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Links to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook by euthanasia organization Exit International.
Edition March 2020.


Other helpful sites:

https://suicide.wiki/w/Main_Page (Wiki)
https://sanctionedsuicide.com/forums/suicide-discussion.2/ (Forum)
https://lostallhope.com/ (Info)
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>I've read through it, and I didn't find any of it particularly useful
>Rube Goldberg machines involving specific gases, medicines, and bags
This is precisely the reason I have been ignoring this thread despite being very interested in suicide, its so barebones it hurts, and the fact it mentions this piece of shit of a book made me stop reading it right there. I have never noticed there was a link to suicide wiki and sanctioned suicide until now.
>It's like the writers DO NOT want you to commit suicide
>These suicide "support" institutions are ridiculous, masquerading as an end of life choice for senescent wastes
>I can not take any pro-suicide stance seriously if they do not support suicide for anyone regardless of age, state of mind, or disability
>Getting "saved" from the act of suicide means getting put on a merry-go-round of drug cocktails served up by Dr. Goldstein for the next five years while being forced to subject yourself to retarded normalnigger "therapists"(that only benefit other normalniggers)
This is simply the best post on suicide that I have ever read in all my years of browsing IBs.
>Your only three methods of choice should be a firearm, hanging, and drowning, this is supported by statistics
>The most important factor is being found, even a poorly aimed gun or botched hanging will be 99% fatal if no one will find you for hours. It's the same thing with drowning, absolutely no one must see otherwise you might get stopped and you'll become a vegetable from oxygen deprivation.
>Be thorough with planning for your best chances
These are some excellent tips. I have been feeling desperate in the recent weeks, I was starting to seriously consider slashing the jugular or the carotid artery, but your post is making me reconsider it, thank you anon. What do you think of the sodium azide and sodium nitrite methods, which are preferred by suicide wiki and its creators, Sanctioned Suicide? Both methods use chemicals that are considerably easier to get than something like cyanide, for example, however they do advise you to take antiemetics to prevent vomiting. They seem to be decent methods in the success rate department but I have read a few failure reports. Sanctioned Suicide is also the only mainstream normoid organization / community that I know that supports suicide for depressed young adults, I have read their forums for about a month earlier this year, before getting tired of their normalniggery and some of their stupid posts, but they're not really bad people.
>Do not overdose, cut yourself, or jump from heights like a retard
I second your advice. A popular tip in suicide communities is jumping from a building only if its at least from the seventh floor and upwards, there's even a saying
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>I was starting to seriously consider slashing the jugular or the carotid artery, but your post is making me reconsider it, thank you anon
There's nothing wrong with also cutting up, but you shouldn't rely on it at all. A belt and a sturdy door handle and, as anon says, time, is all you really need. If you can be relatively sure that your weight will sit on the side of your neck, which you can test yourself, then a constrictor knot with a cloth belt and a half sturdy doorknob is all you need and relatively comfortable.
With regards to time, it's important to know that if you're keyed in to normalfag systems (work etc.) then they'll find you pretty fucking quickly. In my personal experience, if you're depressed enough to kys then there's a good chance you're going to putz around aimlessly for a very long time, so ideally you want to be in a situation where nobody is going to be asking where you are for over a week. The moment one person doesn't see you they'll call every other person who sees you ever.
Do you know if the Night Night method works? I've been considering suicide, and if I'm going to kill myself, I want it at least to be painless.
Replies: >>3800
If anyone told you yes it would mean that either he tried and it didn't work, or he hasn't tried and he's at best judging it by how well it works mechanically.
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The Peaceful Pill Handbook is a book by Exit International setting out information on assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia. Written by the Australian doctor Philip Nitschke and lawyer Fiona Stewart. It's 142MB PDF file.

Download link: https://anonfiles.com/b4s8n8Yex0/PPeH_April_2022_pdf
Mirror: https://cdn3.bunkr.is/PPeH_April_2022-FcRmORJl.pdf

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All things 2D. Post 2D. Discuss 2D. Watch 2D. Shit on 3DPD.  Maybe even talk about a certain 2D character or show you love.
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Thank you for elaborating.
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Kobato is the perfect girl in my book. Clumsy, goofy, needs help constantly but she is the kindest and cutest thing ever.
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Replies: >>3792
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This is a very cute friend, thank you for posting her.

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I noticed some robots were talking about their futures recently in the FTDDTOT, particularly as it relates to careers, and so I figured a thread might be in order to talk about: wageslavery experiences, strategies to deal with normalfag coworkers, career recommendations, application advice, tips for escaping (or maintaining) NEETdom, suggestions for switching fields, or anything related to wageslavery at all.

To get it started I suppose: I've been lackadaisically applying for a variety of entry-level office jobs for a couple months now, but I don't have any hard preferences really. I also was considering a law enforcement related career, but I've got to look into that more. I was wondering if robots had any career suggestions, positive career experiences, or just any thoughts/knowledge about different fields of work that might be good for a robot.
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I thought I could lay my head low at work and get through it with no drama but that goal has failed and I realize how much I dislike interacting with people due to social awkwardness and will never get good at it.  People think I'm retarded, my trainer is a nigger who gets angry too fast and every time he asks me to fight I can't control my adrenaline (am caring less now about it and I feel my balls waking up again so if he asks me again I'll fight him however), sassy black woman who gossips exists, one co-worker used me as a fetch boy and I couldn't say anything because I wasn't doing anything (slow period) and the new guy, another guy has taken a disliking to me for no reason I can see and someone else I never spoke to glared at me, and someone stole something from me I was borrowing from someone else.
Replies: >>2462
neet forever, suck it nerd
Just stop work and collect welfare
At least for me they called me personally and told me why it was they wouldn't give me an offer. I got several rejections on the same ground that my social retardation wouldn't suit well with their company. Luckily I live in welfare land that has all kinds of retard programs and got a government subsidized offer for now
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Have any robots made a career out of instructional design (which is basically making learning materials)? I'm a failed software developer in need of a fresh start. Here's my natal chart in case someone is interested in astrology and wants to do a reading or compare their charts to mine or something.

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First one is Chainlink.
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Replies: >>3727 + 1 earlier
It's not really a currency in the traditional sense. 
To keep it short, it replaces the middle man in real life transactions or bureaucracy with smart contracts. It's based on reputation, smart contract nodes need to use the Chainlink token as collateral, if they give shit data then that node needs to pay up reparations. Simple concept, but hard to do properly because of the 'Oracle Problem'. 
Point is that they are very interested in this tech, and it's gonna be implemented anyway because they push it hard, they want their 'Great Reset' at all cost. Just wanted to give frens a chance at making some money while they turn most of the world population into actual cattle.
Replies: >>3487
Okay, now tell me how you're going to rope normalniggers into using this.
Replies: >>3488 >>3489
Very powerful organizations are going to push this for their "smart" cities. The normalecattle will go along with living in their shithole dystopia because of corona fearmongering. At least that's the plan. When their retarded social experiment fails like it always does there will be genocide and war like the last century im sure though.
Normalcattle will be forced to use it because there will be no alternative, no escape, lol.
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>>3479 (OP) 
This post aged nearly as well as my penis.

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I understand many Anons around here have shit family members, annoying neighbors, and other prevailing maladies of the like that makes one's living beyond unbearable, vent about it and share experiences, at any rate excuse my selfishness since the only reason im making this thread is so i can vent about it, and this subject is specific enough that it could warrant its own thread

ill get the ball rolling
>My room is located in what used to be a Garage
>Its Split in two by a drywall because reasons (most likely my "Mother"'s retardation)
>The retards who placed the drywall wall didn't build it all the way up, this means there's nothing between the beams, making the Drywall redundant because noise travels through the holes between the beams
>For almost a year im left alone there, have to deal with the arbitrary intrusion of my "mother" from time to time, but it is mostly silent and cozy, more than i could ask for
>My "mother" gets the great idea of turning half of my room in a office
>She has plenty of space elsewhere, my step-dad is loaded and has plenty of properties and spots, but she chooses to place it in my room anyways
>Have to move all my shit into the other half
>I barely have space to move
>I have to literally move the chair in order to open the wardrobe and similar other logistical disasters
>The office was meant to be a place for me to work, long story short i was supposed to work with a business associate of my step-dad, wich ended up being a load of bullshit and a underhanded deal to have a company subsidiary under my name while he manages it and i work for him at a warehouse
>Their bullshit collapses because Corona-chan (Thanks for saving me from wageslavery Corona-chan!) but now the office is converted on a Literal warehouse
>The other half of my room is now filled to the brim with boxes, day in day out niggers will go to deliver or drop boxes, >Remember how i said the beams have holes inbetween them? exactly, everything they do sounds as if they are in the same room even if they are not, i can't count how many trains of thought, reading sessions, or just straight up being unable to sleep because of loud insensitive retards with no care for silence and no situational awareness
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Replies: >>3704 + 2 earlier
>My country's political stance could be called boomerism
Sounds like my country. Pensions and other elderly benefits are such nice tools for buying legitimacy in the form of votes, eh? Too bad that they - among other things of course - cripple the country. Though given that my grandparents were/are about as bad as >>1647s, I can see why some just chooses to neglect or even break up contact with their elderly ones saying "they got pensions anyway, they can take care of themselves" or even shoving them into elderly care instead of taking care of them personally.
I wonder where this trait of hating being watched comes from. I have it too and I'm sure its a common sentiment. I cant do anything while being watched, even if its people watching me to learn how to do something
>"Anon come help me do mundane computer thing"
I cant do it without getting all fussy or confrontational. I have no idea what caused this to develop. Having a family computer in the living room cant be it i feel, its too counter intuitive. How can being forced to doing things in public create an aversion to being watched?
Replies: >>3546
>I wonder where this trait of hating being watched comes from.
From being stalked in the wild, deep down.  As for modern emotional reasons it's just a stripping of autonomy from you, where you can't have any free time for yourself.
>>1559 (OP) 
lol, you must be very a utistic. What you describe is your mother trying to make your living situation as uncom fortable as possible, in the hopes that it makes you move out. It would also be unsurprising if your stepfather told her to do it. This is the way nor mies com municate things to each other, they don't do it directly, because that would make you an ahole, which is the opposite of how au tistics com municate.

An example of this would be if you're visiting someone and they have satisfied their need to socialize, they will start dropping hints they want you to leave, rather than being upfront about it, because they''ll think they're being an ahole for doing it. This kind of com munication doesn't work well with au tistic people.
Fucking hell, I would have dropped ricin into the water supply years ago or orchestrated a carbon monoxide leak. Fuck all of that to the highest degree. People NEED privacy and some measure of control over their own lives and environment. I dunno if you get any at all away from your hall-house, but I hope you do.

>born into super conservative "family values" latin american culture
You poor bastard. You're also not alone, so don't feel too alienated or isolated. There's people out there going through similar things and it sucks every time, you're 100% justified in acknowledging how shitty that all is. You're right in that it's not normal or healthy, and it shouldn't be happening. I'll flip off your family in spirit for you since I dunno what else to do.

Related, I have a pal over in Turkey who has a similar problem; there's a culture of machismo over there and men are expected to solve their own problems and just deal with it. The guy is physically frail and dependent due to medical problems, so he can't go anywhere despite the fact that they abuse him in a variety of ways. They also control where/when he's allowed to go and any spending he does, even if it's for something like meds he needs to be in less pain. If he tries to leave the house he pretty much has an anxiety attack at some point, then his parents beat him when they find him or he gets back. He can't go any
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>What is this about?
Every month a book is chosen, robots will discuss, post their opinions, experiences and overall thoughts about said book.
Feel free to sugest whatever book you may like for the next month.
Everytime the monthly book is announced the month will be written in the name field for easy finding. The pdf of the book should be in that very post.

Beware there will be spoilers in this thread
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I finally get around writing a post for this book, there have been a few obstructions and distractions in my life but the main reason I am so late is because I am a lazy nigger, inexcusable >>3649.

I had a harder time getting hooked onto this book than onto the last one, in fact, I did not get fully invested until the last chapter or so. The characters are disturbing and hard to identify with, because they are all over the place, especially the main character, but as I understand it this book was written in part as a psychological examination of the real arsonist, who was presumably mentally ill.  Besides that, there are a lot of Zen concepts woven into the text, which  at times only add to the confusion. Mishima sure knows his stuff when it comes to his country's past and religion, yet he is not a Zen master himself and so he examines these concepts from "the outside" or "from below". I have read  that these Zen text are designed to be a mere confirmation of the experiences and superior knowledge for the initiated, but for the uninitiated they are empty of meaning at best and confusing at worst ,leading the reader astray , no matter how carefully and hard the latter studies them. 
If I am not mistaken this seems to be general theme with Mishima, a theme that he has in common by Nietzsche, by whom he was heavily influenced, that is, the rejection of metaphysics and yet the presence of the dimension of transcende
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Replies: >>3657
This is one of the best books I have ever read in my life, and it perfectly captures the fleeting feeling of having witnessed a fragment of beauty, and in the recent and very modern realization of its ephemerality and the intrinsic nothingness that lays behind all sense impression. Or rather, if "The Sailor who Fell from grace with the Sea" was the mindless prattling of an egotistical boy, this is the matured realization of a man who has witnessed enough of himself to be capable of speaking of the things he felt he needed to say. Mizoguchi's description of the grey waters resonates with me, his obsession with the dark and turbulent and how he describes it as the source of ugliness and of his power, is a nearly perfect description of compulsive, ugly beauty. He witnessed the ugliness and the fragility of the world as it was taught to him and was caught up in that sensation, both in the sense of what lays underneath it and by what is draped over reality. Well, I can repeat myself, but it the book really does make sense to me, and I understand why he decided to do the things he did and what he felt about the golden temple. The end of chapter eight, which I feel is the climax of the story, that which set the tone for the rest of the story to follow and from which the story is made complete from.

This is a book I will have to get back to after some time, when I make deeper connections to what parts of the story is supposed to connect to what. 

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Just from the connection of Kashiwagi with the prostitute, and how the prostitute itself lived in her own world and understood the world only through her own logic, unaccepting of anything else and any other interpretation, Mizoguchi is Uiko, the girl who died in a rebellious fit of passion along with her lover. Kashiwagi doesn't attempt to escape his ugliness, he wishes to accept it, but is terribly insecure about it nonetheless. The prostitute doesn't mind sensation of flies resting on her flesh, she's already rotten, she doesn't mind evil and instead tolerates it. Perhaps she feels like a saint when she does so, as if it is a good deed, like how the girls feel when they coddle and care to Kashiwagi and his clubfeet. Mizoguchi was charmed by Kashiwagi and as if sparked by his intepretation of the world, decided to form his own, and he did so and he did it it with the purity spiraling, zealous passion that converts to religions all share. The way he described the feeling of Uiko betraying her lover, as if she once again belonged to the community, reveals the ugly nature of the community of which he belongs to. And it's not like what she did wasn't in itself ugly, it was, but it nonetheless showed the spark of "metaphysical resistance", the attempt of the Sosei to break away from the temple, to break away from the community and return back to ugliness but in doing so revealing once again the source of beauty.  

>The cat re
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Replies: >>3663
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It is about time for the next book.
This time it is only a short story rather than a full fledged novel, so maybe a few so far uninvested robots will give it a read. Either way I am looking forward to reading more of Mishimas work, even if this club should die or if it decides on reading something else. 
Also since this one is so short and the cinematic adaption is so special (directed and starred by Mishima himself), I think it is justified to add the movie to this iteration and the subsequent discussion. You can view it on https://yewtu.be/watch?v=bO-w-cn-pJM.

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Dance thread
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Safer, cheaper, satisfactory and most of all: Irrelevant. If contentedness or pleasure are all you want there are many paths to them, even now. The point is procreation, companionship without it is nothing.
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Shi'as are alright, and I've never had any problems with Jordanians and west side Syrians despite being Sunnis as their civility comes from genetics.  As for the Afghan situation I just hope the Hazaras, Tajiks, and Wakhan Valley & Nuristan Aryans will be safe.
All these fools on here talk of sex bots in their techno-fantasies (conveniently seeking out escapism from this depraved society rather than facing its problems and dilemmas head on) and essentially scapegoat Jews and others for problems inherent to modern technology and modern society, yet you have the nerve to imply that I, someone who has read many books (and other mediums) on the future of society and risks facing it for a long time, am naive. Surely, I know less than the authors themselves in regards to their specific niches, but this is one of the few things where I really excel in my knowledge.
I am not so naive as the people on here who think that collective revolution is possible. I NEVER implied that average IQ people or people lacking fervent beliefs or that people without a strong drive to do certain niche tasks and focus on certain things or that normal people or even many on here would be the ones to make a difference. I don't think that revolution in the future will be anything like how it was before.
And I have never implied that defeatism is a special feature. If anything, it is rational for the vast majority of people to be defeatists because the future will not be their fight, and on the individual level, the "masses" really are powerless compared to the elites in charge and to modern society as a whole.
ALL I have essentially said, or at least implicitly meant to get across, is that te
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>I would sooner die than to become that kind of a person
You're smart, I'm stupid and blind, when confronted against a power that I have no immediate method of understanding and no method of resisting other than to wait for its death, there's not much else I can do than stand in wonder over how terrible it is and how pathetic I am. I'm not insane, I don't continue to strive despite there not being results, nor do I strive when I see no hope. I'm irrational and will live and die in wonder, hoping that there's some redeeming force beyond my understanding that will help me.
Good one, you almost got me.

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Currently running a multiplayer session of Terraria with mods. The Multiplayer session is steam-based so make an alt account if that bugs you.

To join send a request to this friend code

Pirated copy with the online fix

Important Information:
Make sure to manually install tmodloader
When you start the game it should have a mod option in the main menu. If it doesn't try running the game through the tmodloader exe (with steam running)

Mods required are in pic related.
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The humble abode.
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I am trash at building but uhhh ill diggy hole when inget free time. I already have modded Terraria, should i disable the mods that aren't part of the server or does it not matter?
Replies: >>3445
I would suggest disabling the mods that aren't part of the server, but If I remember correctly the game does that automatically when you join.

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In less than a month, it will be Elliot Rodger’s 30th anniversary. ITT we shitpost everything relating to the good looking guy!
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>The concept of obnoxious faggots that bitch all day about women it's not new.
Thankfully this has been weeded out for a few years now. Posts have revolved around general discussion about what we've been up to, what we like doing, and how we've been for a few years now. MGTOW however, seems to be a nonstop bitchfest. To be fair, some of them do actually live up to the group's namesake and focus on themselves.
Replies: >>3124
Most of the discussion was contained in the whg thread on the old 8/r9k/, but the interest seems to have died down. After all, you can only have the same three debates so many times. Most of what was said wasn't enlightening anyway so it's not a great loss. I prefer it this way.
I am not familiar enough with the MGTOW movement to give a solid opinion, but I'll trust yours.
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8chan died in 2016; 8/r9k/ was decent until 2017. If I controlled every thing under by iron rule, things would be better.
Replies: >>3224
no way we've been here (post 8chan) for 5 years. It cant be. what have i done for 5 years
That's what everyone says but hindsight is 20/20, and it's not so easy when your head's on the chopping block.

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There seem to be some drawfags around here so why not have one of these. Post your autistic doodles here.

Very rarely do I draw but I refrain from posting the art since it feels as if the only reason for me doing that is attention or positive feedback but I guess I'll break my rule if it's to share with robots.
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I was thinking that for this creature in particular that there would either need to be some easily digestible source of energy in the tree or they would need quite the stomach. I also think that it would be interesting to see how other animals react to the change in landscape from a tree (or trees) being felled. 

I also plan to add some sexually dimorphic features to the creature. Something that could be there for the sake of looking cool that the males have for display, competition, and sometimes functionality. Be it colors, a mane, a crest, or some other feature.
Replies: >>3206 >>3210
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Created a predator with the previous ideas. The sketch is once again mostly body shape, but this time the lines are a little less chaotic.

The concept was a persistence hunter that inflicts massive bleeding wounds which eventually kill prey larger than itself. Its adaptations to fit this niche are
Anticoagulant saliva
Serrated claws and teeth
High stamina
Vents on body that open to shed body heat

The creature's body is very expensive and requires a lot of energy to power which is why they hunt such large prey. 

As for its hunting tactics. The predator tries to inflict bleeding wounds on the heels and belly of the Tree-Eater whilst using its agility to try and avoid its lethal tail. For this, it is best that the Tree-Eater is running and therefore the predator comes with a blood-curdling loud screech for the purpose of intimidating its prey into a chase. 
The predator will cycle between attempting to bite and falling back to give chase until its prey falls in exhaustion from copious blood loss.
Whenever possible the predator will go after sick or younger Tree-Eaters. However, very young calves are not a meal worth risking their lives for.

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Replies: >>3207
Might add some sort of sail for extra heat regulation later. Again these sketches are mostly the basic anatomy.
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I'm gonna probably try out a few designs but here's a sketch of the first
Made vents into flaps which can be flared open to both exhaust heat and make the animal look bigger for intimidation and possibly display. Tail will also likely be sail-like in nature (like the spinosaurus tail) for heat regulation and a larger silhouette.

I'll experiment with other designs later.
Replies: >>3210
>it would be interesting to see how other animals react to the change in landscape from a tree (or trees) being felled.
In most cases, the stump and the log get invaded by bugs and other critters. However, it's pretty normal to see other plants using the stump to grow over. I live near a forest and it's always fun to see those things. However, in a strange world like the one you describe, anything could happen.
The design looks almost perfect as it is. It seems like a giant monster that is friendly enough to not kill you at first sight.
I am more inclined for the crest if I had to choose.
It looks pretty good already. The tail and sail might give it a semi-aquatic vibe, but it would look more imposing.

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