Oi~ Reimu! Wha's this drawing? Uhhh... That's not mine! It was in yer futon! I didn't draw it! Reimu-u! Yukari put it there! No, listen! I DON'T DRAW STUFF LIKE THAT! YOU DREW IT, YE BLOODY LIAR! IT'S SIGNED AS A SPELLCARD! Oh, no... Did I sign it? Reimu... Why did ya draw yerself as a giant-breasted two-legged fox-woman? ...That's my fursona... Your fucking ||what||? Her name is PON-PON! She's my fursona. What the fuck is a fursona!? I roleplay as a soft, shy fox-girl in Bunbunmaru's reader mail section. Yer acting like a dog on that tengu's gossip-rag? Pon-pon is a fox! But yes... Whatever. I just like to be cute! CUTE!? Yes. YE JUST LIKE TO BE CUTE!? Yes! Do ya think I don't notice a fat fawking bulge in her skirt?! uwu WHAT? What? WHA~ WAS THAT? Nothing! WHAT DID YA JUST SAY!? I didn't say anything!
>>92 (OP) >2021 >Not having a fursona yourself
>>94 I'd fuck Reimu's fursona.
>>95 yiff in hell furfag
>>96 Yiiy-yeey-yeay-yeee (woosh)
>>98 The Nameless Fairy is IN HELL
Until the original thread is back I'm posting all the Month First videos so far. October
>>139 November
>>140 December With the extended version
>>122 Why the fuck is the Nameless Fairy in Hell?
>>153 Sins against nature
>>122 HECATIA ARRIVES from Hell! What the fuck is that fairy doing?
>>165 The fairy is "YIFFING"
>>153 To get glued back together. How do you think they get revived?
>>95 Wait, I just re-read the OP's post and noticed the bit about the futashit. Forget I said anything, that's gross as hell.
>>173 Because I said so!
>>213 Fak you, Fairy. RISE FROM YOUR GRAVES, PC-98!
>>96 do NOT force Yuugi to see furries she will be very sad
>>219 Too late.
>>192 No takebacks, mate, bend over.
>>224 Nah.
>>224 >You will never take Reimu's knot. Why even live?
>>224 >"Oh hey the running Chen animation plays when opening spoilers! That's ne-" Should've tested a different pic. turns out enlarging any pic will have it.
>>235 >reimu's fursona (15.ai).txt >>192 >>226 >hmmm, I wonder what could be under that spoiler
(Whatever you do don't look up the author)
Everything's a dildo if you're brave enough.
>>400 Better late than never, right?
>>896 What's this? I don't remember tf2 having lightsabers.
I'm not a flying Chernobyl, master, I'm a Yatagarasu! The difference is one is a powerplant, and the other is mental sickness (Unyu~)!
I like hats.
>>1192 1 sounds better than the original. Kind of sounds like a doom midi
>>1148 March First
>>1685 Soundsmith wannabes btfo.
>>1687 >Vagi-Nitori HAIMAMOO
Average incident
>>883 Yeah that guy went craycray af, I can't look at his gyate soldiers without feeling their insanity reverberating from them.
Today, we will #SaveTF2
>>2055 Do you #GiveAShitAboutNormalniggersPlayingCasual? As long as there are FF servers running 2ho bosses, TF2 will never die.
Teeworlds is... worse, but you don't have to install steam for it.
>>2059 freak fortress/vsh is not very good, but there is a vanilla touhou server on sundays
savetf2 is trending #1
>>2062 What's the point of playing games if you can't be a 2hu?
valve kneeled and tweeted, awesome >>2072 use the touhou fortress mod. the sakuya and koishi models are almost okay.
>>2084 Valve wrote a generic corporate "fuck off" blurb that doesn't amount to anything. The only thing that will tave tf2 now is a touhou gamemode.
>>2186 or autismcaptcha
Gookshi's one big shrimp!
So does anyone want to play? I just tried getting back into the game but there's some gay 7-15 day waiting period on trades now. I've got 1 ref to my name dammit I want to trade jew.
>>2238 Post a community server IP and I'll come
>>2246 I have to wait 7 days.
>>2238 If you can make a server and also find a way to have TF2 without Steam then sure
>>92 (OP)
the gay market/trading holds are up but I got banned for 24h on one of the more popular trading networks at least I own an unusual now
that was way too much fucking gookclicking
I'm going to leave this server running with every touhou map I know of except the arena ones connect
>>2341 paste
>>2341 Didn't see it until now, if the server is still there tomorrow I'll join
>>2341 Absolutely, unabashedly, unapologetically, unequivocally, unilaterally BASED. Too bad I'll be busy for the next few weeks, and also pretty done with vanilla.
>>2341 pls add combat surf maps
>>2345 if you join for a moment we are on a version of badwater with aya feet on it
>>2341 add achievement turbo to maplist
>>2341 Was fun, thanks for the game.
>>2341 Fuck I missed the games. Is the server still up?
>>2350 Yes it is.
the server is filling up
>>2355 ...With my semen!
>>2420 4
>>2420 I'm scared
I have traded up to 2 unusuals and 8 keys now. My treasury is projected to go up another 30% in <2 weeks.
If you smoke this shit, you'll be high for days.
>>2530 shit's only populated on sundae
>>2534 rabbit rabbit
>>2534 Thanks for posting it
ye olde stonetoss
>>2563 Girls should sell their clothes for huge profit
Girls' clothes should turn into tsukumogami and sell them for huge profit.
>Is this the autism central? Yes, it is! instead of creating original content you feed on a corpse off yet and another dead project. How fitting. At least i play EROTIC emuera games and don't pretend to be a part of a bigger (and unfortunately very degenerate) community.
>>2636 >creating original content who actually does that in any anonymous nigerian boot-licking forums?
>>2636 tf2 is not dead, look at this eirin also I'm not degenerate speak for yourself
>>2638 Sounds like something a degenerate would say.
>i'm not a degenerate >speak for yourself Let this original (and highly exclusive) content speak for me. Believe it or not i spent 2 while years practicing the art. Male villager, no alcohol, no reaching stars run. Are you a touhou connoisseur enough to have 30 children with your loving waifu? Now answer me, worm, who is a degenerate? The one who does love his waifu or the one who doesn't?
>>2640 >I'm not a degenerate, here, look at this picture of Byakuren having quadruple urethral orgasms! Okay, Mad.
>>2646 Who the fug is Aristotle? Where is Hata-tan?
>>2647 aya has a pet crow
>>2648 Aya has a pet Hatate.
>>2649 thought it was the other way around
>And even though Kakashi Spirit News is mentioned [in SoPM], there is no article for Hatate to be seen... >That's because nobody but Aya knows of that character's existence... And there is no way she would write about Hatate in her newspaper. ↑↑↑ A reminder that Hatate used to wholly rely on Aya for survival due to crippling anxiety as of no earlier than 2012, and was beyond any doubt made to serve as her sex pet for food.
>>2676 What the f*ck is this?
>>2676 where is the tf2?
>>2690 i think gyates are considered tf2 culture now
>>2691 mother of god...
Gyates are the devil
new pic, nue kills uncle dane
>>2758 Ayooo mister paladin here.
>>2759 never heard of him
ah fug they added a new lootbox
>>2809 the queen of kogasatopia
bought my prinny hat for the bros
>Get prinny hat >Dye it a colour similar to a bird touhou character >Name your prinny hat after the touhou character using a nametag >???? >Save otaku culture with your frags I think this will only cost $1.5 minimum per hat
>>2887 What the fuck are prinny hats? They look dumb to the point where I'm 100% positive there have to be better bird cosmetics.
>>2890 Pleb
>>2890 >he doesn't know
>>2897 nice awesome gem
new poster
>>2917 You got yourself banned from uncletopia or something?
>>2918 long story
>>2917 eye, mouth, and dane is fuked up; suicide watch >>2918 not me, them >>2919 not you, me
>>2920 Ah, so they banned themselves from playing with you. Got it.
>>2921 essentially, (You)
>>2945 Why?
>>2948 her face looked wide to me
>>2955 her eyes were too close together
broke the gacha today found a lootbox that is mathematically certain to pay out over long periods basically it has a 25% chance to 4x so if you keep pulling you always end up breaking even on the good shit the shitty items and purple hats are pure profit this is not sustainable due to the supply and other bottlenecks but it sates my "gambling" addiction for now
>>2967 What's special about that prinny?
>>2968 it was the first one ever crafted
>>2973 mother of god...
>>2973 Casual. Track down the first ever genuine one.
new tf2 major content update is here folks https://gyate.net/kogasatopia/updates
>>2995 >otaku culture: >pog >amogus Nice try, r/touhou
i've had my fill
>>3007 good memories
>>3000 "pog" is otaku culture.
It's that day again
>>3185 Get out of here, shitty homo-fagot amanojaku! This board is for ultra-straight futa-girl lovers only!
>>3185 I washed my hands of those after I converted all my profits to silver.
>>3263 And that's all from me. Thanks for sticking around.
>>92 (OP) >>94 >Not AI-generating your fursona
With Momiji's help, Reimu got to be one step closer to her fursona.
>>3280 I hate furries so much Its unreal..
>>3672 So, what you're saying is you don't really hate furries all that much?
>>3673 No i meant to say, i hate them very much.
>>3674 Look at what you've done. Reimu is crying now because of your fursecution!
>>3677 It's okay, she can pour her salty white tears into my anus
>>3280 fuck you AI coaler
>>3731 finally a keyed turbogem... New D I A M O N D
>>3748 >AI coaler Sheeit.
>>3750 >reimu is the niggerest one I thought that would be Marisa.
>>3751 Remilia can go deeper into "coal" territory, but not in a nigger way. Cirno gets niggerfied effectively though.
>>3752 Stop posting shitty AI images, I'm so fucking tired of retarded boomers over hyping this generic brain dead nonsense or talking to schizo bots. >>3678 >It's okay, she can pour her salty white tears into my anus Would that be good for your Microbiome anon?
Also heh
>>3677 Kill furfags. Behead furfags. Roundhouse kick a furfag into the concrete. Slam dunk a furfag baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy dog fuckers. Defecate in a furfags food. Launch furfags into the sun. Stir fry furfags in a wok. Toss furfags into active volcanoes. Urinate into a furfags gas tank. Judo throw furfags into a wood chipper. Twist furfags heads off. Report furfags to the Eiki so they can yiff in hell. Karate chop furfags in half. Curb stomp pregnant furfags. Trap furfags in quicksand. Crush furfags in the trash compactor. Liquefy furfags in a vat of acid. Cook furfags on a spit roast. Eat furfags. Dissect furfags. Exterminate furfags in the gas chamber. Stomp furfag skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate furfags in the oven. Lobotomize furfags. Mandatory abortions for furfags. Grind furfag fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown furfags in fried chicken grease. Vaporize furfags with a ray gun. Kick old furfags down the stairs. Feed furfags to alligator scaley bros. Slice furfags with a katana. >>3672 >I hate furries so much Understandable
Courtesy of an anon doing MMD animations on /b/
>>4518 Why does Shou look so afraid?
>>4519 She probably doesn't know how any of this works.