In the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.” There are countless methods for achieving this such as Cheiromancy (aka Palmistry or palm-reading)
Materials needed: A person’s hand or palm and a working knowledge of the meanings behind a person’s hand’s/finger's: lines, shapes, markings, etc.
In cheiromancy, the diviner will take the querent’s hand and study all that they can - the length of fingers, unique markings, lines in the palm, etc. in order to determine a querent’s personality or future. The reason that palmistry falls into the “complex systems” is because elements of astrology can also be incorporated into palmistry as well (see Astrology) - as there are fingers and lines that correlate to planets and celestial bodies.
Here is a quick guide for beginners :
Its the easiest one i find, i try this on my friend and myself and really its working you can actually know fate, love, life, and personality in the palm.
Have a good day anon, pepe loves you muah >3<