/2hu/ - Touhou

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Sweaty yakuza sex
Replies: >>4494 >>4502
>>4493 (OP) 
>cumming in for a landing
>it's gonna be rough
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>>4493 (OP) 
Here's what actual Yakuza sex is like

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My cat's face after it toppled the cupboard.

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Post about any 2hu fangames you find interesting.
For example, Yuuka's game: YuuYuu Jitenshi no Yuukarin
Fun (although frustating at times) 2D platformer starring the Flower Master.
https://mega.nz/file/ZqogkJSL#6yBIV3sx9f4oXjVJvxbu00Fr54xG_K4VwWqOOOX1KTA (version 1.1.0)
https://mega.nz/file/QcwFVCJL#nxNpKLSHq0puK7QYux8lCXOCs7yq4MSCUFfCxoaZEVs (version 2.0.0)
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Are you playing Sumireko's balls (the other ones)?
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I'll be damned!
That niglet's got moves!
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Finished Touhou-A-Live. Knew only a little of the original and only played this because Letty is in it.
It was mostly god in the moment. The battle system has no right to hold up as well as it does. The puzzles are also mostly good, but some of them are dumb or absurd. The original might have been the one that started the top-down-RPG bad stealth, which this game perpetuates.

This game never really figures out what it wants to be. It ends up somewhere in between everything. It has jokes and references, but it's also too often serious to be a parody. For seven chapters it more or less follows the original plots, even when they don't make sense with touhous, and then it makes off into its own thing, not quite either Touhou or LAL. It has some climatic moments, but that's when poor RPG Maker has the biggest chance to choke and glitch out.
The Fantasy chapter is something very special and I want to say that the game should be played for it. The side stuff and the rough parts make me think it doesn't really hold up.
Replies: >>4481
>Knew only a little of the original and only played this
Tell me you are a zoomer without telling me you are one.
Replies: >>4487
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Thanks to the remake, more people know about LAL now than when TAL was released.

Already forgot the story of TAL. It was emotional in the moment, but doesn't make enough sense to leave an impression. The music is far more memorable than the plot.

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Yup, this cute little wolf is now officially on team blue.
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Replies: >>4385 >>4434
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It's because of the GPU encoder for streaming, not the graphics, you fucking pathetic orbiting paypig.
Replies: >>4379
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I'm not an E-celeb though so why should I care about streaming?
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>>4357 (OP) 
Must have been a pretty old card for there to be a significant difference. Also why not run them both at the same time or whatever?
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>>4357 (OP) 
While Momiji does indeed rock an Intel Arc GPU she also pairs it with an Ryzen 9 7900X CPU.
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This setup MOGS the RGB fags and cable management fags.

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Merry Christmas /2hu/
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Merry Christmas
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If I take a few potshots at the sky in the general direction of partying normalfags, how likely is it that at least one connects how easy would it be to trace it to me? I wonder...
Replies: >>339
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Try vid related
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Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . 

'Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons!'

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How the hell does that work?

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Replies: >>4470
>>4468 (OP) 
Do you find the human body's food processing this much to the extend of wanting to observe it live?

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Wel come into Koumonkan
if your board was active at all you wouldn't need to shill it here, nigger
Replies: >>4466
No >>>/japan/11309
Replies: >>4467
200 posts per day average I'm afraid
Replies: >>4467
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I don't give a shit you waste of dubs, this point still stands >>>>4465
Now fuck off

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Why is western touhou content all shitposts?
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Replies: >>3816
>2nd one
I just watched a whole preschool song video because it had 2hus in it. There is no longer any doubt in my mind I am mentally retarded, I am free.
Replies: >>3817
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Nothing wrong with being a baka.
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I hate it
I hate it
I hate it
I hate it
I hate it
I hate it
I hate it
Because most westerners can't draw or write doujins

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1 Consult fox
2 Get duped
3 Hate-fuck fox
4 Repeat
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meew chyoo!
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rub the fox tummy
Replies: >>4423 >>4424
Harapan the fox tummy!
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Stuff the fox tummy.
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Look what you made poor little Kuda-chan do, Anon, you fucking nigger >:[

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