/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

with a mortar launcher

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“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Teenbros don't have that problem.” - Otamin

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Welcome to /pol/, the RADdest place on the internet for political discussions, educational projects, and Minecraft event planning. This thread will remain open for all your meta needs. Should it grow too large it may get a spinny wheel or spinoff threads to contain any extra spillage.

Due to government mandated "guidelines" there is a rule:
1. Keep it tangentially political. If this board turns out to be a carbon copy of /b/ the big fish will probably delete it. Global homo rules still apply yada yada. Explanations for precedent setting moderator actions will be given in the logs. That's pretty much everything as far as I know.

Fight the info war easy!
Last edited by kimeemaru
343 replies and 139 files omitted. View the full thread
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Boorus are the future of meme warfare and white nationalism

Replies: >>4048 >>4055
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Those niggers are kikes and should be gassed.
Replies: >>4053
Hey, sometimes you gotta stomach it.
After all the more manpower the better, even if it means having to call a truce with shartyfags.
tbf they did get a dox on that goonclown nonce and uncovered a bigger rabbit hole along too
You win some you lose some
Replies: >>4054
I miss old days when only Soyjaks variants were Impjak, Norweigan Fail and Finger Boys
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This is a general thread for discussing identitarian ideology that doesn't fall under the traditional Fascist/Nazi paradigm. These include things like National Bolshevism, National Anarchism, Strasserism.
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We don't need a more equitable society. The poor should starve to death.
Replies: >>4093
Pretty foolish statement seeing as the lower classes usually have the highest birthrates and contribute the most numbers to the armed forces, but thank you for the psychopath perspective.
Replies: >>4094
Lower lifeforms tend to reproduce faster. There is a reason why you need to take an intelligence test to join the army and the reason is stupid soldiers are a liability. Poor people are less intelligent than normal people.
Replies: >>4095
>Lower lifeforms tend to reproduce faster.
In humans, that is due to impulsiveness, which is not always a bad trait. It signifies a greater ability to take risk and that is valuable in some contexts. 

>There is a reason why you need to take an intelligence test to join the army and the reason is stupid soldiers are a liability.
Correct and yet the majority pass and come from lower backgrounds because the military is a chance at upward mobility. 

>Poor people are less intelligent than normal people.
Also correct, but part of this is due to the capitalist system. Capitalism has a habit of segregating people, so poor people are going to live exclusively around other poor people and the wealthy are going to exclusively live around themselves. This creates a genetic compounding effect as they both breed exclusively amongst each other, accentuating all of their traits. Most poor people can be lifted up and they should. This doesn't even touch on how drug usage and alcohol has also kept people down.
Great YouTube channel about this kind of content:


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SMOLOKO IMAGES.pdf Download 572 MB



This pdf file contains 7252 pages of 7252 Smoloko images, which are ALL of the images from the now defunct Smoloko.com website.

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No Major Jewish Business has been allowed to fail sense bailout bucks jew money printing FUCK NIGGERS
usa = commie jew nation with their bailout bucks
Jews rig elections uses nigger with endless handouts to destroy white societies.  
jews can't collect income tax on an anonymous currency that they can't spy on people transactions.  then steal ure money and give endless handouts to nigger pets to destroy white civilizations
monero replaces bitcoin and us petrol dollar
Monero is replacing Bitcoin Jews can't collect income tax on XMR fuck niggers
No Major Jewish Business has been allowed to fail sense bailout bucks jew money printing FUCK NIGGERS
3 replies omitted. View the full thread
No.  Really.  Real currencies are baked by something tangible, like gold, or petroleum, or represent a slice of the issuing nation's economic productivity.  Crypto is based on absolutely nothing.  There's no "there" there.

Let me lay it out for you.  Crypto was created as a thought experiment in decentralized economics, then immediately seized upon by people who thought--incorrectly--that it would allow them to buy fentanyl and CP anonymously and untracebly over the Internet.  Crypto is based on massively complex mathematical calculations that can be used for cryptography, you see. That's the "crypto" part of the name. When you set up to "mine," you are doing crypto calculations that, once completed, you can barter and trade with other "crypto" enthusiasts, sometimes for real-world money, which is the only point at which it intersects with anything whatsoever that's real.

Mining gold creates wealth and enriches not only the mine owner but the society in which he lives.  Extracting petroleum creates wealth and is good not only for the oil man but his nation.  Growing food creates wealth and also increases the supply of a commodity in constant demand, making the farmer's country better.  Generating crypto hashes, by contrast, creates abso-fucking-lutely nothing.  Crypto miners plug the machine in and press the button and it sucks up electricity, making it more expensive for everyone, and--if they have gu
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Replies: >>4088
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unironically it's not...as long as fiat "paper" exists, there will be cryptocurrencies. .. Until gold backed money aka real money comes back, shitcoins will be around.
>Real currencies are baked by something tangible, like gold, or petroleum, or represent a slice of the issuing nation's economic productivity
The only tangible thing the dollar & euro are backed by is crippling debt.

>When you set up to "mine," you are doing crypto calculations
Monero is backed by electricity.  That's the reason it's called proof-of-work.  You need to put in electricity to get Monero.

>you can barter and trade with other "crypto" enthusiasts, sometimes for real-world money, which is the only point at which it intersects with anything whatsoever that's real. 
The only thing that's real is goods and services, materials, houses, food, vehicles.  Fiat money is only worth a shit because someone is offering you shit for it in return.  Gold and petroleum don't have value because they are tangible but because they provide genuine use cases.

>This is all Monero is
Monero is the only cryptocurrency that hasn't turned into a faggoty speculative asset.  There are markets where you can buy and sell (legal) goods and services with Monero without any middle man, which is part of the reason why its market price doesn't fluctuate nearly as much as Bitcoin and others.  People are actually using it as a currency instead of trying to sell off their bags.

>Well, and the people who sell mining hardware
There is no specialized mining hardware that will give you an advantage and nobody can see how much you have or where you got it from.  Monero's mining algorithm is meant to be used on consumer grade CPUs.
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Tell me how I into Monero like I'm retarded.

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Can't have a /pol/ without a Merchant Thread.
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oy vey shut it down!
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>a CIA agent was trying to groom autists playing Minecraft
>they refused to believe he was real
>he got angry
>and purposely leaked real documents to prove he was a real federal agent
>so they spread the docs everywhere

Launch codes for American nukes all use the password 0000000000 because old retards can't memorize long numbers.
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>>3702 (OP) 
The files known so far:

The original leaker has been identified and sources clearly pre date our post so it’s time for us to address the elephant in the room ?? 

Bellingcat had labelled us as a potentially source for the leak that circulated across social networks earlier this month. They also drew speculation on us potentially editing said documents before they were posted. We would just like to officially clarify we did not and would never edit content for our viewers.  

Confirmation that feds lurk on image boards and Discord, and use those to try to recruit people.
>>3702 (OP) 
Communists on image boards try to damage control the leaks:
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>>3702 (OP) 
More info:

>The name of the agent who leaked the documents is Jack Teixeira

>It is confirmed that the CIA and the American government sabotaged all attempts at peace deals between Russia and Ukraine

>The American government's intention, is, as always, to keep the war going for as much as they can, in order to keep selling weapons, while posing as "defenders of freedom"

>The documents reveal that the American government and all it's federal institutions classified anyone publicly expressing anti-war opinions as "terrorists" and "traitors of the nation"

>The American government was exposed, without any doubts, as a war mongering government of weapons' merchants, where anyone that wants peace and it is against wars is persecuted as a criminal

>It is confirmed that even with all the funding from NATO and from the USA, Ukraine is still losing the war to WWII era tanks from Russia, due to how good Russian military is, and how stupid Ukrainian military is
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Replies: >>4078
great rundown bump for visibility
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>Ukraine is still losing the war to WWII era tanks from Russia, due to how good Russian military is, and how stupid Ukrainian military is

This aged well.

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Kikes exposing themselves

This thread is dedicated to translating a video where jews expose how they view every goy as subhuman. The post contains a file with the English subtitles in SubRip format and the video with the subtitles removed.

A subsequent reply will be made with the original videotape.

Let's get this into as many languages as possible.

Sieg Hail
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Original video.

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14 replies and 26 files omitted. View the full thread
I thought South Africa was Zimbabwe 2.0
Replies: >>740

It's just so hard to keep track of all these niggers.
Everyone in this thread is Built for BBC
one of the funniest things about niggers and their apologists is when they take credit for unimpressive shit like inventing peanut butter or having a cartoon character such as betty boop be modeled after one of them. it's even funnier because both of those particular claims are 100% false, so niggers have done less than nothing.
Can someone redpill me on the 1971 Attica Prison riot?

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Smuggler thread 

I really appreciate this meme.
I appreciate the kid who gave us this beautiful expression of the human nature.
I appreciate all the friends who are currently enjoying it.
I don't appreciate talmud followers
50 replies and 190 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>4065
this looks nice.
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>>3767 (OP) 
I haven't anything new to contribute, but I appreciate this thread. Thanks to those who archived so many of these.
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Spoiler File
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Post your /pol/itical WEBMs in here. MP4s and other video containers may apply as well. Pardon the demoralizating video. I don't have much at hand, but the thread must be made.
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Lukashenko wondered why most of the corrupt officials are Jews.

At a meeting with the leadership of the Council of Ministers, Lukashenko spoke about the corruption scandal in which former Minister of Agriculture ((( Igor Brylo ))) was involved.
Replies: >>4061 >>4063
Hardly a noble dictator, but i rather liked how he ruled his people before he became a complete Putin's bitch and ordered his goons to beat citizens on the streets, but in his defense that's partially fault of EU diplomats who left him not much of a choice.
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I don't like north Korea or communism but some the claims on North Korea are really holohoax bizarre.
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>"Looks like the termites are eating the support beam of my home surely, its nothing. I'm not against termites"
He's not wondering, he knows. He's literally an authoritarian quasi soviet dictator and he's piss scared of jews

That should tell you everything about the state of the world. Lukashenko is a dictator and he has a secret police apparatus that arrests dissidents and hes still PISS SCARED of shlomo even when shlomo is scamming him and his nation directly from a position of power. As you can see even the dictator of some little shithole his nation has some filthy (super rare) jews in it that are game ruining and griefing every day and this fag does NOTHING. Again. That should tell you everything about the state of the world.

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