Welcome to to January 11th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards.
Stream Information
Date: January 11th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to the board dedicated to Bad Movie Night, a weekly stream dedicated to showcasing its namesake. Streams are traditionally held every Saturday.
Below, you will find the rules for this board. This thread will also serve as notice board, should anything worth noting (good or bad) come up.
Board Rules
0: Follow the Global Rules of ZZZChan | https://zzzchan.xyz/rules.html
1. Any feedback in regards to the stream or the board should go into the meta / feedback thread. Any other meta threads will be removed.
2. Images that are Not Safe For Work are allowed, but must be spoilered. This is a courtesy for anons who watch the stream and want to shitpost at work. If the movie has tits, nothing I can do. :^)
3. Threads for bad film discussions are one per film. If the thread reaches the post limit, a new one can then be created.
4. If you make a post discussing a movie that's generally seen as good, you forfeit your right to call the Bully Hunters. >>>/vhs/ would be better suited for it.
5. Spamming in the movie night threads for unrelated purposes is not allowed. 6. Respect and dig giant robots.
Stream information
The link for the stream will be in the OP of each night's thread(s). For those who need the schedule, please see the attached image, which details the show and pre-show start times. Feel free to use each week's thread for general shitposting/reactions to the movies and other shit on stream.
There is light commentary from the host running the stream, and they may interrupt the stream or fuck something up. This is not a professional show, so laugh with and against the host whenever you deem appropriate.
I hope you enjoy the show. Cheers everyone.
Pre-show is best part of BMN. Share your pre-show worthy videos
If you have a film you think would be perfect for the show, please feel free to reply in this thread with a title, poster, cover, or anything that I can use to get more information on the film. IMDB or TMDB links would be appreciated.
Just note two caveats:
1. Westerns (as in the film genre, not western film industry) will likely be ignored, unless "Western" is only the setting.
This became a private rule of mine after many bad westerns that were screened just turned out to be incredibly boring.
2. Being added to my list does not guarantee a screening.
I mainly source my movies from physical sources (thrift stores, pawn shops, garage sales, etc.), so the likelihood of getting your film immediately is low, if I can even find it. If you find a magnet for it however, that may change your odds for the better.
These are just advisements, and not set in stone.
Good day everyone! It's the end of another year, and thus time for the yearly night of select Glory Pile films from the past year getting an encore. We had an interesting year for pile additions, and this year had more films added with a budget behind it than perhaps any other year. As such, 2 of those will be on tonight, along with the classic flavor of a faux-budget film.
Tonight's Setlist:
Bubba The Redneck Werewolf
Space Truckers
Night Beast
Stream Information
Date: December 28th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Ho! Ho! Ho! Good day everyone.
It's the merry season again, and it's time to spread some Christmas Jeer. That's right! It's the annual Christmas celebration, and boy is tonight's list filled with some absolute coal earners. Grab a warm drink; tonight's offerings are sure to freeze a warm heart.
Set List:
Santa's Slay
Elf Bowling
Stream Information
Date: December 21st
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
All feedback in regards to the stream and board go here. All suggestions and comments are welcome in this thread; any additional threads will be purged to keep the board clean. Please drop content suggestions in the proper suggestion thread.
It's that time of year again. A time for monster, freaks, and more! A terrible month for those afraid of gore.
Welcome back to the month long experiment: Attack of the Bad Movie Stack. Every Saturday until the end of October is dedicated to spooky scary movies, so grab yours tricks, treats, and your heart medication if need be. For if the horror doesn't get you, the schlock monster surely will.
Stream Information
Date: October 26th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Good day everyone!
It's now been 8 years of BMN! Christ, these years have been going by fast.
The 8th year of BMN's been an interesting one in some aspects. This year saw the introduction of THE WHEEL, and plenty of cult favorites springing up within the audience, even if their level of ironic enjoyment is difficult to figure. Doll Face graced us this year with its bonafide cognitohazard nature, confusing and punishing anyone who's witnesses it for the first time, and Beefcake Movie Night returned for its first appearance in at least 4 years. And for those who've forgotten, the Devil's Door and the punishment pile were both reset this year due to cataloguing errors on my part. You've escaped some of the worst, but don't worry, we've been slowly building up the latter. Some of you even know a new addition coming soon. :v)
And, once again, I would like to thank you all for returning to watch this show each week. Each year that I write these anniversary threads, I worry that I sound like a broken record, but it's genuinely the truth. So, thank you all for watching BMN. Truly, you guys watching and (occasionally) enjoying the movies screened each week make it all worthwhile. Thank you all.
On another note, thank you all for your understanding within the last few months especially. I genuinely felt bad for cutting the movies down to 2 for a good amount of those nights; I'm hopeful this bullshit with my head will be worked out within a couple months.
That all said, this year was kind of a parallel to year 7. A dramatic amount of shreddings this year, and plenty of nights had more shreddings than movies. Some movies earned more, but there were quite a few bad discs this year. As a result, the amount of additions to the Glory Pile was small, and coincidentally were very recent. To avoid over-doing these movies already, this year we're going to do a general Glory Pile encore stream instead of focusing on this year alone. Old Favorites are the name of the game, and we've got a great setlist for tonight.
Dracula 3000
Chupacabra vs The Alamo
Bug Buster
Detailed start times are in the attached invitation.
Stream Information
Date: August 17th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Post BMN OC and screenshots here.
Ho! Ho! Ho! Good day everyone.
It's the merry season again, and it's time to spread some Christmas Jeer. That's right! It's the annual Christmas celebration, and boy is tonight's list filled with some absolute coal earners. Grab a warm drink; tonight's offerings are sure to freeze a warm heart.
Set List:
Believe In Santa
Santa's Slay
Elf Bowling
Stream Information
Date: December 23rd
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Talk about movies screened during BMN that were shredded/devil's door'd but you like anyways.
I liked Blood Moon and that other horror movie in Italy with the demonic possession and I don't think they deserved to be shredded, they were boring in some parts but I think there was enough action/amusement/insanity to make it not-shredable or even glory.
It's that time of year again everyone.
We have crossed over into the month of October. Prepare yourselves, for the month-long special experiment returns. For the entire month of October, the Attack Of The Bad Movie Stack takes over, with horror being shown all month.
This week's movies, like the killers and monsters they contain, hide from you in the shadows. Grab some drinks and snacks, and kick back while you still can.
Stream Information
'Date: October 28th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
that was the best bmn in a long time
Good day everyone!
It's been seven years of BMN, and what a year it has been. This may have been the most brutal year of movies yet, for I think more movies were shredded in year 7 than any prior year. It's been a year of hell, and that's true for more than just the movies.
The coof fucking sucked and the last half of '22 is something I hope I will be able to reconcile with myself eventually. Please pardon the vague personal note, but I do feel the following is important.
Every year, I've thanked you all for watching, and I've meant it every time I've said it. However, being at the brink makes you evermore thankful for what you have.
So, once again, thank you all for watching this past year and some of you since the beginning. You all watching and occasionally enjoying the movies each week are what make this truly enjoyable to work on; and for this last year, were a reason to pull myself from the deep murk. Truly, thank you all.
For this year's BMN celebration, we have a mixed blessing. It was a small year for Glory Pile additions, but what we do have makes for a prime setlist. Tonight's movies are:
My Samurai
Mutant Hunt
Detailed start times are in the attached invitation.
Stream Information
Date: August 19th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
No countdown because prolikewoah's shit's broken.
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
>no bmn this week
what am i supposed to do then, watch a GOOD movie?
Good day everyone.
It's a new year and time for another band of brothas have come forth to take it to the M's: Mobs, Maniacs, and The Man. Indeed my brothas, it's Blaxploitation Movie Night 2023. Grab yo dranks, spice yo food, and kick back for tonight's three features.
Black Samurai
Black Belt Jones
Death Ranch
Stream Information
'Date: February 25th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to February 18th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of wildcards and punishment.
Stream Information
'Date: February 18th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to February 4th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards.
Stream Information
'Date: February 4th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to January 28th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of shifting tactics, shifting gears, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
Date: January 28th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to January 21st's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists ancient reptiles, more ancient reptiles, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
'Date: January 21st
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to January 14th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of mystery, wonder, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
'Date: January 14th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to January 7th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment is the 2023 Glory Starter, a Glory encore night to start the year off with some of the good stuff. Tonight we have a short and three classic BMN features to enjoy. So grab your favorite inebriator, snacks, and whatever else you fancy; and kick back for some old favorites and the rite of passage.
Gamebox 1.0
90210 Shark Attack
Stream Information
'Date: January 7th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Good day everyone. December is nearly here, and soon the holiday cheer will be as well. Just so everyone's not caught off guard by a week off, the plans for December are as follows.
-3rd: Normal Show
-10th: Normal Show
-17th: Bad Merry Night Special (Slay Ride, Icetastrophe, and Elf Bowling [Order subject to change, let me know which you want to see first in this thread] )
-24th: No BMN, Christmas break.
December 31st will be The 2022 Glory Pile Encore, showcasing movies that were added to the pile this past year. If you have a request from this year, post it below.
January 7th will The General Glory Pile Encore. The same as above, but for 2021 and prior.
I hope you all have a pleasant December. Thank you for watching BMN.
Welcome to the End of Year Encore everyone. This week's experiment consists of four fan favorites just from this year. Lets end the year proper by remembering the fun pain we've watched this year. Grab your shitty 2023 glasses, get your favorite inebriator, and kick back for some of the best we've found and seen this year.
My Wife is retarded [End of Pre-Show]
Alien Apocalypse
Narcotic Justice
Stream Information
'Date: December 31st
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Ho ho ho! Good day everyone.
Snow has fallen and people have forgotten how to drive, it must be the Christmas season. A time of spiked eggnog and Christmas jeer, perfect for this week's experiment.
Tonight we will have three bad festive features, sure to freeze any warm heart. So grab some warm blankets, put a fire in the fire place, try not to burn the house down; and kick back to enjoy some lumps of coal from the BMN stocking.
Santa's Slay
Elf Bowling
Stream Information
'Date: December 17th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to December 10th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards. Apologies for the late post.
Stream Information
'Date: December 10th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to December 3rd's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards.
Stream Information
'Date: December 3rd
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to November 26th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of toikey, white robes, and portals.
Stream Information
'Date: November 26th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to November 19th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of finding a assassins, future crime, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
'Date: November 19th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to November 13th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards.
Daylight Savings Time has Occurred
Be aware that the start time has shifted. Apologies.
Stream Information
'Date: November 13th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
This is now a Juggalo board.
Welcome to November 5th's Band Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of bands.
Stream Information
'Date: November 5th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome back to the last week of the month-long special experiment, Attack Of The Bad Movie Stack. This week's movies, like the killers and monsters they contain, hide from you in the shadows. Their rampage is almost over, can you survive?
Stream Information
'Date: October 29th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to October 8th's Bad Movie Night. As we've now crossed over into the month of October, it's time to exhume more horror movies than usual. With that in mind, tonight's experiment consists entirely of wildcards. Watch them all, if you dare!
Stream Information
'Date: October 8th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Check out the Halloween /vhs/ movie night this Friday, October 7. 2 of the 3 movies we are showing are /bmn/ bangers.
Starts 5pm PDT - 7pm CDT - 8pm EDT
>Ernest Scared Stupid (1991)
>Funny Man (1994)
>Donnie Darko (2001)
The order is decided by cytube poll right before it starts.
Welcome to September 24th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of mad science lizards, lizards with wings, and lizardmen.
Stream Information
'Date: September 24th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Too impatient to wait until Saturday, What's the name of that rock song you sometimes play in preshow? It's a partially animated video and the guy is playing the flute? Do you have a link to the youtube video?
Hope all is well, see you Saturday. Thanks
Welcome to September 3rd's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of not!Die Hard, Martial Arts, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
Date: September 17th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to September 3rd's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of finding a post-prepping, guard duty, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
'Date: September 10th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to September 3rd's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of clang, forestry, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
'Date: September 3rd
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to August 27th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of curses, infections, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
Date: August 27th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Good evening everyone!
It's been six years of BMN, six years of bad movies with you all. The amount of movies we've watched is staggering just to estimate. I'm fairly sure I forgot the actual count at around the end of year 2. Still is a mindbogglingly high number though, that's for sure.
And I have you all to thank for returning to watch each week. Truly, you guys watching and occasionally enjoying the movies screened each week make it all fun and enjoyable to work on this show. Thank you all.
Tonight, a selection of 3 films and one short from the Glory pile, all from the past year of BMN.
My Wife Is Retarded
Dark Angel
Death Collector
The Forsaken
Detailed start times are in the attached invitation.
Stream Information
Date: August 20th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to August 13th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards.
Stream Information
Date: August 13th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to August 6th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards.
Stream Information
Date: August 6th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to July 30th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards.
Stream Information
Date: July 30th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to July 23rd's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards.
Stream Information
Date: July 23rd
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Hello everyone, apologies for the sudden post.
I'm afraid I am going to postpone BMN for Saturday, July 16th until the following weekend. My apologies, but something unexpected sprang up and I need to deal with it. I'll see you all next week. Cheers everyone.
Welcome to July 9th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of creative titling, deep web driving, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
Date: July 9th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Guess who forgot to hit the post button last night. Welcome to July 2nd's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of the paranormal, nazi science, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
Date: July 2nd
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to June 25th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards.
Stream Information
Date: June 25th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to June 18th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of desert driving, spelunking, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
Date: June 18th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to June 11th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of aliens, aliens, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
Date: June 11th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to June 4th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of remakes, camping, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
Date: June 4th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to May 28th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of the future west, big bucks, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
Date: May 28th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to May 21st's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of fighting crime, cyborgs, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
Date: May 21st
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to May 14th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards.
Stream Information
Date: May 14th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to April 2nd's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of trucks, trucks, and a wildcard truck.
Stream Information
Date: April 2nd
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to April 30th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment theme is a wildcard. All movies tonight will follow a hidden theme. God help us all.
Stream Information
Date: April 30th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to April 23rd's Bad Movie Night. Tonight, we play God and press the disaster button a few times for poor planet Earf. What disasters are happening? Only fate knows, so kick back and enjoy the end of the world three times tonight.
Stream Information
Date: April 23rd
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Post Gula and may we receive their blessing.
Welcome to April 16th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of alternate earths.
Stream Information
Date: April 16th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to April 9th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of the pyramid builders.
Stream Information
Date: April 9th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to March 26th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment is the last week of Mystery March. The streak is gone, but will the month's average still holdout at good? Only time will tell. Prepare yourselves.
Stream Information
Date: March 26th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to March 19th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment continues Mystery March into Week 3. Will we continue to have the odd luck we have been having? Only time will tell. Prepare yourselves for more of the unknown.
Stream Information
Date: March 19th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to March 12th's Bad Movie Night. Mystery March continues this week with 3 more wildcards. Prepare yourselves.
Stream Information
Date: March 12th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to March 5th's Bad Movie Night. It's the first week of MYSTERY MARCH, which means all wild cards, all month. Prepare yourselves.
Stream Information
Date: March 5th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome back, brothas and sistas, to the Rundown Theatre.
Tonight, we act like them old witch doctas and revive some old souls from the BMN vault. That's right brothas, it's the return of old favorites from blaxploitation nights past. So grab some dranks, and grab yo food. Kick back and enjoy some soul cinema with Blaxploitation Movie Night 2022.
The Black 6
The Black Gestapo
Truck Turner
Disco Godfather
Stream Information
Date: February 26th
Show Start Time: 6:30PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 00:30 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 6:00 PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:00 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to February 19th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of a night at the museum, spires, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
Date: February 19th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to February 12th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of creative titling, deep web driving, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
Date: February 12th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to February 5th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards.
Stream Information
Date: February 5th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to February 5th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards.
Stream Information
Date: February 5th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to January 29th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of gentlemen's clubs, time traveling simps, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
Date: January 29th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to January 22nd's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of parkour, PARKOUR, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
Date: January 22nd
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
I don't know if you know this BMN but on Chromium-based browsers whenever you stream the player will constantly freak the fuck out, scrollbars will appear and disappear on the side several times a second and it makes it unwatchable without going fullscreen. I've only been able to watch it by having the movie play in fullscreen in an incognito tab on one monitor and being logged in to chat on another monitor. It's a very tedious setup and I hope you look at the HTML you have set. It may also be because I have custom CSS disabled because I don't like the swapped layout you set (video on left, chat on right), hope you take a look at it.
Pulled from 8kunt so you don't have to!
Periodically, you may hear the phrase 'The Glory Pile' in the stream. To answer possible curiosity; the Glory Pile refers to a group of movies that have become either personal or audience favorites from their premiere on the stream. Some from actual achievement, some earned their spot on this list for sheer dumbfounding awe.
Please note: this list is a perpetual work in progress, as new titles will eventually make it into the pile.
Welcome to January 15th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of Primeate Revolution, Joe Rogan's Fur Factor, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
Date: January 15th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to January 8ths Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards.
Stream Information
Date: January 8th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Well my friends, another year has come and gone. It's been a minorly eventful year for BMN, with the resurrection of the board on a platform that isn't shite. I'm glad to see life return to the board, even if it is small; so thank you all for posting. And thank you all again for coming back to watch each week, you all make it worthwhile. Truly, thank you kindly.
Enough warmth, its time to return to the cold that is the end of the year for the Northern Hemi. Compared to other years, this past year is among the lower years in terms of additions to the pile. Not the lowest by any means, which was 2, but being double of that isn't much to brag about either. I can only blame the quality of the dumpsters I fish these out of.
Since we've added 4 to the pile this year, the Devil's Door will open to provide the remaining two. Which films will exit the door you may ask? Only time will tell.
See the attached image for more detailed start times for each block.
Phantom Racer
Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter
Razor Sharpe
Stream Information
Date: January 1st
Show Start Time: 3:30PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 21:30 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 3PM CDT (Saturday) / 21:00 UTC
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Good evening everyone.
In case you missed the previous stream, or are just stopping by, BMN's Christmas Special will be occurring on SUNDAY, December 26th. What better way to celebrate bad Christmas movies than the day after they were meant for? We've got some time before then, so this notice will stay up until the 26th.
The After-Christmas Special Setlist:
Elf Bowling (as is tradition)
Santa's Slay
Start time will be 2 HOURS EARLIER than usual, for the anons that have to work the following day. Wait for the event thread for detailed times/countdown if you wish.
Additionally, I changed my mind about streaming on the first.
BMN WILL be happening on January 1st, and it will be an end of the year double-triple feature, like past years. For those that are new, that's right: 6 movies, recapping the best of the year. If we don't have enough to fill the slots, the Devil's Door will open for the New Year. I wonder what we've shoved in it this past year.
Cheers everyone. I'll see you all for this Saturday's stream like normal, its thread will be posted later this week.
Ho ho ho! Hope you all had a merry Christmas, everyone. Per the restraining order, I am no longer allowed to leave my unwanted film train wrecks as 'gifts' in the homes of strangers; so we'll do the show the old fashioned way. So grab your nog, a warm blanket, the ol' yule log for future film disposal; and enjoy with other anons some of the worst the season has in film.
Keep in mind that this stream will be 2 hours earlier than normal (6PM CST) on Sunday the 26th.
Elf Bowling (As is tradition)
Santa's Slay
Stream Information
Date: December 26th
Show Start Time: 6PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 23:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 5:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 22:30 UTC
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to December 18th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards.
Stream Information
Date: December 18th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to December 11th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards.
Stream Information
Date: December 11th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to November 27th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards.
Stream Information
Date: November 27th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to November 20th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of the end, action, the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
Date: November 20th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to November 13th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists entirely of wildcards.
Note: Gaylight savings has occurred in the US. Check the countdown for an accurate showtime for your neck of the woods.
Stream Information
'Date: November 13th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CST/CDT (US) / 01:00/02:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CST/CDT (Saturday) / 00:30/01:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.moe (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Welcome to November 6th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of being a bad sport, being an okay sport, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
Date: November 6th
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.moe (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Velcome mortals, to a spooky Bad Movie Night. This night, we will experience the chilling horrors of a forest movie, an asylum movie, and an old pile movie.
Grab some BOOze, kick back, and enjoy some bad horror. IF YOU DARE.
Stream Information
Date: October 30th
Show Start Time: 8PM CST/CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CST/CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Good day to all of you narcoleptics, I'm happy to meet you all. We finally got off of the hellhole that is 8kunt, ready to continue doing what we have been doing for the past 5 years, showcasing the worst film has to offer.
Welcome to October 23rd's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of (re)posession, druidic plots, and the usual wildcard.
Stream Information
'Date: October 23rd
'Show Start Time: 8PM CST/CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CST/CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch%28Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)