True. I've only done it once this year and only did it often when I was younger, but it is an amazing experience to have every once in a while. It has gotten duller as I age, but it is still worthwhile. It is the ultimate robot drug: cheap, easily available in many countries, powerful, and solitary in usage.
>[alcohol] doesn't have that many drawbacks compared to the real drugs
I doubt it. Of course, if you're consuming it moderately, you might not face that many drawbacks, but if you have ever watched an addict experience delirium tremens, as I've seen in my own father, or heard of someone in your family die from alcohol addiction, you know that it's a seriously dangerous drug. Of course, nowadays, what with fentanyl lacing, street drugs are much worse, but I still would say that DXM is safer than alcohol. I have yet to hear of someone committing suicide after a bad DXM trip, and I would speculate that it has less addiction-forming potential than alcohol.