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post them.
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>Any sign of sanpaku meant that a man's entire system — physical, physiological and spiritual — was out of balance. He had committed sins against the order of the universe and he was therefore sick, unhappy, insane, what the West has come to call "accident prone". The condition of sanpaku is a warning, a sign from nature, that one's life is threatened by an early and tragic end

What sins are associated with Sanpaku? Witchcraft? Murder? Something else?
Replies: >>2077 >>2082
>>2076 (OP) 
>>2076 (OP) 
>What sins are associated with Sanpaku?
Anime. Repent, weeb.
Replies: >>2078
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>>2076 (OP) 
The sin of being in the wrong, harmful environment, for one. COMPLETELY IRREEDEEMEBLE SIN, GOT IT?
Replies: >>2083
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On New Year's day a shapeshifting reptilian  was supposedly seen in the Miami shopping mall which prompted people to storm out of the mall and shoot the creatures. 

Shortly after a massive police response arrives at the mall so large that it blocks traffic. Supposedly power went out and black hawks were spotted flying overhead, and the Miami airport was shut down.

Cover story is that  some nigger chimp out was what actually happened. Sorry but not buying it no reason to summon a fucking army over some coons with sticks and firecrackers.

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ALIEN-UFO INTELLIGENCE- The U.S. Government's Involvement With Extraterrestrials


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Ok, so we all know skinwalkers in the woods, ghosts in abandoned hotels/houses/apartment complex and alien probing you're mum's anus greentext stories, most of which are fictional. How about you tell some shit that you actually experienced in your daily life which was bazooper creepy?
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>be college dropout 7 years ago
>fulltime neet with parents
>it's november, fall in full swing, day was a mix of light rain and short glimpses of sun
>outside is somewhat misty and humid the kind that gets in your bones
>it's 4 am
>just turned off my pc
>about to go to beddy
>my mom parked the car on the other side of our apartment because all the other parking spots were full in the usual area something which literally never happened before
>it's parked in the lot in front of my window and she told me to check on it because there have been car thefts recently
>go get water
>come back
>check on car while closing the shutters of my window because fucking streetlights light my whole room up
>I'm about just about to close em, just about to fucking close em when I barely notice something high up in the sky right in front of me
>my eyes jump to where I think saw it
>nothing just the black/greyness of the misty, starless, night sky
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Replies: >>1993
I just noticed my story >>1992 is kinda similar to yours, except mine didn't move and was white instead of yellow
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Fucking hell, I keep seeing these lights in the sky.
>go on road trip with dad
>everything goes well up there
>by the time we're going home it's dusk and I can start seeing the lights everywhere
>we listen to a couple of podcasts, of course one of them is about UFO disclosure
>a couple of these lights are in the sky already.
>some of these change colors, other just float around.
>while going down an exit ramp, I see two orange lights hovering right above the road.
>they fly down close to the ground and then go back up into the woods.
>one city later, I see a red-white light in the sky that slowly descends then wobbles up and down, back and forth. 
>I show it to dad and he sees it too, says "What the hell is that?"

Other than this, there wasn't much else that happened. Either way, this is very spooky, because now I know I'm not just seeing things.
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Not everyone with diabetes is fat, get out of your dark phase and stop trying to be edgy. It's literal genetics. I eat like 5k a day and drink like a fish and are not diabetic whilst type one hits children and shit you faggot. 
>these people caring about the orange lights
I could tell you what I think but you'd not care any more than a pig would upon seeing some shiny white orbs in the dirt. In fact I admire pigs in that regard; you should learn from them. It's irrelevant. Everyone has seen them and any wise individual would ignore their path just as they ignored yours. You're not mature enough to follow them anyway, noises, lights, you are not worthy of understanding such things or you would be willing to risk your life to find out what they are. I did so  possibly, but are too agnostic to admit what happened. The result is my face getting a numb tingling sensation whenever someone I used to know is near by me that I haven't seen in years. I don't notice them until after my face is half numb. My parents told me that when I was a child I saw lights floating in my actual house, or apartment rather, unless it was a mobile home... it really doesn't matter because I have no memory of it. The mother claims I had a new lump behind my ear after talking about these scary lights I don't remember. It's on the opposite side of the tingling side. If aliens were real they're not there to 
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Replies: >>2065
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>>2061 (me)
>secret Santa
>drew own name

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Welcome to all tulpamancers and tulpas! Tell us about your tulpa(s). What do they look like? What's their personality, and how well do you interact with them? Is your tulpa capable of possession? Are you a degenerate romantic who engaged in coital relations with your tulpa?
Replies: >>1596 >>2063
>>1375 (OP) 
Start here https://www.tulpa.info/
What's the strangest thing your tulpa has ever done?
Replies: >>1835
My Jackie Chan tulpa ate my dog tulpa. Very traumatic.
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>>1375 (OP) 
This thread made me sad. I wish I was alone but I cannot be so it's not realistic at all for me to be able to make one.

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What the fuck happened with Meme Magic? It was a big fucking deal during 8chan's election years. It felt like everyone was constantly talking about Kek, Ebola-chan, Winter-chan, the Germanwings crash, and what have you. Now you only see a couple of leftover cults here and there. 
Whatever happened to that? Was it burnout? Was it the "election high"? Did anons go "too far" with the memes? Did everyone who went with these memes become "schizophrenic"?
they realized it was retarded, had no basis in any kind of coherent spiritual or religious system and just ended up as seeing "meme magic" everywhere when it was just a green frog in a purely circumstantial and coincidental scenario. basing your entire ideology around a meme frog is also not a healthy way to live.
Replies: >>1908
>purely circumstantial and coincidental scenario
That's what you think
Please consider that directed memetic energy would be excellently monopolizable. Wouldn't you want to datamine its users, study its workings, shut down any public platform with the necessary ego-detachment to make magic memes and abuse this new power unopposed?
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Meme culture was masonic and only led to the dumbing down/weaponized memes like the retarded chad, wojak, and apu shit you see everywhere now.  Haven't you noticed how dead and dumbed down internet culture is? It's worse than boomer TV culture at this point.
It got washed under the ImKikey-approved tidal wave of magapede faggotry, just like the rest of /pol/

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The good name of Jupiter is being besmirched by filthy Saturnian troons, the lowest ranks of Saturnians. Just as faggots have stolen the rainbow, God's symbol that he would not flood the Earth again no matter how gay it is, trannies are using the colors of Jupiter as their flag of mental illness. 
that's not all. the name of the satellite tbat took the photographs is Juno. Juno is the embodiment of femininity and fertility. You may remember some movie called Juno about a pregnant teenage girl, young, fertile, the embodiment of a woman. the actress was not known for a whole lot else until...
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In certain traditions the Earth is thought of as the "sub-lunar" world, with the moon being the conduit of manifestation for higher dimensional states. Think of a lens, with earthly life being a projection.  But this also means the moon is potentially a gateway past the firmament.
Those given to transcendentalism therefore tend to hostility towards the moon as it is the engine of incarnation.
There is quite a bit more to be said about the topic though, to say the least.
Replies: >>1222 >>2056
I'd like to learn more about this. I don't feel any true fear or hatred towards the moon myself, but instead I feel a longing, more about getting man back onto the moon and later into the rest of the Solar System.
Replies: >>2056

>perform some extreme, edgy or otherwise   non negotiable act in the name of your deity
>The globohomo latches onto it as a 'muh extremist bigots' narrative
>Defended the honour of the deity in question
Why do people like the Christians play along and put rainbows on their anti gay signs and stuff, stand up for your shit.

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I watched this documentary recently and I wanted to know if anyone has similar information. Basically, the guy makes a case linking several missing people in an area to ufo sightings and alien abductions. I thought it made sense, since if aliens are performing things like cattle mutilation then perhaps they’re performing human mutilation too. I plan to watch the other documentaries this guy has put out, but does anyone have other sources on the topic of humans potentially being harvested?
Replies: >>1898
>>1845 (OP) 
Missing 411: The UFO Con (2022)


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Manifestation/Law of Attraction/Reality Creation is the creation and manipulation of reality using thoughts and emotions. I made this thread to discuss the phenomenon, as well to share any experiences you might have had with it.
A few pastebins concerning the subject:
>Signifact Person
>Manifesting and De-Manifesting
Seems pretty useful, and I'd like to get better at it. Currently trying to manifest a girl to voice-chat with.
So, feel free to share what you've experienced or what you know.
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appreciate it.
but still... I can't let go of the idea that she and Fantasia (Phantasien in German) are there on some other level of reality. I know I'm being ridiculous, but I can't disprove it, either.
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I will marry Alice!
Replies: >>1858
Where is Alice?
Replies: >>1860
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how hard can i rape consensus reality with this

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