There's something very strange going on right now in the world, with this entire UFO/UAP/New Jersey drone crisis. People and even media are reporting not only obviously man-made unmanned aircraft but strange orbs in the sky as well, which are different from the drones. Some people have claimed to have seen the drones spraying something, and the media is also reporting some people who have seen the drones are getting sick.
An anon on a half/pol/ thread is claiming to be an insider and saying that this is in fact project bluebeam in action. Of course, random fucks on halfchan LARPing as super duper special insiders aren't a new phenomenon, but what makes me feel slightly inclined to believe this guy is that the fact that apparently other parts of the world are reporting seeing strange shit in the skies lately too (including a few reports in my country), and a TV channel in my irrelevant and peaceful-ass country decided out of nowhere to make a small presentation about radiation poisoning and about old objects that used to made with radioactive materials. The presentation itself wasn't weird, it's the timing of it that is weirding me the fuck out.
His story is a little bit all over the place, which makes it very likely this guy is just a LARPer but I still feel this worth posting here.