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Have you lifted today? No? Go find something heavy. Pick it up. Now put it back down. Good. Do that a dozen more times.

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You get the idea.
Which exercises have the greatest risk of injury if done incorrectly?
Anything that goes against the natural way of moving things, like those squat racks where you're pushing down instead of up. Or any machine that has a risk of overextending limbs. Deadlifts if done wrong (which is very easy to do) will turn you into a cripple.
god i hate watching snap city videos

Hope for you all! WAKE UP!

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Do it for her YOURSELF Edition

Why aren't you running, anon?
I, for one, aren't because I'm a lazy piece of shit and my motivation runs out extremely quickly after the initial sporadic bursts I get from now and then. One thing I noticed is that this lack of motivation comes, at least in part, from the lack of company and the inability to discuss the activity or compare your results with anyone else. 
So I thought of making this thread to encourage anons to pick up running and actually keep at it in hopes that the sense of community with will keep everyone engaged enough not to drop out after the first week day.

I'm absolutely not an expert but, if you're interested in joining and are an absolute beginner I would wholeheartedly recommend the C25K program (pic related #2), I tried it and while progress is slow, it's very easy to follow and you see the first results near immediately, even if you've never done jackshit in your life. IMPORTANT: don't run if you're a tub of lard, you'll just fuck up your joints! Lose some weight first, chubby!

So, from tomorrow morning onwards, I'm going to start my running routine again and I will post updates after every session so we can get the ball rolling and hopefully we can get more people involved and bring more activity to the board! Everyone's welcome!

ITT post:
>updates about your activity
>informative videos and images
>tips, tricks and suggestions of all sorts
>shoes and clothing reccs
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op plz give update
>start couch 2 5k because i haven't done any cardio since the coof hit
>going ok, running 3 days a week around noon and lifting at night
>start feeling pain on the outer side of my knee at the mile mark today, 30 seconds later it shoot all the way to my hip on the outside of my leg and I have to limp out.

I guess that's what I get for not stretching/warming up enough. Ice packs are helping and I'm taking it easy but what the hell happened? Have any anons dealt with something like this?
Replies: >>1892 >>1919
probably trying to do way too much, you need to slowly work your way back into it. start with smaller distances at a lower speed then work up from there.
Might have something to do with your shoes, too.
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What is optimal cardio?

I'm trying to mess around with the Karvonen Formula.

Is 20 minutes per day in the average of 65% intensity sufficient?

is there anyone training with varicocele? 
I got diagnosed with grade 1 bilateral varicocele and I stopped the gym for 4 months... 4 fucking months bro. it pisses the shit outta me, doctors tell me I can't lift heavy because of it especially compound exercises (going to the gym without touching a bar doesn't make sense to me), I'm pissed. I initially noticed a lump on the top of the right testicle now it disappeared and I don't feel any pain, I'm 19 years old and I feel like I'm wasting the time that was supposed to make me look big in my early 20s, I hate saying that I feel depressed but I haven't felt down like this before. Anyone with varicocele experience, I need your guidance, i don't know if going back to the gym will be a risk or not
You may want to look into low-weight/dumbbell exercises, like the strongman thread >>870.
Any updates OP?
Replies: >>1891
He posted this thread on frenschan and someone recommended he get surgery, last update he gave it seemed to have work.
Replies: >>1945
>He posted this thread on frenschan
Did OP really, or is it possible that more than one Nazi has a testicle problem? I'd imagine a National Socialist is the most likely to get testicle problems, since we're the only ones with fucking balls.

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Do you guys have people in your gym who really seem to stick out? I have a couple.

Old Balance guy
>early to mid 60s
>does every exercise on a bosu ball
>shoulder press in tree pose
>bicep curls in warrior III
>mirin his mobility 

Hummingbird man
>machines only 
>doesn't even quarter rep
>more like 1/64
>not exaggerating when I say the weights move only an inch per rep
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Replies: >>1492 + 3 earlier
your mom is gay
Replies: >>1492 >>1844 >>1944
Sorry you have a shitty mom, man.
Checked and Heiled for posterity.

>>898 (OP) 
I have someone similar to old-balance guy, but not exactly. My major gym character is one that is unlike any other gym character I've seen online.

The "Beefcake"
>40 to 50-year-old woman, old enough to have a daughter.
>dressed out in tight-fitting black spandex, top and bottom.
>She told my dad "call me beefcake". I shit you not.
>Blond hair. hard body, everything about her would make a milf-hunter thirstier than a concrete brick...
>...Except her personality.
>She's very loud, almost yells out her movements like she subconsciously wants everyone to know where she is at all times.
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This is the post of all time.
>This is why I have banished underwear from my life.
How are you gonna catch your farts?

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Post your goals, short term, mid term and long range. Ideally, include deadlines for accountability. 
Personally, my goal is primarily to increase training volume. I'm aiming to complete at least 1 week at 10 hours of training by the end of June. I want to hit 36 hours by the end of the year. I managed somewhere between 25 and 30 hours a week for about 2 months at my best more than 5 years ago so it's doable, though ambitious.
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Thats my nigger, crush these weights tomorrow. You got this.
My goal right now is to lose ~2 inches off my waist. It's a pretty simple goal, but later I want to build muscle and get stronger. Baby steps.
God speed anon.
I am slowly working towards completing the 100 push up challenge, and making some good progress. How are you anons doing?
Starting to get into the habit of hitting the gym every day and paying close attention to what I eat. Finishing off the last of my alcohol/sodas and will abstain except for the occasional glass of good whiskey and/or Chivas in honor of Hunter Thompson

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greetings and salutations, /fit/izens

i'm thin as fuck 55kg (120 lbs) and i'm manlet 177cm (5'8). i have a few dumbbells at home. how do i start building muscle and getting fit? i'm so fucking weak and i just can't stand it. my hands are very thin and it's starting to make me look like a fag. i need to know that if push goes to shove i'll be able to defend myself. seriously help. i think i need:

>exercise plan
>diet plan (im neet so no 20 euro salads)
>people to watch/read
>whatever else i don't know

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im fucking proud of u anon
we're all gonna do it bros
Replies: >>947
>are you looking like the Michelin tire man yet
>35kg isn't too much of an indicator for me.
yeah it's not a lot. i can actually do more but i was advised to stick to 35kg until i can do 50 to 70 presses without shitting myself. slow and easy wins the race anon
thanks man. i really appreciate your posts they've helped a ton. i just came back from gym i go back jogging. 6km how are you doing?
>How's your progress for for someone who doesn't do bench presses? 35kg isn't too much of an indicator for me.

I went to the gym for about two months and a half straight weighing just about as much as him and gained about 10 kg and could bench around 30 kg at my peak, so I figure his progress is about average for what you'd expect from most.

>Are you looking like the Michelin tire man yet?
No way, that's like 1+ year of constant exercise at least, he's not even ottermode yet. He probably just looks like a healthy not skeleton-yn not noodly armed person, who can flex a good looking chunk of meat on his gun.
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So how you doing OP? any updates? 
I'm in a somewhat same boat as I'm roughly 130lbs and 6'1. I've been working out and eating what I can for around 4 years now, I got "decent" looking muscle here and there but overall I still look like a hungry skeleton. I've struggled with weight gain my whole life and I'm starting to think this most be related to some weird ass disease or who knows. 
As for my diet: I'm poor af and everything is fucking expensive here, at best I can afford for meat or chicken once a week sometimes less, I drink a milkshake with a banana and oats on the regular but to no avail
Still lifting OP?

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Post your /fit/ related videos.
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No but I've seen people do that one leg at a time thing. I can only do it with both legs at once and only if I do a pre-jump beforehand.
Replies: >>1701
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Figured it out and forgot to post. The trick is to kick forwards to keep your body straight and your feet away from where the rope is going.
>nigger music
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posting more grizzly

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How to get abs like this guy.
Replies: >>1333 >>1614
>>1331 (OP) 
Steak, water, fruits, vitamin b1, d, cod liver oil, mike mentzer technique
>>1331 (OP) 
cut, Cut, CUT!
Abs are just low body fat composition. Furthermore, if you're natty there is no point in ever bulking. Work out by all means and do strength training lifts, but never go over say a 500 kcal surplus.
Replies: >>1678
what >>1614 says, train hard to get strong abs and watch your diet RELIGIOUSLY to burn all the fat off.
Got your abs yet OP?

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For me mostly hard rock, heavy metal and power metal. I gets me going so good.
My go to bands are Manowar, Motörhead, Blue Öyster Cult, Powerwolf and Sabaton to name a few.
Powerwolf specially I recommend. Seriously, try doing your routine with the Blessed and Possessed playing.
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Meant for >>985
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Powerwolf is God-tier for getting pumped up, idk how "people" can get hyped up to rap "music" in their overpriced Beats "headphones"
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Iced Earth is great for this, shame they broke up because of Schaeffer's Capitol shenanigans.
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Sonic Frontiers- Undefeatable
Sonic Frontiers- Find Your Flame
Sonic Frontiers- Break Through it all
and some Phonk music
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Carpenter Brut

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Having just finished finished a book on the old 5 pound dumbbell system, and beginning to read some of the old literature such as Strength, and How to Obtain It and Muscle Control, I am inspired to create a thread on the old timers. These guys were amazing and made their achievements without steroids or modern supplements.
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I'm taking the Zasspill lads, wish me luck.
Replies: >>1743
Wtf bros, this shit actually works, I actually became stronger.  I just did 4 clean dead hang chin ups. At the beginning of the year, I tried getting into bodyweight stuff but all I could do was 1 shitty kipped chin up, and I didn't want to do negatives because they were really rough on my joints and tendons, so I didn't pursue it any further. 
I'll continue tugging on my chain, but I might start throwing in some chin ups into my workouts as well, now that I can actually do them.
Replies: >>1744 >>1824
Good to hear you found something that works for you, keep on lifting
I'm happy for you! Keep us updated, I'm curious about the validity of these old systems.

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