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Movie nights every Friday at https://cytu.be/r/OverlookTheater

TV nights every Wednesday at https://cytu.be/r/ZZZTV

/monster/ stream every Saturday at https://cytu.be/r/qtmonstergirls

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What are some old and classic movies that are worth watching ?
Few weeks ago I watched Fahrenheit 451the orignal one, I heard that the remake or whatever was shit just like every media and it was a great watch, it gave books for me a new meaning there importance in our life, and the details that make the world much more believeble are great for example :
There was scene where the police was looking into files of criminals, and saw that files didn't have any words on them they were just pictures of the criminals or how when Montag sits in his bed reading only comics at the begining of the movie.
These little details are great to discover.
This is a movie that any fan of films should totally watch and enjoyed every minute of it.
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He's in one episode of the Mod Squad that has a neo gothic theme.
>Dr. Phones
Replies: >>2451
It's really annoying as well because as far as I can tell there are no box sets of complete series. There are 7 Frankenstein films, 9 Dracula films, 3 Mummy films, 3+1 Karnstein vampire films and 2 other unaligned vampire movies, 4 caveman movies, the She trilogy, and at least 20 more horror-thriller films. But when you get the DVD or Bluray movie sets they're all scrambled up.
Shit. thank you for catching my mistake.. of course I meant phibes 
I never seen mod squad is it worth it
Replies: >>2452
>I never seen mod squad is it worth it
Well that one episode is anyway. I don't know about the series as a whole.
The specific episode is S3.E10 A Time of Hyacinths
Replies: >>2453
Thanks anon I'll check it out

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No, you can't pick more than one.
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Bit of a clichéd answer but; Wild Strawberries (1957) directed by Ingmar Bergman.
I've never seen a film so...sincere.
Replies: >>2436 >>2438
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I'd have to rewatch it since I saw it in high school, but I've watched a few Bergman movies in more recent years and they were all feminist, communist garbage. Killed the director for me.
ah yes so cliche, of course i always think of Wild Strawberries (1957) when i think of favorite movies. lmao
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It's winter and soon to be Christmas. Have you been watching any movies or specials related to this holiday? Post and talk about your favorites here.
I've re-watched Jingle All the Way recently. It was pretty fun for what it was. It's a favorite of mine.
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>Frosty the Snowman (1969)
Was definitely a classic growing up that I hope we get to watch next year on Christmas.

>Mon oncle Antoine (1971)
A Quebecois film following an orphaned boy and his life in a small town. His uncle is the caretaker of the town as well as owns a little corner store. Takes place around Christmas eve. It's atmospheric, contains adultery, and is quite depressing, but I like it.

I watched it for the first time this year. I was amazed that I actually sat through the whole thing and actually chuckled a few times.
Fuck you loser, it's not even halloween yet, there's TONS of shit to watch for halloween.
Replies: >>1827
Oh nvm, just realized how slow this place is.
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Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . 

'Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons!'

Thanks for all your help, /vhs/ !  :)
Watched Klaus a while back. Seeing the Netflix logo worried me a bit but it turned out to be my favorite christmas movie

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Check for weekly movie nights.
Every Friday at 5pm PDT - 7pm CDT - 8pm EDT

At: https://cytu.be/r/OverlookTheater
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/vhs/ Movie Night
Conquest (1983) - Playtime (1967) - Crash (1996) - Spider-man 3 (2007)
Friday, December 8th
5pm PDT/7pm CDT/8pm EDT
Pre-Show: Dead Alive/Braindead (3:30pm PST/5:30pm CST/6:30pm EST)
Replies: >>1966
shit, not crash1996.
Spoiler File
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>Dead Alive

Alto, you're gonna love it. Err, scratch that, you're gonna hate it because you don't like good movies.
Replies: >>1968
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The Christmas festival is being organized on/christms/ on  anon.cafe. We need to think about our Christmas stream(s) tomorrow night and then report back to let everyone know.
Replies: >>1968
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You don't know what I like faggot.
Will this conflict with the regularsmovie night?

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What happened? Why isn't she in any show other than monk?
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Replies: >>1954 + 1 earlier
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>went from an expression full of life and hope to a glassy-eyed, soulless pedowood fake smile
Replies: >>1948 >>1952
Hollywood is full of fucking vampires or some shit.
She had left Hollywood by that time. And all smiles in photos are fake.
>>1929 (OP) 
>Emmy Clarke
>After the end of Monk, Clarke enrolled at Fordham University, where she earned a B.A. in Communication and Media Studies in 2014. She then began a career in the advertising industry, first as a marketer for mobile photo-sharing application Peep, and then as a media planner for Good Apple Digital, a boutique ad agency in New York's Silicon Alley.

Why is the website "Let me Google that for you" still relevant even to this day?

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(You) are cordially invited to the second annual
Another curated selection of video game movies will be played for your amusement. Some of them good, most of them bad, a handful so-bad-it's-good.
WHERE: https://cytu.be/r/vidyamovies
WHEN: November 25 & 26, 2023
Times are approximate and may be rounded up/down for convenience. Please arrive 10 minutes before the actual listed showtime.


The fight to save the world is on!
6:00 AM PT / 9:00 AM ET / 2:00 PM GMT

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Replies: >>1934
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Yqmg9Xv9
>>1920 (OP) 
>angry birds 2
Why would you do this? The first angry birds is actually watchable.

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please don't suck
Replies: >>1802
>>1801 (OP) 
What happened? Did they announced a remake?
Replies: >>1805
it's been in the works for years, finally coming out October 12.
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it's good
for about ten or so minutes in the first episode i thought they had pozzed it to hell and back, until i realized i'm just really bad at seeing connections between characters. also not just pure nostalgia bait. should be good going forward.

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What do you think of the Star Wars series ?
For me I think it's overrated and blown out too much, it doesn't deserve it's high status or this amount of attention, there are lots I mean lot of other media that does things better then Star Wars.
I could give out examples but most of them are anime so wew.
Although I may be wrong because I never watched a Star Wars movie.
I made this thread to not derail the /v/ thread
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ANH is good and has aged very well. Open and shut, no cliffhangers, you can just watch it right there and be done with it. Empire is good but I don't think it's as great as everyone says it is. It's fun and enjoyable but there's nothing about it that jumps out at me and says "this is the best movie ever made". RotJ is a hippie-pandering cash grab made to sell toys with bad green screen technology that has aged like garbage and an anticlimactic ending. George also couldn't stop himself from changing the ending after the prequel trilogy.
TPM has podracing and Darth Maul which sounds cool until you realize those are the only things it has going for it. Every time I watch it I think it will be better than it actually is. AotC is a clusterfuck of bad early CGI and Anakin being a sperg. RotS is the greatest of the entire series, it brings everything together and perfectly sets the stage for the OT. It is what Star Wars should be.
TFA is just ANH but bigger, if you're following a trail you're not a trailblazer. TLJ is the equivalent of a monkey throwing shit at the wall and calling it art. TRoS is the greatest comedy of 2019.
Replies: >>1738 >>1803
I grew up watching the Star Wars series, and it's good for what it is and was always supposed to be: a fairy tale in space made by the directorial equivalent of Anon (i.e., a counter-cultural autistic weeb with eclectic interests). With regards to the movies themselves, the OT is over-rated, the PT is over-hated, and the ST should've never been created.
Agreed on everything though I prefer ANH over RotS.
I don't know how I feel about TFA and Rogue One since it's been near a decade since I watched both, don't remember much about them and really don't feel like watching them again.
>TFA is just ANH but bigger
No it isn't, it wants to be ANH and failing at every step.
Replies: >>1804
He's probably talking how George's idea for RotJ involved having a low tech civilization defeating a high tech one. Which really isn't hippy pandering any more than having a movie where a mob of cavemen play tucker's kobolds with a bunch of modern day Army Rangers or something like that.

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The Count of Monte Cristo (2002) is better than the book because Albert is Edmond's biological son.
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>>1474 (OP) 
As far as movies that are better than the book you can include The Swarm. 
Not because the movie is good but because the book is genuinely pants on head retarded. Also I suppose because the movie stars Michael Caine and he's one of those actors that just makes whatever he's in better in spite of all other factors.
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>>1474 (OP) 
I love The Count of Monte Cristo (the book), so that's a real claim to make. I will have to check out the movie.
>>1474 (OP) 
Fahrenheit 451
>>1474 (OP) 
Nah, the book is great as long as you don't expect some high literature

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So, I decided to get into Star Trek. I'm starting with TOS, then TNG and DS9. Are the original movies and the animated series any good? What should I avoid?
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Replies: >>1398 + 4 earlier
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I really love the look of the sets and especially the uniforms from the first Star Trek movie. That was my first introduction to Star Trek. I's a criminal shame this look only lasted for a single movie and has never been brought back again.

>>87 (OP) 
I would suggest watching the original version of TOS instead of the "enhanced" version, just to get the original experience.
It's basically a pulp scifi setting with a bit more thoughtfulness that you got out of Buck Rodgers or Flash Gordon and filmed in TECHNICOLOR.
>I don't think I've seen Insurrection, but assume it's also shit. 
It's basically just an episode of TNG extended to movie length and with better production values. It's got a season 2 TBG sort of feel to the script too.
One highlight is you get to see Riker fly the Enterprise with a joystick.
Don't watch any TNG movies or anything by JJ Abrams/Kurztman
Star Trek is pretty much Communism: The Series with enough shiny shit put on top to distract you from that so you unconsciously absorb the propaganda. Gene Roddenberry is a jew who spent most of his career doing absurd amounts of cocaine and probably also adrenachrome. Leonard Nimoy is also a jew and has gone on record saying the Vulcan salute is a bastardized version of some jewish secret handshake. Nearly all of the things about Star Trek that are good (like just about all of Wrath of Khan's plot) were done over Gene Roddenberry's objections. Many of the things about Star Trek that suck (communism, giving Wil Wheaton a career, basically all of TNG's first season in fact) were done because Roddenberry made it part of his contract.

Despite this, it's still a good show for brainless entertainment and sheer low-budget ham.
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Picard Season 3 is still dreg.
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>Deep Space 9 sucks dick
Someone recommended Deep Space 9 and said it was maybe the best of the Star Trek series. I couldn't even get through the first episode it was so bad. I'm not a Star Trek fan by any stretch of the word, but it really surprised me that it was that terrible.

I've also seen episodes of Enterprise because my parents loved putting that shit on (pretty sure they still do). It's shit as well and tries being super edgy and dark. Do not recommend.

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