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>Tibetans use yeti hair as a means to enhance magic, as do natives with bigfoot hair.
While i have read such things they do also use cat hair and reptile blood, which are supposedly normal animals too.
>telepathy, cloaking, possible weather manipulation, limited shapeshifting, ability to imitate any sound or voice combined with perfect ventriloquism and astral projection
I think the subject can't be pinpointed but i would like to mention such things also happen with known entities that sometimes get confused with the Sasquatch, such as the Nahual/Skinwalker/Native American Warlock, expert ghillied' up hunters who can sing animal sounds, and regarding to telepathy i would say that's questionable due to its symptoms being freezing on the spot and them being able to know one is scared as hell which is also a natural reaction to seeing some absurdly strange and dangerous weird shit. Weather manipulation i take you mention it regarding search teams always finding bad weather after someone disappears, that can go both ways into the thing hunting amidst incoming rain clouds but i can't discard that cloudbusting skill.
Getting astral projected by a bigfoot that i don't remember at this moment. All these things put them on the same bad shit level than a demon or a tall grey (arguably the same thing by many) but these don't get as reported, it would be talked much often rather than just some dudes seeing a giant hairy dude who moves fast as hell often in the woods.
>Many people claim to be able to repel them with prayer
That's just demons at this point, i think in this thread there was a video of a dude wandering in a park's parking lot and checking on a bush that is getting rabid sasquatch noise but also emanating a red light and i think it also stank to high hell.
I have heard a couple of stories, one from a indisputable source to my moral person, about usually urban entities appearing deep inside the woods, said things being tall thin pale-colored dark bug-eyed figures just lurking around water creeks, if you think the things people call greys are demons them there you go, not only the 'Quatch is going to get your butt at camping but also demons and the usual drunken injun warlock turning from an owl into a wolf then into a deer then into an injun vomiting.
Yeah i don't mind, security reasons are valid especially if your experience was very specific but do take into consideration one might be also experiencing another kind of shit. Let's remember that dude who famously saw and talked with greys/demons in the 70's (also the source for that famous portrait session that became the cover art for the book Communion) did experience such things in a cabin deep inside the woods and initially confused it with local folk stories. Same can be said about Crowley and his Led Zeppelin shack in front of a river.
If you also believe that Lacerta thing then it's the same thing, an entity that came out from a hole in the middle of nowhere got puzzled by a very isolated cabin and went to visit the inhabitant although in that case by shapeshifting as a woman just to troll with him.
Mount Erebus incident, it's a well-known incident back in the day but recently memory holed a bit when talking about Antarctica and travels over there.
It can also be noted that the initial investigator, Ron Chippindale, is suspected to be what we call a glownigger due to his notable appearances in other controversial incidents with also controversial initial conclusions.
In this case he deduced that the pilots got confused by a visual phenomena and went into the mountain, some judge soon after dived into it independently and discovered Ron had jumped tons of information and procedures, dude made his reports known nationally and presented that Ron had seemingly completely ignored the flight plan, which was crucial as it showed the airliner (using direct access on several logs including mainframe) moving the coordinates without previous warning and logged them into the plane without the pilots knowing either, when these wanted to correct the trajectory it was too late as the plan made it that the plane had a soft and long constant descend so when they had to correct it would be very hard on the plane's dynamics, proof of this is that in the correction they managed to react rather quickly but couldn't get out of it on time.
Judge presented his appeal to clear blames along with shedding light that something happened at higher levels, 200+ evidence items presented but the court in London shut it down massively saying it couldn't be possible and that the previous initial report didn't include many of those items so they couldn't not be taken into account. Judge got massive popularity points in NZ/Australia and became soon a chief inquirer in sensible events but died of a sudden heart attack soon later, those inside the airliner who helped the guy were also terminated without justification while the upper heads got reshuffled into other airlines.
Chippindale went on to maintain his position albeit in a more low-profile way but was also participant in the reports of the Korean Flight 007, when korean pilots entered soviet airspace and got shut down, and another in the Mozambique crash when the negroe president and some soviet diplomatics belly crashed hard into a hill at night. In the former case he concluded the soviets had illegally shut down the airliner in international waters but later (quite some time later) it was concluded the plane had entered well into Kamchatka and while pretty drastic the soviets were free to take it down, also soviets were angered that the investigation ignored the maneuvers from the plane were belligerently evasive behavior from a military perspective despite Ron himself having been a military pilot.
In the latter case Ron and other international investigators provided that the african pilots had misidentified the airport and landed a couple of kilometers behind the runway, a rookie mistake; later in an (another) independent review the pilots mention the runway had no lights turned on but the signaler was there and the clearance given, this shows the plane had a sure signal according to the airport, the recording boxes were in turn stolen by South African agents (with several witnesses, including unexpected unaided crash survivors) along with political papers from the soviet reunion. It was known that plane had made a drastic turn for some reason but it was ignored as the paper focused on the pilots not using official language and overall being very cowboy in their flying lingo, which made the soviets mad that the investigation ignored a sharp turn and the implications of double signals with one being a fake to make the thing land earlier. Years later, after South Africa got toppled by Apes, several gov operators claimed they used a false beacon signaler in the rural parts of the country to signal the plane that the runway was well behind and in an obtuse angle that provided the sharp turn, crashed and then send a signal to another team waiting to extract relevant items/check death toll.
Ron kept his posts despite erratic results in context of the events taken place, went into be more low-profile after the cold war and when he retired became a lecturer but was shortly killed in a freak accident when a 18yo boot camp dude rammed his car into him in a morning stroll.
Fun fact: The Judge of the Erebus disaster review, known by then as a tough investigator linked to travel accidents, died two months before the Mozambique crash and weeks later after said African-Soviet summit was announced.