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It's not really /x/ without a Bigfoot thread. Did you know the Ketchum study is done and freely accessible? The general consensus is that biblical giants (descendants of the nephilim) were/are bigfoots, that's why they are all over the planet. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but apparently the study indicates that Bigfoot DNA is the result of hybridisation of ancient middle eastern human females and "unknown" males.
Earlier attempts to study Bigfoot DNA always came back as "human" and were dismissed as contaminated, but it turns out that we should expect a "human" result after all.  
Replies: >>218
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Some neat photos. Anyone seen these before?
Replies: >>212
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I wonder what the story is with this image.
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Is it just me or is this frame not usually in the Patterson-Gimlin film? I ask because there are rumours about there being extra footage that was never made public.
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Scott Carpenter has a lot of interesting material.
inb4 "pareidolia"
Replies: >>1910
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Replies: >>90
I have to admit, I'm a little butthurt that no one else seems to be interested in Bigfoot. It seems pretty zoomer in the rest of the board so maybe that explains it.
Replies: >>91
That's some nice ass of a gigabtopitecus
Also nice dubs
Also also did you know that their are three species of yeti or four if you count the temperate one
Bigfoot doesn't intrest me, because I'm not american, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to discuss it.
Replies: >>92
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Gigantopithecus is an extinct ape anon. Bigfoot on the other hand is global. 
See that gigantic head? That's a monument built to 野人, wildman, Chinese Bigfoot. It was built by the (sceptic materialist atheist) Chinese government. What the fuck are they doing building this? 
In Europe, Bigfoots are called giants or trolls, but it's the same thing. In the Middle East we have the biblical account of Esau the hairy man, and the Anakim (as descendants of the nephalim) could probably be put here as well. Not to mention certain Djinn and other folklore and the famous (on /x/) "cannibal giant". Australia has the Yowie. In South America there is the Mapinguari, though that one is quite a bit more alien, it could still be related. And no, I don't buy the "giant sloth" explanation. The only region I'm not sure about is Africa, but I would very surprised if there wasn't anything, particularly in the more jungle covered areas.
Replies: >>93 >>679
Well realistically bigfoot and simmilar can be the evolution of gigantopitecus. Also can you find me the pic/ info about the subspecies of yeti?
Replies: >>94
Bigfoots are humans with alien (meaning completely unknown) DNA from a male ancestor. This has already been established. They don't have fur like an ape, the hair covering them is body hair like a human's, but extremely hirsute and having a unique cell structure unlike anything else. Recordings of Bigfoot vocalisations (the "Sierra sounds") have been analysed and experts concluded that a complex language was being spoken.
They aren't apes anon.
As for yeti, I've never encountered any sources I trust on that topic specifically. It's much harder to find reliable information about yeti. You'd probably have to speak Nepali or Tibetan. I'm not saying there aren't any reliable English sources, I just don't know of any.
Replies: >>95 >>110 >>171
>Bigfoots are humans with alien (meaning completely unknown) DNA from a male ancestor. This has already been established
Replies: >>96 >>97
His ass, just like everything paranormal or myth related. If these things existed we would have thousands of pictures and videos of them. Plus a shitload of dead ones being killed by hunters. But nope, all we get is muh stories and muh low res pixelated pictures
Replies: >>97
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Link in the OP.
>paranormal doesn't real
>he posts on /x/
Replies: >>98
I lurk here waiting for something with proofs to back it up
Replies: >>99
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>source is in the op
<gib sauce
Are you illiterate? Read the fucking study. Also the Patterson-Gimlin film is smoking gun proof of Bigfoot. Case closed. Anyone that doesn't accept the PG film as proof has cognitive dissonance.
Replies: >>101 >>109
>We have all these samples but no pictures and videos
>so, dude trust me :^)

Wake me up when we get a high-res gopro footage of a bigfoot up-close. Then tell me where that incident took place so me and my buddies can go there to blow it's brains out.
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Once more, Patterson-Gimlin is proof of Bigfoot, you suffer from cognitive dissonance.
Replies: >>105 >>109
But WHY are nephilim hairy enough to be bigfoots?  Why are angels so unfathomably hairy?
Replies: >>104
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That's what I want to know. I wonder what kind of entity was shagging antediluvian girls.
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I read it, and yet still no footage of bigfoot.
Replies: >>106 >>107
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Replies: >>109
Can you fuck off and committ suicide you retarded sperg?
Any reasons why the P-G film is proof? Just saying that it's proof is not proof, you have to give reasons. For example, why does bigfoot's hair look like it does? Animals in the wild don't look like that, but literally every gorilla suit with fake plastic hair does. I can go into the nearest dollar store and find a crappy wig that looks like it.
Replies: >>110
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As stated in >>94 (backed up by study included in the OP) Bigfoots don't have fur, they have body hair. It looks like wig hair because wig hair is meant to look like hair, not fur. As you can see from pic related, we should expect the creature's hair to have the sheen that it does.
The creature in the PG film is very big, and doesn't have the gait we would expect of a man in a suit, both in terms of biomechanics as well as stride length. The creature has jiggling breasts, why would anyone bother to go to the trouble of making something so difficult and weird that hasn't even been noticed by most watchers? 
For many reasons, I don't believe the film could have been faked for any money in the 1960's.
Replies: >>854
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Still seems pretty unlikely to me that not only one, but several (due to multiple sightings across the US) of these things could just merrily walk through the woods while there's an entire horde of people looking for them. And that's before you consider there still are some bona-fide researchers who just hang out in the forest to watch birds or something.
The most convincing theory I heard was that Bigfoot is not an actual animal, but rather a mental gestalt/projection of the human mind being afraid of entering dense forests. Something our little monkey brains simply aren't used to, considering they evolved in open savannas.
Replies: >>133
You're stuck in the false "ape" paradigm. They aren't animals, North America is absolutely infested with them (no disrespect intended by that phrasing), we didn't evolve on savannas, those "bona-fide" researchers are disinfo agents (because the truth about Bigfoot would shatter consensus history on human origins) and (this part is my conjecture) they probably are far more intelligent than we are. They could probably outperform most homo sapiens on an IQ test.
Replies: >>134
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>they probably are far more intelligent than we are
>They could probably outperform most homo sapiens on an IQ test.
t. bigfoot
Replies: >>135
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Oy vei go- I mean human, what do you have against Nephilim?
I gotta say, I fucked a big foot and it wasn't pleasant.
Replies: >>137
Well natives say that they like to take their women. Supposedly some groups of them have been hybridising for a long time.
I wonder why anon is so upset about a Bigfoot thread existing on a schizophrenic skinwalker fanfic board that he feels the need to shitpost degeneracy in said thread.
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I'm suspicious of the source for the image labelled "canadian bigfoot" but I'm including it anyway.
Replies: >>670
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Watch if you're sceptical of the PG film.
Replies: >>171
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He really does look like a human in the 
face, It would be intresting. Like >>94 said It could be simmilar to Lovecrafts Wilbur Whateley. And it makes me also think, who was his mother? Or who were the human parents of the shits?
Replies: >>194
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Patty is a female. Anywho, you've just about hit the nail on the head with the reference to Wilbur Whately. The theory is that they were bred back in antediluvian times, and were never fully wiped out. Supposedly there are different bloodlines of varying "purity" which is why some can be shot dead by relatively small calibre weapons while others just get angry, or can "walk off" being hit by a truck. The more pure the bloodline the stranger their abilities. Cloaking, limited shapeshifting, astral travel, and more. Government acknowledgement of Bigfoot will never happen because it's functionally "alien disclosure".
Replies: >>196
I'm not too much of a biblefag, could you atleast tell me years is that. As far as I know there are some assumptions.
>varying "purity"
That means that some breeded with humans or maybe other species of genus homo and with some ayys.
Replies: >>197
>how long ago was the flood
Honestly, I don't know, and I'm not really a biblefag either, but there is too much interesting material there to ignore. But I would consider the establishment of the first Sumerian city-states + or - 1000 years as a ballpark figure, which also seems to tie in to the Chinese flood myths if we consider sage king Yu as being semi-historical and somewhat removed from the founding of the Xia. This is just my personal conjecture however, if you want to study this more consider looking in to the dating of water erosion marks on the Sphynx. I'm really not that familiar with this subject.
Certain Indian tribes say that some Bigfoot groups have systematically been using their women for breeding for many generations (not so much anymore). Some tribes also say that before Europeans came that Bigfoots would build fires up on mountains, and that "diplomatic relations" of a sort were maintained.
Replies: >>198
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>"diplomatic relations"
>build fires up on mountains
I think you are referencing the Mound Builders the plain injuns talk about, they were supposedly red haired giants who dominated some of the East Coast area until a PISL injun confederation was formed and they exterminated the giants for kidnapping their wimmenz and eating the men, or so they claim.
There was that whole "Giant's Cave" they insisted was real, in that war some of them sought refugee there and the injuns smoked and torched the whole thing like they were raccoons. Some pioneers moved the entrance rocks and found smoked skeletons of really tall figures under some bat poo, SUPPOSEDLY pic related. They were handed to the Smithsonian and they lost it in their archives like they always do.

I don't know why some claim the Smithsonian is hiding evidence of giants, they practically lose everything they are handed to them not just skeletons. The original Coelacanth that broke the news was lost so they had to fish for another one, they lost some diamond arrow tips and they were eventually found being sold after some rich dude died. My guess is that jews grab the cool stuff and claim it's in the storage rooms, many governments do this, but the jews in particular are known to destroy valuable items like the small lamassu found in Jordan.
Replies: >>199
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>I think you are referencing the Mound Builders 
I'm not actually. That's ancient history. We're talking about White men settling the west. Bigfoots felt they needed to go into hiding to survive and they were probably right given who the Europeans brought with them. That said, I believe that reddish skull in the photograph is a Bigfoot skull. Just like all the other vanished giant bones found in North America.
As for the jews, they probably have more than a passing interest in this subject, as they would consider it part of their "job" on Earth to eliminate the bloodline of the Nephilim, which is why they hate Amalekites, or Aryans so much, that's what I believe. I'm not sure what kind of reasoning they have for making that connection though.  
>Numbers 13:33
>And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.
The Middle East variant wasn't/isn't as hairy. Though there is the story of Esau, who was robbed of his inheritance. Anyone who reads the bible should instantly be redpilled on the jq. Unfortunately most people are dumbasses and prefer to "we wuz" the OT.
Replies: >>200
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Injuns i think mention they did not have hair. They usually classify their bigfoot, or sasquatch or yowi, as another entity itself.
Thinking or imagining random things the mound builders seem bizarre, they weren't dumb due to their architecture but they were certainly more savage than the injuns, were big as a bigfoot but had red skin and red hair. Sounds like a hybrid of some sort or simply another race entirely, which seems plausible too taking into account many important figures and their associates have attested their existence several times like Hernan Cortez & his soldiers (an absurdly tall elite mexica trooper who chopped their horses) or Ferdinan Magellan and his butt buddy Pigafetta (the friendly Patagons in Southmost America) all of these who got the sword by (((gold))) prospectors.
The inability of people to understand that half of the Bible is everyone, higher authorities included, telling the jews that they were being unreasonable and just plain evil, is insane. Ironically those who truly read the Bible or try to understand it stray further from the church and their parishioners.
Replies: >>201 >>849
What's your take on Albert Ostman's story? Do you find it credible?
Replies: >>203
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It's pretty bizarre in that all the details i've read make sense. I haven't read books about it but i did read a long-winded comment on it time ago on a spic site.
For example the injuns in the nearby area who told him the ape stories were still there and confirmed what he said they believe, he also lived relatively alone and didn't ask for attention so the fame game is probably not at hand here, he didn't sell the story either or make a publishing deal so no money either. His motive to not tell it at the time was because of tabloid fatigue of the era, which is true enough, and because only injuns would believe him and their response was ridicule and banter for being mugged by an ape to fuck its monkey daughter so he reserved it only to very close associates.
The things i found suspicious in the story is that the bigfeet didn't hide, they lived like a lumberjack out in the open and don't seem to have possessed a special skill of moving themselves with uncanny ability like not making any noise (unless this detail was omitted) then you have the detail that they knew how to use water in the food although i don't recall him saying they used fire, but the food preparation is there which implies some sort of abstract awareness not usually found on animals in the wild.
Ostman also had some cops cross-reference him and then cross-reference themselves and found his story to be pinpoint consistent so if he was telling a story he certainly told a highly polished one, add to the point they also checked his reputation and he was deemed an ordinary man if a bit more polite than usual, none found him to be odd or crazy and he had his mind together when questioned by all sources. If you believe in lie detection using reaction machines then he also passed the test thrice.

I don't know, Ostman doesn't have any evidence of his journey yet he doesn't seem to insist in the veracity of it, making it look like he was already prepared to not be believed. The story itself is tame enough yet has plenty of details to be believed even when he's the only known grown adult known to be kidnapped by it (some kids have mentioned being cruised around by them); his experience is crazy yet normal enough in practice to be believed, yeah i would say he's a credible account but one that shouldn't be used as evidence (there's none) just a reference for bigfoot behavior consistency when chilling around.
Replies: >>204
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Most of your concerns with the story can be addressed.
>bigfoot lived in the open
In the Toba Inlet area. I don't think most people get just how vast and uninhabited BC is. Even now the province has a population of only 5 million for an area nearly four times the size of the entire UK, and half of that is in Vancouver. Back in the 20's the population was only half a million, and probably more than half of that was in Vancouver. Bigfoot could live in a mansion and not be discovered.
I've already gone on rants about how Bigfoot isn't an ape or animal, but a human, so I won't belabour the point. According to Indians, Bigfoot used fire, and supposedly even occasionally traded with some tribes, speaking native languages, until a hundred to two hundred years ago. They stopped engaging in this behaviour when Europeans arrived.
>the only adult known to be kidnapped
I realise that you said "known", but the nature of the problem is such that any number of missing people could have been kidnapped. We might just know about Bigfoot taking children because of some reluctance to harm a child on the creature's part.
Replies: >>205
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>I don't think most people get just how vast and uninhabited BC is
I understand that point, for example my region has 3 millions for 200k km2 (compared to BC's 5 millions for 900k km2) so twice as dense but still pretty desolate, and one of our local animals is still considered a cryptid because nobody with scientist credentials and (((peer trust))) has seen or taken a photo of it.
I know several people who have and they all mention the uncanny ability of the cat to walk and run full speed silently, same with the mule deer who can walk head down avoiding all branches and dry leaves. But i can believe that they simply choose to be less cautious in the middle of nowhere, same with the mule deer who "dances" while not being near strange animals.
>Bigfoot isn't an ape or animal, but a human
I don't know about "human" (Homo Sapiens) but i can easily believe in it being a capable hominid just like the supposed Homo Floresiensis and black people.
>Bigfoot used fire, and supposedly even occasionally traded with some tribes
That i don't recall ever reading, my local injuns mention oral stories of a big haired guy but who was very unorthodox and dumb as rocks but certainly not animal-dumb, just not into abstract ideas like maths or putting spices into food. One that trades goods continuously over routes and uses fire fully is certainly something that would destroy most social conventions made in the last thousand of years, more so than even aliens, so not really surprising this is being hypothetically hidden, after all europeans tried to hide the fact injuns existed until too many people started reporting them being other people altogether from asians, hence breaking the "12 Tribes of God" convention that tried to explain all the people in the world (which was flawed anyways due to population movement since times immemorial, injuns really were asian after all)
>any number of missing people could have been kidnapped
Yeah hence why i used "known" carefully, the 411 is such a well-known phenomenon (not only in the U.S.) that we cannot discard any possible cause. Outside the U.S. many attribute it to ultra-orthodox cults, cartel ranches, paramilitary organizations or simply they got lost, so...

This discussion has sparked my curiosity in injuns/explorers who were really exposed to nature and retold their stories. Ron Morehead has supposedly recorded and found a haven of them (which he doesn't share location for obvious reasons but he does take you there) and i haven't read all the stories from Ishi the Yahi but if there's somebody who could've attested seeing something strange in the woods it was definitely him. 
Nowadays being so much in the field would either mean being an independent smuggler, an inna-woods freeman or a poacher, all 3 which are the feds' sworn enemies along with the generic tax-evader so that's a guess on why many discourage more people from doing it.
Replies: >>207
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Might as well, here's the audio from that recording of Bigfoot: A Living Legend. 
It was released in 1975 but originating from several trips in 1972, by 'nam vet scientific journalist Al Berry from behalf of the U of Wyoming, along with (i think) the audio man Warren Johnson and the actual guy who knew how to find them, Ron Morehead. They were hiding inside a small nest made of logs and branches (Al and Warren pictured in third webm) near an abandoned place made by hunters/lumberjacks long time ago. 
They hanged a bunch of recorders from trees, waited for the night in the tough winter and bid their time for them to come, when they did Ron whistled and threw shit at them so they could react, which we can hear.

Last one included here is also the most famous of the subsequent trips in which these guys (Ron always being the hiking leader it seems) supposedly found a group of them, a change from being caught by them all the time in that old place. Also at night, it seems they are "working" picking wood or something, talking with each other, Ron taunts them and they seem to think he's another sasquatch, one replies back while other(s) start making their angry noises instead of "talking".
Nicknamed "the Samurai Chatter" because it's clear it sounds like the usual east asian vocalizations showing emphatic orders or decisive will.

Ron and Al seem to be completely ignored by most media other than those who research the topic seriously, and in the case of Ron the guy even offered for many years hiking trips there as long as you didn't bring weapons or tracking devices. Many did and i haven't read someone calling him a fraud, and some even sneaked the location which seems to be somewhere in the Northeast California, which makes sense because the local injuns there avoided the area. Yosemite/Uzumate has been widely translated from their red language but one thing that most of them agree is that the word refered to a "Man Killer".
Replies: >>208 >>218
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Wow, excellent, thanks for posting this. I have a talk by Ron Morehead that I'm trying to post as a webm and get under the size limit, but I don't know how to use a computer, and can't into encoding.
Something interesting regarding the apparent Asian connection is that Coast Salish language is actually related to Mandarin. Coast Salish people have also been shown to originate from the area that is now Beijing by DNA studies. That's one of the reasons I'm so fascinated by Yiren. Unfortunately there is not much to read in English on that topic specifically.
Replies: >>209 >>214
Meant to say, have that webm in the mean time.
I always ignored bigfoot threads thinking it was normalfag tier conspiracy made by rednecks but I never expected the topic to actually go that deep, really got me hooked
very interesting, definitely best thread on /x/
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Rechecking the thread it seems one of the recent and most famous images of a supposed Satch is not around.
Here it is, the Scott Yeoman incident, so the story goes that some dude bought some land in Colorado and made a cheap trailer house with the usual small stilts under it like americans do to avoid flood damage.
After making most of the big changes and decorating it, one day in 2017 Scott was working some details in a room and he suddenly smelled something awful as sin, described by him as "rotting animal flesh, vomit, and excrement". He noticed something moving outside the window and quickly grabbed his "Kodak Digital Sports Camera" (the EasyShare i guess? that's a rare pick for a wildlife shooter) thinking it was a bear or an elk, when he started composing a shooting he realized it didn't look like neither and he started shitting himself. He then started recording video instead of shooting photos and just stood there while the thing glanced and peeked once in a while.
Some minutes later his wife came into the room asking what the hell was he doing, when she realized there was a giant negro with red eyes outside she started screaming, ran to the bedroom and called the cops;  meanwhile the thing outside got nervous and the dude grabbed a gun just in case. 
The thing ran away and the sheriffs came around soon, the marriage told them the story and when they quickly deduced it was a bear our boy Scott pulled a dirty trick and presented them video (as in "btw check this out") and they shat themselves but in the end they simply said "bear" and ran away too.

Now the controversy, like there always is, appears when the skeptic/atheist community found some important facts about our boy Scott here. Now i'm not against the skeptics as i am one but some guys expect everyone to be an infallible machine against paranormal situations with full societal credentials yet "naturally" messy and unprepared, still it seems Yeoman has dirt on his tracks like many rednecks do. 
He was in a remote area with no internet and still no PC (he was moving) so he dumped the video files in his mother's house. Her house got burned down in a freak accident but he snapped some pics from the video to share with friends, also it seems his wife died years before the date he mentioned, the property he mentions is not currently owned by him and it seems he can't own a gun because he's a felon, that's right the man touched a kid back in the mid 90's. He's also accused of having a camera near him with memory and battery when this happened along with not naming the sheriffs that went to his "property" and waiting so long to tell the story.

Those were enough bullet points for the eternal skeptic community to dismiss the guy, a camera-ready pedo that could've not possibly owned a gun when this happened, along with the images presenting too much moire effect, meaning heavy editing/old monitor. 
Now the thing is the guy did not own a property near the place (Bailey, CO) in 2017 but his wife did in 2007 (maybe he fingered a 1 instead of a 0?, Kodak digital cameras were more popular back then) the extra moire can be due to monitor shot + window screen placed against mosquitoes, which is very normal thing to have, and it's not strange to have a camera near you in the living room if you usually take images of wildlife while living near the wilderness. 
The felon claims that make most disregard the guy has some grounds but falls into the "criminals never see anything strange" argument many glownogs tend to use, for all we know he could've possessed an illegal/gunshow weapon and was caught banging a 17yo when he was 25 at the time of his process (born 1966, processed 1992). The strange thing here is that the guy presents some obvious signs of getting gov blackballed as his mother's house fire did seem to happen, his wife died suddenly at a relative young age, the property sold off and he has the worst charge a man can have (child molestation) yet he doesn't seem to be in the sex predator database. Not knowing who the law enforcement officers were is just being silly and a further charge on him, harassment and verbal attack in 2008, can mean just about everything from a bar fight to getting stalked by somebody and responding to it.

What's the worst thing of all of this? none of the claims has anything to do with the fucking thing outside a window that clearly shows advanced facial structures that would either mean quite an advanced mask/sculpture due to the eye mechanisms, a rented/rogue circus gorilla being used to take some pictures at night for no reason other than tell a cool story years later or merely just a Bigfoot checking what's cooking. Although it is funny how similar the thing is to the first image here >>69, either the same mask or the same dude.
The motivation to do all this charade also doesn't seem to make sense, why do all of this if you are not going to make a dime out of it? also why present the story with your full name when you are felon? a pedo felon to top it all off and he didn't even change his name so why seek fame when in theory you should be modest? It doesn't make sense other than someone trying to relieve one of his stories just for the kicks. 
And the skeptics mostly claim this is a mask or costume, i doubt the guy made one as it isn't his trade so he probably bought it, if so then what's the commercial origin of it? i'm not saying there isn't a costume like that because i have not searched but these skeptics are just rabid mad to discredit anything without valid counter points and reputation hunting.
Replies: >>215 >>1911
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>West coast Canada was actually Mandarin territory all along
lol, but in a serious note they don't look very chinese yet it seems their tribe composition is based much more on clan structure rather than territory or race which is indeed very chinese. Has to be noted that the mongols and the han fucked the genetics of that area so they might as well looked a bit more brown like actual native americans.
Chinese migration to North America is controversial due to scientism but it's very plausible, natural sea currents travel from Northern China/Russian Kamchatka directly to Anchorage and then from there they go down to San Fag, Man Diego, all the way down to Cabos and then it either enters the Sea of Cortez in which loops between Guaymas/La Paz or goes down to Mazatlan until Soconusco (area with many pre-hispanic given names and symbols that sound/look chinese).

Injuns in the mexican California claimed to have rests of vessels from the other side of the ocean in some small towns, and many injuns there supposedly were more chinky than others (to this day some there definitely seem to be more on the yellow side). The majority of the natives there were genocided and churches burned in a federal war by the then-rival injun president who had a spite against the region (they were even independent from the country for a couple of years in their rage against the machine) and in the latter years the country sold some more territory (after losing most of it in the Mexican-American War) to avoid them altogether, which now compromises a good chunk of southern California and Arizona. 
Mexicans always treated the desert territories as it was a nuisance, something they paid dearly when Americans found giant gold mines and oil fields years later. Hell, even in WWII Mexico wanted to donate the rest of California to the jews so they could make their own colony, something that was received with widespread condemnation there (aka government agents were getting lynched) that ended up in some fruitless bans (one of the region's states had the injun swastika as their symbol and it was vanished) a bloodthirsty relationship to say the least with many history items lost to time.
Replies: >>215
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I actually haven't seen those photos before. I think it's pretty clear that's legit. As for the comparison to the other photo, it's clear this one has a much more cone shaped head. As far as masks go, try to find one online that looks like that, I won't hold my breath.
>they don't look very chinese
Dude what? I think I would know, I am partially of Coast Salish descent and have lived on a reserve. That's also why I know about the language and DNA studies linking us to fucking Beijing. Coast Salish people are literally an ancient Chinese migrant population. They even have the hats. Who do you think wiped out the Aryan Atlantean remnant that lived here before? I guess it can be hard to tell sometimes because of the radical miscegenation, since native women only like to marry White men.
Replies: >>216
>Dude what?
I saw other pics with the dudes looking Apache-like, those in your second and third pictures scream chinese but i would pin them more on the South Asian spectrum rather than the Northern Chink one (again, Han genes destroyed most of the mainland genes so i cannot say for sure). Fourth pic looks like a pale mutt (cool hat tho) and the last one looks like the usual pure breed plains/desert native americans, which are frankly very asian to be begin with. 
Still, genes are just half the story because language is just as important back then, if their spoken word has mandarin links then it's nigh impossible to deny their origin as "modern" asian migrants. Yeah i also wandered in some rez places but i'm not officially an injun although i can technically register as one, there's too many misconceptions about them but to be fair being lazy is not one of those, my kind simply are too demoralized to elevate collectively as everyone acts on their own without any regards to their fellow. 

>wiped out the Aryan Atlantean remnant
That's a very spicy topic that borders the wewuz territory, i can easily buy it as i fully believe in human history before the massive flood event yet most proof is gone or being actively destroyed by (((suspicious actors))). In North America the only thing i'm not sure about is the Anasazi people, the name means "adversary" and they were crafty architects and survivalists that "disappeared", some of their constructions trademarks like the roll doors can be linked only to Derinkuyu all the way with the Hittites in the Black Sea, although still "recent" compared to antediluvian which is at least 10k years. The Clovis arrow tips are odd and are near the flood era but the human buried there, Anzik, is DNA tested as siberian so a Bering man and not really a slippery Aryan.
The white genes in many injuns i can attribute to pre-Columbus expeditions like the nords but down in Peru there's some shenanigans that cannot be ignored like the clearly white kings they had for a while and that were overthrown by injundom but not genocided as many whites were still among them when the spaniards came around.
But we are grasping at mainland discoveries when we should be looking at underwater structures, most settlements should've been in the coastal areas and those were the first to take the hit of the fabled flood, the japs already discovered an unexplained underwater pyramid structure, Yonaguni, which has been blacklisted by science for decades at this point. I guess we are going a bit sideways with the big hairy people topic but if some animals and people crossed the Behring then it's plausible a hypothetical hominid not Sapiens crossed too, after all some extinct hominids date from the same era.
>>67 (OP) 
Wait a tick... the Patterson-Gimlin video happened in an October 20th and the audio encounter in >>207 was in an October 21th, almost a 5th anniversary back then and today is almost the anniversary of both of them, 53th and 48th.
The synchronicity is real my friends
Replies: >>219
It's worth noting that the P-G crew almost assuredly were lying about the date of the film. MK Davis is presents some pretty compelling arguments that the film was shot in the summer. Note also that the orange and yellow foliage in the film actually appears to be attached to dead and fallen trees.
Replies: >>220
That would be hilarious taking into account the story of the forest keeper who said they didn't see anything that day but when reading the news they went to the alleged site and found tracks near the place.
It might be a case of "those who search, find" but it does sound coincidental. Patterson had a pretty shady reputation but Gimlin seemed honest enough, he's always attributed for falling for it but he followed the damn thing later on, claims to never see anything strange and that he legitimately saw Pat trembling.
He should've shot the monkey but maybe he hesitated because of her monkey kid being near them. But honestly scientists are so bent to deny something strange happening that even if you made a bigfoot massacre and dumped the bodies in a laboratory they would claim something else. Yet bigger hoaxes are written in history as facts.
Replies: >>221
You're a funny guy. I take it you don't believe in the "massacre theory"?
Replies: >>222
>I take it you don't believe in the "massacre theory"?
Oh boy what did i step on, what is that? searches only give me the Royal Nepalese incident and Sandy Hook.
Been out of the /x/ loop for a very long time, please excuse any ignorance regarding that
Replies: >>224
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I think it's the best explanation for the otherwise anomalous existence of the PG film. In short:
>glow in the dark canadians who already had bigfoot hunting experience accompany patterson and gimlin, or maybe the other way around
>capture young bigfoot, don't know how
>tie it up
>open fire on bigfoots as they try to retrieve the young one
>the young bigfoot and up to 5 others are killed
>this is when patty was recorded and why she behaved so strangely, walking in the open, she had nothing left to lose
>normally female bigfoots are never seen and always accompanied by a male 
>p&g collaborated to record the creatures, possibly working for the us gov
>some remains are kept other are dumped in a pit to be disposed of later
>they lie about the timing of events, why they were there, and many other details
There is a whole lot more to it, obviously, but I only recently became aware of this whole controversy recently and I'm not sure I can do the issue justice.
>theory starts gaining exposure a few years ago
>north american ape controlled opposition turbo faggots come reeeeeeeeing out of the woodwork claiming it's anudda shoah
>as far as I can tell, a bunch of videos sympathetic to the massacre theory get nuked by youtube as part of the recent q purge
>the "massacre debunked" videos are still up
>I only learn this an hour ago when I started to reply to this post and tried to find a certain interview to post
I'll post a few more times ITT but I'm going to be taking a break soon.
Replies: >>226
Some websites for more bigfoot research, for the interested.



>the "massacre debunked" videos are still up
That's how yidtube operates, same goes with oven logistics in german camps.
That's an interesting theory but there must have been a whistleblower or pesky forest keeper to cast light on it because that's a pretty specific and controversial take on an already divisive event as the PG film.
>north american ape controlled opposition
I don't know why i laughed so hard at that, there's always an "open-minded" group trying to maintain an overly skeptic status quo so people just think it's a "lol random event bro" instead of an actual widespread phenomenon.

If you are to believe the larpers, and honestly at some point the rugged injun medicine men who explore their rez, both of these openly talk about skinwalkers/shapeshifters at some level (a taboo topic to mention out loud even if you are not a native descendant) yet flip flop or reserve :^) their opinions regarding the sasquatch/yowie, they either know much more than they claim so talking about it as a hearsay makes them feel uncomfortable or they regard a giant hairy dude doing normal things as fishing and picking wood, minding his own business, to be more taboo than a literal mindless witcher who hurts hitchhikers and can transform in wild animals, and even some people, at will.

There is indeed something going on at some level, those in the know prefer talking about most anything else than the super ape, maybe they are getting intimidated by a higher power's displays of wrong think or they've seen something too loonie to tell about in a serious way like they think it deserves. I mean i can believe that, in my town there's literal dozens of people from a neighborhood who have attested seeing gnomes at night doing gnomes things yet you would be hard pressed to find that info online or even get a response from somebody without first knowing them.
Replies: >>227
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>indians not talking about bigfoot
I haven't experienced this, but I'm on the other side of the fence I suppose. Absolutely no one on the native side of my family, including extended family treats the existence Bigfoot as anything other than something to be taken for granted. It's seen as something to consider when/if you go in to the woods or an isolated area and to leave them alone. I've been told stories from the time I was a teenager. Supposedly back in the 30's there was one that used to wait for the men to leave to go fishing then break into the cellar at night and gorge itself on whatever it could find, while the women and children huddled inside the house and shit bricks as the thing's smell permeated the house. That's just an example, no one would ever question the veracity of such a story, and there are many more.
Webm related is all I can scrounge up for now regarding the massacre theory, video wise. I might be able to dig up a couple more odds and ends.
Replies: >>366 >>855
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Replies: >>855
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>leave for a month
>no new posts
I may have discovered something interesting about Bigfoot's feet.
Also here's a weird gif. The way it moves looks very wrong, but that's interesting, If I wanted to put out a fake clip it wouldn't look like this.
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Potentially relevant, though it's worth noting that David Paulides seems to deny that the Missing 411 phenomenon is related to Bigfoot.
Replies: >>632
The question would be what exactly Bigfoot(s) would require humans for. Assuming they don't just kill humans purely out of spite.
Replies: >>647 >>653
Food (only some groups are cannibalistic apparently) or sex. As noted earlier, many Indian tribes, specifically Canadian ones, have had problems with them kidnapping their women for hundreds of years. 
Possibly some particularly cranky ones might kill us for various reasons related to taboo and territory violations. Rule of thumb seems to be the farther north one goes in North America the nastier their temperament gets. 
I've have also heard that in their language humans are called "the Evil People".
Replies: >>664
But would you fuck a sasquatch?
Replies: >>669
Because I would.
Depends on how they look (and more importantly smell) like. Although I could imagine getting a hug from one might not even be physically unpleasant if the fur is soft enough.

>tfw no ara Sasquatch that mistakes you for frail runt and instinctively mothers you
Replies: >>670
I've had some very surreal and sometimes disturbing dream/sleep paralysis incidents involving "physical" contact, specifically a "hug" with a Bigfoot, but I have refrained from posting any of my dream experiences because it's so easy to dismiss as "just a dream bro". 
Also see the screencap "Eurasian Bigfoot" in >>147
I'd fuck a lg sasquatch.
>In Europe, Bigfoots are called giants or trolls, but it's the same thing. 
Its fucking not. Giants are big humans and forces of nature, not hairy man-apes. The word troll in ancient Nordic Germanic actually had the meaning of (evil) magican/wizard and the creature we know as trolls comes from the demonization of these pagan practices by christianisation.
Replies: >>683
It's exactly the same thing. Bigfoots are big humans and forces of nature. They absolutely have abilities that might be classified as magic such quasi-invisibility, weather control, astral projection and more, and natives have always said all of this. They are considered as being "in between"  the spirit and material worlds and freely able to move back and forth. Evil spirits and beings are older than dirt and older than Christianity so it's a bit odd to say that Christianity invented non-humans to demonise pagans.
Replies: >>684 >>688
Would that put them into the same category as (true) witches? As in, inherent forces of nature made manifest in a humanoid costume?
Replies: >>696
>It's exactly the same thing.
They are not, you just want it to be because it would fit your narrative.
>Bigfoots are big humans and forces of nature.
Here is the problem. Giants aren't just big humans they are fucking gigantic, bigger than the fucking trees and depending on the story big enough to step over lakes.
>They absolutely have abilities that might be classified as magic such quasi-invisibility, weather control, astral projection and more, and natives have always said all of this. 
Thats a bunch of palor tricks compared to what giants do in most European Mythologies.
>They are considered as being "in between"  the spirit and material worlds and freely able to move back and forth. Evil spirits and beings are older than dirt and older than Christianity so it's a bit odd to say that Christianity invented non-humans to demonise pagans.
And here is the next problem, neither giants or trolls are betwenn the spirits and the material world. In the idea of pagan european beliefs they are worldy beings, because the idea of a seperate spiritual and material world developed later during Late Antiquity. You also didn't get what I meant, when I spoke about the troll being a creation of Christian demonization. Before christianity the word "troll" literally mean just a normal human wizard who can do you harm with magic, not a hairy monster that lives in the woods. After Christianisation the word became more and more negative until it meant the creature we know today of as the troll. This mirrors a process in other European countries and it's no suprise that the demons of Christianity often look just like evil versions of pegan fertility gods.Pagan "evil spirits" look distinctivly different from Christian demons, because Pagan demons are usually based off of scary animals like snakes, worms, wolfs, lions, raptors and so forth.
Replies: >>690
We may be talking past each other. Do you believe that giants and or trolls were actually, physically real, objectively existing beings 
living as represented by European folklore? If not, this conversation is pointless.
Replies: >>691
>Do you believe...
It is not a question of believing, but a question of knowledge. The swedish folk ballad "Hr. Mannelig" is not about a female Bigfoot proposing marriage to a knight. Also when studying the Germanic Runes one sooner or later learns that there is a lunar calendar from the astrological age of Aries inside the Elder Futhark and you can basically map the entire Germanic Mythology onto the celestial and metrologic events of a year in Europe. The Frost Giants the germanic god Thor is fighting aren't Bigfoots with cryogenic suits, he is acting in his role as fertility god removing the remnants of winter. Equally when the fire giant Surtr burns the world at the end of Ragnarök, it isn't Bigfoot chosing the nuclear option. And the word troll was used by scandinavian christians as a demeaning slang for pagans and as such real "trolls" actually existed in history as physically real, objectively existing beings. Your argumentation that tales of hairy apelike monsters in America plus tales of hairy apelike monsters in Eurasia equals bigfoots being a global phenomenon is simply stupid as it only takes the most superficial similarities they have in common and ignores that if you look at them with more detailed knowledge they are not even closely the same.

There is an actual basis for the existance of cryptids living on the American continent, because the geography of the continent allowed species to avoid the Ice Ages by travelling south. In Europe a lot of species went extinct because the Alps and the mediterranean sea blocked southwards travel for most animals.
Replies: >>695
Why must you be such a faggot? Just answer the damn question. You're not telling me anything I don't know already. I'm probably not talking about fucking Surtr, or other Greek Mythology tier quasi-religious shit. Midgardsormr doesn't refer to an actual snake wrapped around the planet, but you're being deliberately obtuse because you think I'm we wuzing European culture and you're being a delicate homo about it, ignoring yeti, yowie, and other clearly related creatures and the implications thereof. If Europe doesn't have a bigfoot analog, it's the single exception to the rule out of all inhabited continents. But it clearly does. This fucking pisses me off. You know as well as I that there are many stories large, sometimes hairy, man shaped beings in European folklore. The almasty for one. Consider that perhaps maybe, just possibly similar stories with differences in the details around the world are referring to the same thing, changed by cultural interpretation or because of regional variations of species.
You remind me of those people who insist that stories about dogmen and werewolfs can't possibly be referring to the same entity, and will bring up some specific folklore minutiae of the French countryside to "prove" it, while ignoring the fact that it's clearly the same fucking thing being described. 
The "cryptid" explanation for bigfoot is stupid. Bigfoot is not an ape. The cryptid idea in general is stupid, large animals cannot evade decades of dedicated searching. It's a mechanism for committed materialists who want an excuse to be interested in fringe topics and weird stories.
Replies: >>710
Maybe. I don't know enough about "true witches" to say. Not that I have bigfoot figured out.
>The "cryptid" explanation for bigfoot is stupid. Bigfoot is not an ape. The cryptid idea in general is stupid, large animals cannot evade decades of dedicated searching
Absolutely nonsensical. I don't know what you think people have been doing to try to find bigfoot, but you certainly seem to think that there are/were well funded expert trackers who turned over every leaf of the entire pacific northwest USA in an inescapable search pattern seeking our big, hairy, scary Human friends/foes. There has never been "dedicated searching" of the scale and accuracy to justify your "bigfoot is obviously a spooky ghost" notion. I am currently contacting my network of witches, spirit mediums, demonologists and transcendent communicators and putting them on your trail, bud, enjoy your infinite hexes, curses, bad juju, imbalanced chakras and dirty ki.
Replies: >>716
You don't know what you're talking about. "Sqatching" has been a cottage industry since the late 60's thanks to PG, and there is a whole subculture of redneck hunters who have been trying kill one (and actually some of them have supposedly succeeded, but bad shit happens to them) for fame, revenge, a trophy or just because they think they can.
Tons of bigfoot searchers have been using drones and thermal to look for them. 
Regardless, that's all besides the point. The existence of bears (large omnivores, similar to the ape theorist's conception of bigfoot) is not controversial. We don't even have to go looking for them, they'll come rummaging through your garbage in broad daylight and bigfoot would too if it was a "cryptid". Cryptids (that is, animals so elusive that their existence is controversial, excepting marine life) are bullshit, all of them.
The are a bunch of glow in the dark fags who want to keep the true nature of bigfoot in the dark because the real story would require a complete rewrite of human origins, and even some aspects of "physical reality". That's why mainstream bigfoot organisations push the now discredited ape theory, and why bigfoot tv shows are allowed to exist. There are thousands of bigfoot encounters a year (even what's reported is just a fraction of encounters since most keep it to themselves), so keeping the whole subject under wraps impossible. A false narrative is therefore required by whoever has been running things to keep our fake history from imploding. As I've said before in this thread, government acknowledgement of bigfoot is effectively "alien" disclosure. Bigfoot sighting locations are often UFO hotspots. "Aliens" aren't little men from other planets either, they've been here at least as long as humans, probably longer.
>Looks like a monkey
>Doesn't have a job
Replies: >>731
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>types like a monkey
>doesn't have a job
Replies: >>734
>writes like a faggot edgelord
>married a kike
>died in poverty
Replies: >>735
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>When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shap'd at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next design'd;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Fill'd it with vice, and call'd the thing a Nigger.
Stay mad, fool.
Replies: >>746
>writes this
>dies in poverty
>still dead
>still poor
Replies: >>747 >>748
>implying Lovecraft is dead
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>he's still posting
>still mad for being called out as rapefugee cuckchan invader
>he thinks pointing out that a man born in the 19th century being dead is somehow relevant
Are you actually a mad nigger? Also how is this relevant to bigfoot?
Replies: >>750
Keep raging newfag.
Replies: >>751
>"I-I-I'm not mad y-y-you're mad!" Anon blurted out, in between heated sobs. His cheeks burning with indignant shame.
Replies: >>754
>stutterposting gay fanfic
MAXIMUM assrage. I'm sorry your favorite shit author is dead, anon. There's still dreck being shit out on a daily basis today, more than ever, go find the new Lovecrap and stop babyraging.
Replies: >>755 >>764
You are a big gay and your posts are off topic.
>He screeched louder and louder, pants thoroughly soaked.
Just started reading Tribal Bigfoot by David Paulides. I will probably post a synopsis after I'm done.
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Still reading, Paulides' writing is very dry, you can tell he's an ex-cop. The book generally focuses almost entirely on a few counties in northern California, but there is no lack of material for all that. I've got around a 120 or so pages left. There is some pretty interesting stuff, the "Cain" angle caught my eye, as one might expect, as did any very old accounts. 
The illustrations are done by a forensic artist who interviewed witnesses. Of particular note are the images with hair removed, as this is something that forensic artists are specifically trained for this (for obvious reasons).
Replies: >>847 >>854
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I finished Tribal Bigfoot quite a while back. This book should probably be considered required reading for those truly interested in large hairy men, but will probably deter the casual reader with it's dry, police report style. There is quite a bit on the rape issue towards the end, including an episode very similar to the Albert Ostman adventure, which went unmentioned, to my surprise. 
An easier read, which is much more speculative in nature and emphasises the "high strangeness" aspect of Bigfoot is PDF related, Monsterland. I'm attaching this one because I feel that some of the seemingly wilder theories explain the anomalous aspects of Bigfoot (i.e. why hasn't he or can't he be captured or killed and exhibited). Basically we should conceptualise this entity as a being more advanced than us, not less, appearances and meticulously crafted narratives to the contrary notwithstanding.
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>all of these who got the sword by (((gold))) prospectors.
>Popper was born in 1857 to a Jewish family
Replies: >>851 >>854 >>857
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Interesting. I wonder what their "unusual ritual practices" that "frightened the colonisers" were. I have this related screencap from a while back.
Replies: >>852 >>1183
Aren't the pyramids just regular mountains?
Replies: >>853 >>1183
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You may choose to believe so. That is the (((official))) narrative after all.
Replies: >>859
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Looking at those pictures of Ona indians kind of blew my mind, I had no idea that such photos existed. It's amazing how much these people look like hairless Bigfoot. Compare the man to the hair removed sketch of the Ed Masten sighting >>806 and the woman to pic related.
This is why I have been saying you can't get hung up on whether folklore giants have thick body hair or not. If that Ona man had hypertrichosis like in >>110, what would even be the difference him and a Bigfoot? Only the paranormal aspects and greater lean mass of Bigfoot would remain to set him apart.
Replies: >>859
Hey there, forgot i even posted in this thread until i saw the audio of Bigfoot, sorry for the long wait.
>the existence Bigfoot as anything other than something to be taken for granted
While i have been in contact with a couple of rez i am not considered an injun due to lol no welfare papers and not knowing that many people inside so they rarely talk openly about strange stuff other than UFOs, the Cow Killer (basically the Chupacabra) and the witches/warlocks. The one i remember knowing that delved in the paranormal only said Carlos Castaneda was a massive fraud, always laughed at that so that's the only thing i remember.
The only thing we have related to the big guy is the Mogollon Man, affectionately known by those who tell the tale (for kids to not go to the forests in the sierra) as "the negro", usually eating deer venison before spotting kids playing in the river, but after all this is told in the same vein as one would tell the tale of Red Hood.
>Webm related
Now that is interesting, the fact you had a hard time finding anything means something was scrubbed hard.
Although i have my doubts towards the red print thing, an image with such a boost in contrast might color cast in many ways, under the fallen tree there's even blue. But it does look like a dog pawn, but it is only one after all.
>Excavated area
I don't recall northern california forests having that much clay in the soil to tint a water spot that red but i can see it happening, but he does have a point that a creek should not have such a deep spot if it had a recently running water body soon-ish before.
>Dog chasing sasquatch
That one i do have my strong emotions towards it, dogs are brave and could be even trained to attack tanks if ruskies are to be believed (they do chase cars sometimes) but a dog "trained" to attack the one thing injuns say no animal would get near anywhere is a big declaration, yeah one could say it's a dog specially trained for anglo leaf yowi killers but that's a sizeable leap towards the idea.

Well that kinda gives context
>Very vicious, crazed dog that could track Sasquatch
That man sounds as hard to believe as the giant apes themselves, at least from my point of perspective about what goes to train attack dogs. But let's suppose that kind of unique dog (and trainer) exists.
>Problem-sasquatch eliminators for timber corporations
Some real hard Clearcut vibes here, except timber leafs killing apes rather than an injun killing timber leafs.
>Problem Child 'quatch going at the stake used to ambush the braves, shot butchered and scalped them
Well that does sound wholly anglo in nature. But selling a reel about the aftermath of the whole thing as part of a deal, like you say probably documenting it for glowniggers, sounds counter productive if anything, that's like selling proof of something you are trying to hide.

As a sidenote i saw an old memeberg image with the reference towards "bigfoot massacre", image was old for our IB standards so it means it should have a baggage in the internet so it wasn't a "new" thing.
Replies: >>856
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>9 months later
Anyway, yes the massacre theory is interesting. I lean towards it being the real story, but I'm not totally convinced beyond all doubt either. Specifically Bobbie Short (who is where a lot of this came from) seems pretty flaky to me in some ways. 
>Now that is interesting, the fact you had a hard time finding anything means something was scrubbed hard
There were a lot videos scrubbed, interestingly youtube chose to do this under cover of their purge of q-anon videos. There were a number of interviews that I had watched previously that I wanted to post here that were deleted. It never occurred to me that they would go after Bigfoot stuff so I didn't bother to download them.
>selling a reel about the aftermath of the whole thing as part of a deal, like you say probably documenting it for glowniggers, sounds counter productive
I agree, but there may have been disagreements or different objectives among the group. There are a lot of strange circumstances around the film.

Regarding dogs, there are tons of accounts of them attacking or acting aggressively towards Bigfoot. It's not as common as cowering or running away, but it is reported to happen. I've had an encounter (one of a few, I lived in a tent on an abandoned logging road for months at one point) with a dog present and it bolted and left me behind, which was abnormal behaviour, to say the least. I wouldn't mention it all because I have reasons for not wanting to post about my own experiences, but I guess it's pretty relevant.
Replies: >>857
>Popper was born in 1857 to a Jewish family
Of course, the Desert Conquest of Argentina is famous for its treachery and debauchery, there's also the whole famous story of argentinians using a bunch of africans to do the dirty work of killing hardened injuns along with eliminating some european settlers squatting on good land, in exchange they would give them some of the land conquered. After pulling most of the job they were recalled to a valley, got ambushed and were executed en mass.
Argentina is also the country with the most jews in latin america so no surprise there, if anything surprised the NatSocs used the northern parts of the country as refuge despite the amount of potential snitches, something that did happen as Eichelmann was snitched out later. I would've gone with Venezuela or Peru who were axis-friendly and had tons of german/italians already but oh well, guess they wanted something close to Antarctica.

>I lived in a tent on an abandoned logging road for months at one point
Did you post about that? because i recall an anon in the webring who lived in a "tent" on the wilderness but he posted from there too and posted pics of it.
>9 months later
:^) , but seriously i did quit IBs for a while and returned but only stuck in the cafe, just checked here because i was bored. Not very confident in Zzz but nothing strange has happened in months so fair play so far.
Replies: >>858
>Did you post about that? because i recall an anon in the webring who lived in a "tent" on the wilderness but he posted from there too and posted pics of it.
No, that's not me, I've never mentioned it or posted pics before.
>i did quit IBs for a while
I need to get offline for a while myself.
Replies: >>1183
Well yeah, but pyramid tips do happen. But not in this size.
>Looking at those pictures of Ona indians
>It's amazing how much these people look like hairless Bigfoot.
Yeah the indians look off and kind of burly. The simmilarities are striking.
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An allegedly debunked photo.They claim some of the plants are duckweed, and therefore the figure is a miniature, but I have seen similar plant growth in water before. Claims of debunking, or "taking credit" for supposed hoaxes should be subject to as much scrutiny as the original claims, if not more.
Replies: >>1095
What bugs me about this one (aside from the shitty resolution - god forbid anyone ever take a Bigfoot pic on something better than a stale potato) is the 'border' just above the creature's left shoulder. It looks as if it was standing in front of a wall with painted-on water and undergrowth.
Replies: >>1096
>complaining about resolution on a 26 year old photo
Resolution isn't the problem, it's the scan quality. Personally I think the image is fantastically clear despite the shitty scan. It's film, not digital.  
The guy who took the photo sells access (not copies, but access) to the original and is apparently quite litigious, which is why you can generally only find low quality versions online.
I believe the "border" (assuming I'm looking at the same thing as you) is just a shadow on the water from a tree.
Replies: >>1097
>The guy who took the photo sells access (not copies, but access) to the original

That's an immediate red flag as far as I'm concerned. If this really was a cryptozoologist, he wouldn't put access (not actual copies, just access!) to the supposed photos behind a paywall.
It's more or less the same as with the Starchild Skull or the Atacama Mummy - both of which were heavily monetized by their respective owners, and both of which eventually turned out to be nothingburgers in regard to their supposed alien origin. Although the Atacama Mummy at least was interesting due to being a clusterfuck of genetic mutations.
Replies: >>1098
I'm a bit conflicted in that point. I generally think that trying to make money off of bigfoot is somewhat shady and perhaps a little unwise, but on the other hand, we all have to make a living somehow and if you're passionate about something why not make a career out of it? It's not as if we expect mainstream researchers like archaeologists or historians to work for free. 
It may also be worth noting that he doesn't claim to have taken  the photo himself but that he bought it from a park ranger.
Here's an article that's relatively fair and balanced: http://sasquatchresearchers.org/blogs/bigfootjunction/2015/07/26/cliff-crook-falsely-accused-by-the-bfro/
It's not perfect since they make some hasty conclusions regarding other photographs in the set, disregarding the possibility of multiple cameras, or deliberate "after the fact" hoaxing cover-up.
I'm not saying that it's impossible for the photograph to illegitimate, but I think genuine bigfoot photographs are more common than anyone thinks, even in the "bigfoot community". It's probable that there are some fakes in this thread for example, but I think the majority of photos are genuine bigfoot.
Replies: >>1099
Applying Occam's Razor, this could all be cleared up immediately if Mr. Crook could just be bothered to name the ranger who sold him the photos. Assuming that ranger is still alive, or Crook hasn't magically forgotten his name or identity.

>It's not as if we expect mainstream researchers like archaeologists or historians to work for free.
These usually DO distribute their findings for free. What you are paying for is the journal which in turn publishes (and usually peer-reviews) these findings.
If Mr. Crook (seriously, that's an unfortunate name) wants to make a living off his hobby, he could do so selling various memorabilia - which he already does. Without potential evidence - especially when you use other pics as bait - just stinks to the high heaven.

On an unrelated note, I find it hysterical that this entire drama is between a "Crook" and a "Moneymaker". I think I'm starting to see a pattern in self-termed Bigfoot experts here.
Replies: >>1102
I fail to see how naming the Ranger (who clearly didn't want publicity and could be dead by now anyway, if he ever even existed) clears up anything at all. 
>I find it hysterical that this entire drama is between a "Crook" and a "Moneymaker"
Yes, rather amusing.
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Depiction of a yeti. I'm trying to find the uncropped version. No luck so far but I did find a bunch of cool Djinn.
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The Djinn. May be relevant to this thread.
Replies: >>1183
6 months now, got off IBs again but one does always come back.
With all the Himmler shenanigans one would think he went chasing after Antediluvian people, including very old hominids. Hell, he did go to the Southwest injuns several times to the point of doing an intrigue with some mexican states and the U.S. for hiding germans.
If one could take a sneek peek at the technical Himmler papers, Serrano did have some info on it but he went the high mysticism route with it. Some of us want the dry reports.
There's way too many suspicious things going on there, unreported landing areas for planes well constructed, big groups of vents near, leaked data that shows tons of human activity underneath big parts including such area, the Rothschild Island, the Pope going there for no reason, etc.
That's another topic have to say, probably a super computer of some sort or ZOG taking hold of the special cave complex the germans attested to see around Nu Swabia.
Also worth mentioning some upper agency changing some coordinates for an Australian plane that took flights to Antartica for many people, presumably including other agencies, to take photos of the region. Coordinates took it straight into a mountain face first.
Always saw the Djinn was interdimensional visitors ala Crowley's friends, taking into account they were said to grant special requests (hence Genie-Djinn).
Replies: >>1184 >>1187
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Djinn are a very complex topic on their own, so I don't really want to get into the weeds on them, but just consider what is being depicted here.
Bigfoot is an interdimensional creature.
The creature on the left looks just like a native depiction (a mask) that I saw in a museum once.
Replies: >>1185
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>Bigfoot is an interdimensional creature
Is it? it's possible but it might as well be a normal one albeit highly skilled at evasion.
>native depiction (a mask) that I saw in a museum once
They do look like a mask similar to what southwest injuns depict big dudes and the mogollon monster although i think they use that mask in the (christian) religious processes to depict either Samson or really wretched jews like Caiaphas.
They also, in other processions, depict old figures like visitors in their history, sometimes resulting hilarious depictions.
Replies: >>1186
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>is it?
There are some materials in this thread to attest to that. But there is so much more. Tibetans use yeti hair as a means to enhance magic, as do natives with bigfoot hair. The correlation between ufo hotspots and bigfoot sightings is relatively well known. Less well known are reports of bigfoots turning into orbs. I believe the book Monsterland has something on this. The many paranormal abilities of bigfoot also attest to it's nature, such as telepathy, cloaking, possible weather manipulation, limited shapeshifting, ability to imitate any sound or voice combined with perfect ventriloquism and astral projection. That''s just off the top of my head. There have been many sightings of bigfoot behind a tree that should be too thin to conceal the being, but the creature is visible only on one side of the tree. 
Many people claim to be able to repel them with prayer.
For myself, I know bigfoot is real and have some idea of their nature, but I don't want to bring in my own experiences, for various reasons. Mostly they are easily dismissed by those who don't know better, and I want to avoid potentially doxxing any individual bigfoots since the JWO doesn't seem to like them. I know that's a stretch but even so, the point remains.
Replies: >>1189
That's fucked up. Got any source on this?
Replies: >>1189
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>Tibetans use yeti hair as a means to enhance magic, as do natives with bigfoot hair.
While i have read such things they do also use cat hair and reptile blood, which are supposedly normal animals too.
>telepathy, cloaking, possible weather manipulation, limited shapeshifting, ability to imitate any sound or voice combined with perfect ventriloquism and astral projection
I think the subject can't be pinpointed but i would like to mention such things also happen with known entities that sometimes get confused with the Sasquatch, such as the Nahual/Skinwalker/Native American Warlock, expert ghillied' up hunters who can sing animal sounds, and regarding to telepathy i would say that's questionable due to its symptoms being freezing on the spot and them being able to know one is scared as hell which is also a natural reaction to seeing some absurdly strange and dangerous weird shit. Weather manipulation i take you mention it regarding search teams always finding bad weather after someone disappears, that can go both ways into the thing hunting amidst incoming rain clouds but i can't discard that cloudbusting skill.
Getting astral projected by a bigfoot that i don't remember at this moment. All these things put them on the same bad shit level than a demon or a tall grey (arguably the same thing by many) but these don't get as reported, it would be talked much often rather than just some dudes seeing a giant hairy dude who moves fast as hell often in the woods.

>Many people claim to be able to repel them with prayer
That's just demons at this point, i think in this thread there was a video of a dude wandering in a park's parking lot and checking on a bush that is getting rabid sasquatch noise but also emanating a red light and i think it also stank to high hell. 
I have heard a couple of stories, one from a indisputable source to my moral person, about usually urban entities appearing deep inside the woods, said things being tall thin pale-colored dark bug-eyed figures just lurking around water creeks, if you think the things people call greys are demons them there you go, not only the 'Quatch is going to get your butt at camping but also demons and the usual drunken injun warlock turning from an owl into a wolf then into a deer then into an injun vomiting.
Yeah i don't mind, security reasons are valid especially if your experience was very specific but do take into consideration one might be also experiencing another kind of shit. Let's remember that dude who famously saw and talked with greys/demons in the 70's (also the source for that famous portrait session that became the cover art for the book Communion) did experience such things in a cabin deep inside the woods and initially confused it with local folk stories. Same can be said about Crowley and his Led Zeppelin shack in front of a river.
If you also believe that Lacerta thing then it's the same thing, an entity that came out from a hole in the middle of nowhere got puzzled by a very isolated cabin and went to visit the inhabitant although in that case by shapeshifting as a woman just to troll with him.

Mount Erebus incident, it's a well-known incident back in the day but recently memory holed a bit when talking about Antarctica and travels over there.
It can also be noted that the initial investigator, Ron Chippindale, is suspected to be what we call a glownigger due to his notable appearances in other controversial incidents with also controversial initial conclusions. 
In this case he deduced that the pilots got confused by a visual phenomena and went into the mountain, some judge soon after dived into it independently and discovered Ron had jumped tons of information and procedures, dude made his reports known nationally and presented that Ron had seemingly completely ignored the flight plan, which was crucial as it showed the airliner (using direct access on several logs including mainframe) moving the coordinates without previous warning and logged them into the plane without the pilots knowing either, when these wanted to correct the trajectory it was too late as the plan made it that the plane had a soft and long constant descend so when they had to correct it would be very hard on the plane's dynamics, proof of this is that in the correction they managed to react rather quickly but couldn't get out of it on time.
Judge presented his appeal to clear blames along with shedding light that something happened at higher levels, 200+ evidence items presented but the court in London shut it down massively saying it couldn't be possible and that the previous initial report didn't include many of those items so they couldn't not be taken into account. Judge got massive popularity points in NZ/Australia and became soon a chief inquirer in sensible events but died of a sudden heart attack soon later, those inside the airliner who helped the guy were also terminated without justification while the upper heads got reshuffled into other airlines.

Chippindale went on to maintain his position albeit in a more low-profile way but was also participant in the reports of the Korean Flight 007, when korean pilots entered soviet airspace and got shut down, and another in the Mozambique crash when the negroe president and some soviet diplomatics belly crashed hard into a hill at night. In the former case he concluded the soviets had illegally shut down the airliner in international waters but later (quite some time later) it was concluded the plane had entered well into Kamchatka and while pretty drastic the soviets were free to take it down, also soviets were angered that the investigation ignored the maneuvers from the plane were belligerently evasive behavior from a military perspective despite Ron himself having been a military pilot. 

In the latter case Ron and other international investigators provided that the african pilots had misidentified the airport and landed a couple of kilometers behind the runway, a rookie mistake; later in an (another) independent review the pilots mention the runway had no lights turned on but the signaler was there and the clearance given, this shows the plane had a sure signal according to the airport, the recording boxes were in turn stolen by South African agents (with several witnesses, including unexpected unaided crash survivors) along with political papers from the soviet reunion. It was known that plane had made a drastic turn for some reason but it was ignored as the paper focused on the pilots not using official language and overall being very cowboy in their flying lingo, which made the soviets mad that the investigation ignored a sharp turn and the implications of double signals with one being a fake to make the thing land earlier. Years later, after South Africa got toppled by Apes, several gov operators claimed they used a false beacon signaler in the rural parts of the country to signal the plane that the runway was well behind and in an obtuse angle that provided the sharp turn, crashed and then send a signal to another team waiting to extract relevant items/check death toll.
Ron kept his posts despite erratic results in context of the events taken place, went into be more low-profile after the cold war and when he retired became a lecturer but was shortly killed in a freak accident when a 18yo boot camp dude rammed his car into him in a morning stroll. 
Fun fact: The Judge of the Erebus disaster review, known by then as a tough investigator linked to travel accidents, died two months before the Mozambique crash and weeks later after said African-Soviet summit was announced.
Replies: >>1192 >>1193
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Interesting stuff, I've never heard of it
Plan crashes are absolutely terrifying imo. Sounds like a direct sabotage but wouldnt have been easier to just shut down the whole fly program? unless they wanted a real shock for the public eye giving it a justified reason to cancel it
Replies: >>1194
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Very interesting stuff regarding the crash. It's stunning how pervasive the corruption in this world is. Good post.
Too tired to elaborate on the many points you bring up in connection with bigfoot right now but I plan to do so soon. Have an interesting pic in the mean time.
Replies: >>1194
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>wouldnt have been easier to just shut down the whole fly program?
It would've made it more suspicious to have "something" prohibit Antarctica flights despite being neutral/nothing-happens-here grounds (especially when said flights were successful) while a crash would've send a clear signal, especially when some of the execs at the top got moved to other airlines who had southern ocean access too.
>a real shock for the public eye
Also this, the blame on the visual phenomena (whiteout) was pushed hard and people got scared, the famous judge disregarded that by saying pilots have the ability to fly with instruments only so there was no reason, then he found the logs and shit hit the fan. 
Still to this day the whiteout thing is more heard of than the actual "fly into mountain" flight plan because the latter thing gets mentioned just slightly at the end of those programs about aerial disasters, another point that Discovery Network/History Channel/Time Warner are just obfuscators because like nowadays, the story that hits first is the one getting pushed forever and the one kept in people's minds, for example in daily life recently people still believe the "it came from bat stew" pandemic thing. 

I do recommend a tiny read on the corpse recovery thing, good story despite its grim nature... still, poor sods inside that can but at least they didn't suffer like the korean flight lol (10 minutes riding inside a roofless jet with tons of G forces in freezing temperatures while injured by fragments from fuselage and missile explosion), that case was also a mess but the thing that strikes me is that the bodies were not found, the soviets did secret missions to find the boxes and sensitive stuff before the americans yet even in their top secret KGB memos they mention they didn't see corpses, no divers both civilian or military mention the same thing in disclosure banter talks after the USSR went down, they simply didn't find anything but mention that something "pretty big" had already moved the debris and cleaned out.
Of course have to say most probably they did clean more thoroughly before, the memos seen are just the ones released to the public, they probably went full retard trying to hide the fact like some say americans successfully did with the Indonesian plane near Diego Garcia base.

What if bigfeet are crippled/disabled giants with hypertrichosis that the giant community didn't want but ended up being the only modern descendants? kinda like how many human societies shunned out the disabled and the odd-looking.
I lean more towards the overly tall injun story like the patagonians seemed to be but one does never know for sure.
Replies: >>1196
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>korean flight
Fucking brutal. I looked it up and rumor goes there were actual glowniggers inside the plane, so it wasn't entirely and "accident" but who knows, we may never know. 
heh, unrelated but speaking of.
That airplane accident reminds me of the ARA San Juan case. An argie submarine went missing in the atlantic with 44 people inside on november 2017.  Seeing how the submarine had only 1 week worth of oxygen, the efforts for finding it (in which 13 countries were involved) was given up after 2 weeks. The wreckage was found exactly a year later by the private company Ocean Infinity, (involved in the Malaysian airplane disappearance). The remains were found 2976 ft underwater. Allegedly the defective snorkel and batteries caused an explosion inside the submarine, causing it to sunk and implode due to the pressure. 
Theory goes the submarine went inside british territory (see falklands) by accident and it got shut down. Backed up by the fact that anglos are strengthening their military presence in the island and their current relationship with argentina after the war. The silence and straight up lies from the minister of defense and the president himself gave the suspicion of something fishy going on, like an intention to avoid a potential international conflict. Truly a shitshow
The government also refuses to retrieve the remains of the wreckage. A shame because the corpses are still inside and I'm wondering what they looked like at the time they were found
Replies: >>1497
The eternal anglo at it, still wonder how Galtieri screwed that operation.
Also this time i replied "sooner" :^), haven't been around that much but i refuse to stop using IBs
Scott died of supposed suicide earlier this month
Paulides made a video

Replies: >>1934
>Sightings when people need to purposefully carry heavy, slow, awkward video cameras into the wilderness, that produce low resolution, grainy video: lots
>Sightings when people have instant access to high quality video capture with 99% availability with multiple redundancies in a group: fuck all
Replies: >>1934 >>1939
First case is everything pre-2005 when people liked to go inna woods
Second is most modern stuff when people don't go innawoods or do, record it and get forgotten
>with multiple redundancies in a group
Yeah, 5 hikers deep into a mountain with their cellphones out rather than checking water or where they are walking

>CGI clip
Window and room itself different from the pics, exposure and face lighting do not match but those can be variations of the CGI, meaning there's a model for it and the supposed hoaxer modelled another room with matching lighting conditions.
Then again where's the original assets then? the CGI clip maker came forward but provided no proofs and one can easily make such clip via the original pics themselves using a model and layering the skins on top with Ps and 3DMax.
Also 6 years later too? smells like glowniggery
Replies: >>1935
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Don't think so Tim.
>Yeah, 5 hikers deep into a mountain with their cellphones out
Redundancy doesn't mean they all have their phones out at the same time, dummy. It means the likelihood they all become nonfunctional is far rarer than a single piece of hardware running out of battery or being damaged.
Replies: >>1937
Consider me corrected then, it does prove more trips to national parks although who knows if they hike, second data site is more damning for sure.
There's still some videos going out of tall things walking around but nothing conclusive other than someone having a hairy back. 
But tech is definitely not high quality video if you don't have a physical zoom or a stabilization method via lens or body, most cellphones use wide angle FOV and a tiny sensor which zoom digitally and thus end up having a pixelated, blurry mess.
But i do agree, it's time someone records better footage of something but who knows, might get ignored like most anything.

The reason for this is the switch to digital photography. Film used to be made with silver which meant it would interact with paranormal entities, while digital media is only built to detect visible light. 

EVP was also common before the switch from analogue to digital.
Does anyone have that graph that shows that Bigfoot sightings spike when UFO sightings spike, showing a possible correlation that our furry friends are interdimensional?
Replies: >>2147
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What exactly do you think the big foot are? I don't know if this is the image you're looking for but I found this.
Replies: >>2148 >>2149
Unshaven mexicans
Not the same pic I had in mind, but it basically says the same thing. Is there a relationship between encounters with Grays and encounters with Bigfoot? Are they different visitors? It seems people have much more traumatic encounters with Grays than Bigfoot.
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