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what makes good, top grossing movies that sells to millions of people?
1. People who want to actually see movies and have the budget to buy movies.
2. The opportunity of having very little competition. Hollywood only grew so big, because all other movie producing countries were in ruins thanks to WW2.
3. A spectacle that dosn't alienate the people. People want to see something interesting that allows them to escape their lives for a moment. When you start to insult them, they will only remember you as a time waster and not recommend you. 
4. Quality of production. The best story is nothing if you don't have the skill, effects and actors to pull it off and the best actors, skills and effects are worthless if your story is shit.
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How can plot not be suxx
What script write to add
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Whats some 6 digit profit movie these days

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Did he survive?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Replies: >>753
>>640 (OP) 
So basically, the quick rundown, imagine you flying a plane but somehow everybody is wearing masks because of the coroner but suddenly BANE (I flushed him down the toilet) and then BAM BAM BAM fight scene BRAVO BRAVO NOLAN fortnite added batman
Replies: >>755
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I'm not sure why "his" movies aren't that much discussed. I would really recommend Oscar and hibernatus the kinda of chaotic humor where funes goes from confused to near psycho is really funny.
Replies: >>18 >>73 >>681
>>17 (OP) 
Also What are your recommendations? What movies are your favs?
>>17 (OP) 
Ive also watched all the fantomas mine favourite is deffinitly the third one. Albeit I don't remember much from it. Also the L'avare is a great adaptation and the comedy is great as always.
Replies: >>675
>Also the L'avare is a great adaptation
Yeah, I watched that, it was perfect. I kind of get the weird as tapestry that looks like the first page of the book.
Do you have any other recommendations?
>>17 (OP) 
Is there a way to watch his movies without blowing my eardrums out?
I fucking hate how old european and soviet movies had zero understanding of audio-mixing.
Replies: >>714
I don't remember having any problems with audio while watching his movies.

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Does anyone remember what this one Public Access TV guy was called? He had a ski mask and he would do comedy skits (or "a" comedy skit) about SHTF apocalypse and what to do. I think I have it saved somewhere but I don't remember the name of it. Thanks.
The Survival! show? I don't have the webm but the Cataclysm! episode is on jewtube.
Replies: >>702
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Replies: >>713
The pack of cuckoldry! I remember that thread. It's good you saved at least so much of it. All those moment will be lost like tears in rain.

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Last decade was a giant ocean of putrid shit. But every now and then a good film would pop out. Let's talk about them.
Off the top of my head:
>Mad Max: Fury Road
>Hardcore Henry
>Ford v. Ferrari
>Blade Runner 2049
>Toy Story 3
>John Wick
I heard Birdman and the Hara-Kiri remake are good but I haven't seen them yet.
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Replies: >>611 + 9 earlier
>popcorn flick fun but that's it
Do the John Wick movies claim to be anything else?  I haven't seen them myself but I'm always skeptical of this style of criticism.

I often see this term used to discredit movies and games, but rarely explained.  Why does a movie having a story similar to another one instantly mean it's worth discarding?
>well if they couldn't come up with a novel story then they shouldn't have made the film
Sure, but you should understand that there are plenty of character beats and comedy/action scenes in Toy Story 3 that make the film worth watching, even if the story itself is nothing new.  Considering the huge gap between 2 and 3 (1999-2010), I think it's fine for the director/producers to make a similar product to "remind" people about the characters and premise.
>but that's such a corporate way to think
It is, but any piece of art that is being sold needs to pay the piper, so to speak.  There are lots of beautiful, heartfelt films and works of art that never see success because they don't have a huge marketing budget or because they're too different from the audience's frame of reference.  Creating a large-scale animated film like Toy Story 3 requires that it is at least partially made to sell.
Replies: >>597
>Do the John Wick movies claim to be anything else? 
There was a clear pretension with the promo videos and with the cinematographic focus in the second and third ones
>>127 (OP) 
>lists utter dogshit
>good films
is this an ironic post?
Replies: >>652
I'll give you Spaghettiman. Is not as fun as I remembered it being but Nightcrawler and Hardcore Henry are great.

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>two 13 year old boys swim naked with a clothed 11 year old girl

How did they get away with this film?
Replies: >>264 >>608
>>211 (OP) 
Guess because 'artsy' film, also drama and gutmensch 'muh oppression' story, even then it worked. Hollywoke. 
But hey, they made Pretty Baby too, back in the days. So this one is not 'problematic' enough in comparison.
>>211 (OP) 
Was it lewd? That's weird, sure. There's plenty of nudity in art not sexualized but I guess it's a bit far.
>had a bunch of 14-15 year old boys go completely naked in front of 11 year old girls

How did they get away with this?
Replies: >>645
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Self-explanatory title.
>What do I do?
Pick 10 minutes of the movie and change the subs to your liking. (Subs here (My ten minutes are there already): https://files.catbox.moe/f7uewf.srt)
Just change the .srt extension to .txt and get writing. Download the movie as well to help you.

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So tell me, anon. Was the new Mortal Kombat any good? I think I already know the answer.
There's so many new vidya films in the works. To name a few: Minecraft, MGS, another Yakuza movie, Space Invaders(how?), Megaman (by Netflix). another RE movie, Sonic 2, Borderlands, Rabbids, Just Dance, SMB by minion corp and other shit.
Any of these shitshows you are curious about?
I wonder what a Space Invaders movie will look like. It better not be pixels all over again.
A megaman film in the style of protomen would have been cool but knowing cuckflix that won't happen.
I didn't hate the Sonic movie so maybe I'll watch the new one.
So besides new releases Is there an already released videogame movie you enjoy? As much as the 1995 MK movie wastes potential is still one of my favorites.
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Replies: >>396 + 2 earlier
>>391 (OP) 
Apparently a movie is supposed to come out for The Division but it looks like it's in something close to development hell. Hopefully it comes out and is good. The story premise is interesting and I liked the game...even though it's something I wouldn't play nowadays.
I remember my sister (film major) being excited for the Assassin's Creed movie, I warned her it was going to suck since 95% of all vidya movies are terrible but she didn't listen to me. She ended up hating it. Intuition is a funny thing,
Replies: >>400
>Kinda like Detective Pikachu but without the nigger
DP was absolute garbage though, I pirated it based on a recommendation and ended up stopping it before it even reached the middle. Was hoping for a "so bad it's good" experience but nah.
>Ash and the other fags left their pokemon by themselves to have a vacation or something
Yes that was real. There were Pokemon-only shorts that played right before each main movie, see:
Anyway I remember seeing Pokemon: The Movie 2000 and really liking it, surprisingly never watched the much acclaimed first movie but I plan to. The Deoxys movie was nice too, there was also a Celebi movie that I watched but that was shit.

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Replies: >>401
>How pozzed is she?
Moderately but not as bad as it could be. She keeps pressuring me to get the vaccine (she already did) but I see no reason to since the cons outweigh the benefits.
Replies: >>553
whats the cons? i havent been keeping it up

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Has sleepy seen the new trailer for the Sopranos prequel movie? What do you think of it? I watched The Sopranos and enjoyed it so I think I'll be watching this. It's only a movie so it's not a real time investment like another tv show would be. The fact that's it's only a movie is a godsend in this day and age but it's never too late
I don't want to spoil too much right off the bat so just watch the trailer if you haven't already.

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I'm pretty new to the movies genre of media, yes I watched some films but they weren't anything revolutionairy or something that changed the medium as hole, what are some films that needs to be watched to understand the strengths of this medium and it's benefits, something that can show me the value of this art-form.
It's ok if it's popular or something like that, I want to understand movies more.
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Replies: >>282 + 1 earlier
Metropolis hasn’t aged as well as Nosferatu and other silent movies like Battleship Potemkin, which is my personal favorite. I tried to watch it, but I ended up falling asleep. Still, it was very impressive and imaginative.
>>92 (OP) 
look up 1001 movies to watch before you die and watch most of them up until 2000s as most of the films is put on there for political brownie points. but i got some picks for you from me personally:

>the roaring twenties
>steamboat round the bend
>death of Stalin
>hell's hinges
>spies (1928)
>night and the city (1950)
>Die Nibelungen: Siegfried
> the seawolf (1941)
>the grey fox (1982)
> dog solders
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Original Conan The Barbarian
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
>Enter The Void
>Jodorowski's Holy Mountain
>Blade Runner
>American Psycho
>The Evil Dead
>First Rambo
>Natural Born Killers
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At the risk of sounding incredibly pretentious, I'll recommend The Wages of Fear or Le Salaire de la Peur in the original French.  Yes, it's a French movie.  Yes, it's two and a half hours long.  Yes, it's a silver screen film full of misery and suffering.  But the film is a masterclass in suspense and tension.  If you have the time and patience to watch it, I highly recommend doing so because you won't find a film like it in Hollywood.

The film starts in a small, isolated South American town, the kind where people go to hide out or do illegal things.  People there have enough money to get into town, but they never have enough money to leave because there's nothing to do except drink and smoke.  However, there is an oil field several hours' drive away in the countryside, and there's an industrial accident there: one of the shafts erupts into a giant fire and there isn't enough water to put it out.

The only way to extinguish a fire of that size is to deprive it of oxygen, which can only be done with a giant explosion.  In this case, several tonnes of nitroglycerine transported over winding mountain roads in giant trucks.  The only people crazy enough to take on such a job are four European men from the village, because if they can complete this task then they'll be paid enough to leave.

I won't lie, it's kind of a draining and miserable movie, but I think it's worth watching if the premise sounds interesting.  There are 
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Replies: >>368
>2 1/2 hours long
>misery and suffering
French movies can be though. I either love them, like Wages of Fear, or hate them to no end like Alphaville.

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