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“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Teenbros don't have that problem.” - Otamin

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This is a general thread for discussing identitarian ideology that doesn't fall under the traditional Fascist/Nazi paradigm. These include things like National Bolshevism, National Anarchism, Strasserism.
Replies: >>4146 >>4155 >>4165
Which ideology is the one where niggers commit suicide?
Replies: >>4081
No such thing exists. All we can do is work against the capitalist forces that enable and encourage the demographic darkening of the West.
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The National Bolshevist Manifesto by Karl Otto Paetel 

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Germany Tomorrow by Otto Strasser 

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>Kotsev later blocked the municipality's decision to sell off dozens of public areas to private individuals and companies instead of using them to create public green spaces, gardens and sports facilities. He criticized the destruction of the cultural and historical buildings in the city centre of Varna and the parking problems in the city.

This excerpt is what the crux of the deep center is about. Conserving and promoting health and beauty against the degenerative force of capitalism for the good of our people. This man probably isn't a White Nationalist, but such actions are inherently what White Nationalism should be about.
Some books about Hitler's collaboration with capitalists and how he was a useful pawn to them for generating war in Europe:

Who Financed Hitler

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler

The Collaboration: Hollywood's Pact with Hitler
Replies: >>4114
The abolition of private and intellectual property is necessary to create a more equitable and healthy society for our people. Abolishing intellectual property will create competitiveness in the market and let small and medium sized businesses reign supreme, thereby ensuring more horizontal wealth distribution. 

It should also be our goal to abolish rent, both for housing and business. In an economy, it should be only things that produce value that make money, which are goods and services. Having to pay rent is neither a good nor a service. It is a private tax, on top of the necessary tax already levied by the state. If you pay someone to build a home, whether individually or collectively, you are paying for both a good and a service. Rent fits neither and is a form of unearned income without any merit or work. It is merely a charge with no basis in production.
Replies: >>4092
We don't need a more equitable society. The poor should starve to death.
Replies: >>4093
Pretty foolish statement seeing as the lower classes usually have the highest birthrates and contribute the most numbers to the armed forces, but thank you for the psychopath perspective.
Replies: >>4094
Lower lifeforms tend to reproduce faster. There is a reason why you need to take an intelligence test to join the army and the reason is stupid soldiers are a liability. Poor people are less intelligent than normal people.
Replies: >>4095
>Lower lifeforms tend to reproduce faster.
In humans, that is due to impulsiveness, which is not always a bad trait. It signifies a greater ability to take risk and that is valuable in some contexts. 

>There is a reason why you need to take an intelligence test to join the army and the reason is stupid soldiers are a liability.
Correct and yet the majority pass and come from lower backgrounds because the military is a chance at upward mobility. 

>Poor people are less intelligent than normal people.
Also correct, but part of this is due to the capitalist system. Capitalism has a habit of segregating people, so poor people are going to live exclusively around other poor people and the wealthy are going to exclusively live around themselves. This creates a genetic compounding effect as they both breed exclusively amongst each other, accentuating all of their traits. Most poor people can be lifted up and they should. This doesn't even touch on how drug usage and alcohol has also kept people down.
Great YouTube channel about this kind of content:

The only future White Nationalism has is unity. Pan-Europeanism is the only ideal with teeth and is the de facto state in the New World. LGBT people that are pro-White are no less comrades than any other. Without unity, we will never succeed and flourish.
Replies: >>4103 >>4115 >>4163
Nah, faggots are too small a minority to ever matter. Face the wall.
Replies: >>4104 >>4107 >>4163
FaCE tHe WaLl.

You're an online pussy who will never do anything and would get a bullet in the head if you ever mustered enough stupidity up to try. Stay out of my thread, loser.
Replies: >>4107 >>4163
Your thread is trash and you aren't making faggots look good. The sooner you die of AIDS, the better.

I think I will disregard your impotent demands and come to figuratively throw peanuts at you as you wallow in a puddle of your own excrement alone, newfag literal fag.
Replies: >>4106 >>4163
Not sure why you're still talking to me, but I will just start ignoring your incel ranting from now on. It's laughable how tough you think you are, dork.
Replies: >>4163
Loser mud fight.
Replies: >>4163
Go back already and wait to be euthanized with the rest of the fairies, worm-brained queer.
Replies: >>4163
Golden One speaking about his errors in thought, most notably being that White people should insert themselves into the system to subvert it. Getting educated, creating influence, being economically potent, engaging with society and presenting yourself with decency, all things that are common sense that are far better than isolating yourself from everything and hoping for the best:

The only way forward is unglamorous hard work and he is right.
Replies: >>4110 >>4114
>Getting educated, creating influence, being economically potent, engaging with society and presenting yourself with decency, all things that are common sense that are far better than isolating yourself from everything and hoping for the best:
To say this another way...
<Feeding their institutions, making binding agreements with their agents, intertwining yourself with their power structure and society and capitulating to the tyranny of their world view are far better than starving them of your work.
I disagree. The likelihood of you meaningfully modifying the evil beast is infinitesimally low, but that path will feed it. The only way forward is radical change. The only moral thing to do other than violent revolution is disconnection.
Replies: >>4112
>I disagree. The likelihood of you meaningfully modifying the evil beast is infinitesimally low, but that path will feed it.
It's not. Look at Musk. Bought Twitter and now it has a greater degree of free speech. 

And imagine if White people had something equivalent to BET? That's culture building. Cumulatively, power adds up. A professor in an institution here. A lawyer there. A programmer here, an engineer there. It's common sense and it's what we should be doing. Money is power and the while the system is against you, it's also the greatest resource that you can use in your favor. 

>The only way forward is radical change.
"Radical" is such an overrated and vapid word. I'd rather have effective change and that entails people making something of themselves, not dreaming of an apocalypse to fall into their laps. If you want change, you have to create it. 

>The only moral thing to do other than violent revolution is disconnection.
Moral, what does morality have to do with this? This is a game of power. Disconnection is literally what the enemy wants of you. It's why they ban you from platforms, censor your speech, try to ruin your life, cancel you, deprive you of employment, etc. Disconnection accomplishes nothing. It is just an expression of impotence and an acceptance of a slow death.
Replies: >>4113
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Musk is a jew.
Replies: >>4117
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>White people should insert themselves into the system

You can't "insert" yourself into a controlled, and aware community of invaders.

They arer weak, and depend on your protection, and your work, that's their weakness. 

Stupidity, and ignoance are not their weaknesses.
Replies: >>4117
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> LGBT people that are pro-White

Unfortunately the primary allegiance of (the owerwhelming majority) gays are to their deviant desires.

And unfortunately they are the "backbone" of the Globohomo intelligence agencies, and officer corps.
Replies: >>4117 >>4163
If someone is White and calls themself Jewish, they're larping or religious. Ashkenazi Jews are predominantly White and the matrilineal thing is a cope for being bred out. I'm not a fan of their religion or culture, but I'm also not hateful of them, same with Christians and Muslims. 

We built the structures and inserting yourself is as simple as starting a business or going to school. For example, if I had enough money, I would like to buy Whitedate and pump money into it. Obviously, there would be resistance to advertising, but some of that can be ameliorated by throwing more money at the problem. There's a lot we can do to help, but people have to get off their asses and put in the work. 

>Unfortunately the primary allegiance of (the owerwhelming majority) gays are to their deviant desires.
First of all, homosexuality and bisexuality is not "deviant". Second, we are all individuals and every individual has a different allegiance. You have globalist LGBT, nationalist LGBT, ethnocentric LGBT and LGBT that are indeed just hedonists. Everyone is different and there is no overwhelming majority. 

>And unfortunately they are the "backbone" of the Globohomo intelligence agencies, and officer corps.
I don't at all believe this. Of course there are LGBT people in every field, but they are not disproportionately overrepresented among glowables unless you have some very hard evidence to present to the contrary. If you had said the backbone of the interior design and fashion industries, you might be on to something. 

In sum, this movement needs more productive people and more of a variety of White people to draw on. That is why Pan-Europeanism and the unity of both the heterosexual and LGBT are the only way forward. Comradeship is a virtue.
Replies: >>4163
According to US law, once you go above having 14 employees, you become subject to anti-discrimination laws. If you're under 14, you can hire or not hire anyone you want. 

So, when are you going to start a business?
Replies: >>4119
Forgot source:
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In light of the Asmongold situation, it should further validate what I have said about needing to build infrastructure for freer expression. Twitch is a highly censored platform and has a near monopoly on the streaming market. The solution is too obviously invest in alternatives. Rumble already has a streaming feature and could expand upon it or an entirely new gamer oriented service could be created. The point is that we should be creating spaces for ourselves that are more resilient to the political persecutions of society.
Replies: >>4122
There's also alternatives like Trovo that are owned by the Chinese, so it'd be interesting to see how much controversy they would be willing to tolerate. Regardless, there are competitors to Twitch and they may garner consideration for investment.
Replies: >>4123
Considering the fate of TikTok, I don't believe going with the Chinese option is wise.
Replies: >>4124
I'm not too sure, but there are options. There's also Kick which allegedly has less strict moderation and like I said, Rumble could make a push at YouTube Gaming and do something similar. 

I still wouldn't count out Chinese companies, though, because they've been resilient to caving towards Western impotus. Both Wukong and Naraka Bladepoint are extremely popular games that have no diversity. Even The First Descendent from the Korean dev Nexon only featured a single token Black. The point is that there's no need to rely on hostile platforms and TikTok is still strong in the US.
Replies: >>4125
Why do I keep doing that.
>>4079 (OP) 
Holy shit, you're the OP of the gayWN thread. How are you not banned yet?
Replies: >>4153
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He is and the Mods are faggots for not banning him.
Replies: >>4166
>>4079 (OP) 
You gay
The fact White Nationalist even entertain the notion of accepting LGBT in to their fold is why I can never take Wignatism seriously, Like LMAO GaySexAids Prolapsed butthole will definitely save the Huwite race.
Replies: >>4164 >>4165 >>4166
>>4079 (OP) 
National Bolshevism is just national socialism with jews trying to graft themselves onto the movement.
They're called faggots. Not "LGBTASDITJDT" or whatever.
Replies: >>4166
I did get banned. So much for Sturgeon's "free speech". 

>National Bolshevism is just national socialism with jews trying to graft themselves onto the movement.

Wrong. Karl Otto Paetel was an ethnic German who had a very clear racial vision for Germany and explicitly said that foreigners must never be citizens in Germany and that the German people should return to their ancestral Paganism. The only thing he was Bolshevist about was economics because he saw capitalism as having betrayed Germany, just like the Strassers, albeit to a greater degree. You would know this if you actually bothered to read the materials I provided instead of just spewing nonsensical claims originating from your imagination. 

Sexual orientation has little to do with ethnocentrism. There is no reason why a non-heterosexual person cannot care about and prioritize their race.
Replies: >>4175
1st, Neo-Strasserism is Pan-European. It is for the collective identity of everyone that is European/White, whether they be Polish or Portuguese. A unified White/European macro-ethnicity is what is sought.

2nd, autonomy and expression shall be guaranteed to the people though governance via constitution. This constitution shall grant legal rights such as Freedom of Speech and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

3rd, Neo-Strasserism seeks a mixed economy, which entails the proliferation of state-owned enterprises, direct government investment into business and collectivization combined with private entrepreneurship. Self-reliance and devotion to environmental conservation and protection are key elements, as is safeguarding against the capitalistic forces that cultivate and encourage immigration. There is to be no central planning, with the state providing financial incentives to businesses to undertake desired actions.

In short, Neo-Strasserism is a Pan-European platform meant to holistically combine both the social and market aspects of the nation into a complete whole that works in concert for the benefit and protection of all Europeans/White people within its jurisdiction.
Something I think needs to be reminded in the context of "White culture" is that our ideologies are part of our culture. Strasserism, Nazbol, NatAm, Fascism and even the detestable strain of Hitlerism, National Socialism are all custom-made for our people. They are the representations of our culture and our existence. Not even things like Juche for the Koreans come quite as close. They are representations of our wills and desires and are just as important as any sort of cultural religion.
In fact I would say that gay sex is integral to White Nationalism.
Replies: >>4176 >>4183
It is indeed
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Let us have a point of debate:

In popular White Nationalist culture, we have something of a religious split. You have Christianity on one hand and Paganism on the other. Strasser advocated for more of a Christian identity for Germans/Europeans, whereas Paetel of National Bolshevism actually believed that Germans should return to Germanic Paganism as he saw Christianity as alien to Germany and ultimately producing dual and conflicting loyalties. So, what do you think on the issue? 

Despite politically being more of a Strasserist, I believe Paganism is the way to go. Christianity is in fact a global religion and not at all unique to Europe or White people. Paganism gives us a tangible and appropriate identity to form a culture on and helps to give us anti-colonial legitimacy, as the Abrahamic faiths are colonialist faiths. It is our native heritage and works in our favor when arguing against globalism. And for those who deride Paganism as a larp, I am an Animist and believe in my spirituality. Pic related are images from Hungarian Paganism/Shamanism and practicing magic has always been an active part of the religion. It is not merely cultural theatre.
christcuckoldry is gay and so is OP
all fjords
Replies: >>4183
I'm not gay; I'm bi and I didn't make this post, someone trying to be funny did:

>christcuckoldry is gay
It is, but the issue is that Christians hold the majority of the conservative voting bloc in the West, seemingly, especially Europe. It's an avenue for globalism to assert itself, as like when the the Pope called on Europe to take in refugees. That's the thing; if there were a stronger Pagan culture, you could argue more effectively against miscegenation and immigration because we get the "it's against our religion" card. Paganism gives us more cultural legitimacy. Embracing Christianity, Islam and Judaism just plays into the anti-Whites' hand. 

Put more effort into your posts.
Replies: >>4184
>Christians hold the majority of the conservative voting bloc in the West,
Cuckservatives aren't our friends, aren't open to the message, and can't be saved.   Boomer civnats like to beat their chests about how Grandpa fought dem dere godless Nawtzees even more than Antifa does.  Christianity is a toxic mind-control meme anyway, and anything the race achieved in the past was done despite it, not because of it.  You aren't going to convert them. You aren't going to bring them around. The bright spot is, they're old, and they're weak, and they're dying off fast.
Replies: >>4185
>Cuckservatives aren't our friends, aren't open to the message, and can't be saved.
No, I agree with you and I didn't mean it like that. I mean conservative voting is more likely to converge on anti-immigrant policy, even if in its only most tepid form and this relates to them being Christians, a characteristically global religion. Hence why I referenced Paetel and him saying that Christianity will always be an adversary to European ethnocentrism, never a complement. The two are really not compatible with one another.

>You aren't going to convert them. You aren't going to bring them around.
Yep, reached this truth a while ago.

>The bright spot is, they're old, and they're weak, and they're dying off fast.
And the sore spot is that a lot of the youth of today have their type of conservatism. Most of the "anti-woke" crowd are all similar anti-racists who just want big boobs in videogames (which I'm also not opposed to, but that's the issue).
Replies: >>4186
*(that's not the issue)
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Speaking of cuckservative treachery, we have yet another damning piece of evidence that capitalism, consumerism and the "free market" are incompatible with ethnocentrism. Rockwell wasn't kidding when he said conservatives only care about conserving their money.
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Alright, let's talk about economics. Rather than the authoritarian command economies of old, I think we should take a more incentive based approach to generating industry and filling labor. These are my thoughts on the subject:

The state would engage heavily in direct investment. So, if I want more bicycles to be produced domestically, I will find a prospective business and invest government funds into them to increase their operation. This can apply to any industry and I think this is a much more simplistic, naturalistic and effective way of achieving desired results without central planning and a command economy. 

Second, since civilized people have naturally lower birth rates, I believe we should restructure basic mandatory education to include learning a trade or filling an occupation. So, a high school student may need to dedicate time to learning a job as part of the curriculum to graduate. They should be given options, but such things might include nursing, plumbing, manufacturing and so on. The goal is to never have to rely on immigrant labor and the youth will have employment as they prepare for and enter college. I think we also need to do with the strict labor specialization of capitalism and encourage the average person to have a more diverse set of skills.

Third, we should always set a standard of a 4 day work week. 5 days takes far too much away from the human experience in our finite time alive and the quality of the population will be higher when they are given more time to spend with their families, cultivate their hobbies and tend to themselves. 

Replies: >>4189
*do away with the strict labor specialization
Deep center sounds like euphemism for the prostate and I wouldn't doubt that it is given OP is a literal faggot.
Replies: >>4202
A bit awkward to call someone a faggot while making an unsolicited post about sexualizing a man's prostate, but whatever. 

That said, I'm not quite ready to give up on the term just yet and maybe it could undergo further tinkering if there is a catchier alternative.
Replies: >>4203
Not awkward at all. You can use the term in a non-gay sense if you want,  but any reference to this thread or the OP is already because the OP is a literal faggot. I question your sudden need to bump the thread, too, that you might be said faggot. I will give you the benefit of the doubt for now and just inform you that you are indeed posting in a literally homosexual thread. If you are OP or a different faggot-invader, promptly kill yourself. Death in June is all you base "LGBTWN identity" off of, but it isn't real. You're a tool. Kill yourself.
Replies: >>4204
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Little baby is throwing another tantrum.
Replies: >>4205
>non-sequitur by a butthurt faggot/shill utilizing a common 4cuck reaction image
lol, lol
Well, stay mad, faggot. Going to raise a glass of champagne when you die of AIDS! Be sure to cry more about that in response soon!
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