intuition always underestimates exponential curves. 

ai right now looks flashy but outputs crap 20% of the time, which makes them unfit for products. However, they will keep getting more intelligent. They've been rapidly improving for the last 6 years and there's no strong reason it might stop. I definitely think ai can replace 50% of swe-like jobs within 5 years.
Replies: >>13647
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It's a bubble the same way that dotcom was a bubble in 2000 and offshoring was a bubble in 2010's, and DEI more recently. They keep throwing money at it and trying to shove it everywhere in the hopes of making bank or getting some edge over the competition. It's like they think there's a gold rush and they're all scrambling to get a piece of the action, which generates a lot hype which feeds on itself in a feedback loop. Then at some point the reality will set it and there will be a market crash.
But they also keep pushing it because it's a very useful for surveillance, especially good for gathering data from people who embrace it. And it can be used to influence them. So it's very political. And in fact it's an essential component of the CBDC slavery system.
So much like they realized the situation with computers long ago (they mostly had mainframes back then, but now the personal computers have become som complicated that we've largely lost control there too), the same will be even more true with AI. Because it requires tremendous hardware resources, and no individual will have control over it. Instead the applations he's allowed to use will run on remote systems that gather surveillance data on him and feed him results designed to influence his behavior.
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>What field are you in right now?
Well given that I mentioned getting a job as a software dev, I fell for the CS meme.
The issue with Robotics is that there isn't a particular career for that where I live. There are careers that are tangentially related like Electronic, Electric, and Mechanical engineering, but what really drives me in is the software/programming side of it, so it's not that easy to choose from. 
And that being said I really am more interested in what I said previously than in developing electronic components. The 6+ years (because BAs are non existent here, it's MS or nothing) are just a huge turn off, moreso considering my age and my dad's age, but I can't do much really. It just seems like there is less chances for bootcamp faggotry to flood the field, even if there might be less demand for it where I live.
Replies: >>13658
You should try getting into embedded as an angle to get into robotics. I can make a list of stuff you can get into to get started, but you shouldn't make the jump unless you are interested as a hobby or there are jobs at your area. Embedded software work less remotely than other software due to poor and expensive testing setup. I talked to some embedded engineers before, they managed to do automated testing by plugging in test boards into a system to flash test firmware into them and read output. Not a lot of places do it that way, especially with robotics where the test board need to move or move stuff.
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Auto test anon here for work update. I feel pretty good, they been pushing me to do a lot of work which is good, i did my ot on saturday for the first time today. Probably have to do again tomorrow. I dont mind though, as long as i got to learn coding. People here are a lot more tolerant to me compared to the previous place. I hope that after this fresher period i can move on with a longer contract at this company. I felt in debt to my current mentor, hes really lax and would help me with anything i dont know without complaint, honestly my role model. I hope one day i can be as competent as he is. Im trying to change my life, and i hope anons here facing similar difficulties can do the same as well. For the technical side, been tearing my hair lately because of git. I dont fucking know how it works, and for the first time i work on a repo with like 15 people so it is a complete mess for me. Any tips for learning git is appreciated, because im clueless.
Replies: >>13672 >>13676
I've read most of the git man pages and don't quite get it either.

99% of your usage is going to be git checkout, git rebase, git commit, git push, and git pull, so read the man pages for those. If you work in FLOSS in your free time you'll get the chance to train git more.
Replies: >>13676 >>13692
Most git is pretty simple, not sure why people don't get it. You can try https://learngitbranching.js.org/ for a dumbed down version.
Did you try man gittutorial?
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Slowly but surely.
Im getting there, but the part that confuses me the most is dealing with conflict. Sometimes i would pull other people code and somehow its name is mine. Sometimes i pull in even deleted code, even though i only pulled from main.
Fuck off namefag.
Wouldnt cry so much when rent coming lol. Where do you get the money to buy figurines though?
I have a job opportunity to take over as the operations manager + project manager for a bitcoin mining company. How fucked am I?
Replies: >>13763 >>13767
If you know how to pretend to work, you are in the chillest position possible. You only need to put out a good front to your boss who probably doesn't know what's going o and you don't need to do any actual work. If you go hands off on good engineers, they will put in good work and everybody is happy.
Not sure if bitcoin mining is still profitable unless you operate with nearly free energy.
Replies: >>13766
The boss is the one who designed the facility... Granted, I'm assuming it's not too hard, just keep the facility bills paid and made sure illegals or nogs don't burn down the place?
Of course you do, the fact that you're just asking this question in the first place means you're eligible.
Replies: >>13772
So they got back to me. They're offering 60k a year for control over ~30 4x4 containers of mining ASICs.
(Remember I'm not from the IT sphere... The anon that did plant breeding work)
Replies: >>13773 >>13817
Wow 60k for sitting around doing nothing? Sign me up. Joke aside if there is any incident it's easy enough to hire some dude to fix it. Unless you are responsible for extending the farm, then you need to know what you are doing.
Auto test guy here, my fresher contract is 3 days away from over. Im anxious whether they will keep or kick me. I want to stay. Ps: one thing i like about going drinking with my coworkers, i have an excuse to wfh the next day.
I hope you said yes anon
Replies: >>13844
>hope you said yes
Nope. They tried to change the terms when I got there. They turned it into 60k a year as a 1099 contractor and I had to pay for all my expenses traveling lmao.
Replies: >>13847
Damn you got baited.
Replies: >>13851
Yeah fucking jebaited rip. At least I got to get a scenic trip and get my traveling costs back.
Auto test guy here, I just went vacation with my team. We did drugs together and went to the strip club, I was a bit shocked to be honest. But I enjoy it, people are friendly here.
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just remembered I posted this and wanted to report back
managed to land a job as an IT Support back in February. It's a bit more exciting than it sounds, the company is an events venue so my work consists of setting up the networking for exhibitors, and if there isn't an event going on then its just desktop support and maintenance. Company's small though so there isn't too many support emails to deal with
It's very nice. I've made it in!
Replies: >>13885
Good job, how much are you making? Any next plans?
Replies: >>13892
$17.71 leaf. Not much but it's something starting out
I'm gonna cruise on this for a year or two but eventually I do want to go for something in cybersec. I did manage to get my sec+ cert
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Zoomer Blogpost Warning
I just finished HS and to be honest I'd like to just be a NEET but I know that my parents would really not like that. In terms of working I think that I'd have a better time with /tech/ jobs, especially if they're remote. But I live in a poor/backwards EU country (from which many young people have been emigrating, a stunt that I would prefer to not perform) and from what people say the only way to get a decent job is to get a degree (basic degree takes 3 years), and from looking at job offers on Indeed, indeed all the good ones required a degree. The tuition fee here is affordable (my parents would probably pay it), but I didn't do the exams this year so I will now have what some would call a "gap year" and will only have a chance to apply next year. Meanwhile, my parents would probably want me to work, but I don't think that it's really worth it considering that I wouldn't stick with it if I go to college next year, and also because I would probably only find shitty jobs without a degree (the reason why I want to go to college in the first place). By the way, when I had applied for HS, I applied for a specialized program that included /tech/ stuff (I already knew most stuff myself) and more importantly two short unpaid internships where I did fuck all. I wonder if that could make me look slightly better to companies compared to someone with a completely blank CV. Anyway, I don't think that I'm mentally prepared to start looking for a job yet, and as a fellow sperg (as you would expect of someone on this website) I don't even want to think about what interviews would be like. My parents are always busy so they're slow to do anything, so if I pretend that I'm looking for a job and having a hard time with it for several months maybe they won't notice. Anyway, I also got to talk about a classmate I had in school who I guess was kind of a friend. He's kind of a "soy boy" (for the lack of a better term), and unlike me he's more enthusiastic about the idea of having a "career" and he's more updated and knowledgeable on this sort of stuff, and he has given me some advice but I have to take it with a grain of salt, and I'd like you to tell me what you think of it. First, he told me that making a LinkedIn account is going to provide me a significant advantage. Second, instead of going to normal college and taking a normal degree, he's going to enroll in something called "42". It's supposedly a tuition-free alt-'"'school'"' focused on programming/IT, with no teachers or schedules, where you just do one project after another at your own pace, and it's supposedly hard to finish, but if you manage to do it, you will SUPPOSEDLY have a 99% employability or whatever they claim. He's really enthusiastic about it and he shilled it hard for me. It does sound like the kind of thing that I would have an easy time with, but I still can't help but see it as a meme, and my image of it got ruined when I checked their website I was literally greeted by a picture of some trannies (is the school named after the suicide rate?). Anyway, that was my blogpost I guess.
Replies: >>13901 >>13935
>(is the school named after the suicide rate?).
Probably not. (Though the tranny thing should be worrisome to you.) It's much more likely to be a reference to the Great Answer, from the late Douglas Adam's book series The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. 42 has long been a trope in the developer fields because of these books.

Good luck, Anon. Please keep us up to date on your progress! Cheers.
>(is the school named after the suicide rate?)
That would be hilarious, but even if it isn't it, in the event that you do join the school, you can vandalize any 42s you find around campus by adding a % after it. Those who know will know.
Auto test guy here, I got fired
Replies: >>13928
Work on my end consists of trying to figure out how to automate testing for an ancient VB6 application. Power Automate is being a shit. Send help please ;_;
Replies: >>13935
Is it a good idea to get a CCNA without experience? (I am currently trying to find a position in help desk or something adjacent to that)
I'm sorry to hear that anon, I hope everything works out.
Replies: >>13940
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>two short unpaid internships where I did fuck all. I wonder if that could make me look slightly better to companies compared to someone with a completely blank CV.
It's big advantage over someone who doesn't have any working practice at all.

>Second, instead of going to normal college and taking a normal degree, he's going to enroll in something called "42".
I think getting a degree is the better choice. Degrees are recognized by all companies. Plus there a lot of meme workshops/bootcamps that take advantage of people and pretend to be much more useful than they really are in reality. Even FreeCodeCamp advertises that their courses have helped people to get a job, despite the fact that their tutorials are extremely basic and easy.

>Is it a good idea to get a CCNA without experience?
Yes. CCNA doesn't require much per-requisite knowledge. CCNA is great cert because all companies recognize it. You should watch Cisco IOS tutorials on YouTube and use Packet Tracer a lot. CCNA teaches you the basics of computer networking. But it doesn't teach you other help desk skills like SMB/Samba, M$ Sharepoint, installing new printers, PowersHell or Linux cli.

You should later learn basic Windows and Linux command line stuff.

Watch random YouTube tutorials and test the stuff stuff you are learning. Read the official docs.. Then read Learn Powershell in a Month of Lunches  book.
<get-alias *
<get-member  # Note: you can pipe objects to get-member
<get-help Format-Table
<help Out-GridView

But you can learn these skills later.  For now, concentrate on getting that CCNA cert!
Replies: >>13937 >>15022
Thanks a whole lot for the advice, fortunately I think I got the basics down for Linux, I just have to slowly adjust to getting familiar with powershell.  But as you said, the cert is my main concern first.
Yes, the CCNA is a valuable cert and is at an intermediate level, so while some experience helps it isn't absolutely necessary. I'm actually studying it myself and using Jeremy's IT lab for it along with his Anki decks and Packet Tracer.
So far his videos are fine but they do feel a bit... lackluster, in that there's a lot of extra little bits of information that aren't included in them, likely for the sake of brevity since the CCNA isn't absolutely comprehensive. I highly recommend supplementing each video with your own research. Especially focus on digging into primary sources (Working groups, standards, protocols, etc.). Some examples:
>TCP -> RFCs 793 and 9293
>IEEE 802 -> 802.1, 802.3, 802.11
>Cable categories -> ISO/IEC 11801 and ANSI/TIA-568
And of course play around with tools like Wireshark, nmap, traceroute, GNS3, and OpenWRT/Opnsense down the line.

If you don't have one already, it would help to get a security cert, likely the Security+ if you're just getting into IT. It is considered to be the best of the CompTIA "trifecta" and is supposed to come after the A+ and Network+. If I hadn't studied for the CCNA before taking the Sec+ I would've gotten questions wrong, because it did have intermediate networking concepts in it. Give a lot of attention to its hundreds of acronyms as well.
I used Messer's videos for the Sec+ even though I think his course structuring is annoying. I ended up using him more as a guideline while I did my own research in the same manner as I recommended for the CCNA. NISTs Computer Security Resource Center https://csrc.nist.gov/publications is MASSIVELY helpful, especially the glossary. Use the exam objectives as a guideline too https://assets.ctfassets.net/82ripq7fjls2/6TYWUym0Nudqa8nGEnegjG/0f9b974d3b1837fe85ab8e6553f4d623/CompTIA-Security-Plus-SY0-701-Exam-Objectives.pdf .
Replies: >>13941
>Anki decks 
Do you have a copy of his anki deck? I was looking at this one: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/591991787
but I don't mind adding another to my studies.
>I highly recommend supplementing each video with your own research. Especially focus on digging into primary sources (Working groups, standards, protocols, etc.). 
Currently reading a book as well.
>Some examples:
Thanks, I honestly was having trouble remembering some protocols so I was wondering if I should make a custom anki deck just so I could remember them.
>If you don't have one already, it would help to get a security cert, likely the Security+
Yeah, that was my next course of action. And then after I'd gotten my Security+ I was going to try for an Azure or Amazon cert.
Again thanks a lot for the resources anon, you and everyone here are a tremendous help.
Replies: >>13942
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Normally you'd have to make an account to see his files but since I have the original links and files you can ignore that. The original links are https://jitl.jp/ccna-drive and https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PwK_jWqfUtOjV7gHt8ODutq9QA5cxCgi or just a direct download https://files.catbox.moe/njqezt.zip
Packet Tracer is a bitch and a Cisco account is mandatory to use it. GNS3 is probably better but I can't say for sure at the moment.
Replies: >>13946
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Thank you, what a life saver you are.
>Packet Tracer is a bitch and a Cisco account is mandatory to use it. 
Major reason why it blows, that's why I wanted to give GNS3 a try too.
bless you anon, doing god's work
i do believe there's a way for someone like you to earn money doing data science/analysis bounties, making simple webpages for small businesses/entrepreneurs, that kinda thing
if indians can do it you could also, and it doesn't have to prevent you from being a hero for the FOSS world

>Ss cybersec in europe even alive? Can you make a decent living out of it?
have a couple of friends who do
there are companies here that "hire" independent guys with a good skillset (networking, databases, sec and even devs) then when other bigger business call them because they need people on a project, or they need to fix a breach or update some bloated thing, they send you as though you were their employee and you get to work on that mission for a few months

my CS buddies told me this was a better way to find work than to try and find a position somewhere
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>just made this pic at work btw

>they just announced a draconian new spying system wherein they'll literally be recording our screens and audio devices, both on and off calls
lmao fuck that

>The worst that happens is they say no and you be the one to say, "ok I'll think about it let's keep going."  And if you have particular requests like vacation days, meetings that get in the way, surveilance state, then mention it.
honestly has anyone ever got anything by talking to hr and management?
my way of doing things is always to look for another job, when I get recruited i give my notice, and only then will they be willing to listen to my gripes the sniveling fucks
Replies: >>13958
Do you have a short edit of his "get the vaccine" video where it goes from the "get the vaccine" line to "then die" with everything else cut out?
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what a retard
no seriously, what a dim-witted
the other anon is right you are a brainlet I suggest avoiding any job that requires thinking
this is clearly not for you
why in the SIGMA would anyone quit a job despite being paid for doing nothing? this had to be bait
been there done that
some boomer where i got my first internship (wasnt even an IT company) made me rewrite his macros because he wanted something more custom, imagine spending 2 months debugging shitty vba code
i am now convinced cuckcel is a contraption of the devil designed to make people lose hope in goodness

tell us how it went
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Auto test here, its been almost 1 month since I was fired from my job. And for the entire time I didn't learn shit, i turned back into a NEET and wasted all days away doing nothing. But lately i had a thought, i dont want to be an auto tester anymore. I want to be a developer, something i have always to be. I want to be a senior developer, able to work on both front end and back end. So instead of finding a junior level automation test role, I will start looking for a fresher dev position. Any idea on what I need to learn to get started with this? The last time i tried a dev position, they asked me a ton about sql and i didn't know shit. What about you?
Replies: >>14085
>Any idea on what I need to learn to get started with this?
The job market is looking pretty bleak but... Anyway, Webshit is the easiest to get into because it has lowest technical requirements. You can start by learning HTML5, basic CSS, basic SQL and JavaScript. Don't bother with MongoDB or NoSQL yet. You need to know NodeJS, NPM, TypeScript and React well. The idea is to learn full-stack technologies and skills.

Start by making a simple website (you can host it for free at NeoCities if you want to.). You can learn HTML, CSS and basics of JavaScript at W3Schools site. W3Schools is not good for anything else besides learning these 3 languages. I recommend this free MOOC for learning the rest of what you will need: https://fullstackopen.com/en/
Another good source is The Odin Project (not the new programming language): https://www.theodinproject.com
Use Mozilla MDN for reference. Actually, you should use all these 4 sites. 

If you are interested in something else than webdev, you can learn Java or Python at mooc.fi site. Java is good for making business CRUD applications and Python is used at almost all jobs for small scripts. You need to look at job applications if you want to know what specific technologies to study. But you need to know how to program in at least 1 programming language before you can start. I suggest Python if you have no idea what to study first. Unless you want to take the webdev route, of course. In that case you can disregard this paragraph. 
This site has more free MOOCs: https://www.mooc.fi/en/courses/

If you have free time after completing this course,  you should solve programming puzzles at Project Euler, Advent Of Code and Leetcode.
It pays big time to have business owner friends that you can do basic IT for to pad your resume.
Replies: >>14118
Where do I get some (business owner) friends? I don't know how to talk to strangers.
Replies: >>14119
For most people it would probably be easier to just spin up a LLC to sell IT services to small mom and pop shops. If you have no experience you could offer your services for free (which is what I'm doing).
In my case I just knew the people because of my own family members and asked them if they needed an IT guy. Competence really matters, as does communication. Identify problems/shortcomings, propose solutions, test solutions, implement solutions, have rollback plans, understand the clients needs and goals, etc. Treat it as much like a managerial job as you would a help desk job.
How do i get the recruiters to call me back? Im the auto test guy but recently want to switch to dev position. I apply for fresher developer position using my test cv but eith no success.
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My mistake is watching too much video tutorials, they are meaningless. All i do is blindly follow their steps, at the end all i have is a copy of what they make, since i pause and copy their code every 2 seconds. There is no learning, i didn't struggle, make mistakes, do research, read the docs,.... i watch more than i type. Dont make the same mistakes as me, all video tutorials are worthless, just like college lectures. A waste of my fucking time and it makes you lazy.
you can't remember anything if you just do it once, and if you want to go back practice your material, video tutorials are fucking trash at this. Imagine not being able to just ctrl f search for a keyword and have to click click click until you come back to the specific time. Worthless
Replies: >>14221
Videos in general are worse information carrier than plain text.
Replies: >>14491
Auto test guy here, Ill start my dev intern tomorrow. Wish me luck guys, this time I'll go all out.
Replies: >>14491
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Anon, I can only recommend, go for it, before the neet brainrot gets the better of you. 
I too am very similar to you. Just ~3 years ago I was in the exact same position. 
But since then I got a autistic retard certification and got a job training at a faciltiy for autistic retards where I'm getting EE cert (could go to uni afterwards). And I am glad I ended up making these decisions. 
My autism hasn't subsided and I still feel fucking miserable around people, but the at least the "work" - a free workshop really where I can do everything I want to do - gets my mind off things and I actually enjoy solving problems and tinkering around with microcontrollers and the like. Things I never would have done had I continued rotting away in my room.
You propably would need to be in a certain middle european country to have access to facilities like that and the concept of trade certification is propably quite alien even to most "first world" countries.
setting up your own homelab provides a great learning experience for any sysadmin job I suppose. if you don't hate your family maybe do them a favor unplugging from FAGMAN and learn something in the process. Something I wish I had done much earlier when I was full time NEET.
stop ignoring your family, anons.
Replies: >>14491
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I don't think videos are totally useless, it's just you HAVE to supplement them with reading material and practice. I'd watch a video first to get an idea of what I'm learning and then read about the topic for a more in depth explanation.
How'd it go autotest anon?
>if you don't hate your family maybe do them a favor unplugging from FAGMAN and learn something in the process. Something I wish I had done much earlier when I was full time NEET.
stop ignoring your family, anons.
This. You can't complain about normalfags if you aren't willing to show them the light.
Replies: >>14515 >>14566
Just interviewed for a L2 help desk position. I guess it went okay enough, but I could've explained a few things better. I hope they overlook my lack of Active Directory knowledge (Because fuck Micro$oft) since its shit that I could learn in a few hours if need be.
Replies: >>14515
>learn in a few hours
Nearly everything can be learn in a few hours, I really hate that I need x years of experience to pretend I know stuff that I would just easilly learn.
>aren't willing to show them the light
Easilest way to get kicked out of family. If you have interacted with normal fags at all, you'd understand that they simply don't have the mental capacity and intellectual integrity to have a logical argument with you. Their values are ((( twisted ))) and non-negotiable. Forcing the light on them is just asking for trouble. The only solution is the final solution.
Source: tried that
its going fine, i really enjoy learning here. But its really hard, there are way too many things for me to get a hang of. I have 3 months to prove myself, with a group mini project and a paper? test at the end of the period. Man, being a junior auto tester seems like a breeze compared to being junior dev. The salary is really low, but i will have to make do, the long term result is everything to me. And im the oldest of the interns, it makes me feel kinda old. Those kids seem better than me lol, i have to try harder to catch up to them.
One auto test faggot here knew i changed profession and he kept berating me again and again, calling me a retard for wasting time. i don't feel much regret or anything, but I really want to prove him wrong.
Replies: >>14587
As a privacy advocate and libertarian I really want to become a cyber security specialist so I can protect big tech and government agencies.
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>Are you employed in a technical capacity?
>What job is it?
web dev
>How did you get it?
family connections
>What does your daily wokload look like?
fucking around with nextjs
>Are you looking for a different line of work?
oh god yes
Replies: >>14587
Which part of your job do you hate the most?
>prove him wrong
Do it.
What kind of software are you doing and what language?
Replies: >>14692
Im doing react and springboot. Its really hard for me, i know neither of those tools, but system design is the worst. The kids here are much better than me, so i have a lot of catching up to do.
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Any CCNA anons? How has it helped you with finding a job?
Replies: >>14767 >>15022
CCNA is good because all companies recognize it.
Replies: >>15017 >>15022
>>5873 (OP) 
I'm unemployed and possibly unemployable.  I'm a NEET and getting the NEETbux, and I hate it but I may not be able to work again.  I've had two surgeries this year and they are not done with me.  This has been my life since 2019.

Is it better than Network+? I have A+, Network+, Security+, and CASP. In my job search they've proven to be worthless. They're not required for tier 1 phone drone do-you-want-fries-with-that-password-reset jobs that pay fifty cents an hour more than bagging groceries and they won't get you considered for anything higher, in my experience.  Of course, I have no college degree, I have a 5+ year gap in my resume due to medical problems, and I'm a huh-WITE! male over thirty with no pronouns or pride flags in my resume, so your mileage may vary.  I am trying very hard not to be bitter about it. I have my good days and my bad days.
Replies: >>15018
What were you doing before that? How many yoe? Maybe it's not impossible.
Replies: >>15020
I was stuck in helldesk jobs for almost ten years before that.  One call center would lay everyone off and send everyone's job to India, I'd eventually find another.  I did sysadmin work, network admin, access management, some security remediation, but no one cares about any of that if you don't have "IT department manager" and "current active Top Secret clearance" in your resume.  I live in a state where employers have 100% protection from libel and slander accusations for employment related matters. Some people will tell you "oh, an employer isn't allowed to tell anyone anything other than whether or not you were employed there." Here that happens to be untrue.  I don't even know how to begin to fake something and around here everybody calls up every prior employer, right down the line, and speaks with all your prior supervisors at length, if they're considering you.  "Just say you were a manager, fake it til you make it, lol" doesn't fly here.

And, the thing is, if I start working again, Social Security will cut off my disability and my Medicare will go away.  So I can't temp.  I can't freelance.  It's got to be permanent placement on day one with decent insurance on day one.  It all seems pointless, when I can't be available on-call 24/7/365--they require this for the tier 1 phone drones now--my health doesn't allow me to work rotating shifts or swing shift any more, I can't travel, my eyesight is deteriorating and I can't drive after dark any more, and several times a year I end up in the emergency room or worse with this or that organ malfunctioning.  I hate living like this.  Some days I feel like I'm waiting around to die.

The community college where I took the classes for the certs told me, prior to taking the classes, that they had job placement assistance available for all alumni and extensive contacts in local industry.  After I passed the tests and got the certs, I was told, well, acktchewally, you aren't really legally a student here, because you took IT cert courses that didn't result in any credit hours, so our job placement services are not available to you, but here's a pamphlet about this year's trendiest resume trends, and maybe you should hit up all your friends and family for job leads, etc.

I've been back twice for their "technology job fairs," where half the tables are from organizations whose reps decided not to show, and the other half are Amazon, trying to hire people to do loading dock stoop labor for $12 an hour, insurance companies looking for telemarketers, and reps from other schools who aren't hiring but rather trying to talk people into enrolling for more classes, because the classes here were so helpful.  I have been to two of these "job fairs." I don't think I'll go to a third.
Replies: >>15022
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I've been struggling to force myself to focus on the CompTIA certs at all. I've been horribly burnt out from studying and even tech sheeeiiiit for a very long time. Someone gave me advice to focus on the CCNA and RHCE as my first certs instead of the CompTIA trifecta. The RHCSA seems more achievable to me for now since I have years of experience with loonix distro hopping 'tism and pretty much mostly avoided Windows for years. Not to mention that at least the RHCSA tests you more on practical use of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and gives you tasks to do, instead of testing you on how well you memorize the flash cards. I'd probably do well as long as I practice the exam objectives in a RHEL VM. I'll probably go with the RHCSA cert first instead of the CCNA. After that I'll probably go for either the RHCE or CCNA cert.

If IT and tech overall doesn't fly so good for me and if it's not too late for me, I'll probably just find an apprenticeship in a skilled trade, of course with a union.
Replies: >>15023
CompTIA stuff is babby's first cert.  It's a mile wide and an inch deep.  I passed all four on the first try in well under the allotted time.  It's caveman easy if you just read the study material. If you prefer to listen, there are free Youtube videos aplenty for all of them, or at least there were the last time I looked.  The problem with CompTIA is that it's all absolutely worthless on a resume.  The only CompTIA cert that any of the HR people has ever heard of is A+, and A+ is for teenagers applying for their first part-time jobs selling cans of canned air at Best Buy.

>but this list of government jobs that list CompTIA Security+ as one of the requirements, so it's got to be worth something for that, right?

Read the rest of the requirements, and the rest of the job description. Security+, CASP, and Network+ are only of value if you've already got that cushy can't-be-fired GS17 civil service job.  If you get one of those, your manager can check a box on a form and bump you up to GS18.  To anyone else, they're a waste, If you started out on the outside looking in, you will still be on the outside looking in, just with some neat plastic cards you can carry in your wallet.
Replies: >>15085
unrelated, but have you done oca? I have do it soon, and just looking at the few questions already made me want to throw up. How would i tackle on something like this? I have like 2 weeks and must pass above 70%.
Replies: >>15119
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How do I get into "code monkey" freelance stuff? I'm looking at this as an alternative to trying to get a "real" job, but I assume that the market is very oversaturated? Is it easier to get into it than getting a "real" job or not?
I have general programming knowledge and I could easily learn any specific language. But my CV is empty save for a few months of a vaguely IT-related internship. 
1. Do I have to get bullshit "certs", make a "portfolio" full of inane mickey mouse "projects", etc?
2. How much does it generally pay per hour?
3. Can I use AI to aid me?
Replies: >>15088 >>15089
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Been at a defense company for a couple years now. Been fixing python scripts and doing soulless excel work. Moved to a shitty state because it was the only job I could get. I have a security clearance, just bought a SMT32 to practice embedded. Want to move sometime in the next couple of months.

Any guides on passing embedded interviews? For now I was going to build up from doing a blink to possibly building a drone but I'm mainly learning for the sake of getting a job right now.

Obviously you cant do work after already spending ~8 at the office working. You should setup time in the morning, maybe 2-3 hours, where you focus on your goal (hacking, linux, etc), along with maybe implementing the 30-30-30 rule. This will require that you setup your sleep schedule to accommodate. Minimize blue light exposure, get to bed at a time that allows 7-9 hours of sleep.
Replies: >>15088 >>15103
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Yes, many people want programming jobs now, but I don't think it is that kind of "saturated." If you have the skills needed, there are always jobs for you.

If you're asking this, most likely you're a noob, otherwise, correct me. If you're asking for people who never have a real office job but can easily do freelance stuff, it's usually the exception rather than the norm. It is usually that, you have years of experience already, and now you can call yourself some kind of senior. Now when people look at your CV, they want to hire you. I don't think people even want to hire juniors for online jobs anymore, but I'm just theorizing here. I tried to find remote jobs before, but people never called me. Fulltime office job, I can find easily, but no one calls me for remote jobs. But you're kinda asking for freelance stuff, I never tried that though.

-If i ask you to make me a full website, both backend and frontend, can you do it? can you draw diagram, explain structure, give me a full documentation and api documentation for your website? frontend and backend, what would be your tech stack?

>1. Do I have to get bullshit "certs", make a "portfolio" full of inane mickey mouse "projects", etc?
Just pet project is enough, you must do pet projects. Certs, idk, its not really helpful. I think that is usually reserved when you want to up your current position. You'd rather spend more time doing leetcode. But doing pet project is key here. 
>2. How much does it generally pay per hour?
Less than full time job for the same amount of work, just the benefits of staying at home. If you're really good, i think you can do multiple at once and earned more. I wish i was this good. 
>3. Can I use AI to aid me?
A noob like you must stay the fuck away from AI, if you're asking AI to do your learning, you will never get good, ever and that's from someone that uses AI daily and cannot quit on my own for now. And no AI cannot make your website for you, they suck ass. But if you're still looking, github copilot is the best, since it can read your entire project and have different paid models like Claude and mini and preview. If you have money they cost like 20 bucks per month, otherwise if you attend college they allow free use for students and teachers, thats how i been using it for years now. 

My advice is that you find an real internship this time anon, then you can see how things work in real life. The internet with its endless courses can be overwhelming and you don't even know which to focus on. Not to mention, if you have a neet mindset, most likely you will quit half way and never get things done. Going to an internship at least can train you some kind of discipline. 

Thanks anon im trying things you mentioned. I kinda messed up big time, for a long time, but i really want to change. I still have a lot to learn, but at least i think i have learnt and improved a bit from these mistakes i made the past years. I never could stay in a company for long, and i might even fail this one too, but im not giving up. Taking internship dev position at this place really opened my mind to a lot of things, and how i never was able to get something this good early on. Kids younger than me are much better than me, but at least they are forgiving and i can learn a lot from them.
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oh and you should watch Coding Jesus, you will see how fucked are you and what you should focus on.
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Autotest anon here, I just want to vent a bit after watching this video. I'm starting to regret quitting my job at A company. It paid the best of all the jobs I had, they didn't want to fire me, yet I still insisted on quitting. The real reason was that I felt like I was horribly unqualified, but now, with the experience I have, looking back it wasn't so hard it was easy. My project manager assigned me a task, and I procrastinated for like a month, he reminded me to do it a few times until he got pissed and kicked me out of the project. I had no work for like 2 months, all while getting paid to watch udemy course there. I was horribly depressed and started drinking and smoking incessantly, like I was trapped without a way out. I should have just cracked a book related to what I do, written pet projects, and gotten better. But technical stuff wasn't the only thing that made me sad. It was the environment, I was a NEET for a long time, I didn't know how to talk to people, so most of the time I was alone. One time I got a panic attack so hard when eating alone that i needed to rush to the toilet to compose myself again. My manager once called me out to tell me I'm an autistic antisocial fuck. I mean right now I am still an autist, but I have gotten better, i kinda know how to talk to people now and make some good temporary friends with my co-workers. I quit A company because I want to find myself, to find an environment to start anew, I couldn't stand the guilt from people looking at me with half an eye. Did I make the right decision anons? Should I have just stayed at A company and tried to fix myself there? Right now i am totally broke compared to back then, but at least i feel a bit more confident in myself.
Is there anything like the Mechanical Turk but for real programming projects? I just want to freelance, I don't want to deal with people or selling my time rather than my labor.
The new Making Embedded Systems book has sections on interview questions. There are so many different microcontrollers and peripherals that no interviewer expects you to have experience with the specific hardware they are using. in my experience the main thing they look for is solid C programming skills and then they will teach you what you need to know about the hardware once you've got the job.
Im taking the Java OCA soon, god damn is this shit hard? I have around 2 weeks to practice. 5 mins in the mock exam and my brain is already turning to mush. Any tips to ace this test? Im grinding a book on this also.
This?  https://opencybersecurityalliance.org/  Never heard of it.  Googl'd for "oca" + "cybersecurity" a few seconds ago and it's the first thing that came up. I'm not even sure it's the same "oca" you're talking about.
Replies: >>15124
java oca anon, Oracle Certified Associate.
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