I have a theory that all religions are alien psyops.
That at some point in history, aliens of various sorts actually landed, more than likely telepathically forced humans to worship them, and when enough setup had been achieved, opted to return to the moon/underground, and take a clandestine and disguised role. Knowing full well the type and tone of religions with which to impose upon a demographic and genetic pool, and even in subsequent years, interfered directly in that creation, via telepathy and infiltration.
What is around us, is a perpetual control system by a dozen enemies, not just the kikes, its also nature, time and age and our own bodies. Do you think the aliens have such a problem? Do they have artificial moons too? Do aliens abduct other aliens? Do aliens only have two-digit lifespans? Of course they have none of those problems. I see this place as A PERPETUAL WAR AGAINST YOU.
That which put us in this predicament has no such war against them daily. And what is absolutely telling of what the aliens have designed, is the fact that The Aliens Choose To Attack and Abduct The Poor and Non-Powerful... Do you get it? They don't disturb the ruling classes, rich kikes, networked masons, bank rothschilds, the actors, the politicians, the deep state, the military-industrial complex... All stories of alien perpetration are upon you, the little people.
Who but an enemy needs to conceal their name, rank, mission, location, and employ MIB goonsquads, if they were