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“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Teenbros don't have that problem.” - Otamin

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It is rotten and dismal that a world of so many hundred million people should be ruled by a single caste that has the power to lead millions to life or to death, indeed on a whim...This caste has spun its web over the entire earth; capitalism recognizes no national boundaries...Capitalism has learned nothing from recent events and wants to learn nothing, because it places its own interests ahead of those of the other millions. Can one blame those millions for standing up for their own interests, and only for those interests? Can one blame them for striving to forge an international community whose purpose is the struggle against corrupt capitalism? Can one condemn a large segment of the educated Stürmer youth for protesting against the greatest ability? Is it not an abomination that people with the most brilliant intellectual gifts should sink into poverty and disintegrate, while others dissipate, squander, and waste the money that could help them? … You say the old propertied class also worked hard for what it has. Granted, that may be true in many cases. But do you also know about the conditions under which workers were living during the period when capitalism “earned” its fortune?

    Letter to Anka Stalherm (14 April 1920), quoted in Ralph Georg Reuth, Goebbels (Harvest, 1994), pp. 33-34

Stock-exchange capital is not productive but parasitically hoarded capital. It is no longer tied to the soil but rootless and internationalist; it does not produce but has infiltrat
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Replies: >>3327
good counterargument, chink
Anyone who isn't 100% pro-Ukraine right now doesn't even deserve to call himself an Aryan
Replies: >>3339
It's hilarious watching the Usual Suspects tie themselves in knots to justify their support for a White Christian people fighting for blood and soil against degenerate Asiatic invaders who wish to colonize and replace them, isn't it?

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They all party in D.C. 40% go unsolved
who gives a shit about election fraud when the only choices are jewish puppets anyway
Replies: >>3332 >>3333
Historically speaking, when did they stop counting the vote? It seems that now they don’t stop counting for weeks even when it’s at 99% reporting. 2022.11.15

it's novel because it's very blatant election fraud, but the npcs accept it so easily. fraud at this level should be enough to wake the masses, but I guess the bread is too sweet and circus too fun for people to care anymore.
The more ANY AND ALL involved get Neutralized, the better. They know there's no god to judge us

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In 2006, it was MySpace when Tom invited Tila Tequila to his platform after she got banned from Friendster. In 2022, it's meshlocal (meshnet + MANET/mobile adhoc network). Web 2.0 was a mistake. But even the internet itself is fundamentally flawed by its very design and that is what allowed it to happen. In order to make a website, you'll need a VPS server, an ASN number, an ISP, nodes and DNS. All of that is extremely centralized and this was bound to happen. Radio is decentralized by design, internet and television is not. That's why radio is easily the most regulated medium for communications in the US. Look at all the laws set in place by the FCC. Telephones are garbage and are easily tapped. Radio has everything you could ask for all-in-one (especially HAM radio). Pretty soon, I'll stop using the internet. It's dead. All that's left of it is Google and social media. I've been online since 2006 and I'm about to finally log off. Forums are gone, imageboards are gone, memes have become stale, and everything else that made the internet great is now dead and buried. As for porn, I should just go nofap and finally get laid for once in my fucking life. But that's enough of that.
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Also: western companies don't operate for money. They operate to spread marxist propaganda, and nothing else.

The owners get btheir money from funds by the Black Rock Group.

Their employees are used and discarded when the company goes broke, but the owners don't go broke. They move on to create the next woke company to spread marxism again.
The goal is to make the majority think that marxism is everywhere, when in fact, it is a very small minority pushing it all the time.
The goal was never to profit or to make money.
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See also, https://forum.agoraroad.com/index.php?threads/dead-internet-theory-most-of-the-internet-is-fake.3011/

Logistics, fren. You need logistics. People aren't going to spontaneously take to the streets one day. Whatever we do needs to be self-financing.

Start a money-making enterprise at something that can be repurposed to other means. Social media tech giants have repurposed their platforms as a tool of censorship and surveillance. We can play that same game.

First, read up on Jim Bell and his ideas on assassination politics.

Start an informal gambling ring. Make it a game at first. Use minuscule amounts of shit crypto that anyone can get just by watching ads. Place bets on various kinds of bullshit like sports and celebrity, but also more serious subjects like politics. As you gain more of a following, more serious gamblers will join and wager more serious amounts of money.

Steer your network in the direction of a prediction market in the same spirit as the Auger crypto currency. Also, add a new feature to your network: dares. Dare people to do small things at first like petty vandalism or desecrating headstones or throwing bricks through the windows of certain buildings in exchange for crypto rewards. Make it easy and you'll whet their appetites for more extreme activities.

I think you understand where I'm going with this.
Bad taste. I don't want an animal like that making any goddamn thing.

Fixed it up a little:

>neocities filled with tranies
Got any more info on this? I used to be able to find a few based websites there, but most of them seem to be gone.

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A society that accepts and legalizes cannabis can't withhold psychedelics. As the concept of altering one's consciousness becomes normalized, so will drugs like LSD, Psilocybin, and DMT. Psychedelics have minimal potential for harm. Drug prohibition is destructive and gives undue power to the government. It's a weapon against dissenters. Psychedelics are a valuable medicine and are especially necessary with the current state of the world. They're an excellent alternative to antidepressants and antipsychotics. They help people cope with trauma, stress, and depression. Psychedelics are known to be empathogenic and increase creativity. They foster an appreciation for nature. It's a shame that they're restricted.

Going on a trip is like being reborn. It's an introspective journey. It brings one back to the state they were in when they were a child, unstained by conditioning, jadedness, and trauma. Imagine being in a state where your ego is dead and you're experiencing synesthesia. You don't remember your own name or where you are. The last thing on your mind is the rat race, school, government, media, video games, or whatever. It's pure nature. Pure existence. You have no self, you are one with all, like a nonliving object. You have no preconceptions or opinions, you're an observer. You see geometric patterns in the environment and can feel them being generated in your head. They're visual representations of the inner workings of your mind. You realize they're always there eve
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Latin America has produced some based political movements like Integralismo in Brazil, but none of them is ever allowed to be in power.
> >I will not check zzzchan for an entire week.
> >posts on vpn
> nice try
I actually forgot exactly what I wrote in this thread and thought I was allowed to check other boards on zzzchan. I didn't dare to look at this thread to verify.
So I guess it's a draw between Satan and Jehowa.
Next time I'll be more conscious of what I write.
I like you americanon.
> Since psychs intensify the perception of reality, their usage should be weighed against one's tolerance of reality.
I agree. The issue is to figure out how many traumata a man had, before he takes the appropriate amount of psychodelics.

(Also sorry for bringing glowniggers here. They follow me around like they're getting paid for it. Wait...you should stop paying taxes.)
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A portal psychedelic like Ayahuasca, DMT, or Psilocybin puts people on the radar for abuse by propagandist entities that have the capability to control human will. A true psychedelic like Cannabis, LSD, MDMA, would keep the psychedelic localized, as long as its infrequent and you are not under attachment or psychic attack. Regular Cannabis use does allow entity control and abuse. All external forces are enemies, all external forces are evil that have anything to say or do to humans.
Replies: >>3208
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that pic is such bullshit, it's literally a superimposed drawing there are no lips or chin on the banner, neither are there eyes above the eagle's wings

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What is the predominant opinion on this board? I lean towards Ukraine, but at the same time I'll admit that it's tragic that this has to happen. On the one hand, you have the Soviets. On the other, you have the cultural marxist west. Ukraine sits right in the middle. And that's why this whole war was a Jewish orchestrated event. Western Jewry wants to stretch this war out as long as possible so that way they'll have to fight down to the last Ukrainian. While on the Eastern ZOG front you have Soviet-era fantasy, Russian imperialism and Eurasianism. And don't give me that bullshit about Azov using human shields. Those captured soldiers who admitted that are not an accurate source because they were beaten and tortured off-camera as corroborated by numerous people who survived Russian captivity. Russia is full of lying propagandists same like the west. Russia deliberately targeted Drama Theatres, maternity wards, daycares and kindergartens, art schools, hospitals and other civilian areas deliberately and killed infants. They kidnapped and deported Ukrainian civilians, they get what they deserve. 

>Kyiv - Russia defeated.
>Kherson - Russia wins without any real resistance.
>Kharkiv - Russia loses after 19 Spetsnaz shock troops get burned to death inside a school building while any that tried to escape was shot dead or captured (only 4 managed to escape). Due to Ukraine's ability to 
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You do realize racism has never left America? Notice how the US was behind ISIS and yet there was never as much of a public outcry over Syria or any other sandnigger country b/c we still live in that post-9/11 mindset, but now that it's happening to a white country there is international solidarity. We truly do live in a white man's world, don't we?
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Replies: >>3203
No, it's lvolv, not lviv.  Get your facts straight.  Nobody can understand or read or write your language anyway, no matter how many alphabets and spellings you try to use.  And it's not "ukrane" it's THE UKRAINE.
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Real quik offtopic, big news re: the other commies: china gearing to invade Taiwan.


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How do the few intersex people that exist view the whole autogynephilic transniggatry that has artificially enveloped the degenerate west?
I remember some of them in 2000s Germany suing universities for mandatory sex reassignment surgery during puberty done as part of normal procedure in the 1980s and winning in court, are they still around?
If they were supporting the general sexual insanity of the current times then I'd expect them to hold elevated positions in Slaaneshi communities due to their god-given natural "transgender" status priviledge, but that does not seem to be the case.
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Replies: >>867 >>891
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>the porn industry
Did they seize control of Thai brothels?
>>863 (OP) 
>few intersex people
You're talking about not even 0.5% of the current population. Lest I think.

They are not people. They are fucking mutants and abominations. As with trannies, sodomites, zoophiles and pedophiles, they deserve the mercy of a .308 round.
my assumption is that the vast majority of the cases of intersex/hermaphroditism lean towards just being micropeens/macroclits and various genetic disorders. Very few of these people want to draw attention to themselves, or associate with each other. If you look at the wikipedia table on the intersex wikipedia page, you'll see that 9/10 of these conditions are basically down-syndrome-lite. People born with recognizable or semi-functional genitalia of both sexes are statistically non-existent.
>>863 (OP) 
Intersex people are rare and most are close enough to normal men or women that the differences are not really noticeable without testing (Klinefelter syndrome patients, for instance, are just taller, slightly feminized men by outward appearance).
Also, the reason jews promote tranny shit is to fuck with normal White people--humiliate them, break up families, take their children, etc.  Intersex people don't present a lot of opportunities for that--the one place you can really do activism with them is to push for a ban on surgically mutilating their genitals at birth.  That's not something jews are going to get into, as it might remind people of certain other things.
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Autofill just doxxed me lol

They are 0.018% of the population. This graph I made in Paint shows how common they are. Gray is normal, black is intersex.

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'MIRROR ONE:' https://pasted.cf/view/raw/c1d59e2f
'MIRROR TWO:' https://paste.paivola.fi/view/raw/9d0531bd
'UTF-8 ARCHIVED:' https://web.archive.org/web/20220708173725/https://fckthat.site/paste/view/raw/b4eb430b
'UTF-8 COMPRESSION:' https://rpa.st/download-archive/E4G6QSHV3E7V277OWR4KVLYVZA

UTF-8 copies of all the Russia-Ukraine war logs started back in 02/24/22.

Corruption, economics, geo-politics and warfare is all covered in these war logs.
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9/8/22 Part 1
Going For Broke: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Yia2VouLQ54/
In a compelling monologue, Tucker Carlson warned that “history changing events” including energy and food shortages are occurring all at once and society is rapidly collapsing while the masses try to ignore it. Carlson pointed out that “Europe is descending into poverty” because of spiralling energy costs and the inability of countries to provide their own power sources. “Energy is the key to a functioning society, and the elites don’t care,” Carlson pointed out, adding the caveat “or maybe they do care — and they’re making things worse on purpose.” “You can reach a place in your society where the people in charge and their lapdogs in the media become so completely disconnected from the concerns of actual people, become so totally uninterested in the lives of citizens, that society becomes very volatile, and we are fast approaching that point” the host further warned: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/watch-tucker-carlson-warns-elites-are-making-things-worse-purpose
'▲ 100% CORRECT:' Massive global shutdowns are
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Replies: >>3079
9/8/22 Part 2
The Council of Smolninskoye Municipal Formation (MF) in St Petersburg has decided to call on Russia’s State Duma deputies to bring charges of treason against Russian President Vladimir Putin in order to dismiss him from office for starting the Ukraine war. The texts also mentions the war is killing “young able-bodied” Russian citizens, the Russian economy is suffering, NATO is expanding eastwards and Ukraine is getting new weapons (although Putin called one of the goals of the invasion the “demilitarisation” of the country): https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/09/08/st-petersburg-municipal-deputies-call-for-russias-state-duma-to-accuse-putin-of-treason/
On Tuesday, Ukrainian forces made a sudden and forceful attack in southern Kharkiv oblast near the town of Balakliya. By all accounts, this attack caught Russia by complete surprise. Ukraine apparently managed to move enough force into the area that they had an advantage in both men and armor. Also they reportedly used NATO-style combined arms tactics, with armor, infantry, artillery, and air support all working in concert. When a core of resistance prevented Ukraine from immediately capturing Balakliya, they didn’t stop. They took Bairak to the sout
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Replies: >>3082
9/9/22 Part 1
Scientists Start Scaling Back Global Warming Hyperbole, Admit Modern Civilization Still Needs Fossil Fuel: https://clintel.org/world-climate-declaration/
Europe Wanted "Green" Energy And Less Fossil Fuel... Now They're Sacrificing Their Ancient Forests For Energy: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/09/07/world/europe/eu-logging-wood-pellets.html
Without Copper, There Will Be No Energy Transition... a looming copper shortage threatens to completely derail the clean energy transition, and by extension, climate pledges across the world: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/energy-transition-could-be-derailed-looming-copper-shortage
German Diplomat Who Mocked Trump At UN Suddenly Silent As Former President's "Russian Energy" Warning Comes True: https://www.zerohedge
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Replies: >>3083
9/9/22 Part 2
Pentagon Quietly Deployed Deadliest Artillery Shells in US Inventory to Ukraine: https://sputniknews.com/20220908/pentagon-quietly-deployed-deadliest-artillery-shell-in-uss-inventory-to-ukraine-report-1100551504.html
On September 9, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue their offensive operations in the Kharkov region. They managed to break through Russian defences in several areas on the front lines and develop their bridgehead. On the evening of September 8, President Zelensky claimed Ukrainian control of the town of Balakleya, which became the main target of the first phase of the Ukrainian offensive: https://southfront.org/ukrainian-forces-develop-decisive-offensive-in-eastern-ukraine/
Dmitry Peskov, the press-secretary of the President of Russia, refused to comment on the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the occupied territories of Ukraine: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/09/9
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Bumpin' for Moar UPDATES, Killcen!
In all the places...
Where you posting nowadays?
I can repost your UPDATES you know where, just to stick it to ((( JN ))) if you want!
That is if I ever see one of your recent UPDATES anywhere!
You know where I still sometimes am. It's probably exceedingly difficult for you to post there now, but we can fix that. I realize it's barely "WORTH IT" anymore, but...
language: brainfuck
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What do you think we should do with people liek this? 

>Salvador Ramos
>some TikTok model
>no history of mental illness
>some incel creep who stalked, harassed and threatened women 
>shut-in who didnt know how to drive at 18
>animal abuser
>one day decides to advertise his psychopathy online by flaunting his guns and calling himself school shooter
>kills 19 children, 6 adults and injures 20 more in Uvalde, Texas
Why Lord does this shit happen?
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How are you going to have a family if you never have sex?
Replies: >>3112
>Family is only children made through sex
I see that simps are as dumb as women.

No wonder you cavemen only think about sex, as women do.

I laugh at the deaths of your women children.
Unironically have sex nazi
Replies: >>3117 >>3118
It is always ok to kill jews and leftards
Women and sex are not important.
The world does not revolve around women and sex.

Also, you will never have OUR money, while we keep moving away from women and from buying anything to impress women.

Whole industries will cease to exist because of me and others like me.
While we laugh at all of that.

And you, women, will be abandoned to die alone.
Especially those of you who get old and ugly, after 30 years old.

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Disney is run by child rapists who traffic children. For many, nothing new. But raise awareness to the masses about that nonetheless.
Disney is already paying shills to dismiss the news and call them "former" employees.
Anyone dismissing it is a Disney paid shill.
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There is no such thing as infinite money, so, yes. The mosnter is bleeding and it's ((( laws ))) will end with it's death.
That means that they are dead.
Replies: >>2366
They're not dead until the Fed (and thus jew central banks) are dead.  Until then they'll just get their funding from other sources.
Replies: >>3108
No fucking way
And that death will come soon.

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This thread is made in honor of the shitposters who were permabanned, range banned, shadow banned from cuck chan.

Survivors of censorship and deplatforming are all welcome
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Replies: >>3102
>Site operating normally out of a .ru address
Not anymore. They're now on .top protected by VanwaTech.
Replies: >>3072
Kiwifarms is the latest victim of deplatforming for making fun of transformers
They took .top down, meaning KiwiFarms is now fully exclusive to the Tor network, which is being DDoS-ed for months now.
Someone told me that even the NEETs were deplatformed.
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>>2977 (OP) 
made tg group for frens who are banned everywhere else,

feel free to enter but no niggerposting/bothering others with madness

it should be like a place for people to relax instead.

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