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John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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I think the Satanic conspiracy is better for Christians than the racial Jewish conspiracy. The Old testament faith of ancient Judaism Jews became Christians and "those that say they're Jews but are not" are Jews that study the Talmud and the Kabbalah and according to Texe Mars worship a serpent. So the Satanic conspiracy also has an answer to the Jews as well as the Golden calf during the time of Moses.
>Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
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>>23809 (OP) 
>>23809 (OP) 
Respectfully, why does everything have to be a conspiracy theory? Why cant we just accept that people do wrong thinking its good and move on?

The only conspiracy theory we should believe is the one laid out in revelation and it does not talk about Jews or satanists or elites. It simply says that the world will become wicked and the antichrist will take advantage of the decay and rise to power.
Replies: >>23813 >>23814
LMAO why is the cannon a weener
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>Respectfully, why does everything have to be a conspiracy theory? Why cant we just accept that people do wrong thinking its good and move on?
Because the Bible says Satan is god of this world 
and has blinded the world to Jesus, and there is too many elite and non-christian religious connections to satanism or satanism in it's simplest form like the Lucifer warship in Secret societies. There must be a reason why sin and debauchery is so mainstream or becoming more mainstream with each decade.

>The only conspiracy theory we should believe is the one laid out in revelation and it does not talk about Jews or satanists or elites
I disagree, it certainly talks about a one world government. Also "Rising to power" would mean the anti-christ would have to be one of the elites of the world.
>Revelation 13 One of the heads of the beast appeared to be mortally wounded. But the mortal wound was healed, 'and the whole world marveled and followed the beast'. 4They worshiped the dragon who had given authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can wage war against it?”
>Revelation 13 Then the beast was permitted to wage war against the saints and to conquer them, and it was given authority 'over every tribe and people and tongue and nation'. 

The Satanist conspiracy gives a lot of validity to Christianity, Also it's true as well there are many documentations written about it. It's better for measuring the evil in the world While the Jewish conspiracy throws the baby out with the bathwater, there are anti-zionist jews and jews who are not in the elite promoting jewery and who are not evil.
Replies: >>23815
>There must be a reason why sin and debauchery is so mainstream or becoming more mainstream with each decade.
Moral Decay. It makes sense once you start applying Occam's Razor and stop looking at everything like it's a conspiracy. It's Biblical to say that satan influences the world in some ways, although we dont know in what form or how, but its foolish to take it a step further and concoct novels worth or theories about satanism and satanists.

It's fantasism.
Replies: >>23816 >>23817
>It makes sense once you start applying Occam's Razor and stop looking at everything like it's a conspiracy
Akshally this is Hanlon's razor, "never attribute to malice what is better explained by stupidity"
Replies: >>23822
>It's Biblical to say that satan influences the world in some ways, although we dont know in what form or how, but its foolish to take it a step further and concoct novels worth or theories about satanism and satanists.
We don't have to concoct novels of theories about them where there is documentation written about the Satanic elite, read Fritz Springmeier or William Cooper. fantasism is filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, if the truth of Satanic conspiracy leads you to be on fire for the Lord then why is that a bad thing?
Replies: >>23819 >>23822
Because whatever is not of God is of Satan in the designs of men's hearts, they are turned to sin in the absence of salvation and deserve pity not scorn. The scorn will come in God's burning hatred engulfing sinners in the lake of fire in the last days.
Replies: >>23821
I don't see Satanists as an entire group to be exterminated, as Christians fight spiritual battles not battles against flesh and blood, i have some sins of my own to work through. My plan of attack would be to convert them or to show them the path to God. I agree.
both really.
humans can make anything mean anything, ive seen it happen before and have even done it myself. We are naturally creative and when it suits us we can twist and turn even the simplest and most good-natured of actions and quotes and turn them into whatever treachery we desire. There is a reason academia places such an emphasis on peer-reviewed work and criticism.
Replies: >>23828
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Subjectivism has it's limit, there is objective evidence of Satanism in the elite as well as behind the driving forces of our world, Do you believe that the human sacrifice or the mystery religions of the ancient world just went away?

>There is a reason academia places such an emphasis on peer-reviewed work and criticism.
The same Academia that houses secret societies?
Replies: >>23829
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its not subjectivism, its fact. We dont know what's going on behind the scenes if anything and its more likely that these theories are just theories than reality. Unless you could somehow prove without a reasonable doubt to the standards of the law that something of the magnitude you believe in is happening then the chances of it actually happening are incredibly low. 

>Do you believe that the human sacrifice or the mystery religions of the ancient world just went away?
it dissolved and the remnants of it are evident and scattered throughout history. Is it possible that some small sect of cultists are still practicing it? Is it possible that maybe even some "elites" are practicing it? Is it possible that it will make a resurgence? Is it possible that literally anything could happen? Yes. But is that the case? We don't know, which is my point. Why believe in something so foolheartedly that you cant even truly prove? Stick to what we do know, the Bible and observable reality.

>The same Academia that houses secret societies?
it's common sense.
Replies: >>23830
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>We dont know what's going on behind the scenes if anything and its more likely that these theories are just theories than reality.
WE don't, but Fritz Springmeier or William Cooper and others DO, you don't have to almost die to learn what they do in secret.
>Unless you could somehow prove without a reasonable doubt to the standards of the law that something of the magnitude you believe in is happening then the chances of it actually happening are incredibly low. 
There have been many incriminated Satanists throughout history, look at the Goat head rituals that Epstein did on his island, or McMartin preschool, or Michael Aquino. The Satanist Conspiracy is in the Bible. Are you not a Christian?
>Is it possible that literally anything could happen? Yes. But is that the case? We don't know, which is my point. Why believe in something so foolheartedly that you cant even truly prove? Stick to what we do know, the Bible and observable reality.
"Anything" isn't happening, It's not Jesus Christ they're worshiping in the elite, There are many whistle blower members of the Illuminati who have exposed their side and have been gravely attack because of it.  The proof is all around us, you just need eyes to see and ears to hear. I believe in this conspiracy because it lends validity to the bible and there is a lot of evidence for it, if it was just a stretch then there would be no reason to believe it. 

It's put there in our media to mock us.

Here is more proof of the subliminal messages they hide in our media.

The Bible often talks about the rules of the earth conspiring against God, of course reality will reflect the Bible.
Replies: >>23831
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Whatever, you arent listening or maybe im not explaining it well enough. Either way hopefully youll get out of this all consuming conspiracy mindset in due time.
Replies: >>23832
>you arent listening or maybe im not explaining it well enough.
Respectfully, what is your point? 
>Either way hopefully youll get out of this all consuming conspiracy mindset in due time.
What is wrong with a conspiracy mindset if it's Biblical and true?
Replies: >>23833
>Respectfully, what is your point? 
lmao, if youd been listening youd know.
>What is wrong with a conspiracy mindset if it's Biblical and true?
Jesus drank wine therefore i should become a alcoholic.
Replies: >>23834
>lmao, if youd been listening youd know.
i have proof for your disbelief and i answered with proof.
>Jesus drank wine therefore i should become a alcoholic.
That's not what i'm doing, the devil and the rulers of the Earth as well as the world itself conspiring against God is plainly alluded to in scripture multiple times and does not contradict itself. I approach this conspiracy as a Christians as well, not whatever you think I'm approaching it as. I don't see your point, you seem like a troll trying to gaslight me.
Replies: >>23845
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>i have proof for your disbelief and i answered with proof.
"proof". Any half wit can write a book, ive done it myself infact, its not hard especially in this day and age. And any half wit can string together a bunch of unrelated or somewhat related things and proclaim to the masses that its all a part of a connected conspiracy. Any half wit can take information and make it mean whatever they want it to mean. Doing so does not make a person credible, it does not make them special, and it does not make them right. If that were the case than every mom on facebook talking about her magical healing crystals and negative ions would be right in saying that huffing thorium dust will somehow make your water more wet. You cling onto these fantasies because youre unwilling to embrace reality. Its more fun to play cops and robbers than to try and understand the truth of the world, of humanity, and of God. It's fantasy.

>That's not what i'm doing, the devil and the rulers of the Earth as well as the world itself conspiring against God is plainly alluded to in scripture multiple times and does not contradict itself.
in denying my argument you have proved it. Ephesians 6:12 says we wrestle with wickedness in high places, Nowhere does it make mention of satanism, nowhere does it make mention of a conspiracy. It states the simple fact that there is wickedness in positions of authority. YOU are the one who made it mean what YOU think it means.
Replies: >>23850
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Sure anyone can write a book but not everyone can be attacked for writing said book by who they write it about, or die from an under cover cop for exposing military secrets of secret societies. And if there are many people writing about the same Satanic conspiracy then are they all wrong, including the Bible? You also have zero argument against the actual writers of said books beyond an vague skepticism against anyone who writes books. The Elite themselves have openly admitted to wanting a world government as described in Revelation.
>You cling onto these fantasies because youre unwilling to embrace reality. Its more fun to play cops and robbers than to try and understand the truth of the world, of humanity, and of God. It's fantasy.
If they were Fantasies we wouldn't see reflected in the bible, media and society, i wish they were fantasies, i wish i was wrong about this. I don't know what you mean by "playing cop and robbers" but you're strawmaning me into something i'm not.
>Ephesians 6:12 says we wrestle with wickedness in high places, Nowhere does it make mention of satanism, nowhere does it make mention of a conspiracy. It states the simple fact that there is wickedness in positions of authority. YOU are the one who made it mean what YOU think it means.
You're wrong, not only does Satanism fit the definition of spiritual wickedness in authority but the Bible also gives various examples of Satanism in the world elite, like when Satan shows the kingdoms of the world to Jesus or in Revelation 13:3 or Rev 13:7-8, it's an objective observation not subjective Synchronicity.
> YOU are the one who made it mean what YOU think it means.
If it was up to me we would all be Christians in a world without government, that is clearly not the world we live in. Wishful thinking can only go so far.
Replies: >>23856
>>23809 (OP) 
>think the Satanic conspiracy is better for Christians than the racial Jewish conspiracy. 
Implying it's not both. Anyone 'Jewish' post-Christ has explicitly rejected Christ, so I've always found it amusing how Christians defend Jews. Furthermore, if the Spirit is memetic in nature and therefore can be codified it is easy to see how a 'spirit' could be written into the genetic code. Therefore, must not the holy spirit be written into the DNA? As above so below.
>>23809 (OP) 
>The pic
The sephiroth aren't deities, they're aspects of God.
Think at Hindu's theology but without paganism, they're like the aspects of the christian trinity.
>holy sex
What? That's the same logic they use to say eating the eucharist is cannibalism. It's a prayer.
>The Old testament faith of ancient Judaism Jews became Christians and "those that say they're Jews but are not" are Jews that study the Talmud and the Kabbalah and according to Texe Mars worship a serpent. 
The ones that say to be jews but aren't are the fake choosen ones. Like jews, muslims and whatever mormons are fall in that.
About worshipping the serpent is simply trying to claim christians worship the cross not the Jesus. The snake is a metaphor for mankind that eat it's own head and tail.
>So the Satanic conspiracy also has an answer to the Jews as well as the Golden calf during the time of Moses.
That conspiracy says that God rejected the jews, the metaphor says God rejected the idolatry.
About the satanic conspiracy is true, but a physical enemy that can be killed is deeply problematic since we're supposed to heal people from their evil.
>Anyone 'Jewish' post-Christ has explicitly rejected Christ, 
So every not christian religion that has access to medias about christians doesn't it?
>so I've always found it amusing how Christians defend Jews. 
Christians felt in a rabbit hole by becoming dependant by jewish merchant because they considered money laundering to be sinful.
Also "christians defend jews" is a funny meme, just know that both christians and jews hate each others unless they try to ally against others, in the latter case they simply get OT discussions together. 
>Furthermore, if the Spirit is memetic in nature and therefore can be codified it is easy to see how a 'spirit' could be written into the genetic code. Therefore, must not the holy spirit be written into the DNA? As above so below.
That's the Holy Spirit, the genetic stamp that says God and Christ are always with us
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>Implying it's not both.
I said in the OP that the Satanic conspiracy has an answer for Judaism as well as including every non-christian religion being on the side of Satanism. As Christians our enemies are not flesh and blood but spiritual, so racial enemies should be converted not killed.
>so I've always found it amusing how Christians defend Jews. 
Humanity itself is addicted to evil, and not all jews are evil, there is a group of Jews that follow Jesus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews_for_Jesus . But Judaism also has a lot of anti-christian beliefs but there are many splintered prominent jewish groups including entirely contradicting ideologies. It's not accurate to say that Jewish people are all bad, even Satanists can do good despite commanded by Satan to do evil. There are Jews that convert to Christianity and are fully Christian.
conspiracy theorists are alot like coomers. 
They get caught up in their own world and then cant see their own way out. Ive made my point, youve made yours, im done.
Replies: >>23857
There is clearly truth to conspiracies, and you have no answer against it. May God bless you.
Replies: >>23860
the truth is that they hide the truth in conspiracies so that you waste your time analyzing them while destroying your own soul in their phantasmagoria
Replies: >>23870
How i am destroying my soul by exposing a Satanist conspiracy when the bible says to expose evil?
But YHWH is jewish?
Replies: >>23875
Not really, not even Adam and Eve were jewish or semites.
The Eternal Creator of Heavens and Heart is beyond races of humans
>>23809 (OP) 
I think there is a third way; the Romans. The Romans were true scum. They were not even really a "people." It was a corrupt, treasonous, treacherous cabal of pseudo whites running after money and plunder. They were basically glorified pirates. The Roman destruction of Jerusalem destroyed Jews forever and turned them into something fundamentally dissimilar from the Old Testament Israelis. After that they became the resentful "wandering Jew" and Pharisee.
Replies: >>25417
All non-Christian belief system falls under Satanism.

1 Corinthians 10:20 But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.

Galatians 4:8 Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods.
Replies: >>25428
then Rome was Satanic.
Replies: >>25435
It was pagan.
>>23809 (OP) 
Have you instead trying to ask the question
'Is it true?'
Rather than
'Is this helpful for my incorporated body?'

The latter if how both Jews and Occultists think
The biggest dangers for Christians as of now are three things:

1. Lack of care for understanding. People want ready-made narratives to feel a sense of the bigger picture, but the devil lies in the details. "You are a good person if you believe in this conspiracy anon, you hate evil, right?" - /x/ schizo who claims Jesus is the antichrist and empaths are psychic vampires. 

2. Lack of care for common ground. Some people disagree with the exact doctrine or distrust mainstream "faith" institutions. A lot of Christians feel like they are crusaders for Israel and need to stomp out different viewpoints other than their internet scribble doctrine. Justly some feel repelled and stay MAGA-con, go roider Nietzschean or even pagan. They could have been your average Christian. 

3. Nobody reads the bible on their own, nobody goes to mass, nobody goes to catechisms. People claim to be representatives of their faith, but they don't even abstain from meat on Fridays. But they will shout at you for believing in "Satanism" like paranormal research, alternative medicine or that the three Magi who came to Jesus' birth were starseekers of old. There has been a big emphasis on raw discipline, obedience and intellectual shutdown from the people who are the least likely to ever go to mass regularly.
Replies: >>25506
1. Satanism is best or easiest defined as worship of ego and of the self. If you find a problem with that definition, please point it out.

2. Other religions of the world are false idol worshippers - not Satanists directly. If you find a problem with that definition, please point it out.

3. Conspiracy Theory means 'a group', 'to conspire', and 'to theorise'. There's some anon here who seems to have a problem with a theory not being the same as or as proveable as 'a law' but the reason these theories have traction is because there is evidence for them to such degree that they are almost laws - to the tune of "if you let go of this apple then it will fall". If you find a problem with this definiton, please point it out.

4. The OY VEY question - whether or to what degree 'THE' Jews are a problem, and whether or to what extent something should be done. Clearly Zionist Jews are a problem. At least in America they are. One state paying hundreds of millions of dollars to another state is outside the norm and the tax payers of such a country deserve to know why.

The main thing I think should be done is to insist on talking about it specifically more. People may say to me the soapbox has been tried and has not worked, or the ballot box has been tried and has not worked, but consider that a spokesman for the president holds a press conference and takes questions every other day; the weight of obligation, to ask about Israel funny money EVERY SINGLE TIME can and should be placed on them. In this specific context the racial element is neither here nor there, and in this specific context the nature or degree of Satanic is neither here nor there.

5. If you are in the group telling me Judea has no specific or urgent problem to address, then I expect to ask why the world's Satanists and hedonists seem to all pick the same rock to study under or to hide under, and I expect you to redress me with an explanation.

6. There has to be a six :^l
But srsly mitzvot obeying jews are ok
1. Lack of care for understanding can be seen more in my opponents than it can in me, even if I don't care enough to remedy what I do not understand - I'm only just learning enough to shelter my own neck. My opponents include the Archbishop of York who cannot decide if God's love is manifested paternally or maternally or through some otherkins variety (until he is forced to backpedal not because of faith but because of vested interest in his career and the filthy commoner backlash). I don't see lack of care for understanding as a problem, unless you mean situations like these.

2. The common ground was not mine to disrupt. I get that you don't necessarily concern yourself with Protestantism but this affects Catholics as well. When your religious representatives proclaim God to be non-binary, what grounds for commonality do you expect is left to be shared in?

3. No way I never heard of no meat on Fridays... What is it, and why such a decree? No really, WHY. I don't care for starseeking because obedience to stellar bodies = worship of created works - I've heard women explain their cheating on a guy because Saturn was out of alignment and such. Lots of mental new age mysticism. I don't go to mass because I've watched every castle of faith fall or become corrupted. I act ashamed of my faith in fact. Letting this happen among other things. I don't evangelise or preach to people. Prayers are private seclusion for me.
Replies: >>25507
Losing the forest for the trees.

Also this board is a psyop and the owners want you to be ignorant of occult powers. Don't bother digging into the same old things, research.
Replies: >>25508

1. They know what the doctrine is. They wilfully choose to subvert it. Not just ignore it - they lie and say it confirms the things they're pushing. You know this.

2. Their dogmatism, i.e. their willingness to excommunicate you for wrongthink is stronger than mine is. If they're pushing people out then there isn't middle ground to lean into. You know this.

Your psy operation, produce evidence or examples please, and your examination of the occult maybe worthwhile except that it's less powerful than to do as you said and get stuck into the bible instead.

There's no "I win" to any of this stuff here either, if it wasn't worthwhile to post I wouldn't do it. I'm not gonna sit here and flex piety on you as I tried to demonstrate prior that I haven't got any.
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