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It's actually pretty cool.
The rest of the site is like a huge rabbit hole.

Replies: >>1710
I heard it about it
>>1648 (OP) 
what is this? can someone give me a qrd?
Replies: >>1711
It's a type of ARG that was popular years ago. Best to delve into it yourself, it's more fun that way.

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So, has anyone else tried lucid dreaming yet? Or rather, knows about means how to encourage it? I heard about all sorts of stuff ranging from Tibetan tea to shamanistic drumbeat music while you're dozing off.
For me personally, the most promising approach (mind you, I've never done this myself) came from a radio interview, where someone explained he trained himself to ask whether what he experiences right now is real or a dream every twenty minutes. And strictly so, complete with a phone alarm.
This eventually becomes so habitual that you're also starting to ask yourself whether your current situation is real or a dream even when you are dreaming, and hence breaks the barrier between passive and lucid dreaming.

It's too bad that the dream itself apparently does not like that and will try to pull you back into passive dreaming via all sorts of distractions (and apparently electronics of any sort tend to malfunction inside a dream). But if you can keep up, you basically can look down into your own subconscious and discover stuff your brain conveniently filtered out for you.

Another interesting part (and easy way to check if you're currently dreaming) is to look at any surface with something written on it, look away, and then look back on it again. If you're dreaming, the text should have changed, even if only subtly - words may have changed, individual letters may be crooked or upside-down, and so forth.
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I have this issue where I can't lucid dream no matter how hard I try. I dream a lot and very often, but I don't ever realize that I am dreaming until I wake up. My dreams are also very ridiculous sometimes too. I once had a dream that a guy held a gun up to my head, but the "gun" was literally just his two fingers, and I NEVER become conscious of these silly details until I wake up.
From my experience, it's less about dream figures suddenly going hostile and more about the dream either increasing in speed (rapid, fragmentary expressions rather than full sequences) or just stopping abruptly.
Regarding hostile/antagonistic behavior, I'd assume all dream figures ultimately are reflections of your own consciousness and would react as confused as you would when someone suddenly starts breathing water or something thatalike.
I've heard of using a sound recorder to audibly record experiences. Do you think that would work?
t. writing slowpoke
How does Anon exercise root-level control over his Lucid dreams?
Whenever I reach Lucidity innadream deliberately or accidentally I'm always bound to the dream's rules, the only thing I can consistently control is my own "flight" which in itself has had the same rules in every Lucid dream I've had since I can remember.
Taking off can sometimes require repeating swimming motions while jumping in midair similar to M64 cheats I used when playing around with PJ64 as a kid in order to get it working, and even then it's more like some weird hovering state where my feet provide thrust, the way I lean my torso provides the direction and my arms providing some mild fine control.
The dreams don't allow for plane-like banking to the side and there's always a strong sense of inertia that I have to account for when stopping, it took me years of practice to figure out how to land properly and even these days I sometimes go off-target there's no fall damage but the sheer sensation of the ground coming at you at high speed is somewhat unpleasant, plus I can't invert my body as it always wants to stay upright or slightly leaned forward which is problematic when trying to apply retrograde thrust by leaning back with my feet in front I can only apply full thrust with my legs straight and my feet pointed downwards.
The only variations to this I've experienced are
>the amount of effort it requires to take off
This ranges from engaging flight at will, to "pushing" myself off the ground with swimming motions as mentioned above sometimes with repeated attempts before my feet start to generate thrust and flight mode engages. Sometimes after taking off for the first time subsequent takeoffs are much easier, like the Dream acknowledged me "unlocking" the feature though this isn't always the case.
>the amount of thrust I can generate and the associated inertia
The more inertia, the harder it usually is to take off, accelerate and most importantly stop/land but I can go stupidly fast if I want to. In some dreams the flight inertia is so bad I can't sustain flight and instead do something akin to a big jump with some directional control and/or the ability to "glide" like an autorotating helicopter, whereas in others I'm slower than a Cessna but can fly to and land precisely where I want to.

Outside of these strangely consistent ruurs attempts to directly influence my Lucid dreams through force of will are spotty at best, the most I've ever managed was summoning a shotgun in my arms to fend off a rabid horde of deer that had the voice of Hillary Clinton and were trying to aggressively recruit me to the CIA flight didn't work in that dream abd the shotgun shells ended up being RPGs, which was a bit surprising.
What does work with eerie consistency however is mind-controlling flying vehicles, anytime there's an airplane or spaceship in my dreams I usually grab them to explore my dreamscape because I can not only control them just by thinking but also make them do shit they shouldn't be able to do like VTOL'ing or rapid acceleration/deceleration, though I haven't managed to make an unarmed plane shoot missiles out of an onboard 3D printer like in Ace Combat.
Sometimes I can even force cars to fly, though this is less common as they don't respond to mental commands in most cases and have to be driven by hand.

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Replies: >>1649
You need to control it at a more root or 'meta' layer, perceiving yourself in "1st person" subject perspective makes it much more difficult. Basically, you need to switch to developer mode while still running the "test" instance.

Last night I had a dream about visiting a dentist's office inside a 3-4 floor building, and as I was going outside, some guy in another office shot a doctor, then several people around him, and then looked at me with a very deranged facial expression (his movements were sort of slow and erratic), I began to run, then jumped in between the staircases (that opening in the middle that you can easily jump through in some buildings), grabbing the bars on the side to slow down the fall and take no damage (this works for some reason in my dreams). He just ran after me shooting, and I used such neat tricks to gain distance and eventually leave the premises. Then I got on a verge of waking up, and a thought flashed at me, "wouldn't he use a more tactical approach"? Re-wind, the whole scene repeats, now with a significant difficulty upgrade. The shooter becomes much faster, smarter, and instead of just mindlessly running after me, he stays on the first floor scouting the backyard exit from behind a large window, waiting for me to try to make a pass then shoot me. I think he got a rifle instead of a gun as well, and I got a sense that his proficiency with it increased. I hid behind some backya
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So what became of her anyway? She's been up and about for years now, but her last video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=MXOAi-H3hho) is from last February, and her usual webcam (http://www.opentopia.com/webcam/15505) also seems to have been offline for a while now.

Was she just a batshit schizo that finally got institutionalized? Some retarded LARPer that finally got tired of her show? Or did Police Officer "P" finally got the better of her?
Replies: >>586 >>1546
>>585 (OP) 
I've never heard of this but apparently there are links to where she's been active lately in the comments of the webcam page. I don't know if they're real or not.
>>585 (OP) 
I assume the government didn't like the bad attention she brought and did a well-check to institutionalize her. That or maybe she got spooked by the Internet and is a complete hermit now. It seems to me that she did have a bad experience with "P" in the past, but she had a schizophrenic meltdown and is obsessed with it, even if he is done and gone. I doubt she is living off an inheritance; it seems much more likely that she is getting welfare and living frugally.

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now do i ensure i meet my girlfriend in the next life? we are both young and not planinng to die anytime soon but i wanna be prepared for the worst
Replies: >>1540
You'll recognize her soul even tho neither of you will be the same person
>>1395 (OP) 
You don't have control over that. If any other souls are bound to yours throughout their journey over any amount of cycles then the structure of samsara will ensure you encounter each other again. 
Take note that if you two are meant to see each other through multiple cycles it's unlikely that she'll be your girlfriend in the next life. She could be your father, sister, friend, or even a rival.

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Hey /x/
Let me tell you about the time I came across a prehistoric beaver.

For the record...
1. I  am a longtime lurker, first time poster.
2. This is prewritten, I am posting this from my phone, and I will try to greentext everything except for important descriptions.
3. This is NOT a forskinwalker thread. To be frank, I don’t even believe that skinwalkers are real nor do I believe in the existence of Sasquatch, aliens, or anything like that.
4. Before anyone asks, I will not disclose the exact location this took place. The retards here have a bad habit of shooting anything that breathes and I would hate to see them kill what l I had come across. 

With that out of the way, here’s my story:
>It all takes place on an island in the smack middle of a 51 mi^2 lake somewhere in east Texas. The island is 45min from shore and has a land mass of about 2 square miles.
>When I had learned about this lake, 4 of my friends and I had planned to spend 3 full days innawoods.
>We were going to paddle out to the big island, and get ourselves into some typical /k/ tomfoolery.
>Unfortunately, I ended up going alone. Which wasn’t too disheartened because I brought along my 9mm Smith&Wesson and 2 mags loaded with hollow points.
>The day my trip began I used an old metal canoe to get to the island. Its dented to all hell and isn’t anything particularly fancy.
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Replies: >>1527
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>>1256 (OP) 
>megafauna thread
I have never personally met any megafauna myself but in my opinion it's fairly likely they still exist or existed among humans at one point. I imagine it would have been a terrifying experience as a human in the neolithic era to encounter a dire bear. Honestly, I think encountering just about any ice age animal would be terrifying.

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We are looking for the bravest who are ready join THE GAME and start their jorney to find the holy grail. Sinners will go through seven circles of hell, seven challenges.

THE GAME is a quest that will be held both online and offline and will start when 10k players join.

There is only 1 rule - Play or Lose.


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What are your favourite internet mysteries? Cicada 3301? The one english thing that I cannot seem to remember.
So what is it are there any newer mysteries?
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What do (You) think of this?
Replies: >>1206
Looks rather tryhard. I commend them for sticking to web 1.0 rather than gay it up with a bunch of JS.
What the fuck was "I'm god" phenomenon?
Was it another joke by cuckchan?
>bad words i don't liek
how do it hold such immense power over trannies?
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>bad words i don't liek
how does it hold such immense power over trannies?

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Post and discuss iceberg charts.

For creating iceberg charts, go here:
Replies: >>1421
Astral projection and lucid dreaming are the same thing.
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Replies: >>1422
>>697 (OP) 
I fucking despise iceberg charts. They've been a disaster to online horror/paranormal discourse.
>volleyball incident
>a 50 year old held up a school and raped 6 girls all under 15
WTF this is why guns should be illegal like why do you even need one WTF why does this country not do anything aobut all the horrifying problems we have
Replies: >>1460
>like why do you even need one
To have sex with six girls, all under 15.

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Replies: >>1457
>>1455 (OP) 
Article pulled, no explanation given. Here's an archived copy.

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Spiral sky , portal ? Ovni , someone got more pics of the spiral
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did someone say spiral?
Replies: >>1405 >>1448
Why can't I access the link
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