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Something that struck me was was a vid of a "ghost interview" where the (of course highly accredited) ghost hunter used some kind of electronic tool to communicate with the spirit.
He asked the ghost a series of Yes-No questions, with "Yes" being marked by a spike on the tool's sensor, while "No" was the absence thereof.
As a further bit of info, the supposed ghost was that of a previous tenant of the building, who had died about two decades earlier.

Long story short, one of the questions by the ghost hunter was "Are you dead?", which provoked no response. The immediate follow-up  was "Are we dead?", which caused the instrument to light up like a Christmas tree.

Leaving aside the possibility that the vid was pure bogus like 99% of the alleged ghost hunter vids, I think the multiverse theory is fairly plausible. The interesting question would be whether or not multiple universes and/or realities could overlap to the point that entities from one universe could partially manifest in another universe; if only in areas where the respective 'border' was thin enough.
I highly doubt they come from different universes. I think ghost are just trapped souls who were punished or cursed to not arrive on heaven.
Replies: >>823
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>I think ghost are just trapped souls who were punished or cursed to not arrive on heaven.
You mean, they live in a limbo-ish reality? That's what I think. I mean, if they really exist they are more like trapped souls in our reality than living all together in other universe. They live in our world, but they don't behave as us, take for example some japanese classic legends. They are entities who live in a specific area and only appear before/after something trigger them to show up.
this is long dead, but I've though about this possibility as well.  While I don't think Radio-Shack gizmos would ever come close to inter dimensional communication, I do think its as plausible as anything else yet to be proven that there could be overlaps in dimensions.  Though when it comes to spirits and the after life Id leave most of those experiences and beliefs to be culturally and psychological experiences of near death experiences and ceremonial uses of psychedelic drugs.  Which too is commonly believed to allow you to converse/travel between planes of existence and dimensions.  In fact I believe that a large portion of religions were started upon the tellings of people that had died momentarily and came back to tell tales of the visions they experienced during the DMT trip that triggered in their brains as they were dying.  Along with those of the shamans using psychedelic drugs to "speak with god"  You should check out the book "The sacred mushroom and the cross"  very interesting read.
Replies: >>1815
youve jumped the main premise, its not about another dimension, the logic behind a spirit starts with accepting the dualist view of the mind body problem, with consciousness being an immaterial phenomena so consciousness as a thing already exists in the immaterial world, the spirittual and ghost things are related to the problem of interaction, with whatever explanation used to explain how we, as immaterial beings, interact with our bodies and this being extended to a consciousness that doesnt have a body but still manages to use this medium to cause interactions between the material and immaterial
couple decades ago there was a big stink about wave particle duality in physics which children of a lesser god conflated with the mind body problem and went crazy with it, they thought wave/particle was synonymous with immaterial/material even though particles and waves are completely physical (ie. material), this caused all the emf bullshit were they use radios to talk with 'ghosts' but also caused the cringe hippie 'frequencies' of consciousness bullshit that drugos like to talk about, this is no longer a dualist view its a materialist view and so when consciousness is a material phenomena then by their own logic everything they say is false since there can not be any immaterial beings
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