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I’ve been busy in the time since the death of 8chan, slowly becoming more interested in /x/ stuff. The biggest revelation that was new was everything related to space. I’ve been itching to talk to you fucks about it. 

This thread is for 
ALL THE FAKE NASA SHIT (from moon landing to ISS being fake to space itself being fake)

I’ll start posting some shit I have once I’m on my main computer.
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Replies: >>583 + 2 earlier
>>12 (OP) 
>Flat earth
This is obe of the most retarded memes to exist. It doesn't make any goddamn sence, how does polar nights work then? How does satelite TV or modern internet work? 
It is clear that only northern hemisphere believes in it, because well I've never seen sun in a 90° angle like ever. Earth is technically flatter on the poles, but whatever. It's just dumb rednecks and dumber teenagers who believe in it.
Replies: >>1414
Shut up puto.
Replies: >>1415
Flat earth is a conspiracy only believed by repressed trannies, which tbh a lot of cuckservatives are now, everyone sane has been pushed to the left.
Replies: >>1424
Flat Earth shills exist to affirm Abrahamic theology.
Round Earth shills exist to affirm materialism.
Something both round and flat niggers have in common is that they're both spergy faggots. I have yet to spot a heterosexual round earther, and non-schizo zionist flat earther.
>Flat earth is a conspiracy only believed by repressed trannies
No it isn't. Flat-earthers are usually religious right-wing types. Trannies mock the flat-earth theory as well as they strongly believe in mainstream science.

>everyone sane has been pushed to the left
The fuck are you talking about? Everyone sane isn't left-wing nor right-wing, which are both controlled oppositions. This thread is retarded.

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Is this stuff actually real or just photoshop/pareidolia ?
Does anyone here tried it ?

Picrelated is some pics taken from Russian ITC community in VK.com.
At least a couple look like something created through overexposure.

Also, how exactly do you get non-audio EVP when EVP boils down to Electric Voice Phenomena in the first place?
Even if they aren't photoshopped, a super blurry photo could be anything
Replies: >>1417
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Plus how would a camera pick up something they human eye rarely can?

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Have you strongly interpreted the dot today?
I still dont really understand what these dots mean. I see them everywhere and then people are like "It's THIS color, omg!" And then they say to expect some kind of energy or something and I get confused.
Replies: >>1394
I think the idea is that if the random numbers aren't less random at a certain point, then it must be the work of people unknowingly interfering with RNG. If people are doing that, it must be because something is happening that's connecting us all together.
Replies: >>1396
So then what do we do with this orange dot information?

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So what really happened up there? Last I heard, the commonly accepted public theory is that the victims were surprised by an avalanche, rushed out of their tents, and then bitterly froze to death in the wonderful Russian winter weather.
Yet I've also read theories that they stumbled upon a Soviet military experiment (specifically involving parachute mines that would detonate above the ground and smush you with their shockwave alone), went into blind panic because the wind howling across the mountain produced some kind of infrasound, and there obviously are alleged sightings of UFOs near the campsite.

So, what's your pet theory? Was this simply a camping trip gone wrong? Or did the nine hikers see something the powers that be did not want them to see?
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>Yuri Yefimovich (((Yuden))) fell ill and left the expedition before the incident, becoming the only participant to survive until he died in 2013.
I'm just shitposting, but this still is unintentionally hilarious

>Some of the hikers were intoxicated prior to their death.
Interesting, this was a bit I hadn't heard of before.

>Abnormally radioactive clothing belonged to hikers previous working at top-secret nuclear facilities
That does explain a lot. The irradiation of the clothing was one of the most repeated arguments for military intervention I've heard, but I suppose contemporary Soviet investigators plainly could not say anything about the nuclear facilities.

>It all boils down to the embers in a stove inside the tent coming back to life after they removed the exhaust pipe
>Tent is filled with smoke/and or burning
>Hikers go for the nearest cover (i.e, trees), with some dying because they caused a minor avalanche while the rest froze to death.
That's a pretty sound theory, actually. Little freak accidents like this have led into far greater disasters before.
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The interdimensional shapeshifting aliens, reptilians, mantids, and underground klanunaki, are causing worldwide telepathic judeo-masonic programming, predictive programming in hollywood, fabian communism, new world order design, human disguise gangstalking, telepathic dream psychic attack pain, targeted individual's lives are killed while being alive, its Unconventional War against us in all dimensions without Kinetic War, and it includes black magick and numerology. Their demonic technology captures souls via the moon and via invisible ships in the sky. The moon spacekikes, underground spaceniggers, and elite bloodlines are in a cult of Saturn, which is some sort of transmitter.
Replies: >>1378
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The local Uralic peoples called the mountain cursed. It could've been a yeti I guess.
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Israel did it

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So what's the deal with The Great Reset?
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You seem to think normalfags aren't subhuman scum who don't know shit about anything. I'm surprised at you. It's not 1% or .1% or .001% of Humans who are retarded, who cannot self-govern, who cannot make decisions. Most Humans are chattel. They crave subjugation. They work for their lords and their masters and if denied them they'll seek new ones. Slavery is a Human construct decried and dismantled by superior men who saw the good in themselves and their neighbors and thought the world must be the same. The true man, the real person knows that slavery is death but most Humans aren't real men. In them there is no art, no beauty, no understanding. They are tools craving hands to wield them and nothing more. If this is what the "Elites" know to be true, then they know it well and are right in the knowing. The problem isn't what happens to the cows, the problem is what happens to we: the aurochs left in these placid fields. It's not the "Elites" through which evil is done but their obedient servants: The Normalfags.
Replies: >>351 >>1028
>ah yes of course, I forgot the whole universe revolves around the fucking amerimuts
The universe of global television loves to make it that way. But really, if things were as bad as conspirafags make it out to be, then 1984 would've happened in WWII.

And I bet you're just one of those soyboy faggots trying to act like he's "trolling" by acting like a "tough-guy-incel", yet you're secretly subscribe to every single thing you preach against.
>Something real interesting is gonna happen that day
It already happened
How can you say the elites aren't responsible, if the people are tools than the ones wielding the tools are to blame for the results. And to think that people deserve subjugation  just because they aren't fully self actualized is an abhorrent view.
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01 of 05 




(Exp: 2023.01)


02 of 05 

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So last night me and my friend plus 10 others were at a real lake, called illwill creak, we showed up at some bowling ally and then went to a lake where we went to a old house abandoned there, were we met this woman, who asked each of us to collect her a bunch of candy, strange looking candy that looked hard candy in the shape twizzlers that were in weird colors, looked almost rotten, after we had collected all this candy everyone had left, I stayed and for some reason started hitting on her, it was weird cause it almost like I was under a spell, Like she was some kind of  succubus, keep in mind both me and my friend  the remember the dream perfectly, so it got me wondering since both me and him are into the occult, that maybe we were being summoned, or some shit, idk, I was hopping someone here whos a occult fag like me with years more experience would have a idea would this could mean
What else do you remember about the dream, like the others who were there, or what the woman looked like? Was there anything strange about this place?
Well the woman was wore like a silk dress, like oldtimey some kind of robe the house she lived in was super rundown, it reek of something  dark but familiar, pretty much the whole place was misty and foggy all to hell, like someone just let the fog machine run too long, oh yeah the candy we were ask to find, we looked for it along the lake and even in the water, some were held it by hand under the lake, the woman had two forms a normal form, and demon for that had skull face, that had a long neck and had protruding back that arched, and she had scythe arms with long boney sharp fingers.
As for the rest of the people with us, there I think there only three girls out of all the guys, there was I think only one I remember clearly facial wise she had big ears a big eyes  and she wore all black.

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Seeing as the thread over at /b/ is basically dead I thought it would be best to do it again here. Let's make an iceberg same rule apply as to the previous thread, pick a layer and a subject and I'll put it in if not I'll put it some where random. Also as a side I made an iceberg out of the list an anon made in the previous thread (pic related)
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Can we include the deepweb-only game Rooftop Koreans?
Replies: >>1130
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post it
What is the deal with Doom here?
Replies: >>1344
The idea that Doom wasn't a game but a documentary about future humanity literally opening a gate to hell while tinkering with teleporter tech.

Which would be fine and dandy if Romero hadn't decided he doesn't need the Doom Bible and plot in a video game is like plot in a porn movie.

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Normally it takes me a lot of time to fall asleep and I easily wake up due to sun rise, strange noises etc. however recently I can easily fall asleep any time of the day or night and I sleep very deeply and longer than usual. Thing is that every morning I wake up a with new, shallow cut on my body. It doesn't happen after naps during the day and I live alone with no pets, locked doors and I close the windows in the evening. What could be happening? Despite constant readiness to sleep I don't feel weak or low on energy and nothing seems out of ordinary.
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I checked my bed but there's no blood. I did notice some tears on my sheets so it's possible that I toss too much. If nothing suspicious happens I guess I'll try deleting this thread.
>>1223 (OP) 
Do you remember your dreams? Do you feel anything out of the ordinary before or after sleeping?
>>1223 (OP) 
I experienced something similar where I'd wake up with minor cuts or rashes on my face and the rest of my body.
No idea what caused it. My best guess is these are minor wounds you flatly don't notice before you go to bed.

That, or you come home so smashed that you dump your jeans or sweater on the bed and get a scratch when you move across the teeth of the zipper.
So to give you an update I dreamed that the Sun was turning on an off while I was running in the woods so I went for a run in the forest and watched twilight. Following week I started seeing various signs and feeling weird and for a while I was convinced that I'm experiencing spiritual awakening despite never being into that kind of stuff. I also received revelation from Earth that told me that life is just a simple chemical reaction and that no doubt there are no spirits or gods and also that humans advanced too and that caused them to be confused and lost so it's important to give them any purpose.
So now I'm back to my normal self and very confused. It felt like a totally different person took over my body for a week.
>>1223 (OP) 
I've gotten bruises in my sleep from slamming my arm against the night stand and such. Is there anything sharp near your bed?

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Anyone remember /sudpol/? It was a board that was generally made to discuss shit like Hitler being in Antarctica, the warm caves in Antarctica, (maybe) hollow earth, and all of the other weird shit like nazi bells and directions to hidden locations and the like. The last thing I remember is plans to just go off the clearnet, and not even into torniggery, just like a closed circle to go find more shit.
Then, when 8chan disappeared, it kinda just fell off the map like a lot of other smaller boards. So the question is, what happened?
Also Antarctica thread I guess.
Replies: >>640 >>897
>>638 (OP) 
I'd honestly expect it just fizzled out like that one /pol/ group that wanted to buy land in Africa (Namibia IIRC) and establish a White colony there.

Besides - with Antarctica, I'd be more worried what's gonna happen there in the future. With all the natural resources still waiting under the ice, I would be surprised if the US and Russia hadn't already planted bases there that don't show up on any maps. Kind of like Camps Fistclench and Century.
>>638 (OP) 
It was nearly dead toward the end of 8chan, getting about one or two posts a week, due to fizzling out over time.
Chances are it simply died after 8chan did.
Replies: >>916
I miss reading through /fringe/ threads on 8chan.
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I have no idea if this is a genuine document, so proceed with caution.
Replies: >>1188
To the best of my knowledge, the German WWII-era Kriegsmarine had no "A-Class" u-boats - they were designated by Roman numerals followed by a letter, so the first U-Boat class designed in the Third Reich was "IA" and the last was the midget submarine XXVIIB.

I'm also a bit skeptical about the u-boats descending to a depth of 400 meters. Most German subs had a test depth of ~200m, with a calculated crushing depth of around 300m.
That being said, the Los Angeles class developed by the US in 1942 already had a test depth of 450m, so it's at least possible the Kriegsmarine had a secret u-boat project specifically aiming for deep-dive cruises.

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Been thinking about doing some ghost and cryptid hunting, skinwalkers, ghost, goatmen, cannibal hillbillies. I already have a list of items I want to get that I think would help me like thermal cameras, trail cams, and go pros.  But I also wanted to get your opinion on other items or brands I should check out, also if anyone has had any experience monster hunting.
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>Chucking dead animal in your mouth
Like eating meat?
No, not like eating meat. When you eat meat, you generally don't try to divine outcomes or speak to the dead, because only a weirdo would talk with their mouth full, let alone practice idolatry. That's why the post has
>and giving speeches
in it. Because context is what makes the sentence intelligible.
What is retarded image that you've posted?
>muh science
Atheists need to be raped and beheaded.
Are you people really this fucking stupid? Human child = murder. It's a human, the God race. A pig is a dumb animal. We eat animals. Killing humans at any stage is morally wrong, even at the moment of conception they still have all the info to become a full human. It's not about pain or awareness, it's about not killing your own kind you fucking tard. Plus, it's more moral to let a child live at the expense of the mother's life as the mother has lived more and the child has not had a chance. You lived till adulthood, be happy or be used as biomatter, dickhead.

Also the left can't meme. The fuck was that format and gay ass drawing.

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