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Discussion of Christianity, the Church, and theology

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John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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I was looking for a charity that helps the poor yet doesn't support abortion. It seems the three "Catholic" charities; Catholic Charities USA, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Catholic Health Association supported legislation back in 2009 that would fund abortion. This is against the Catholic faith on two levels: #1 abortion, #2 socialism.  

And Peter's Pense - I'm still disappointed yet not at all surprised that Bergoglio (Who some believe to be the current Pope Francis) gave Peter's Pence to homosexual/transsexual prostitutes who were lacking in income because of the Covid shutdowns.  

While searching non-Catholic religious charities that are more Catholic than Pope Frank, I ran across this story 

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed this week that her “Jewish brothers and sisters” believe killing unborn babies in abortions is a religious sacrament “according to their faith.” 
Incredible! She talking about sacrificing babies to Moloch. 

Is it really part of the Jewish religion, or is she lacking in understanding in a major way?

Is the Salvation Army rid of it's wrongful hate of white people and Christians that the "woke" Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission believes? 

They were very helpful to my older brother a long time ago at a time when the Catholic Charities wouldn't help. So much for being an alter boy, eh? OTOH, I don't want to support an organization that is racist and blames Christians for racism. (The irony is not lost on me). 

I'm thinking I should pay back for the kindness the did for my older brother. IF the SA has reformed, I think I shall make a monthly gift to them. 

Wish I could find the Church created by Christ. Then I'd donate to their seminary. So far, I got nuthin'.
>>22521 (OP) 
>I was looking for a charity that helps the poor yet doesn't support abortion.
The Dream Center in Los Angeles qualifies on both counts, especially the first one.
Replies: >>22526
It's 14 F here and I worry about the poor man who sleeps at the door of the pawn shop. I want to help him, but not give him money that he'll spend on drugs. God please help those who sleep on the streets.
>>22521 (OP) 
Tl;Dr, reform (liberal) Jews were trying to say abortion is apart of their religion because they believe in liberalism and other ideas that would support abortion.

It's complicated so I recommend just looking up reform Judaism, they basically believe that the Torah can mean whatever you want it to and are also incredibly liberal.
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>Catholicism isn't strictly anti-socialism, where do you think liberation theology came from?
Several papal encyclicals condemned "communism" (note: every single "Communist state" e.g. China and the Soviet Union were Socialist)
There was Pope Pius IX "Quanta Cura" 1864
''... For, teaching and professing that most deadly error of communism and socialism, they assert that "domestic society or the family borrows the whole reason for its existance from the civil law alone; and, hence, all rights of parents over their children, especially the right of caring for their instruction and education, eminate from and depend wholly on the civil law."
Pope Pius IX goes on to say commies are deceitful and they work towards depravity. 

Pope Leo XIII Quod apostolici muneris 1878 also condemned socialism as evil.

Thus, Liberation theology is heresy to the Church. Those who practice it are not Catholic. You can't say that "Priests" who practice the wickedness of liberation theology are "Catholic" any more than you can say that the Catholic Monk Martin Luther was Catholic. The faith of the Catholic Church is found in the Bible and the teachings of the popes, not in the acts of faithless commies pretending to be Priests of God. 

(See first picture and the blasphemy of Begoglio)

Again, Socialism is taking the government gun to rob the worker to give to the poor (and to finance the government gun). Christ wanted us to give freely and didn't advocate banditry under color of godless civil law invented by the Synagogue of Satan. 

>Anyways, no, abortion is not really a Jewish sacrament 
Good to hear. So, she's just wrong. Yet, we have Leviticus 18:21 where they are told to not give their children to Moloch. Seems to have been a problem for thousands of years. 

>It genuinely feels like you only made this thread to spread antisemitism
If you're Christian, you reject the murder of Christ with their lies and deceit, the wicked Talmud that replaced the Torah, and believe the truth of the Christian Bible including Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.

The Council of Basel taught us to live apart from the Jews. We disobeyed, and now our children are their debt slaves, they spread porn and wickedness (all the top porn companies are owned by Jews) and the whole country is given to sodomy and lies. 

I'm not particularly anti-semitic, but I'm not going to stupidly chant that they're just like Christians. That's a bald faced lie.
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>This.... again.
Studying the Synagogue of Satan is not high on my priority. I'm trying to sort out the things I know about the Christian faith that are true (Bible + True Popes), from that which is not true (Apparitions, AntiChrists  and personal revelations)
I did attend a seminar on different translations of the Talmud once in Uni. (it was on-line)
Seemed to study the fine points - were Germans pigs, or Piggish? They had insults and hate for everyone not Jewish. Real eye opener. I had read translations of parts of the Talmud and was told that they were Christian lies. Then here I was at a seminar for Jews, and it turns out that the translations were all true.
Talmud is a catalogue of rabbinical discussions. It's inevitable that you'll find hate in it, especially considering the climate between Jews and Christians of that time. 

Anyways, I don't know of any charities that you could use. Most I wouldn't even trust, if you can try donating your time or helping out a poor friend or neighbor. Bring them some food or supplies or help them with anything they need help with.
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>>22521 (OP) 
>Is it really part of the Jewish religion, or is she lacking in understanding in a major way?
It's complicated. At least in the modern jews, it's not much about being pro abortion, but more about being pro-egoism and anti-life.
>>22521 (OP) 
It wasnt a missunderstandment from her part. In this latest roevwade debacle, many jewish organizations put forth that abortion was a jewish value. 
Its true or not depending of the judaism we are talking about. 
If we mean the OT worship of God, its obviously false, but this religion doesnt exist anymore, God made sure of it by destroying the temple.
If we mean the current Christ rejecting jews, then yes, everything anti Christ seems to be a value to them.
Replies: >>22573
most simple way to put it is that its about liberalism. Reform Jews have engrained liberalism and its virtues into their religion. So thats where it comes from
'The question of how to help the homeless'
The Salvation Army seemed to have recanted their hate of white people and Christians, and they did help my brother. But they've only edited their website, no telling if they're teaching the homeless that whites and Christians are racist.

Still mulling over Union Gospel Mission (UGM) in the Idaho, Oregon and Washington area of the US; that is, the Continental United States of America Northwest, sometimes called the Pacific Northwest, which makes no sense at all since we're not in Kamchatka. Seems more Christian than the Catholic charities that have ties to Planned Parenthood. 

After seeing money donated to Catholic (novus ordo) charities go to homosexual prostitutes, helping people including illegal aliens, drug smugglers and those who work illegally in the US, taking jobs from other people, not donating to them anymore.

'The question of Abortion being part of the Jewish religion'
This is the issue I stumbled upon while researching the abortion issue. 
The only scripture about this I know of is Leviticus 18:21, which tells the Jews to stop killing their babies for Moloch. 

These two posts are enlightening. So, AOC wasn't completely wrong, she was basing her claims on pro-Abortion Jewish groups. 
I thought it was a thing from the wicked Talmud. 
Oh wait, it is, and Jews put their wicked Talmud above the Law of God as given to Moses in the Torah:
"Of course, the Torah is pro-life, as Deuteronomy 30:19 supports choosing life; we also value life over nearly all values. Yet, even the most important of Torah laws are trumped by even the slightest concern of danger to life. For example, Talmud Yoma 82a rules that danger to life supersedes Yom Kippur, Shabbat and other mitzvos, besides the three cardinal sins."

Oh well.
Replies: >>22578
>>22521 (OP) 
Reminder that Planned Parenthood was founded by a eugenicist so they want poor people to abort to eliminate undesirables from the gene pool. Either you stand for God or you stand for Satan and his perversions.
Replies: >>22576
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Yeah.... it's all pretty outrageous but getting off topic... Consider that if Sanger had her way, Obama would never have been born - her goal was to abort him. 

Wicked evil exists in this world.
>These two posts are enlightening. So, AOC wasn't completely wrong, she was basing her claims on >pro-Abortion Jewish groups. 
>I thought it was a thing from the wicked Talmud. 
>Oh wait, it is, and Jews put their wicked Talmud above the Law of God as given to Moses in the Torah:
abortion is not supported by the Talmud. Its supported by Reform Jews whose logic relies so heavily on twisting the Torah that it can hardly even be considered Judaism. Orthodox Jews think abortion is an abomination. Talmud is just a collection of old rabbinical discussions.

Think of Reform Jews like Liberal Christians, just a little different.
Whatever reason that horse-faced bartender says is a lie. Their real reason is they want more goyim dead. It's easier to control a deliberately dumbed-down, sex-addicted populace that can't even take responsibility for the consequences of their actions like intercourse. 

They literally started putting fluoride in the water after WWII because they learned it was used in camps to sedate prisoners. They spray the air with aluminum, barium, and strontium. They patent aluminum-resistant seeds. 

Whatever 99.999...9% of politicians do or say, it's in service of satan. Just boil it all down to that; satan wants to kill, so they want to kill and they want to go after the most vulnerable, a baby in his mother's womb, where the baby should be the safest.
Replies: >>23454
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>I want to help him, but not give him money that he'll spend on drugs.
I have the same thought often when thinking of the homeless of my city.
It would be optimal to help them and take no credit, but it seems more elusive from my perspective than I think it should be.
that would make sense if they were trying to say it for everyone, but for libjews abortion is a right for jews for shitty revisionisms
Donate to the local homeless shelter. I don't think they have an agenda.
>>22521 (OP) 
Salvation Army is a great charity they have high rating which means like 90% donations go to help people
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>>22521 (OP) 
Most Jews hold the view that within 40 days a fetus isn't considered living and from 40 days to birth it is considered an appendage of the mother and is held to most of the same rules as any other appendage, though generally with heightened inviolability. Orthodox Jews tend to permit abortion only when it would cause the mother great harm or was the result of rape/incest. Reform Jews tend to take a more lenient view of what constitutes "great harm" and also tend to allow abortions in cases where the child would have serious disability. There are some Jews who believe that the Noahide laws are universal and that the prohibition of murder includes the "murder" of fetuses. Most of them believe that there is a period where a fetus isn't considered alive, usually the first 23 weeks. Regardless, almost all cases of abortion are permitted and forbidden on a case by case basis in each community.
Your understanding of Judaism as "anti-life" and "pro-egoism" is comedic.
>1st pic
This person doesn't understand Talmudic genders. Being seen as not male (and to a lesser extent female) is usually seen as pitiable or shameful by more theologically conservative Jews. It's a very recent phenomenon to have positive views of many of these other genders. Also, the claim that Jews "invented" being trans is laughably bad. Talmudic genders are originally a result of the way that medieval rabbis believed sexual characteristics should be manifested into social differences and not really much more.
>4th pic
I've personally always attributed this disparity to the weakness of Christian communities compared to Jewish and Muslim ones as well as the institutionality of Christianity in the west (i.e. Jews and Muslims are more personally connected to their religious communities and people who challenge establishment patriarchy are also more likely to challenge establishment Christianity). I think the huge disparity with Jews in particular is also a result of the western tendency to proclaim anybody with Jewish ancestry to be "Jewish" regardless of personal convictions.
Replies: >>24679
>>22521 (OP) 
>This is against the Catholic faith on two levels: #1 abortion, #2 socialism.  
Pope honored abortion activist and RCC has a socialist agenda.

+ it's the whore of babylon.

Jews are practically all antichrists, and almost everything they promote violates God's laws and commandments. The overwhelming majority of jews are democrat voters. All who deny Jesus is the Christ is a liar, it's in scripture. So all Christ rejecting Jews are liars, among all else who reject Christ including the Muslims.

>Most Jews hold the view that
lol, who cares, they literally follow something called the "babylonian talmud" and it's all just jewish pilpul to justify disobeying Almighty God's laws and commandments.

Ecclesiastes Chapter 12
>13. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man.
>14. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it be] good, or whether [it be] evil.
Saying that Jews "follow something called the Babylonian Talmud" is like saying that Christians "follow a guy called Pontifex Maximus"
Replies: >>24727 >>24733
some of them do
Replies: >>24728
That's the point. Not all Jews do and even those that do you never see anybody summarily accepting everything in it because it's basically just a bunch of opinions and interpretations that people can draw from.
>implying the overwhelming majority of religious jews don't follow the talmud
>implying the majority of the remaining religious jews don't follow the zohar (kabbalah)
>implying the remaining non-religious jews don't hate God of the Bible and Christ and Christians
>implying Christianity isn't banned in satan's fake "Israel" (occupied Palestine)
>implying the IDF doesn't regularly target Christians
>implying the jewish media doesn't incite violence against Christians
>implying the jewish media doesn't downplay violence against Christians and mock Christians who point to it
>implying the jewish supremacists aren't orchestrating ethnic cleansing of Whites and ethnic cleansing of Christians from White Christian countries

How exactly do you get a job being paid to shitpost online for the feds anyway?
Replies: >>24741
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Replies: >>24745
That doesn't refute what he said.
Replies: >>24788
>>22521 (OP) 
You could maybe become the charity yourself. You could try to put together homeless packages - plastic bags that you get from grocery shopping that'd have some food, a bottle of water, a lighter(for warm bin fires), toiletpaper, maybe a cheap wool scarf, and stuff like that(you can find lots of suggestions on yt for these kind of cheap, mass packages.
But don't deliver them on your own - bring along 1 to 2 muscular, and preferably armed, men.
Ok, allow me to say it again then, monsieur tiny brain. Most Jews don't hold the Talmud in particularly high regard. (1, 2, 3) The Talmud revering Jews do not see it as inerrant or infallible and do not think that it is a code of law. (4, 5)

Everything else he said has nothing to do with what I said and exists only as unfounded schizophrenic ramblings about me being a dog killing ATF agent or whatever.

1. https://www.jta.org/2012/08/08/culture/what-reform-jewry-thinks-of-the-talmud
2. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/jewish-americans-in-2020/
3. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/05/13/jews-in-u-s-are-far-less-religious-than-christians-and-americans-overall-at-least-by-traditional-measures/
4. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/how-to-read-the-talmud/
5. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/talmud-is-not-a-code-of-law/
Replies: >>24790
Why don't they throw it out altogether instead of citing it as a pillar of authority for their orthodoxy then?
Replies: >>24795
 Just because something isn't strictly believed in with utmost fervor doesn't mean that it can't have some place in understanding. I can imagine that Christians have texts other than the Bible which they use to better understand the Bible itself or understand the Bible in a more modern context. For Jews, the Talmud is a part of the important Rabbinical tradition of scholarly interpretation and debate. Most Jews, unlike most Christians, do not believe that the Tanakh has all the answers needed for every question and that they are self evident. Most Jews, like many Muslims, believe in a need for interpretation of the scripture and an interpretation exists as simply that. Having access to other's interpretations is important as it can inform your decision making. 

As for the Jewish Orthodox, they are strange creatures with very bizarre habits more in line with subjugation by Roman senators than subjugation by American ones.
Replies: >>24796 >>24813
The talmud is what God and Christ hate, stop pretending like anything about it is scholarly or intellectual. They're dishonest evil scum of the earth. They were rebuked by Christ and it's why they still hate Christ and Christians.

FFS, this board is 50% fag kike feds. I can see RIGHT THROUGH YOU FAGGOT
Replies: >>24816
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>>22521 (OP) 
>I was looking for a charity
Anony, this is your first mistake. If you want to help someone, do it directly. You should not trust shady third parties to do it for you.
If they don't seem dangerous you can give them some food, bottles of water, blankets, warm clothing, or gift cards for businesses that don't sell alcohol/tobacco. Or leave it at their spot when they aren't there.
If you donate to charities like can drives, clothing drives, or food banks it's also less likely that they'll misuse your donation on something bad since you're directly giving goods and not money.
Firearms Policy Coalition? They openly and repeatedly call out how gun grabs disproportionately harm the poor.
Try outreach programs that have an Amazon Wishlist for donating goods, and not money, to them? It's what I do. Call me crazy, but I suppose it is hard for most Communist agitators to covet non-premium branded socks, underwear, blankets, toiletry kits, snacks, and other essential items for the homeless. Neither can I imagine most homeless wanting a sermon from the Church of Science about how their homelessness is because of the evil white man.
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