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Replies: >>2110 + 1 earlier
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>>1427 (OP) 
I wonder what happened to OP. He posted this thread almost 2 years ago. I find it a bit odd that he posted it around the time I was starting college and I am now almost finished with it. I wonder what he was trying to say. I have no idea what to post since this thread doesn't really have a theme so here's a picture of a skeleton pouring coffee to keep it spooky.
Replies: >>2127
>2 years
Wish that happened to me, college round these parts is minimum 5 years
Replies: >>2136
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College was longer than 2 years for me but that's only because I kept dragging my feet. I graduated with an associate's degree. It sounds like you might finish with a bachelor's degree. 
Staying on topic, I do wonder what happened to OP.
Replies: >>2157
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What do you mean, anon?

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It's not really /x/ without a Bigfoot thread. Did you know the Ketchum study is done and freely accessible? The general consensus is that biblical giants (descendants of the nephilim) were/are bigfoots, that's why they are all over the planet. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but apparently the study indicates that Bigfoot DNA is the result of hybridisation of ancient middle eastern human females and "unknown" males.
Earlier attempts to study Bigfoot DNA always came back as "human" and were dismissed as contaminated, but it turns out that we should expect a "human" result after all.  
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The reason for this is the switch to digital photography. Film used to be made with silver which meant it would interact with paranormal entities, while digital media is only built to detect visible light. 

EVP was also common before the switch from analogue to digital.
Does anyone have that graph that shows that Bigfoot sightings spike when UFO sightings spike, showing a possible correlation that our furry friends are interdimensional?
Replies: >>2147
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What exactly do you think the big foot are? I don't know if this is the image you're looking for but I found this.
Replies: >>2148 >>2149
Unshaven mexicans
Not the same pic I had in mind, but it basically says the same thing. Is there a relationship between encounters with Grays and encounters with Bigfoot? Are they different visitors? It seems people have much more traumatic encounters with Grays than Bigfoot.

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Also known as Boobfoot, Ambulatory Boobus, and Titty Hoppers

Native to (at least) Pennsylvania, this lesser known fae are anatomically a single boob with 2 feet.
They live in the woods. It is unknown where they go during Winter but they can be found during the warmer months scurrying about. It's unknown what or if they eat, nevermind how. They appear to "see" with their nipple. 
There may be a subspecies of Scurryjug with wings. These however seem to be associated with Toothpastia, the Goddess of mint.

Scurryjugs seem to have good relationships with gnomes and fairies. It's unknown whether they possess magic or good luck, but I like to think so.
They probably do not get along with goblins. Though, I've never witnessed an interaction between scurryjugs and goblins.

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My cat Mittens died 10 years ago yet she keeps appearing in my dreams. It's not like I think about her often but suddenly, out of nowhere, I am dreaming about this cat every single night. This night I dreamed that my mother had buried Mittens underneath the floorboards of my room.
Before that, she showed up in a castle and helped me realize that I was dreaming.
The night before last night, I found her in the woods and picked her up to save her from vampires.
It's almost every night for the past 2 weeks.
Why? Before recently, I never thought about her.
It's a sign! The cat's leading you to something! Better start breaking shit, treasure beyond your imagination awaits.
Replies: >>2132
Last night, I dreamed that my brother had taken poison to kill himself and lay dying near a river. I held him close and cried as he died in my arms. I left him to go get something and came back to see Mittens looking at him. She pushed his body out into the river current and he was swept away. Then she looked at me and hissed. I actually woke up inhaling sharply. 

Wtf is this? I actually never thought about this cat for years. It's been a decade since she died. Wth?

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We all have a wierd experience with LSD
Welcome to /lsd/. Tell us the most halerious shit happend to you taking this psycidilic
I do? I didn't knew that completely unbeknownst to me, I was a drug using degenerate.
Replies: >>2126
You had so much that you didn't realise.

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I had problems getting my baccalaureate degree, I was studying hard but I failed and repeated the year, this year I got my certificate but without any effort at all, yes I speak seriously, all I did all year was playing 2hu and Minecraft. I will show you fags how i did it.
>11 day left for exames
>try to learn something i cant because its too late
>smoke weed that night
>went to sleep at 4am
>play 2hu for the next week and didn't pull a book
>1 day left
>scroll 4chan in /x/ board
>find out about a bunch of techniques that let you achieve your dreams in seconds
>lmao there is the only solution
>it was in a pastbin.com and written by anon

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Replies: >>2115 >>2116
>>2114 (OP) 
>Remember, you are God
fucking gay 
stobbed reading:-DDD
Replies: >>2124
>>2114 (OP) 
>>smoke weed that night
You are a dick if you believe that god exist its only a legend got written by some faggots back in the day lmao
Replies: >>2125
How do you know for a fact that God doesn't exist?

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I went to sleep at 2am, i start to imagine nostalgic shit such as old memories of my dad fixing the TV suddenly i start feel that i cant move any muscles, i start feel im floating in the air but i cant open my eyes wide only shit i see is yellowish bright color.
>Im i the new Masaiah?

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In the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.” There are countless methods for achieving this such as Cheiromancy (aka Palmistry or palm-reading) 
Materials needed: A person’s hand or palm and a working knowledge of the meanings behind a person’s hand’s/finger's: lines, shapes, markings, etc.
In cheiromancy, the diviner will take the querent’s hand and study all that they can - the length of fingers, unique markings, lines in the palm, etc. in order to determine a querent’s personality or future. The reason that palmistry falls into the “complex systems” is because elements of astrology can also be incorporated into palmistry as well (see Astrology) - as there are fingers and lines that correlate to planets and celestial bodies.
Here is a quick guide for beginners :

Its the easiest one i find, i try this on my friend and myself and really its working you can actually know fate, love, life, and personality in the palm.

Have a good day anon, pepe loves you muah >3<
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Replies: >>2113
link is kill
Link is not kill.
If anyone is having issues with the link just add me at @journeylink:matrix.org and I'll provide the link to the group.

New invite
>>1913 (OP) 
If I'm ever homeless I'm going to dump some deer bones into  my concrete shelter too but I hope my concrete skullpting (heh) skills are better than that shit.... anyway, that'd keep the other bums away. Schizophrenics often end up homeless and are usually the type that'd shit their pants over religious stuff like that. Place looks comfy.... 

>exact location
>blurry pic related

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