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>4:3 for "artistic" purposes
>had to stop and look up that it was actually supposed to be like that & I didn't just grab some shit rip
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Replies: >>416 + 1 earlier
whedon's was barely fucking coherent comparatively, this is way too long for some feature blockbuster film, but the universe was such a fucking mess of way too much shit being done way too quickly already
joss's best days were well behind him when he tried to do that
this kind of just ties the whole DC thing they were doing there off, did give some people like Miller (as much of an asshole as he seems) a fucking chance to actually do something, gave Leto a little bit of redemption

hollywood's changing regardless, theaters are dead, don't think that's ever going to get truly revived
these things just work better storywise as series rather than films anyway
well watching this led to realizing I didn't watch Aquaman, which was alright but relied way too heavily on how much one likes Jason Momoa
I don't know a hell of a lot about Aquaman but I don't remember him being near invincible like that
also fuck Amber Heard
which led to me remembering I didn't watch that last Spider Man, which I ended up noping out of after like 10 minutes, that 20+ somethings trying to pull off teen dialogue, man
noped out of Dark Phoenix for the same reason, Sansa and Jewclops trying to be romantic was some truly painful shit

might try Shazam, idk
Replies: >>351
and no I don't only watch capeshit, I just go through phases
last one was westerns
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>might try Shazam, idk
It's an alright flick, fun to watch but nothing to write home about. Could have been much better.
Your superhero "phase" is best spent reading comics. Pic related, a little something I put together with anons years ago. The Shazam comic on there is an excellent read.
>>301 (OP) 
>being a gen z over fullscreen on a board called vhs

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I watched Leon the Professional, The Orphan, Lolita 1997, Lamb, Moonrise Kingdom, Innocence, Hanna, Mustang, Pretty Baby, Yulenka, Curfew, Show Me Love, Alice in the Cities, A Little Princess, Water Lillies, F-Report, The Blue Lagoon, Laurin(89), Sleepwalking, Matilda, You Were Never Really Here, Lawn Dogs, Take Me to the River, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders, Stray Dogs, Spirit of the Beehive, Stephanie, The Taste of Tea, Hounddog, Bridge to Terabithia, The Beguiled, Somewhere, Alice(88), City of lost children, Cape Fear(62), Arcadia, Tomorrowland, Christiane F, Walkabout, The Florida Project, My Girl(91), Addams Family Values, Young Aphrodites, The Ice Palace, Swing vote, Tideland, Bad Seed, Cocoon, Annabele: Creation, the opening scene of Desire, Phoebe in Wonderland, Gifted, Spark, Caspe, Because of Winn-dixie, Zazie dans le metro, Amanda, Waterworld, What Maisie Knew, Paper Moon, Sundays and Cybele, Hideous Kinky, Svanurinn, Miss Violence, the Troop Zero, Ana, Tuck Everlasting, System Crasher, Angela 1995, Alice Sweet Alice, Romys Salon and The Trouble with Being Born, now what do I watch?
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Replies: >>327
>>325 (OP) 
Where do you watch these. I feel like lists like these are so obvious that you'd out yourself looking these up.
I've been trying to watch sundays and cybele for years.

>what do i watch?
cria cuervos... its better than orphan and lolita I can tell you that much.  Not as good at leon or papermoon though.
Replies: >>328
>you'd out yourself
to who? the only film I think you'd have trouble with is Pretty Baby, the rest are mainly foreign
I don't think any of the others are actually illegal
Replies: >>329
What other kind of person would look up these movies? What other pretense could there be?
Replies: >>330
doesn't answer who you're "outing" yourself to
people seem to forget that simply being a thing in itself has no consequences
you've still got a couple years at least before anybody's kicking your door in to stick a penile plethysmograph on you to see if you should be executed or not based on browser history
live it up while you can

I'd thought I'd ask this new board for movie recs since coincidentally I've found myself binging a few from this list i had saved. So far its pretty good, I'm about halfway done. Do you guys have any other movies you'd consider similar to those on this list?
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The movie is criticism and mockery of all the edge-lords who think the Germans deserved everything that happened in WW2. It's not pozz, but more of a mockery of Jews and how they think that they're badasses even though they never contributed to the actual fighting outside of declaring war.
Replies: >>271 >>279
Either that or the movie has no self-awareness. I would lean to the latter because I didn't catch any of the mockery you're talking about. It is a well made movie but It can only be enjoyed If you know nothing about WWII other than "Ivol nadzees".
Replies: >>273
You can tell what its message is portraying when you see some of the more human Nazis are innocently killed despite not deserving it. The message of the movie is still that Nazi bad, but it also shits on the kikes who celebrate murdering Innocent Germans who are good-willed and care about the well-being of their fellow comrades. The people who think that movie is just anti-Nazi either just don't understand the themes or chose to purposely misunderstsnd its meanings just to larp about how they easily defeated nazism despite being getting btfod numerous times. Films don't always show an action or conflict in the good vs/or bad guy narrative.
Replies: >>279
Although I won't discount the possibility that the intention was to lampoon the fervor with which the normalfag lusts for violence against people who have sinned against their lords I wonder if such a message even matters considering the reception of the film by said normalfags and the way that the story is told. I don't think anyone here thinks the film is "just anti-Nazi," I was merely saying that in it the Jew once more gratuitously and vicariously gets revenge on bad goys. Surely other things happen in it, although I suppose I shouldn't be so sure. A film which was two hours of nothing but Allied Powers murdering Germans would be boring, but who can say if it wouldn't go over well with normalfags? In any case I don't appreciate the implication that I was being dishonest.
chimes at midnight
Jeremiah Johnson
outlaw josey wales
the emperor's naked army marches on
highplains drifter
my darling clemintine
the long goodbye
escape to victory
steamboat round the bend

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