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It's not really /x/ without a Bigfoot thread. Did you know the Ketchum study is done and freely accessible? The general consensus is that biblical giants (descendants of the nephilim) were/are bigfoots, that's why they are all over the planet. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but apparently the study indicates that Bigfoot DNA is the result of hybridisation of ancient middle eastern human females and "unknown" males.
Earlier attempts to study Bigfoot DNA always came back as "human" and were dismissed as contaminated, but it turns out that we should expect a "human" result after all.  
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>Sightings when people need to purposefully carry heavy, slow, awkward video cameras into the wilderness, that produce low resolution, grainy video: lots
>Sightings when people have instant access to high quality video capture with 99% availability with multiple redundancies in a group: fuck all
Replies: >>1934 >>1939
First case is everything pre-2005 when people liked to go inna woods
Second is most modern stuff when people don't go innawoods or do, record it and get forgotten
>with multiple redundancies in a group
Yeah, 5 hikers deep into a mountain with their cellphones out rather than checking water or where they are walking

>CGI clip
Window and room itself different from the pics, exposure and face lighting do not match but those can be variations of the CGI, meaning there's a model for it and the supposed hoaxer modelled another room with matching lighting conditions.
Then again where's the original assets then? the CGI clip maker came forward but provided no proofs and one can easily make such clip via the original pics themselves using a model and layering the skins on top with Ps and 3DMax.
Also 6 years later too? smells like glowniggery
Replies: >>1935
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Don't think so Tim.
>Yeah, 5 hikers deep into a mountain with their cellphones out
Redundancy doesn't mean they all have their phones out at the same time, dummy. It means the likelihood they all become nonfunctional is far rarer than a single piece of hardware running out of battery or being damaged.
Replies: >>1937
Consider me corrected then, it does prove more trips to national parks although who knows if they hike, second data site is more damning for sure.
There's still some videos going out of tall things walking around but nothing conclusive other than someone having a hairy back. 
But tech is definitely not high quality video if you don't have a physical zoom or a stabilization method via lens or body, most cellphones use wide angle FOV and a tiny sensor which zoom digitally and thus end up having a pixelated, blurry mess.
But i do agree, it's time someone records better footage of something but who knows, might get ignored like most anything.

The reason for this is the switch to digital photography. Film used to be made with silver which meant it would interact with paranormal entities, while digital media is only built to detect visible light. 

EVP was also common before the switch from analogue to digital.

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Call this superstition or bias, but I like to believe there is more paranormal activity in Latin America than there is in other continents, it's probably because of it being rural and misreported, but I like to think ayys don't like crowded cities, which further adds to the allure.
The Pentagob is declassifyibg documents soon and putting up a website.
they like to hang out with gahoole at the starbucks outside Geneva, IL
They still do human sacrifice in some parts. Human trafficking, especially of minors, is pretty big.
Is there more paranormal activity, or does Latin America have more overly superstitious retards seeing paranormality everywhere, and grifters willing to make a quick buck and fifteen minutes of fame faking paranormal events?

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link is kill
Link is not kill.
If anyone is having issues with the link just add me at @journeylink:matrix.org and I'll provide the link to the group.

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I watched this documentary recently and I wanted to know if anyone has similar information. Basically, the guy makes a case linking several missing people in an area to ufo sightings and alien abductions. I thought it made sense, since if aliens are performing things like cattle mutilation then perhaps they’re performing human mutilation too. I plan to watch the other documentaries this guy has put out, but does anyone have other sources on the topic of humans potentially being harvested?
Replies: >>1898
>>1845 (OP) 
Missing 411: The UFO Con (2022)


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Manifestation/Law of Attraction/Reality Creation is the creation and manipulation of reality using thoughts and emotions. I made this thread to discuss the phenomenon, as well to share any experiences you might have had with it.
A few pastebins concerning the subject:
>Signifact Person
>Manifesting and De-Manifesting
Seems pretty useful, and I'd like to get better at it. Currently trying to manifest a girl to voice-chat with.
So, feel free to share what you've experienced or what you know.
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appreciate it.
but still... I can't let go of the idea that she and Fantasia (Phantasien in German) are there on some other level of reality. I know I'm being ridiculous, but I can't disprove it, either.
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I will marry Alice!
Replies: >>1858
Where is Alice?
Replies: >>1860
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how hard can i rape consensus reality with this

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Hello guys I'm trying to learn magick, can you provide me with some good material for beginner?
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I heard that Liber Null And Psychonaut: An Introduction to Chaos Magic and Oven Ready Chaos are good.
Self hypnosis is a good way of putting it since what really matters for magic is your mind, which is why a lot of sigils are just mnemonics.
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How does blood magick work? Is the one who holds your blood in power over you? Is the one who sucks first in power? Can it be rectified if you suck their blood in the same amounts? A girl sucked my bloody toes and fingers years ago and I thought nothing of it and I'm pretty sure she doesn't practice magick but I feel like I'm being dragged down to her fate and mental state because of it and myself is eroding but it may just be paranoia.
Replies: >>1833
My understanding is that blood and semen have life-force within them, which makes both substances particularly powerful in spiritual matters. This is why blood sacrifice and sex magic is done throughout history, since the gods and the spirits fucking love that shit. 
In your case, since she ate your blood, and I'm not even going to ask why that happened in the first place, that would have been an accidental blood covenant, which essentially spiritually bound the two of you together.
...The Sages taught: Four entered the Paradise, i.e., dealt with the loftiest secrets of Torah, and they are as follows: Ben Azzai; and ben Zoma; Aḥer, the other, a name for Elisha ben Avuya; and Rabbi Akiva. Rabbi Akiva, the senior among them, said to them: When, upon your arrival in the upper worlds, you reach pure marble stones, do not say: Water, water, although they appear to be water, because it is stated: “He who speaks falsehood shall not be established before My eyes” (Psalms 101:7). 

The Gemara proceeds to relate what happened to each of them: Ben Azzai glimpsed at the Divine Presence and died. And with regard to him the verse states: “Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His pious ones” (Psalms 116:15). Ben Zoma glimpsed at the Divine Presence and was harmed, i.e., he lost his mind. And with regard to him the verse states: “Have you found honey? Eat as much as is sufficient for you, lest you become full from it and vomit it” (Proverbs 25:16). Aḥer chopped down the shoots of saplings. In other words, he became a heretic. Rabbi Akiva came out safely.
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Fake NASA, Cult of Saturn, Hollow Earth, anything goes. 

I'll start with a favorite of mine; Pyramids in Antartica, the idea of such a structure in the middle of the most lifeless part of the planet fascinates me to no end. I don't know much about it myself, other than it's related to either nazis, ayys, patagons or hyperboria or all of them at the same time
What do you think anon? mountains or the remains of an ancient civilization?
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I found this.

What exactly was the Finno-Korean hyper war? How advanced was their technology? If their technology was so advanced, did the war only take place on Earth? Were either belligerents Space faring?
While it isn't a conspiracy per se, I think animism and the idea of all things having a spirit is true to some extent. Animals are the ones with the most observable cases, but plant life may also have spirits, like the Dryads, but we just can't observe their phenomenon of their spirits at work because it's outside our senses. Then there's also rocks, rivers, and locations, which have all been described in ancient times as having their own spirits, or rather have had spirits inhabiting them. If you want to go further, the ancient Gnostics described the planets as having spirits, as the Archons. While I don't agree that these planetary spirits are necesarily evil (except Saturn, perhaps), I do think even the planets and the Sun have spirits, whose affects and positions have effects on us.
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How gullible are you? How is it not obvious that airport has a military base beneath it?
Replies: >>1846
not even trying to be subtle about it

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This is going to sound like the lamentations of an edgy 13 year-old, but I honestly cannot stand the presence of normalfags on a psychological or spiritual level at this point. It wasn't always this bad, right? I remember growing up and people being ignorant or odd, but never this mindless or perverted. What happened to cause the decline to speed up. It feels like 500 years of culture have passed in 30. You guys noticed this too, right? The whole time moving faster meme and what not?
>inb4 gothkid
23 replies and 6 files omitted. View the full thread
And also dumbass check the bdfc07 id, it's literary  the same guy or bot.
Replies: >>1821 >>1825
responding to him or itself
Replies: >>1825
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It took you 16 days to solve the captcha.
Replies: >>1827
Did you even read my second comment?

judging by your harsh language and tone, it really shows how you don't belong here.

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There have been a fuckton of paranormal and cryptozoology TV shows over the years and I'm not sure how many are legit, if any. Shows like "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files," "Ghost Hunters," "Haunted Collector," and "Destination Truth"? I was watching "28 Days Haunted" and it became so painfully obvious to me that the show was fake. They just filmed the same scene over and over again and pieced together the parts where stuff "happened."
Replies: >>1823
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>>1822 (OP) 
I enjoyed lost tapes. It was obviously fake because the found footage was reenactments but I still loved the set ups. I used to watch Ghost Hunters a lot back in the day and I enjoyed Destination Truth as well. Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction was a good show as well. I Remember its theme being awesome. I don't remember anything besides that

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What really happened to it? Crashed? Shot down? Landed and its crew/passengers kidnapped?
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Replies: >>1816 + 1 earlier
Check out this one

They've found bits and pieces of debris in the Indian Ocean and off the East African coast so I think the wreck is likely in the depths of the Indian Ocean.
I think one of maybe three things happened.
1) it was taken to be used for a future 9/11 and the passengers sold into slavery.
2) it was taken by some see eye ayy type organization for black ops, or,
2) it was hijacked by a cartel for smuggling.
Replies: >>1808
Oh, or it just simply crashed
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>>1408 (OP) 
Vampire terrorism

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