You need to control it at a more root or 'meta' layer, perceiving yourself in "1st person" subject perspective makes it much more difficult. Basically, you need to switch to developer mode while still running the "test" instance.
Last night I had a dream about visiting a dentist's office inside a 3-4 floor building, and as I was going outside, some guy in another office shot a doctor, then several people around him, and then looked at me with a very deranged facial expression (his movements were sort of slow and erratic), I began to run, then jumped in between the staircases (that opening in the middle that you can easily jump through in some buildings), grabbing the bars on the side to slow down the fall and take no damage (this works for some reason in my dreams). He just ran after me shooting, and I used such neat tricks to gain distance and eventually leave the premises. Then I got on a verge of waking up, and a thought flashed at me, "wouldn't he use a more tactical approach"? Re-wind, the whole scene repeats, now with a significant difficulty upgrade. The shooter becomes much faster, smarter, and instead of just mindlessly running after me, he stays on the first floor scouting the backyard exit from behind a large window, waiting for me to try to make a pass then shoot me. I think he got a rifle instead of a gun as well, and I got a sense that his proficiency with it increased. I hid behind some backya