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[Hide] (88.5KB, 1033x679) >>3276
>I've read through it, and I didn't find any of it particularly useful
>Rube Goldberg machines involving specific gases, medicines, and bags
This is precisely the reason I have been ignoring this thread despite being very interested in suicide, its so barebones it hurts, and the fact it mentions this piece of shit of a book made me stop reading it right there. I have never noticed there was a link to suicide wiki and sanctioned suicide until now.
>It's like the writers DO NOT want you to commit suicide
>These suicide "support" institutions are ridiculous, masquerading as an end of life choice for senescent wastes
>I can not take any pro-suicide stance seriously if they do not support suicide for anyone regardless of age, state of mind, or disability
>Getting "saved" from the act of suicide means getting put on a merry-go-round of drug cocktails served up by Dr. Goldstein for the next five years while being forced to subject yourself to retarded normalnigger "therapists"(that only benefit other normalniggers)
This is simply the best post on suicide that I have ever read in all my years of browsing IBs.
>Your only three methods of choice should be a firearm, hanging, and drowning, this is supported by statistics
>The most important factor is being found, even a poorly aimed gun or botched hanging will be 99% fatal if no one will find you for hours. It's the same thing with drowning, absolutely no one must see otherwise you might get stopped and you'll become a vegetable from oxygen deprivation.
>Be thorough with planning for your best chances
These are some excellent tips. I have been feeling desperate in the recent weeks, I was starting to seriously consider slashing the jugular or the carotid artery, but your post is making me reconsider it, thank you anon. What do you think of the sodium azide and sodium nitrite methods, which are preferred by suicide wiki and its creators, Sanctioned Suicide? Both methods use chemicals that are considerably easier to get than something like cyanide, for example, however they do advise you to take antiemetics to prevent vomiting. They seem to be decent methods in the success rate department but I have read a few failure reports. Sanctioned Suicide is also the only mainstream normoid organization / community that I know that supports suicide for depressed young adults, I have read their forums for about a month earlier this year, before getting tired of their normalniggery and some of their stupid posts, but they're not really bad people.
>Do not overdose, cut yourself, or jump from heights like a retard
I second your advice. A popular tip in suicide communities is jumping from a building only if its at least from the seventh floor and upwards, there's even a saying