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Movie nights every Friday at https://cytu.be/r/OverlookTheater

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What are your favorite animated films? A lot of my favorite movies of all time are animated. Let's have a thread to discuss and post some of them.
>Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure
One of Richard Williams's (May he rest in peace) best work. A fun musical with great songs and great animation. My favorite song being No Girl's Toy. Such a shame it didn't do well in the box office.
>Heavy Metal
Anthology of stories involving a glowing green orb. The animation isn't amazing but it has that cool as fuck Heavy Metal Magazine feel to it. It's pretty great and has an great soundtrack. One of my favorite songs, Veteran Of The Psychic Wars features in this film. It has hot chicks too. There's a sequel but I haven't watched it and have heard it isn't as good.
>The Transformers: The Movie
What can I say? I grew up with Transformers and despite all of the film's flaws, It's one of my favorite action films ever made. It's just pure good fun. It has also one if not the best score in any film ever. The Touch, Dare. Instruments of Destruction and The Transformers theme are my go to at the gym.
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Kim Possible suffers from Kim Possible being the least interesting character in her own show. Even periphery characters like Bonnie have deeper characterization than the lead.  Kim Possible was a show carried by the strength of its villains.
Replies: >>661
I had also wanted to mention Samurai Jack, but I hadn't watched it much as a kid.  Revisiting it as an adult has been a pleasant surprise even if the action is somewhat neutered due to it being a kids show.

Quite a valid problem.  I'll have to see how I feel about it after I go back to it once I finish Samurai Jack.
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Heavy Metal is a great film for both its art and music. Veteran sounds like it was made entirely for the movie, and it's one of my top 10 albums.
With that being said, Heavy Metal 2000 is truly garbage. Shitty recycled plot, boring characters, and an ear-splitting soundtrack because metal by that time had become nu-metal, screaming, and growling, only made worse by being used in all the wrong places at the wrong times. For fuck's sake, the name of the fucking villain is Tyler. At least Julie was pretty hot but that's all we got out of it, that and the PC game which I need to finish playing.
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I watched the first episode and was quite impressed. I can't speak for the rest but very depressing.
Replies: >>1453
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Now.... finish it

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(You) are cordially invited to
A specially curated selection of video game movies will be played for your amusement. Some of them good, most of them bad, a handful so-bad-it's-good.
WHERE: https://cytu.be/r/vidyamovies/
WHEN: November 26 & November 27, 2022
Times are approximate and may be rounded up/down for convenience. Please arrive 10 minutes before the actual listed showtime. Each movie is followed by a 10 minute intermission.

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how to write interesting plot for movies
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>>1217 and how is this interesting.
Replies: >>1219
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It's hot which is as good as interesting.
Nowadays most movies have ugly women, so you could stand out by putting hot babes.
Everyone wins.
Replies: >>1220
>>1219 thats not even a plot...
Replies: >>1221
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Basically write any plot, stick it with hot babes and you're set for an interesting story.
Replies: >>1223
.... fine. Advice taken.

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yes i know but plz read
Ignoring the Marvel obsession and fanbase, are they really bad movies on their own? I've seen most of them (except Black Widow, Shang-Chi, and Eternals because I've mostly stopped caring) and there are only really two of them that I would consider "not good", those being Thor: The Dark World and Captain Marvel. However a lot of them do suffer from being very cookie-cutter: you get the same brand of humor, same cinematography, same general plotlines/story arcs, and that "le quirky sorandom lul" brand of humor that I have come to despise. But at the same time I still find them to be fun in a "turn off your brain" way and taking it for what they are. They're not trying to be deep, they're not trying to ask meaningful questions, just a lot of world building and seeing all these characters interact with each other just like in the comic books, and I think that's why I've enjoyed it so much, that you have this massive intertwined story that's never been done on film before.
Have you seen any of them? Did you like them? What pisses you off most about the whole series?
Replies: >>865
They're boring, which is the worst atrocity that any piece of media can commit. I kinda liked the ending of that one Spider Man movie where he gets Iron Man's shit at the end, because the idea is novel and Spider Man is one of the only capeshit characters that has a tangible personality that isn't just being a gigantic faggot. But the MCU Spider Man is shit so I haven't seen the sequel or anything.
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These movies are like sugary cereal. Unless you're a kid, a cup once in a while can be alright but eating it everyday will make you puke in agony.
As anon said, they're just really boring. They have the depth of 80s cartoons but are uninteresting to look at.
If I want background noise or turn my brain off, I'll just put on Seinfeld or some show from the 60s.
>>859 (OP) 
>Are they really bad movies on their own?
Depends on the movie.
Replies: >>1164
could you list some examples?
>plz read

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What films did you watch in school? We watched picrel
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Replies: >>1086 >>1088 + 2 earlier
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Who would've thought the gnahzees did a better job at High School comedy in 1944 than modern day anime/manga writers?
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>>759 (OP) 
We saw mostly religious films like Moses and safe cartoons in early school. A later film teacher was a big Kubrick/Gilliam nerd. I recall watching a few for English class, like Cool Hand Luke, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Guns of Navarone, more variety than film class. I just realized that. The deal with film class though is there were weeks devoted to a single film sometimes.
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>>759 (OP) 
Watched Romeo and Juliet (1968) in 9th grade english class after we read through the play. Probably most people are familiar with this version because we get a bit of tit and ass from the actress and actor, which of course everyone whistled about in class. Otherwise, would have preferred one of Shakespeare's comedies personally.

We watched Taxi (1998) and Les Boys (1997) in one french class, but I can't remember fuck all from either of them.

In my last year of high school, we watched The Matrix to discuss Jesus imagery. Otherwise, I took a documentary class later on in school and we watched When We Were Kings, a documentary about the Foreman/Ali match in Africa. I remember enjoying it, though the title certainly doesn't inspire confidence anymore.
>To Kill A Mockingbird
>Roman movie where they travel to the end of the world/northern united kingdom to recover an eagle banner lost in battle
there were definitely a lot more but I can only remember those for now
Replies: >>1144
found it, it was The Eagle

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General David Lynch thread as well, but mostly Twin Peaks. 

Halfway through Season 2, this is alright. The series feels like the most Lynch could get away with on network television. Enough weird shit going on to keep me engaged but far too much soap drama for my liking, there's 4 concurrent love triangles right now still counting Leo since he'll probably wake up.
Big pros are Dale Cooper, the One Armed Man and the visions Madeleine was getting a the start of the season. I assume there's more of the Giant and Black Lodge coming later in the season. Log Lady is neat, as is trying to figure out what the fuck Rosenfield's problem is. Hoping the Triad subplot goes somewhere soon.
Cons: Soap drama as mentioned. Actors for James, Bobby and Josie are a bit shite. Pace is slow, a great deal happened in the first and last episodes of season 1 with maybe another 4 episodes of that worth in the rest of the season. I assume network serials were paced like that at the time. Audrey is a strange and annoying character. Not out of place, but I don't care for here character I mean, she looks great in those skirts or here subplots.
I expected more backward talking midgets and premonitions from coffee cups than I've been getting. Such is what it had to be I suppose, but still wonder what the original script would have been like.
General thread questions
>How Lynch is Twin Peaks? Give free rein, what do 
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Replies: >>313 >>322 + 1 earlier
Some advice to take or leave
Watch Fire Walk with Me (duh perhaps) before s3, but don't expect a movie
comes off more like a prequel built from outtakes
wish MacLachlan wasn't so wary of typecasting and did whatever Lynch's original idea was
and don't expect anything at all from s3
>>309 (OP) 
Hey, I remember this show...maybe I should finish it some time. I remember going into this knowing nothing about it thinking that the detective guy was going to be the only normal one in the bunch, but it turned out that he was one of those eccentric detectives, or at least a bit odd. The town had it's fair share of relative strangeness but it was mostly a bunch of love triangles. I think I dropped it after or before I finished the first season. I can't into drama I guess. I didn't think it was bad and I'm not a huge critic but I found myself questioning the time I was spending watching it. The comfy setting also makes me uncomfy since it makes me yearn to be in a place like that but that might just be me.
>>309 (OP) 
Season 2 is the low point, save for a few episodes here and there. Season 3 is much better. You just have to slog through S2 to get to it.
I started it a while ago, but I have yet to finish it. I really like that feeling of discomfort that Lynch will put into his work. That scene with Leland bawling as he dances to swing music comes to mind. His use of time in that regard is also excellent. Think back to the scene where Cooper is shot in his hotel room. FOR FUCKS SAKE GO GET HELP YOU STUPID OLD MAN.
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I recently re-watched season one and two of Twin Peaks. This is my second complete re-watching of the series, though I have re-watched season one and some of season two prior to this. I gotta say, season one and up until the reveal in season two are both great. The middle of season two when Lynch left really drove me up the wall. It became pretty insufferable and, frankly, I wish the season had been shorter. Audrey losing her virginity to some random fuckboy is something I can't even believe they did. Annie really feels very void in her personality, and if you tell me it's because she was in  a convent and suffers from psychological distress, it just doesn't work for me. I've started season three, but it was so dark and depressing, I couldn't get into it (even though that may be the point).  I will try to take another gander in the future, but I'm pretty sure I'll be running that shit at 3x the speed.

>How Lynch is Twin Peaks? Give free rein, what do you think he would have changed?
Number one is that they wouldn't have revealed the superficial killer to be Leland. As the international pilot shows, it wasn't necessarily supposed to go that route. Number two, Lynch was a lot more explicit in his themes than he normally is, especially when the show was re-released with the log lady giving you a little intro at the beginning of each episode. If executives hadn't been breathing down hi
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Check for weekly movie nights.
Every Friday at 5pm PST - 8pm EST

At: https://cytu.be/r/OverlookTheater
T̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶a̶b̶l̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶w̶a̶t̶c̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶v̶i̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶n̶n̶e̶l̶ ̶r̶e̶m̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶i̶n̶s̶t̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶T̶a̶m̶p̶e̶r̶m̶o̶n̶k̶e̶y̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶G̶r̶e̶a̶s̶e̶m̶o̶n̶k̶e̶y̶ ̶d̶e̶p̶e̶n̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶b̶r̶o̶w̶s̶e̶r̶:̶ ̶h̶t̶t̶p̶s̶:̶/̶/̶c̶y̶t̶u̶.̶b̶e̶/̶g̶o̶o̶g̶l̶e̶_̶d̶r̶i̶v̶e̶_̶u̶s̶e̶r̶s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶
You no longer need the script to be able to watch movies.
Also post movie suggestions for future movie nights.
Last edited by billmurray
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I can't believe I forgot that today was Friday the 13th, again
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Now Playing: Hard Hunted
Replies: >>1017 >>1018
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>Metropolis (2001)
Robowaifu is best waifu

>Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Shat in her's space AIDS continue to spread rampantly

>Hello, My Name is Doris
Vextra's prime GILF fetish material

The B series has some good tits, but the women's faces really don't do it for me.
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>Metropolis (2001)
Robowaifu is best waifu

>Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Shat in her's space AIDS continue to spread rampantly

>Hello, My Name is Doris
Vextra's prime GILF fetish material

The B series has some good tits, but the women's faces really don't do it for me.

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>They found a way to continue to milk toy story after ending it with 4
Why is the trailer so "cinematic"? It feels more aimed to adults than kids.
The director is Angus MacLane which is known for animating a bunch of pixar films and co-directing Finding Dory. I haven't watched that though so I don't know if it's good or not.
It reminds me as well that buzz lightyear of star command exist but I haven't watched that either.
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Replies: >>771 >>1012 + 3 earlier
>>684 (OP) 
I never understood the hype Toy Story has for some people. It was just one of many okeyish kid movies during a time when we had lots of them. There was a lot of wank about it being an animated movies back then, but at that time I had seen better being done in video games.
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my review of all recent pixar movie:
Toy Story 3: nostalgia bait
Cars 2: Why?
Brave: ZZZ
Monsters University: interesting concept but totally unmemorable and boring
Inside Out: stupid
The Good Dinosaur: no one even watched this one
Finding Dory: has some nice visuals but otherwise stupid
Cars 3: maliciously anti-white and anti-male
Coco: Viva la raza
Incredibles 2: maliciously anti-male
Toy Story 4: maliciously anti-white and anti-male
Onward: fun but contrived little D&D-inspired comedy story
Soul: George Floyd
Luca: movie about male wop mermaids, didn't watch
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saw the new trailer yesterday, seems to be big battle against an army of giant Zerg robots. the whole time i was just thinking "no Mira no watch"
reminder that they fired tim allen from voicing buzz lightyear every again because he said he didn't hate trump
>>684 (OP) 
It looks like that because it is, in some amount, aimed at adults. Now that many parents are basically children, the model is to cast a net of nostalgia so that they'll come and bring their children, who will hopefully become attached to the franchise. If they were trying to make something closer to the established canon that would attract children on its own, a reboot of the Buzz Lightyear cartoon would have worked far better. This is meant to work in tandem with the other model which works off the same principle and to the same end but uses "live action" remakes because the average person doesn't understand what good animation is.
There was one other white, but it was fat.

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Post your VHSs and criticize your fellow anons
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Replies: >>967
Sorry to reply so late. I had misplaced the machine I access this site through.
It is in fact subtitled. I looked them up and they aren't too expensive to get in USA ebay.
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>at 2% you're saying a VHS can only be watched 50 times until it is pure static
I think he meant something more like "The first time it's 98% in quality, then it's 96.04%," etc. This is an exponential decay function. This means that at 50 watches it'd be at about 36% quality (not 0), at 100 watches it's at around 13%. I'm not exactly sure when "unwatchable" would hit but I think it's safe to say it's probably hit by the time we hit 228 watches with less than 1 quality. The function doesn't describe other kinds of damage but technically speaking you could have an infinitesimally small amount of "quality" left no matter what. Though, I suppose if the "quality" got so low that it didn't even represent enough data to properly display one singular pixel then you could just "round" and say the tape was fucked and nothing of the original film remained.
I'm no VHS expert but I reckon the decay is from destructive reading so there's nothing to do except heed Mr. 672.
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Very happy about this one, didn't think they'd release it on VHS or really anything other than the internet. As far as I understand from reading about it, it's some band that went on a random NYC subway station and played a set amps & all. It could be the train, I'm not sure. Haven't read about it in a while, grabbed it as soon as I saw it up having remembered the name. Just got it, gonna watch tonight. Music I doubt anyone here would like but that doesn't really matter.
Replies: >>966
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So how was it anon?
>>531 (OP) 
>VHS is a media format for storing movies
I don't understand, how did you guys watch TV before electricity was invented?

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have you taken the bobble pill?
it's a tough pill to bobble
OP sounds like an expert on taking pills
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Spoiler File
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Would you bobble her ass?
Replies: >>892

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