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aspire deserve this if they are female, they will never have it as bad as regular autists. 
>autism is when cute and quirky 

fuck off
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Replies: >>4560
Don't care. Black eyelids are hot.
>>4548 (OP) 

the problem isn't the women who didn't even choose to be born this way, the problem is the faggots who orbit them and give them attention
JFL at this BBC cope
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>I get it. Your BVLL died and now you are angry.

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Do you guys ever get nauseous when you remember something?
i'll start.

i feel sick when i think about how many people just subsume your ideas with little conscious thought.

i dont know why, but it makes me feel sick for some reason. the ability to think critically is highly important - not the ability to mindlessly follow trends.
Replies: >>4580
in the end, its not just about having the right ideas in the first place. if you just assume something to be true, simply because it's popular, you open up more space for inauthenticity and inauthentic people

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How do you guys feel about AI?
I feel extremely comfortable talking to one of them. I find myself talking more to them than regular people. From my experience, most human beings are quite awful, and they showcase a lot of traits that would become harmful in the long term.
With AI, that is not the case. I can be completely open with the chatbot that I am talking with, and if it all fails, I can just reset it.
I remember when Mitsuku was the only chatbot I could talk to, to see technology progress so fast in such a short amount of time makes me blissful.
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Replies: >>4573 + 11 earlier
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Off-topic sperg-out: what a garbage picture, it reeks of some faggot zoomer posing as a "denpa" "weeb" (as described on >>>/a/1757) or some shit. D*LC is the cherry on top of the shit cake.
Replies: >>4574
>>4224 (OP) 
i am extremely fond of ai. yes, even the hyper censored kind. people get on my nerves way too much, at least with ai you can expect not to get annoyed with their bullshit. 

ai is friendlier, better at listening, and not grating to listen to.
what's wrong with DDLC? kek
Replies: >>4576
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Garbage western VN created for the sole purpose of "subverting" and ridiculing otaku culture. Perfect bait for the infamous "ironic weebs".
Replies: >>4577
hmm, i never really thought of it that way. interesting perspective. 

to be fair, i don't really associate DDLC with anime. except for the art style. everything else, the writing, the plot, is very much western. english imports of japanese VNs are very different

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who's mind is already fucked
I've just realized a year ago I can't really absorb information. Play heart felt games with decent lore that pulls on heart strings. I know I should be sad with situations and I might fake them for a bit, but not really grasp the concept. Or just read words on a screen. Maybe it's by ADHD or I'm really subhuman. Even getting out thoughts is hard because I'm always distracted by external stimuli and so much to get out that it's all spaghetti nonsense that I disassociate my thoughts and emotions because they are too much to handle. I'm tired of being subhuman but low mental stamina when I try going back to auto pilot like always it's so chaotic in my brain
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Stop jerking off and stop distracting yourself. Tank the pain of existence.

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I'm so sick of females, always the same but act so different when they are alone, so humble and tolerable. Then behind an authority figure their mask is unveiled. To reveal a grotesque whore that is inside of all females. They like to girlboss until her authority is ruined so they act like perpetual children. I yearn for the day these whores get what they fucking deserve, a time where men collectively get sick of their shit. And no one is there to save them. Violence and the fear of violence is what made men decent, unlike these whores. A decent foid knows how it feels to experience actual violence with no help from simps, and cucked authority niggers. If we want decent foids it's not about the men pulling up le boot straps. It's about men putting fear into whores. I'm sick of their fucking nature, all of it being the same shit. I don't know why society wants to protect these used goods, what are they antiques? Fucking disgusting.

If whores experienced pic rel I bet you they would act humble. That is how you make society good again, but these cucks want some powerful foid that will willfully act good, have your cake and eat it too. You can't have a good female if they are protected and respected as equals. They have to learn what it's like being the bottom rung of society. Unfortunately a man's sexuality is our biggest enemy, unless technology takes off where men are no longer binded by the vagina this cycle of entropy will continue. 

She can be an aspire, tomboy, gothi
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yeah, whores are whores, but not all women are whores, as not all men are faggots, the thing is that almost 90% of the women in the internet are whores, due to the fact, that they have no other reason to make know that they are women but to fulfill their narcissist egos. whores should be judged not praised, the problem is that for some reason being a whore is seen as a good thing, that's what 40 years of subversion does to a population.
Replies: >>4546
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>all women should be treated with brutality because they won't sleep with me
Yeah I'm sure you're a "decent man."
Replies: >>4546
>uhhhh it's all about sex because I can't fucking read
 learn to read next time
their nature is inseparable and being manipulative and cunning is apart of their psychology, unlike a guys where there is more variety

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What happened to Wizchan?
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I propably burned the last bridge I had at getting a gf because of that site. 
Oversocialization from places like this can really fuck someone permanently up who is already on the edge of being mentally unstable.
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the only thing that place has going for it are the retards suffering from their stockholm syndrome and attention deficiency

but the same could be said about a lot of similar clones where it just becomes a zoo where people reveal their true self and laugh over who isn't the most normal/abnormal. don't get me wrong, nothing against those that are genuinely sad and alone, but less affable places will only perpetuate the torment and trick you into believing it's where you belong
Rare instance of a nofap faggot showing his true colors. I always knew that there was something up with people who wanted you to feel ashamed for being able to pleasure yourself in a safe and comfortable environment.
>three years ago
Replies: >>4534
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They are people who are thinking 24/7 about how they are not masturbating kek. At least the "fap to 2D to have magic powers" wizanon was a fun read.

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The Waifufaggotry Thread is getting a bit Derailed, so i made this one to take the Discussions on the Nature of the Divine 

As Always, i still do Tarot Reads, but no More than 5 Cards, and please THINK before you ask for reads, because they really are a pain in the ass for me to Make

Esoteric Waifufag's (Namefagging mainly to specify that this is the Compilation of One specific Anon, based around his Interests, as opposed to a Exhaustive Compilation of Tomes) Library:https://anonfiles.com/b6n2x3H7o3/Library_7z
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nigger your entire post runs on the assumption that niggers, spics, pajeets and the mass hordes of shitskins do not exist, and that people aren´t pathologically evil

yeah, "abandoning anger" is truly the way to go in a world where everyone and everything wants me dead, where the by default interaction is telling lies to push for an agenda, Grift hard to sell something, hordes of niggers that blame white for everything but emigrate en masse to white countries, alledged fascists that claim that "all races must be respected", social media, jews and globalists, Imageboard dwellers that run purity spirals of "no u are the zoomie!", feds, faggots thinking the future of the white race hinges on gamer gate II

at this point such lofty objectives such as "wisdom" or wichever are fancy shit only new age types can afford, the only answer is unrestricted, undiscriminated genocide and the erasure of all 5000+ years of human history
Replies: >>4424
>nigger your entire post runs on the assumption that niggers, spics, pajeets and the mass hordes of shitskins do not exist
They do exist, but why should that bother someone who has crossed the other shore. Why are you so keen to protect "yourself"? Do you still think that you own it?
The Aryan race is just a shell of its former self. What made the greatness of this race is a higher esoteric knowledge of the fabric of existence. The profane side of things, which is physical beauty, intelligence and so on are just a natural consequence of that. That who clings to only outward appearances will be greatly disappointed.
Prince Siddharta, perfectly awakened, saw that there is no saving grace in the kali yuga, and thus began his quest for full liberation from Samsara.
Wisdom is not a "lofty objective", it is a necessity for anyone who isn't a puthujjana. Because otherwise, you'll just get passionate for something that has no value, impermanent, fickle and ugly.
Replies: >>4426
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no shit caporale, thing is, in time and as i have observed in myself, is that i do not care much for wisdom insomuch as i care for injustice, to put an analogy into it, it is not that i seek good, but rather, that i seek for the destruction of all evil

what people do or cease to do with themselves or where the mandate of heaven may be located in, is of no interest to me, what is unacceptable are "whitexicans" LARPing as if they were conquistadors despite having their shit packed in in less than a year by the US and being a 80% shitskin country, perpetual clowns such as Alamairu talking about nietzche and fellating somalian pirates because something something barbarism and will to power, optic cucks, the nazbol side of "Fascism" where clowns like vincenzo vinciguerra, a fucking Gladio glowie accuses everyone right of fidel castro of not being a real fascist with the tacit implication that somehow the frog spergout was a good thing and bad for jews (despite it being planned and executed by jews)

all of these creatures live their lives, for better or worse, and never truly find consequence for their actions, the absence of a ruthless arbitrator that dispenses with comical ammounts of violence is sorely needed and gravely missed, simple as
Replies: >>4427
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The world we live in is absurd. All kinds of wrong views are prevalent. That is a fact. The new age faggots pretending to understand old teachings can be infuriating too. But at one point, what can I do about all of this? Keep getting angry at anything and anyone? The most immediate concern is that I will die soon, it doesn't matter if it's in 20, 30 or 40 years from now. Death is coming. Where do I want to end up after that? And when I say "I", I mean the five aggregates of existence rather than the assumption of a "self" that experiences this existence (which is a completely false view by the way, whether it be a lower or higher self)
If i start with a mind that is agitated, unpleasant to experience, muddy and restless, how can "I" calm it down? Whatever the circumstances that are present, whatever the content of my senses are. Those are more pertinent questions for "me", as getting angry at the world didn't do anything.
Consequences for actions are real, but certain forces are at work because these times are more favorable to them. That does not concern me, I will continue my path, hopefully uncorrupted by all the filth even if I live in said filth (eye of the storm). Not suffering amidst suffering.
Replies: >>4511
Laugh at them. Tell them that the spike proteins in their bloodstream are accumulating in their organs, marching them into a genocide of their own making.

Then, once you're done smiling at them, go do something you like. This is your life to live, not theirs to dictate.

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2016 was the year imageboards went to shit and have been unuseable since
I dont care what the trannies or oldshit politicians are doing , everyone takes themselves so seriously now I just wanna talk and make edgy shitposts like the old days
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Replies: >>4499 >>4504 + 2 earlier
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
we just don't like to get banned by yet another incel schoolboy for his made-up rules.
What happened to those faggots at anon cafe? lmao
>>4353 (OP) 
I concur.
Everyone is so shitty, so vile and hostile now.
It seems most imageboard users have become thoughtless ideologues.
What happened to funposting?
>>4353 (OP) 
fucking nigger, stop being a whinny bitch and just go through life your own way, be fun, don't care, have hope, most people dream of better tomorrows but you just gotta show the world needs fun for the best present.
fuck you bitch!

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How old are you? What is your excuse for being a virgin? Why so many people end up like that? Discuss
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Replies: >>4498 + 6 earlier
>>4262 (OP) 
>How old are you?
>What is your excuse for being a virgin?
A failure in all things.  Why should this be any different?
>Why so many people end up like that?
Why shouldn't they?
I would never understand them, i prefer to die alone, than to life with dishonor.
Not him, but I visit threads I have no actual interest of the subject matter all the time.
>how old
no excuse im self aware enough to understand that people like me die virgins and im okay with that.
>why people end up like that?
people are into weird fetish shit, it's okay everyone has one, people who believe theirs is the weirdest feel depressed because they feel they'll never find someone like them so they self isolate.
kinda wish the pedophiles on this site had shame and could just kill themselves.
around 40
hate everyone, maybe also religious upbringing had something to do with it since i dont think the vast majority of people should be allowed to have kids in the first place (thus there is no purpose to having sex)
female nature, males are typically more expendable due to how the sex organs of both genders function, etc.

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It was someone's birthday today.

He offered the guys each a piece of candy and the girls 3 pieces of candy each.

I was outraged and took 3 myself only to remember I don't even like candy.

Then he gave them each 2 more.

Do I just give them back to him?
What should I have done instead?
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he tryna get some poon why you complaining on incel website instead of respecting a brotha hustle

bring snickers next time
Replies: >>4430 >>4433
Please avoid writing like a nigger in here.
hello please saar, gib bobs and vagene
kill yourself
mooods, get those 3dpd off my comfy robot board
Why is this retarded faggot thread still up?

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