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“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Teenbros don't have that problem.” - Otamin

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What are the inevitable ways that Jews will try to escape persecution as populations wake up to redpills?

Let's say goyim become dominant again and subjugate Jews. Gene tests would be an important way to out them. But genetic engineering will probably become eventually affordable and widespread, so Jews will be able to temporarily mask their genetic makeup, before inserting them in again. But this also means they can delete their Jewish genes and simply abandon that identity. And a large fraction of them would under pressure, as a third of Muslims birthed in the West abandon Islam. This calls into question what even makes up Jewish identity, and since there are non-Jewish-ethnics who converted to Judaism, it's clearly not just Jewish blood. But blood relations are the strongest ties in the religion, and removing the basis of this would severely weaken the fundaments of Judaism.

While that sounds dandy, this also means if Jewish overlords really crank up the planetary dystopia, they can forcefully genetically edit anyone into being Jewish, especially white supremacists, and if they corner the genetics industry, Jewish blood will spread like a world economy crashing virus.

Where do the genetic hijinks go from here? How would either side react to such subjugation? Obviously Jews will craftily look for ways to beat all sides of gene tech oppression.
Replies: >>2640
>>2639 (OP) 
Lemme clarify something: If you remove the multimilennial bloodlines from Jews, they won't have an identity anywhere near as cohensive as they do now, even with half fake Jewish identities like the Khazars Jews. They won't be able to keep the collaboration and conspiracies anywhere as tight, only being as loyal to each other as the Anglos, who have senses of justice or useless backstabbing too high to let them scheme as effectively as Jews.
I guess if there aren't enough pol posters for a thread like this, I can take my thread to endchan or 9chan.
goodbye jews!
It just takes naughty actors in DNA testing companies for Jews to fake their genetic profile. That 23-and-me company already inserted fake black genes into its own customers DNA test results and they said it was to make people less racist.
True but let's say Jews had to react to government administered tests. The government could train random hardliner racist hicks as technicians, instead of really qualified geneticists. Like that midwit fraud Mengele, and his assistants.

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My american niggas join the ARF and support us, america is dying and we are being led around like cattle by the liberal, Zionist, globalist, gay media like fox news and cnn. The only non brainwashed political network is Third Position Radio and the Seamusite Fascisti. The Reformationist cause is one that all americans must strive for to gain the corporate state.

tl;dr: americanreformationfront.org
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Friendly reminder to always ignore ((( antichristian shills ))).
We kneel to the cross not the book of zion
Replies: >>2618
You kneel to yahweh.
Replies: >>2619
Yes we kneel to Deus
Replies: >>2620
Yeah, that's a good name for it. So again, no thanks.

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new mass shooting in buffalo
shooter posted on 4um and namedropped cakegag
he's already been arrested
10 dead

4 threads:

Reddit posts:
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<Jews and politicians not targeted
YAWN! when will there be a true mass shooting where someone goes postal on a synagog or their local political bureau?
Replies: >>2598 >>2599
Since feds are leftards, it is no surprise that they are dumb and end up advancing our agenda, while thinking that they are advancing theirs.
some retard tried to shoot up a syngog but got cockblocked by wooden goors
Replies: >>2609
And proceeded to get told off a by a random woman he only shot after she turned around to keep walking.

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Khazarian clown thread
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the most funny fact is that:

1. Initially Zelensky was a professional clown
2. Then he became a puppet-president


he officially is A BILLIONAIRE.

Not bad ha
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Dancing Zelensky, together with Arestovich imho
Replies: >>2537
sorry, it's Zelensky with Kvartal-95. Fucking faggots

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First Twatter and now this. 2022 Truly is the year of the chud.
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Kill all women who support abortions.

Men rule the world as the superior beings.
I hope you're right.
>It's not a child dumbass it's a clump of cells.
it's a not a woman dumbass it's an organic portal
Replies: >>2502
A woman is not an entryway into anything nor a transverse fissure on the underside of the live dumbass. Your attempt at presenting a different perspective was absolute fail.
Replies: >>2503
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Approximately one-half of the human beings on Earth (about 3.5 billion people) are organic portals-soulless human beings who keep real human beings in line with the status quo, on agenda with the matrix control system. "Organic portals form the backbone of the Matrix's social control infrastructure. They are what keeps society running in a state of preoccupation with the mundane. From cradle to grave, souled humans are pressured to stay with the status quo and not ask dangerous questions".

Organic portals possess no true free will or individuality, and are used, unknowingly, as agents by the Reptilians. You yourself may be an organic portal.

The human race on Earth is not a family, but rather is an aggregation (heterogeneous group) of beings with many different soul origins-that is, souls that came from many different planets. And, of course, humanity is also made up of soulless organic portals, too.

The Reptilians merely created our bodies, not our souls (for those who have one, that is). Nor did the Reptilians create our spirits.

The spirits of real human beings (not organic portals) exist in a higher dimension, within this universe, and thus still under the control of Darkness. Our spirits originally came from the True Realm, but, now that they are in the False Realm, they are imprisoned inside of spirit encasements that were created by Darkness. These encasements are what we call a "soul."

When your mind wakes up from sleep quicker than your physical body, and you feel someone pushing down on you or "watching" you, it is a Reptilian (or other kind of alien) in the fourth dimension.

If your mind wakes up quicker than your body, then your mind cannot exist in the third dimension because your third-dimensional human body is still asleep. Thus, your mind switches to the fourth dimension and is able to experience fourth-dimensional reality.

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Russia vs the country formerly known as Ukraine part 3.
Last thread: >>1482 https://archive.ph/T4YsZ
Thread 1: https://archive.ph/mj3VE
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> ever being on faceberg
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zelenesky is a jew, ukraine is the george floyd of europe and azov trannies are shabbos goyim

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Freedom-loving Americans, how do you feel about the USA oppressing the freedom and the de facto independence of so many countries in the world?
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Replies: >>2301 + 4 earlier
I will celebrate when your people are killed.
All jews will be killed.
You have no future.
It is always ok to torture and kill jews.
>pull out of overseas bases
>wars begin
>white refugees flood america again
>expand into Mexico for more land to fit new people
I'm sorry Mexibros, this is the only way...
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>>1013 (OP) 
We're getting two more because of this Ukraine shit.
God I hate Americans...

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Somebody subtitle this and upload on youtube. And get banned like the rest of russian media on youtube.

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Ты почему до сих пор не на фронте, пизда жидобандеровская ?
А ну ка быстро в военкомат, НА ВСЕОБЩЮЮ МОГИЛИЗАЦИЮ !
А то кого ((( Зеленский ))) будет приносить в жертву яхве, если не такого хорошего гоя как ТЫ ?
Replies: >>1641
Я як раз на фронті, кацап їбаний. Навряд мені пощастить особисто поховати москаля. Але якщо пощастить - обіцяю фоточки.
Replies: >>2267
Хуярим їх так що аж гайки воняють, але орків менше не стає
Replies: >>2267
why you doing this
Replies: >>2276
Doing what exactly?

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America is dead. LOOOOL!
Replies: >>2192
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> sanctions against a bunch of disposable figureheads
I guess russia just aint' good enuf to take on the HNIC.
Replies: >>2007 >>2169
Much like here, everyone would rather shit all over the place than actually pay attention to any of the specifics.
Why can't I find anything about an Israel Seiff that lives in Italy?  I could only find this English one.
Replies: >>2250
>>1622 (OP) 
Those people don't just live in one place.  He probably has mansions in Italy, UK, France, and lots of other places.

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Russia vs the country formerly known as Ukraine part 2.
Last thread: >>1069 https://archive.ph/mj3VE
Last edited by Hidden User
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Look at the Vietnam war. The north defeated the south despite taking higher military casualties.
Replies: >>3115
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new thread
The south also suffered a lack of resolve and leadership.  It might have seemed like a good idea in some think tank to try to contain the further spread of communism, but it's a little difficult to stage a counter-insurgency when so many of the people were tepid at best and the domestic leadership was consistently lackluster.

I don't really have much to say about this conflict, but the ukranians have been demonstrating some real resolve and some effective morale from its leadership.  And of course the academic class in the US is largely committed to some idea of russian containment even if it's easy to wonder if they have a realistic end game in mind or, as usual, a mildly disheveled pile of nostrums and military spending.

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