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Manifestation/Law of Attraction/Reality Creation is the creation and manipulation of reality using thoughts and emotions. I made this thread to discuss the phenomenon, as well to share any experiences you might have had with it.
A few pastebins concerning the subject:
>Signifact Person
>Manifesting and De-Manifesting
Seems pretty useful, and I'd like to get better at it. Currently trying to manifest a girl to voice-chat with.
So, feel free to share what you've experienced or what you know.
You manifest that girl yet, anon?
It is a fact that the manifestation is real, although I prefer to call it "thought creates" reality, there are different formulas or techniques to make the manifestation work... They are all related to emotions...feelings
Replies: >>1352
I totally believe manifestation is real but having had this knowledge for 10 years I still am unable to control it in any meaningful way. HOW????
Replies: >>1356
In my experience, a complete fixation. You've probably done it yourself at least once, thinking about something with all of your focus (likely not even on purpose) like a song/object/person only for that thing to immediately end up in your vicinity. Recen I've been obsessing with Yugioh again as an example, suddenly I'm seeing it everywhere, it's getting popular again, big influencers are tweeting/making videos about it, so I bought a bunch of cards. Now that I have them though I am paying less attention so my thoughts aren't having as much power. Pretty much it's constant fixation on what you want and you have to have iron will that you will have what you want.
Replies: >>1359
Thank you for a quality response. What you said does resonate with me. I have definitely manifested a number of things, but there are many things which I have been unable to manifest, and I believe you accurately identified the problem. I did not fixate on them long enough to bring them into my physical reality. I became discouraged and gave up on some things, and thus failed to manifest them. I will definitely work harder to hone this skill.

If anyone else has more to add I would greatly appreciate it. Not only is this subject immensely useful and important, but it is fascinating as well.
Replies: >>1366
I thought about a girl once and then she showed up, but she wasn't attracted to me, so it was pointless.
I'm using this to get a guy to come back to me. I pulled away because of my avoidant attachment issues, but he was absolute perfection to me even though we have only hung out about 2-3 times. He was such a sweetheart and is a lot bigger than me in size and carries me with no problem idk why, but I love that so much
Replies: >>1412
tits or gtfo
Replies: >>1413
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Kys, faggot.
not sure where to ask this, and cuckchan's /x/ has gotten more cancerous, so I guess this is as good a place as any.

I've always been a fan of the original Neverending Story movie, really soulful stuff (the sequels are garbage). Recently I read the Manheim translation, and of course the book is even better, even in translation it's kino, and there's a whole second half that picks up after the movie left off. There were interesting differences too, but most of those made sense, given the needs of adaptation to film.

Anyway, I keep thinking about the Childlike Empress, fantasizing about her, particularly her description/characterization in the book. It seems ridiculous, she's a character in a story, but Neverending Story is as meta as it gets, and a major theme is that fictional characters may be real on some other plane. Anyway, she sticks to my mind like no one else. The fact that she's a powerful amoral entity makes me even more smitten tbh.

So my question is, is there something to this, or am I just being a nerd? And is this a safe path to be on?
Replies: >>1482 >>1498
didn't realize this was a slow board til I posted, but I can't find any alternatives atm. oh well
Just being a nerd fantasizing about this woman. kek
Replies: >>1499
lol thanks. you never know, that's why I asked, and I usually don't get caught in the waifu trap like this. in my defense, it's definitely not the weirdest thing on the internet.
but man, that scene where she meets Bastian, and she's all playful and affectionate, hnngg. I don't care if that kid's a fat herb in our world, he got lucky af
Replies: >>1549
It's okay anon. Just manifest another  irl girl who is exactly as you are describing.
Replies: >>1551
appreciate it.
but still... I can't let go of the idea that she and Fantasia (Phantasien in German) are there on some other level of reality. I know I'm being ridiculous, but I can't disprove it, either.
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I will marry Alice!
Replies: >>1858
Where is Alice?
Replies: >>1860
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how hard can i rape consensus reality with this
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